Canyon Avenue Parade By DON PETERSON T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES ID (Nil \ LYONS MEHAM \ MONGOI 1» The voters of Detroit-Idanha and ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM H1GHW Al — GATE* \Y TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE Gates decisively voted down the prop­ osition before them—that is consoli­ Vol. VIII—No. 14 $2.50 a Year, ]{)(• a Copy MILL CITY, OREGON, Till RSDAY. APRIL 3. 1952 dation with the Mill City school dis­ trict. Mill City voters turned out solidly in support of consolidation by about the same majority. Detroit voters voted 3 to 1 against and Gates about 5 to 1 against, while Mill City cast about a 5 to 1 vote in favor. The voters have spoken and the decision rests, only the students will suffer for lack of poor schools oper-1 ated below standards. Two big items vied for the attention of the Mill City council. Wednesday • * * night in its first session in the Mill City American Legion hall. That problem ONLY 10 DAYS LEFT in which j of Mill City's “ghost street" assumed vim and vigor »hen a petition signed to register for the Oregon primaries, j by 40 signees was plopped onto the council table. The petition recites a so don’t postpone it any longer. On desire that the "ghost street" be made into a “two-way street". Second the Marion county side here in Mill big headache for the council was the matter of amending the corporate City you have two registrars, Mrs. ---- charter of Mill City. Pressure is being C. M. Cline, at her home on NE Alder put for election of city recorder, mu­ and Third streets, and here at the nicipal judge and mayor. These of­ newspaper office. On the Linn county fices are now appointive. side Mr. and Mrs. Charles L'mphress Councilman John Muir tossed into at Chuck's Shoe Repair shop are reg­ the 'ghost street” controversy, the istrars and will gladly see that you opinion that said street does not exist. The annual Junior Class play is The present status of "ghost street” are properly registered. being presented on April 10, this year as a one-way street has proved ex­ REMEMBER ONLY 10 days left! at 8 p.m. in the Mill City high school tremely unhandy at certain times. * * * auditorium. “Nuts and Bolts” is a The legality of “this street” has been farce in three acts by Jay Tobias shrouded in doubt since city fathers Paul Smith has completed cleaning which is sure to keep you laughing first began tampering with it. tip the Fairview cemetery and is hang­ as you follow the plot through ail ing a new gate and repairing the Recent developments show that the three acts. fence to keep livestock out and keep parking problem in the area of the the cemetery in clean condition. The It is late spring at a health resort Dawes building is being worked out trustees have opened up another acre somewhere in Missouri as Act I opens in a reasonable manner by the busi­ of ground for burial plots and they in the living room of the Bolt man­ nessmen in that immediate area, are hiring a bulldozer to do a little sion owned by the mercenary Rebecca according to Jim O’Leary, who was leveling an.’ landscaping before use. Bolt. Miss Bolt has turned her late detailed by the council to look into You are invited to visit the cemetery brother’s old house into a mental hos­ the matter. A light was authorized at any time. Paul is proud of its pital for patients with minor phobias for the corner near the Beebe apart­ anpearance and the people owe him and ailments. The suspense of each ments on the new route of the North a vote of thanks for all the work succeeding event keeps you ever Santiam highway. and effort he has put in. watchful to go along with Miss Bolt The in’s and out’s of getting the and her mental patients on this hi­ corporate charter of Mill City amended * * * larious journey. Each act leads you in such manner that the mayor, police The Mill City tavern is keeping tab up to the hilarious climnx in the third judge and city clerk could be elected on the days left until the opening of] act. were explored during Wednesday the regular fishing season. 16 days, Benita Bolt, the young girl of nine­ night’s council meeting. The amount to go, I believe it says down there. MEHAMA—The dam pictured above, located a few miles from massive Detroit Dam, was built by bea­ teen who wants to get married, is of work involved in amending and the vers. Boy standing in center indicates size of the dam which is located on a nameless creek east of * * * Joan Johnson, whose marriage can short time yet remaining before the Mehama. (Statesman Photo by Jean Roberts.) not take place for two years without General election is prompting action The grocery survey seems to be the consent of her money-hogging on this matter. Suggestion was made ringing the bell in many homes in aunt, Rebecca Bolt, played by Pat that the city council itself initiate the Mill City. We intend to do our best Brown. Rebecca Bolt is the manager changes requested. to inform the public in this survey To-date nothing of the Bolt Sanitarium for Mental in concrete form has been advanced on so that housewives may have a little Hygiene and carries over from her the problem of amending the city's information regarding the prices that youth a wishful love for an old sweet­ charter as sought. A. T. Barnhardt, Cates genera) con­ food can be purchased from the vari- our community. Albeit Toman, councilman, reported Mill City theatre and Mill City Ap-1 tractor and builder has purchased Amateur Show aspirants came un­ heart of hers, Cadwalleder Clippy, . uu> week’s survey reflects a level­ pliance store have sounded the call Marion County Redi-Mix, a branch of Six acts auditioned for position in the played by Philip Goble. Mr. Clippy that Santiam garage, lo-ated near ing off of prices in the city and an for artist competition among the the Mt. Angel Redi-Mix firm operated Lions club membership, Monday night has a horrible fear of cats which Miss the railroad tracks, has made arrange­ attempt on the part of one at least small-fry. It was announced this by Al Bochsler and Frances Lulay. following the club’s dinner in the Pres­ Prunella Figg, played by Donna Nel­ ments for clearing their premises of to undercut the other stores. Pub­ week that another of the popular The name of this business formerly byterian recreation hall in Mill City. son, is always taking advantage of debris and unsightly useless junk. licity is a sensitive spot. coloring contests is underway. This was “Santiam Redi-Mix”. Six acts auditioned for position on the and meowing like a cat to frighten ! Toman also proposed that the city Lutie Spinks, the maid who write up the amendment for the city Mr. Barnhardt, came to the canyon Amateur Show, Thursday night, April him. newest Cray . event was inspired by winks, is Beryl Mason, whnse hatred charter p-x»v 4b g for election uf the forthcoming showing of “Snow ] three years ago and since has built 17, in the Mill City theatre, If these non-advertisers are trying White and the Seven Dwarfs”, April 1 a number of buildings including the of men keeps her on the run. The certain city officers now appointed by Beverly Walker and Johnny Kelly to force the newspaper out of business 24, 25, and 26. cook, Martha Grubb, is portrayed by the council. Meander Inn, Gates Furniture Store presented the “ soft shoe tap dance ” because of lack of support then I shall Three drawings will be colored. The 1 Gates Automatic Laundry, Hill Top in song; Georgia Kendler gave a piano Lynn Waite, who is a melancholic that feel no sympathy for them when their first drawing appears this week in The Locker plant and several improve­ solo; Carol and Shirley Veness did a believes in carrying out the wishes of customers leave and travel to neigh­ the dead. Twink Starr, played by The second I ments at the Gates school. novelty number in tap and magic; boring cities to do their shopping. Enterprise on page 8. Mr. Barnhardt expects to better Lyle Fleetwood is Benita’s fiance, drawing will be printed in this news ­ Dale Andreasson, accompanied on the That statement fits other business as serve the canyon area with the nev with delusions of grandeur and whom well as the grocers. You have only paper next week and the third draw­ enterprise in his future construction piano by his sister, Carol, presented you will agree is quite dramatic. Dick ing the week following, or April 17. a horn solo; Shirley Lawson, accom- to examine The Enterprise to find out Williams plays the part of Dr. Hip­ All three sketches must be colored work. | panied on the piano by her father, who supports this newspaper. I only pocrates Joy, a psychiatrist and author j Forrest Baker, Mill City jeweler, sang. want fair treatment, but when month and submitted to the Mill City Appli­ of the “Joy Book” which is Rebecca 1 has the job of breathing life into Lawson also provided the back after month goes by without any ad­ ance store or to the theatre not later Bolt's basis for her mental institu­ than Thursday. April 24. Winners ground music for a song and baton vertising when their business and fi­ tion. Henry Goober, is Bill Huffman, | Mill City’s Chamber of Commerce will be announced from the Mill City for the coming year. Baker was twirling act by Virginia Bilyeu. A nances are such that they can and large crowd is expected for the fourth the negro porter who is afraid of lun­ handed the post a week ago Tuesday. should support the local newspaper, theatre stage during the matinee, annual Amateur Show, Thursday, atics. Dorothy Downer is Mrs. Gertie] then I get hostile and am .«eady for April 26. Two sets of prizes will be awarded — one for entrants up to seven April 17, since a fine variety of talent Glossop. the patient who fears con­ a show-down. Secretary of Agriculture Charles F. promises excellent entertainment. tamination. (Why it’s dangerous to .years of age, and one for those over her health!). Her darling little son, Brannan pointed out in a recent speech • * * seven. Wilbur Glosop, is portrayed by Dick that former Pres. Herbert Hoover, All prizes are being donated by the I said last week that I would like Kanoff. He is quite the onry little to hire help to put up this paper. Mill City Appliance store, co-sponsor who now is talking about morals in beast and his mother is terribly con­ I am working too many long hours of the color contest. The Mill City I Washington, praised Albert Fall, one cerned about him. The young doctor, alone to get the work done. I cannot Appliance store is celebrating the of the key figures in the Teapot Dome Jacqueline Gordon, is played by Bar­ keep it up many more months so I showing of the new “Snow White" scandals. Stanley Chance was announced this bara Smith, whose anpearance at the have decided to do something about Bendix automatic washer now on dis-, “Only this week Herbert Hoover it. I believe when the public knows play in the store and the theatre expressed deep concern about ‘the week as the new owner of Gates Union Bolt Sanitarium causes much confu­ moral atmosphere’ in Washington to­ Station by George Mielke. Chance sion. the truth they will act. The response lobby. Arthur Le Cours, one of the Junior Bob Veness, manager of the Mill day—the same Herbert Hoover who worked for sometime for Hill Top I have received in letters to the editor class advisors, is directing the play. sat in the cabinet of Warren Hard ­ General store and recently has been City theatre, urges all children in the this week show that to be true. ing along with Albert Fall and Harry engaged in the operation of Gates The whole class is putting their best canyon to enter the competition. “ We • ♦ e efforts into “Nuts and Bolts” for your do not expect perfection. Judging Dougherty and didn’t utter a word.” Union service station. (Continued on Page 4) I have received one letter unsigned will be based on neatness, and espe­ Brannan said in an address at the Mielke stated, “I wish to thank my that I would like to print, but can only cially on how completely the pictures I Washington day dinner in Topeka. many friends for their past patron­ use a part from it until the writer are colored. In the past some entries j “Fall and Dougherty were the guilty age, and assure them continued cour­ or writers come forward and sign the had to be rejected because some im- ■ parties in the Republican Teapot teous and efficient service by Mr. letter. I will withhold any names portant part, such as a face, was not1 Dome Scandals in which they profited Chance.” from publicity if that is desired, but I completed. In all cases, the age of. to the time of hundreds of thousands Gates Union Station is the first most have a signed letter in my files. the contestant will be considered. Con­ of dollars delivered in little black Gates business place that meets the The letter I received says in part: testants should nut their names and satchels. Yet only eight days after eve when driving towards Gates from Mill City’s Boy Scouts are out after Fall's hasty resignation from the In­ ‘‘Hooray for Don Peterson! He has ages on submitted entries.” Detroit dam. it! “It” is paper—any paper—just | had the spunk and nerve to publish terior department, this is what Hoo­ so that it is tightly bundled, in plain j FORREST BAKER ver wrote him: a grocery survey of the local grocery sight on the front porch or other open ] Don Jenkins was chosen vice president “Tn my recollection, that Depart­ MARINE RECRUITING OFFICE stores. Thanks Don, and we will be Charles j and Al Toman, board member of the ment has never had so constructive watching for results of same from A Marine recruiting sergeant from spot, Thursday, April 17. MONDAY— and legal a headship as you gave it. the Salem office will be at the post Kelly, local Scoutmaster is in charge i local chamber, Tuesday night at the time to time. American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. I trust the time will come when your office in Mill City every Friday aft­ of the drive. Mil) City American Legion hall. “This letter is a combination of Lions club meeting. Kelly stated that the proceeds raised | Mill City merchants and citizen» private affairs will enable you to re­ ernoon. thoughts of Mill City housewives who A.F. A A.M No. 180 stated meet­ turn to public life.’ have to go by car or walk from gro­ He will interview young men and from the sale of the donated scrap assembled Tuesday night decided that ing third Monday. “This is the man who now casts women interested in the Marine Corps. paper will make possible more Scouts the chamber should hereafter meet on cery store to another, when it could be done with an ad in The Enterprise. O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month. doubt on the moral fiber of pubilc The Salem office is now located in taking part in the coming Scout Camp the first and third Tuesday evenings employees.” “We all feel the same on the sub­ TUESDAY— Room 221, post office building, Salem. activity at Camp Pioneer near Marion of each month. Some 15 business­ Forks on the North Santiam highway. men knitted together a Mill City ject, namely in the slang expression. Women's club 8 p m. 1st, 3rd Tues Rainy weather and lack of public! chamber of commerce working organ­ 'We are being-Took’............. 129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues knowledge of previous paper drives ization, Tuesday night. “Keep up the good work Mr. Peter­ Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday have prompted the Scouts in this son. We are all for you. We would further attempt. Some 25 Boy Scouts j WEDNESDAY — like to sign our names to this, but it The following is a comparison of grocery prices in Mill City as found will be in there “pitching” the bundles would take up too much room in your Boy Scouts, 7:30, H. S. Recreation Saturday, March 29. In some cases the article is not carried in stock in the paper. . . .” Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. brand or size that the other stores carry the article, therefore the price is of paper left for them, Thursday, ■ • • • April 17. at Mill City fire hall. omitted. In the case of meats, grades and packaging may make a difference If the coming paper drive proves a Santiam Rebekah IM- 1st and 3rd in price, and we cannot identify the grade sold more accurately than is here I would like to print the letter in success, it will inject new spirit into William L. Knight of Gates was full, and hope the writer will come Wed at 8 p.m. used. The meats in Ressler’s, Red and White, and Hill Top are packaged the Mill City Scout troop because of called to the bedside of his dying in to sign it. We shall be happy Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p m and priced by Kliewer. the expanded opportunity for Scout father, March 18. Lysle F. Knight of to withhold any writer's name. Stewart Kellom H4W Ressler MCMeat Hilltop work and community service. Scout Fort Benton, Mont., died March 25 in PTA, «econd Wednesday 8 p.m. Oleo, Nucoa, lb. .27 .31 .31 JI 29 .31 fHURSDAY— officials feel. the Veteran's hospital at Fort Harri­ son, Mont. .19 DRIVING HOPEFULS — NOTE 20 .19 .25 Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d New Potatoes, bulk, 2 lbs. He had been under treatment and and 4th Thursdays. -.30 A drivers license examiner will be Tomatoes, Elsinore, 2*4 28 .29 JI surgery for two months The cause Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 pm. on duty in Mill City, Thursday, April T .matoes, Red and White, 2*4 .33 of his condition dated ba k to his ex­ 10. 1952. at the Ffre hall between the | American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. Cheerios, 10*4 oz. ..... - .23 .26 .24 .25 .26 A SON — To Mr. and Mrs. Jhue' periences in the water-filled trenches hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p m. according Garden club fourth Thursday 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.80 Johnson, Mill City, March 27, at in France in World War I. to an announcement received from the Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs. Coffee, standard brands, 2 lbs. 1.77 .89 1 lb. .89 .89 .89 .89 .91 He leaves to mourn his loss, his Sa'em Memorial ho-p:tal. Secretary of State's office. Toastmistress Club, 2d & 4th, 7 p.m. A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs.i widow, and daughter, Nina 1* i./abeth .33 .32 Del Monte Pineapple Tidbits Persons wishing licenses or permits FRIDAY— Clyde Oliver, Gates, March 28, at of Fort Benton. Mont., one sen WII- to drive are asked to get in touch with I TOO F meeting. .1» 2 35 .18 .19 .18 Campbell's Chicken Soup . .. .18 Earn L. Kroght and one gn nd-daugh- Salem Memorial hospital. the examiner well ahead of the ached- j JI .32 .27 JI .32 Mill City TWA meeting last Friday Soap Powders, Duz. large size A SON—To Mr. and Mr«. Rammie ter. Barbara Ann of Gates. uled closing hour in order to assure ' .35 J5 .35 JR Martell, Lyons, March 31, at Lebanon Knight was the son-in Is completion of their applications with a] Farmers Union meeting at Mehama White Star Bite Size Tuna, *4 - 1.00 1.20 1.20 Agnes« Allen of Mill City. Woman ’ s club, 2nd 1.20 .90 Boiled Ham, lb. _________ __ _ 1.20 hospital. minimum of delay. itéré $ Bearer Version of Detroit Dam Council Considers Charter Amendments Tuesday Eve Junior Class Play Scheduled April 10 Snow White’ Color Work for Small-Fry Canyon Redi-Mix Finn Selis To Bornhardt Amateur Show Sifts Mill City Talent First Citizen’ Role Assumed by Baker Hoover Praised Fall Teapot Dome Figure Stanley Chance Takes Over Gates Union Station Boy Scouts Are Out After It’-Paper Coming Events . . . Saturday, March 29 Grocery Survey Lysle F. Knight Passes At Veterans Hospital lust Arrived...