Canyon Avenue Parade T he MILL CITY J* f 11 By DON PETERSON Tomorrow the voters of the Mill City, Gates and Detroit-Idanha school districts will vote on the question of whether to consolidate into one strong school district or remain in three small districts. The choice is theirs regardless of any individual, and un doubtedly time will tell whether it was a wise choice. The voting will take place in the school houses of each district from 8 to 9 p.m., March 28. I predict Mill City and Gates will vote to consolidate, but Detroit-Idan- ha will turn it down. • • * Mrs. Erma Anderson of Erma’s Dress Shop in Mill City is making plans for a fashion show to be staged at the Mill City theatre on Wednes day, April 9. According to plans there will be plenty of entertainment and a pre-view of “Fashions To Music” is thr theme of the affair. Tickets are 60c, incl. tax and proceeds will go to the National Society of Crippled Children. So an excellent opportunity is offered to assist the Crippled Children fund and see a good evening's entertainment all in one package. * • • Paul Smith got rained out last Sun day on his clean-up project at the Fairview cemetery, so we would re mind you that he will be waiting for a little help next Sunday providing it doesn’t rain. Come early in the aft ernoon and get the job done. ENTERPRISE No. 13 MILL CITY, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 27. 1952 Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES ID\NH A LYON | MEHAMA MONGOL!) $2.50 a Year, |()c « Copy Mill City School Board Case Up For Trial In Albany The special proceedings filed in the Linn county circuit court. Judge Victor Olliver presiding, by Charles Powelson will be heard 10 o’clock, Friday. April 4, in Albany. This case arose in Mill City school district 129-J through the actions of the school board regarding school property. The main con troversy centers around a deed to school property executed by the school hoard to the Mill City First Presbyterian church. I’owelson contends that the deed was not executed within the' requirements of the law. Roy R. Hewitt, Salem attorney, is handling Powelson's side of the case; and Bruce Spaulding of Portland rep resents the members of the school board. This case has been delayed Harrison T. Caughey, principal of several times for the convenience of attorneys and the court. The April 4 the Mill City high school, suffered » date finally was agreed upon as the serious heart attack late Sunday eve ning and was taken to the Salem time for hearing the matter. To Mill City residents, the property Memorial hospital by ambulance early in question can be identified as the Monday morning. He is being kept Corbin property which abutts the under an oxygen tent during treat property upon which the Mill City ment and is at present regaining his offices and garage stands. After the strength. Mrs. Caughey reported today that property was allegedly transferred to Mr. Caughey is being permitted out the Presbyterian church, it was again • * » side of the oxygen tent for short pe deeded to the Corbins and the old Lowell Stiffler, Mill City chairman Presbyterian manse moved upon it. riods, but his attack was very serious for the Red Cross drive reports that Since the manse has been placed upon and his recovery will be slow. Mr. collections are nearly completed for the triangular shaped plot of land, Caughey’s many friends wish him this year’s drive and he expects to much improvements has been done speedy and safe recovery. complete his report next week. Most Dr. Jack Reid was in Portland at upon the former manse. A of his solicitors have completed their the time of the attack attending his The question of the regularity of work, but a few still reman to be mother who is ill, and was called home the school board's action in deeding to attend Mr. Caughey, he ordered heard from. Lowell wishes to remind away this plot of school property Caughey’s removal to the hospital our readers that Red Cross chapters without the vote of the people caused about 1:30 Monday morning. all over the west have been alerted i Bottom not a little enthusiasm in school af to the danger of floods over many' Top photo shows new Detroit Ranger Station on Highway 222 a mjle west of Breitenhush bridge, photo shows new Detroit grade school now in use. Both buildings are built above the level of the reservoir fairs a year or so ago. Literally hun- sections of the western states. The to be formed by the reservoir hack of Detroit dam. All buildings on the old Detroit townsite must be moved I dreds of citizens turned out and cast danger will be present for another i by June 1. (Photo courtesy Capital Journal) their ballots in a school election which two or three weeks it is predicted ac in former like occasions saw only a cording to Mr. Stiffler. The need handful of citizens taking part. Ten may be great if disastrous floods j sion ran high in Mill City and adja should strike a wide area as they have cent communities because of the open I in the past. * * * debate surrounding and touching Mill | “The Curious Savage,” a three act comedy by John Patrick, will be pre City ’s school district. The Junior class of the Mil City Last rites for Gerald “Jerry” Lee sented May 15 by the Gates’ junior high school announce the date of their The coming hearing of the Powel-1 and senior classes at the Mill City Swan, Navy fireman apprentice, re Requiem Mass held Thursday morn Mill City high school band will junior play “Nuts and Bolts” will be son case climaxes the effort of Mill theatre. centl.v killed in Korea, will be con April 10, at the high school audi ing March 20, at 9:30 at the St. Pat ducted at 1:30 p.m., Saturday after perform for the public Thursday eve City citizens towards having an un Being staged with the theme “And ning April 3, in the Mill City grade rick ’ s Catholic church in Lyons for torium. Tickets are now available biased and unprejudiced forum render if I laugh at any mortal thing, ‘tis noon, March 29, in the First Presby Amos Leonard Hiatt who passed school gym. Earl W. Loucks, con- from the students who are making a decision upon points of law con- . that I may not weep," words of Byron, terian church in Mill City. Rev. the rounds selling their tickets at 65c away at his home Monday afternoon, Noble Streeter, minister of the Mill ductor,stated that this special concert nected with the past actions of Mill i the annual presentation takes place March 17, at the age of 81 years. He > is being given in the interests of each. "Nuts arftl Bolt*«, is a three City Presbyterian church, will off>8 raising money for music «nd general City’s school district. Donald Sheythe, I in the Cloisters, a rest home for peo was born in Calidor.a, Ringo County, Ramon Roberts and William Shueyj pie with mental quirks. The play is act comedy. ciate. Iowa, September 20, 1870. At the band expenses. * * « were the members of the Mill City reported unusual in that there are no The body of “ Jerry ” Swan will ar-1 Loucks listed the members of the school board when the controversy The Fifth grade students of the Mill age of 13 he came to Oregon with his rive in Salem, Friday according to leads, each member of the cast plays band organization as LeRoy Podrab came to a head. City elementary school are giving a parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hiatt, reports. Interment will be in the sky, president; Gary Peterson, vice an important part, settling in Linn County, where he program at the grade school gym to Cast as Florence, a pleasant, young In Belcrest Memorial cemetery, Salem. presiilent; Barbara Podrabsky, secre morrow night at 8 p.m. Everyone is spent the remainder of his life, Swan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John tary; Richard Verbeck, treasurer; woman, a mother of a five-year-old his younger days he followed the invited to attend—they will appreciate boy, is Elda Webster, The part of carpenter trade for some time, He E. Swan of Mill City. Lyle Fleet wood, sergeant-at-arms; | your support. Hannibal, a former statistician, who was a member of the St. Patricks * * * Vera Loucks, publicity; and Yvonne' plays the violin, is played by Earle Catholic church, the Knights of Dart, scrap-book. At the meeting called by the cham- ' I Henness, while Joan Ryal is cast as The concert itself consists of 12 ber of commerce for last Tuesday Columbus, and Santiam Valley g>a: ge. I Fairy Man, a young woman who is On November 17, 1895, he was mar A march ‘ Salutation ” by numbers. night, the usual interest was shown in Full steam ahead into politics again pleased with the world. Seitz, starts off the program. Then is Dr. Louis A. Wood, professor emer the attendance. One member of the ried to Martha Lyons, who survives Weimer Crites is cast as Jeffrey, a as do a son Percy J. Hiatt. Lyons; a follows an overture, “Sunbeam” by itus of economics at the University of board of directors appeared and about 1 veteran of World War II, while Dar Mrs. Veronica Thoma of Olivadoti; a serenade, “A Night in seven or eight other members came daughter, ' Dad-daugh‘er banquet of the Camp June” by King; overture, “Olympia”, Oregon. Wood seeks the Democratic lene Cole plays the part of Mr*. out. Should have been at least fifty Lebanon; brothers, Elmer of Lyons, nomination for U. S. Representative Paddy, a character who has given up iiiit , st- of Redmond; three giand- Fire Girls took place at the First wy by ¿ittiiict Zamecnik; selection, “The Chimes present. Finally at 9 p.m. the meet Charles ' Christian church in Salem, Monday, of Normandie”, Planquette; march, , from Oregon, fourth district. Wood electricity for Lent and talking for _ > ___ children Richard and James Thoma, ______ ____ _ _ ing was called to order and a presi- [ I has long been a familiar figure in life. dent for the ensuing year was elected. Lebanon; Mrs. Helen Elmer of Albany; March 24. This is an annual affair ‘‘The Billboard”, Krohr; overture, Oregon politics and is an ardent and Other roles in the play are taken for the Camp Fire Girls of the com “Balaton”, Buchter; Marimba solo, sincere campaigner. Wood has been by Bob Lee as Dr. Emmett; Maxine Forrest Baker, our jeweler, was un- one «reat grandson, Gail Elmer of “Valse Bleve”, Margis; overture, on the teaching staff of U. of O. for Schoeder as Miss Willhelminia; Lorena animously elected president, election Albany. Neices and nephews in- munity. Those from the Mill City area at '“Allan A Dale”, Hanson; novelty, of other officers was delayed until elude J^offie and Walter Hiatt and 25 years. Devine as the “curious” Mrs. Savage, tending the ham dinner in Salem were “Indian Boy”, Bennett; popular, the next meeting night. The meeting Mrs. Beulah Barnes all of Seattle, who is committed to the home by her Dr. Wood discussed briefly agri Carolyn Harman, Charles Harman, Jo j "Slow Poke”, Yoder arrangement; and adjourned to meet again next Tuesday Wash.,W. E. Long of Oregon City, cultural production and the defense three step-children; Lily Belle, the Pinkston. Lee Pinkston, Norma Nel 1 march, “The Footlifter”, Fillmore. evening at 8 o’clock in the Legion Mrs. Verl Hiles of Portland, Leroj effort matters at the March 20 meet step-daughter is Carolyn Brejcha, son, Linda Dyhrman, Harry Dyhr- Mill City band personnel consists hall, when business will be taken care Hiatt of Roseburg, Mrs. Eva Bressler man, Carol Cooke, Margaret Palmer j of flute players, Sharon Gibson and ing of the Linn county Pomona grange Marlin Cole, the hot-tempered Senator and Mrs. Alta Bodeker of Lyons. of with the hope that a better attend- I meeting at the Santiam Grange hall. Tjtus Savage, and Edward Romey, the and Vincent A. Palmer. I Denny Sheythe; clarinets, Vera Mr and Mrs. Hiatt celebrated their ance will be on hand. practical Judge Samuel Savage. Some 300 persons were served dur Loucks, Yvonne Dart, Denny Podrab- Wood stands for replacing the Taft- « * * Golden Wedding anniversary in 1945. The production is under the direc Hartley labor law with legislation re ing the course of the banquet. Mill We wonder just what the business-, They have lived their entire lives in Citians receiving special recognition sky and Barbara Podrabsky; alto storing labor's rights. High up on tion of Dorothy Wood, with Betty clarinet, Lynn Brown; saxaphone, men of the city want when they will i Lyons, except for a few years spent were Judy Biggers and Romona Wolfe his list of “musts” is early completion Tucker as student assistant director. Richard Verbeck and Lyle Fleetwood; not come out twice a month and or-1 at Detroit and in Albany. for their part in the Camp Fire Girl basses, LeRoy Podrabsky and Richard of the flood control and power dams ganize themselves for their own ben of the Willamette valley project. peanut brittle candy sale. Judy sold efit. We had better get warm about have.” I need to hire another man, 48 boxes of candy; and Romona, 30 Syverson; cornets, Gary Peterson, Dr. Wood strongly favors federal' Philip Goble, Truman Jones and Del- doing something to give jobs in the but the income is not here for that boxes. taxes “based on ability to pay” and mer Skillings; french horns. Dale Wal future to those who live here and may kind of expansion, Local business is czak and Ralph Jul); trombones, Har stoppage of numerous tax loopholes { want to come here in the future. We allowing business to ko out of the old Kleiwer, Maurice Bassett, Donald that operate to the advantage of spe- i will have an abundant supply of elec canyon by not going after it. Nesbitt, and Bruce Thomas; baritone cial groups. Economics conscious Dr. tric juice available in the next yearI horn. Dale Andreassen; percussion Wood wants a new and less costly! Union pre-Easter services begin at —we better use it or it may be taken 7:30 the evening of April 7 and con instruments, Rosalie Bassett, Sharon method of supporting perishable farm . elsewhere to develop some other com tinue each evening thereafter until He promises his full commodities, munity. There is work to be done by , The boys of Explorer Post No. 49 Hagen, Larry Harrington, Anthony co-operation in defeating all effort* April 11 in the First Christian church Beery, Norma Downer and Joan the chamber and ALL businessmen I MONDAY— of Mill City were the guests of the' Leach. Co-operating in these that would weaken the agricultural i sanctuary. better make it their duty to help— ! American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. Lions club, at dinner held at 7 o’clock, i conservation and soil conservation I service* will be the Assembly of God, Also on the program will be a con Lions club meeting Monday evening. March 24, at the | Forrest can't do it alone. Community, Free Methodist and Pres programs. A.F. 4 A.M. No. 180 stated meet Presbyterian church recreation room. test-required number and a specialty • • • byterian churches. In the affairs of the world. Dr. by Judy Podrabsky. Gary Peterson is ing third Monday. Each boy was taken to the dinner and | Monday evening Minister Lee M This week I am giving my readers Wood pledges full support for the student director of the Mil) City band a service that they have not been | O.E.S. meeting. 2d Monday month. brought home by a Lions club mem and Evelyn Taylor is the band’s North Atlantic Treaty Organization Joiner of the Community church will ber. Those guest* present were La librarian. getting since I have been here. I TUESDAY— to insure peace and the Point Four speak; and the Presbyterian church will provide special music. Tuesday have compiled a group of comparisons ( Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tues verne Whaley, Maurrie Bassett, Dick Admission prices are 25 cents for j plan of giving technical assistance to evening W. D. Turnbull, minister of of grocery prices, each week I shall | 129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues Crook, Kenny Andrews, Don Nesbitt, all students and 35 cent* for adult*. underdeveloped areas. George Rambo. Dale Andreassen, the Assembly of God church will be furnish a different list for your study Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday Richard Lovel, Brooks Crosier, Gary the speaker; the Community church They are to be found elsewhere on I Riders of the Santiam, 1st Tuesday Peterson, and Richard Verbeck. The will provide the music. this page and I think you will find | boys enjoyed the dinner very much. Wednesday evening, C. O. Tremaine, them interesting. Most weekly news-1 WEDNESDAY— minister of the Free Methodist church, papers have two or three pages of1 Boy Scouts, 7:30, H. S. Recreation An Explorer meeting was supposed The following is a comparison of grocery price* in Mill City a* found will address the congregation; special grocery ads each week to shop from, City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m. to be held after the dinner but was Saturday. March 22. In some case* the article i* not carried in stock in the music courtesy of the Assembly of the public has been starved here too; Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. cancelled. long. Neither can I do the job of I at Mill City fire hall. Some boys and girls auditioned for brand or size that the other store* carry the article, therefore the price 1* God church. Thursday evening there publishing a newspaper without the Santiam Rebekah 166—1st and 3rd the amateur show after the dinner. omitted. Tn the case of meat!«, grade* and packaging may make a differ will be a candle-light Communion support of advertisers—it is just an They were Truman Jones, who played ence in price, and we cannot identify the grade sold more accurately than service conducted by the host minister, Wed. at 8 p.m. other case of expecting “the chamber ' Altar Society 3d W’ednesday 8 p.m. on his trumpet, "After the Ball I* is here used. The meat* in Ressler's, Red and White, and Hill Top are H. E. Jull; the Free Methodist group will furnish the music’. of commerce to do a job for you with Over”; Lynn Steiner who will tap packaged and priced by Kliewer. PTA, second Wednesday 8 p.m. Friday'* pre-Easter »ervices will be Slewart Kellum RAW Ressler M< Meat Hilltop less than half of the support it should dance; Shirley Loser who will tap THURSDAY— high-lighted by the address of Rev. dance and sing; and Virginia Bdlup, Kraft Mayonnaise, pt. .46 .47 .47 Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d who will also tan dance while he Noble Streeter of the Presbyterian .79 .79 qt _ and 4th Thursdays. church; the First Christian chur. h will does a twirling act and sings. Flour—Gold Medal, Sperry Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 pm. have charge of the music portion of 1.01 .97 .99 .99 1.06 1.06 or Pillsbury, white, 10 lbs. American Legion 2d and 4th Thur* the service*. A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs. .60 .49 .49 .62 .49 .49 ' Crackers, Snow Flake, 2 lbs. CtRD OF THANKS Offering taken each night will be Garden club fourth Thursday John Nelson, Mill City, March 22. at .68 60 .67 Fig Newtons, Red Arrow, 2 lbs. used by the minister* in their co To Mill all the people of Lyons, Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs. Salem Memorial hospital. .97 1.09 1.10 operative work. The Communion 1.06 Toastmistress Club. 2d A 4th, 7 p m. City and Gates who have generously Honey, 5 lb. pail A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. service offering, however, will be contributed to the Building Fund of Lipton Tea, 16 bag .22 23 .22 .23 FRIDAY — Page Aldrich. Lyons, March turned over to some inter-denomina our church in Gates, we wish to ex- .66 .67 H-Ib. package -..... - .71 LO O P, meeting. Salem General hospital. tional benevolent c.rganizati' n, either pre our thanks. 69 M Hamburger, lb. Mill City IW'A meeting last Friday A SON—To Mr. and Mr*. CARE or Church World Service- The CECIL R. HAUN, .79 .70 .79 .79 Ground Beef, lb. Farmers Union meeting at Mehama Baker. Lyons. Route 1. Marci public is cordially invited to nil the Trustee of Woman's club, 2nd 1.10 1.07 1.05 1.06 Salem Memorii il hospital. .Not Marked 1.03 Gates Community Church Sugar, 10 lbs. pre-Easter services. Caughey Recovering From Heart Attack Amos Leonard Hiatt Requiem Mass Read Gerald "Jerry” lee Swan Funeral Saturday Camp Fire Girls Entertain Dads Coming Events Gates High Juniors Seniors Bill Play toutks Gives $(h00l Band Recital April 4 Dr. Louis A. Wood Files For Congress Pre-Easter Services Start April 7 Here Lions Club Entertains . . . Explorer Scouts Saturday, March 22 Grocery Survey Just Arrived...