March 20, 1952 Ì—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE IDANHA Just Arrived... Editor Bonham Talks A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fox, Mill City, March 14, at Salem General hospital. A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Morgan. Idanha, March 15, at Salem Memorial hospital. A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Johnson, Mehama, March 15, at Salem Memorial hospital. A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Harper, Detroit, March 16, at Salem Memorial hospital. On Propaganda' By MRS. RUTH JOHNSON President Truman’s charge of some months ago that the U.S. Marine corps Gee, what a change in weather we has a propaganda machine of its own had up here. Last Sunday the sun shone so nice and bright, and the day equal to that of Joseph Stalin’s “was 1 more truth than fiction,” a former was nice and warm too. I got all my garden tools out ready for the spring marine combat correspondent recently campaign. But, oh me, Monday I had returned from Korea said recently as | to put ail said tools back in the wood­ the opening speaker for the annual shed. That's life I guess. One day Oregon press conference, held in the there is sunshine, the next its stormy. Student Union, sponsored by the Ore­ gon Newspaper Publishers association Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heibert and and the school of journalism in children have returned home from Eugene. their trip. They went to New York, Washington, D.C., Arkansas, and “A well-organized and hard-work­ Sunday, March 16, was “Go to ing department of public information Montana. They will show pictures of their trip at prayer meeting Wednes­ Church Week” for Camp Fire and Blue starts the marine corps legends, some j Bird girls all over the nation. Birth­ of which are true,’ Donn Bonham, 26J day. We had a visitor for a short while day week is always started by going a marine corps reservist who returned j last Sunday, she was Pvt. Ruby Car­ to church. It was in March 1910 that in December to his job as editor of ■ lin, now stationed at Ft. Belvain, V*. Camp Fire was started. All the girls the Sweet Home New Era after a ‘Ruby” is a WAC. She is a former were urged to go to the church of their year’s active duty in Korea, stated, Salem resident, and hopes to be sta­ choice and to wear the official Camp The conference, attended by more J Fire Costume, if they have them. Mrs. than 100 Oregon editors and publish- ‘ tioned there in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Huber Ray took a trip Lee Pinkston went to the Presbyterian ers, elected Henry N. Fowler of Bend to the coast, where they have a sum­ Church, Mrs. Charles Harman to the conference president, succeeding R. P. mer cottage. They like to get away First Christian church, and Mrs. Jack Stuller of Coquille. from the smell of sawdust once in a Wolfe to the St. Catherine’s Catholic Bonham said “when something church and there was a good turn out while, me thinks. doesn’t happen in fact, the public in­ Mrs. Walter (Mother) Reynolds has at all three places. formation office often makes it hap­ • * ♦ returned to her home here. She un­ pen on paper anyway.” derwent surgery a couple of weeks Monday. March 17, the Ta-Wan-Ten He gave as an example the report ago. Good luck “Ma” and get better Ya Camp Fire gToup held a ceremon­ quick. ial at the home of their leader, Mrs. that the marines were first to trans­ Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hinch took a Charles Harman. As it was Birthday port troops to the front lines via heli­ flying trip to California by auto, A Week the birthday theme was combin­ copters. "That much was truth,” he man that can stay awake 24 hours a ed with the seven crafts as the subject said. “What the public information day should make a good “justice”. of the ceremonial. All the girls re­ office didn’t say, however, was that We need someone up here like that, ceived honor beads. A tie was tied on this was merely a ‘test run’. It wasn’t believe me. Ila Mae Albright who has just joined I a quk-k maneuver to go into the at­ I have been down to Doc Reid for the group. Everyone was glad to have) tack or 1° thwart a sudden enemy some more shots. He told me to get Shereen Muir with u« again after her offensive/ Moreover, the helicopters to bed and stay there. long illness and hope she can attend landed theii' human cargo in a sector that wasn’t un 5’u‘ fif® an a the McClain’s son and our propaganda machine, I’d be one next JS-«* year. In recent months, for .amily V r. and Mrs. Gordon McClain. of the first to deny it.”—From Oregon ................................. example, rising food costs nave '\d Mr .and Mrs. Paul Williams and Daily Emerald. to higher wages. Farm math „ery so’is Dick and Ralph were in Salem is becoming scarce as «lefe’.ae pro­ Sunday with Mrs. Williams brother audition of the talent show. They duction takes more steel ftTU| plB»!t and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leon went on to Corvallis to spend the eve­ capacity. Hence fa', m equiptnent Murphy. The Williams stayed over ning with Ramon Peterson. prices and many <,cher farm needs in Salem to shop on Monday. Mrs. Ethel Brosig from Silverton are under OPS .egulation and the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Miller and visited over Sunday at the home of | farmers' selling prices are protected family from Prineville visited with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and by the legal requirement that OPS Mrs. Miller's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Walter Kay. must allow parity prices. They Mr. and Mrs. Ray Steiner and chil­ Glenn Shelton and friends, spent from Friday to Sunday in Mill dren Ray, Dianna, and Lynn were in Albany where I.ynn auditioned in the City. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Parker and sons talent show which is sponsored by the Bobby and Jimmy from Corvallis vis­ Rotary club. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Dahlen drove ited with Mrs. Parker's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter to Corvallis Thursday to bring their grandson Ramon Peterson home for Kay and family over the weekend. Mrs. Walter Peterson and son Gary, spring vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown had Mrs. Don Peterson and daughter Diane were in Albany Sunday for the Mr. and Mrs. Roland Long as dinner guests on Wednesday. Mrs. Ernest Brown is boasting this week that she finished her Red Cross soliciting and was complimented by Mr. Stiffler, Red Cross chairman for promptness. Tom Price of San Francisco was in Mill City Saturday. He is con- suitant for CBI. Mrs. S. O. Bennett and son Larry are among those indisposed with the flu this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCreary spent last weekend in Hillsboro visiting Mr. McCreary’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Miltenberger. The occasion celebrated Mr. Miltenberger's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Teal with children Carolyn and Kenneth went to Van­ couver last week, where the children stayed with their grandmother while Mr. and Mrs. Teal went on to Tacoma for the weekend. Mrs. A. V. Herron was taken to the Salem Memorial hospital Wednesday afternoon following a heart attack. 1 VaULLYOuR WEAK ANp P i SEAS b P T2&ES J l ^T LIKE YPU CULL SICK > * CHICKENS CUT Or a flock Camp Fire News Girods Super Market I ON THE HIGHWAY at STAYTON I LARGE BISQUIK 39c STOCKTON CATSUP 2 for 29c I MIRACLE WHIP 49c Pt- KREML PUDDING t r No. 2 Del Monte SLICED PINEAPPLE 29ccan I ► HEINZ BABY FOOD for 25C ■ f I SWIFT’S ROAST 49c » JEWEL SHORTENING 3-lb can g9c » 1 M-D TISSUE 3 for 29c SUNSHINE KRÄCKERS 2 lbs 39c Del Monte ORANGE JUICE BLENDED JUICE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE TOMATO JUICE PINEAPPLE JUICE 25ccan Sun Pep TANGERINE JUICE 25ccan p GREEN ONIONS 3 bunches 10c BLUE BIRD TOMATOES Tube 25c HAMS, H ALF OR WHOLE Swift’s Sweet Smoked 45c ,b FRYERS Fresh Colored 59c PORK ROAST Shoulder 45c ”» Homemakers’ Price Quiz MILL CITY I There's Gold In Your Farm Woodlot / ( I «“’lb ii « irriri »1 tix mtitln on ur»'iJ yrouib tt a\ * * "o " ’ <■«* t’«P- p’tpvtd by pnialr, mu and Itdtral fouil agmtut) How do I know what trees to cut t crowding, rot and other causes and so that my woodlot will keep on i leaners that may blow over. producing crops’ Here's a rule-of- 3) Remove badly injured or de­ thumb for handling forests of seed­ fective trees. This Includes trees ling and sapling size, pole size and with conk, bad fire scars, very saw log size. crooked stems. In thinning seedlings and sap­ ’ 4) Remove some of trees in dense lings watch your spacing so that | clumps to improve growing condi­ trees are close enough to fill in tion for those remaining. Caution: gap when you take out Christmas , Do not make openings that expose trees, posts and other small prod­ j a tree on more than one side. Too ucts. If cutting a Christmas tree ' ' severe exposures causes shock and leaves too large a gap, don’t takei | may slow down growth for years. it. This is a good time to do fill-in ! planting It there is too large a I How many trees do you leave to- ¡an acre and what should be the space in your young growing ‘ . -- • "g; .’ “erf 19 From about 25 years on. the I " an excellent ru*e- young, iung. pole-sized Dole-ilze On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY George “Sparky" Ditter Pay Cash Your Physician is no SAVE at MEDICINE MAN” Fertilizers Girods ( )/ \ll Kinds h} Stock AT STAYTON B ackache For quick comfom - Iwlp tor BsckscM^ ■Uwumaio Pa ua. >♦»' 1« Vp Niebla, strong cloudr urina, irr iar sa* circlet under A«’. »•' • nd I« »on-organi« and no madri, r I roMblaa. I r» C A»« —,,r m«.urt Jarir dru.tlai I ■ I, SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Feeds Serti* Fertilizer Telephone 5021 Grinding and Mixing Custom < leaning Seed Marketing Household tppliance« Machinery Hard« are Petroleum Products ST.n TON. ORE • Don t expect your Phy­ sician to perform mira­ cles. Remember, it takes more time and effort to climb uphill than to coast down! Sour patience and full co-operation are es­ sential to rapid recovery. BUYING A CAR? COMPARE OUR BANK LOAN PLAN Before you finance, investigate our low-cost bank auto loan plan. You’ll find it pays to borrow here at your bank, where you get prompt, personal service. No "buried" charges-we tell you the exact cost in advance. Establish bank credit and save money on your auto loan here. > a e m MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. k