HUCKIÆHERRY Fll\H GATES March 20, 195« 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE By MRS. ALBERT MILL8AP A large crowd turned out, Saturday night, to greet the “Gates Local Notes” at their first public appear­ ance, in the gymnasium, at the bene­ fit dance, sponsored by the Gates Volunteer firemen. In the newly or­ ganized orchestra were Mrs. Don Miley, pounding the ivories; Warren Varcoe, sawing on his violin; Tex Allen, tooting on the sax, and Norman Garrison, knocking heck out of the big bass. Vocalists were Mrs. Dan Morrison and Mrs. Wiliam Pennick, with their lovely voices, in solos and ! duets. Paul Horner, with his "fiddle” j and Mrs. Horner at the piano, of Mill City, played for a square dance. The music was good to dance to and good to listen to. The dancers were full : of spirit (not "spirits”) which to-, gether with the music made this af-1 fair one of the most successful of the series of dances given by the firemen. Refreshments, sandwiches and coffee, were sold by the wives of the firemen. Profits from the dances will be used to complete the firehouse under con- [ gtruction, Mrs. Walter Brisbin was hostess, I Saturday afternoon, at her home, to members of the Gates Birthday club. Luncheon was served, by the hostess, at one o’clock to be followed by an afternoon of euchre, which was played at three tables. Prises were awarded Mrs. Clarence Johnson, for high score; Mrs. Robert Levon, second and con­ solation given Mrs. Lula Collins. Mrs. Mabie Knutson, was presented the guest prize. Others present were special guests, Mrs. Alta Leedy and Mrs. Oscar Osterhout; Mrs. Floyd Bassett of Lyons, Mrs. Arnold Syver- son of Mill City, Mrs. Gerald Heath, Mrs. Martha Bowes, Mrs. Gwen Schaer and Mrs. Edmund Davis. A basket social was held Friday evening, in the recreation rooms of the high school by members of the local Christian church, The purpose of the affair was to raise the price of a goat, to be sent to Korea. About WORRIED? Use Our Modern Moving Vans Next Time You Move or Ship by Freight! Wright Truck Line Phone 125 “Ship the ‘WRIGHT’ way” Stayton, Ore Never a Dull Moment \t the Bottom of the Hill'' MILL CITY TAVERN $50 was realized from the sale of the baskets, which were auctioned off by Cecil Haun. Group singing by those present, with Mrs. Don Miley at the piano and led by Loren Swanson, paMor of the church provided enter­ tainment for the large group in at­ tendance for the remainder of the eve­ ning. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gessner returned the first of the week from San Fran­ cisco where they had spent a week’s vacation at the home of relatives. They were accompanied on their trip by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith who were guests at the homes of Mrs. Smith’s mother and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. John LaHaie left Thursday morning for Oakland, Calif., where LaHaie has accepted a position and where they will make their home, Mr. and Mrs. LaHaie had resided in Gates for several years while he was employed in the office at Detroit dam. Mrs. LaHaie was manager of the Oak Park motel for some time. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tex Allen over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lepley of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carey and son, Jon of Stayton were over the weekend guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson. The Wilson’s son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson and two sons, Ronnie and Rickie, of Roseburg were also re­ cent weekend guests at his parents home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Joaquin, Darlene and his mother, Mrs. Laura Joaquin spent last Sunday in Halsey at the home of their cousin and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Conner. Mrs. Jean Roberts was a Gates visitor Saturday. Mrs. Roberts of Mehama is quite well known for her interesting feature stories, which appear in The Enterprise and other valley newspapers. A benefit card party, sponsored by the Gates Parent-Teacher association will be held in the recreation rooms of the high school, Friday evening. March 21. Prizes will be awarded I and refreshments served by the com- I mittee in charge. Canasta, five hun­ dred and pinochle will be played, Everybody who likes to enjoy an eve- ning of cards is invited to attend. Refreshments are included in the ad- mission charge of 50 cents. Recent guests at the home of Mrs. Velma Carey were her son and fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carey and infant son, of Albany, Carey only recently returned from Korea. M rs. Carey, Mrs. Gwen Schaer. Mrs. Verner Evans and Mrs. A. T. Barn- hardt drove to Portland Monday to attend the Oregon State Teachers convention. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mitchell, daugh- 1 ter, Mrs. Don Sullivan of North Rich- I land. Wn., and their daughter-in-law, l Mrs. Richard Mitchell of Mehama were weekend guests at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Garrison. Quality job printing st The Mill City Enterprise Kellorrfs Fresh Meats FKENII DAILY — VERY REASON AHI. E PRICES Kellom’s Grocery MILL CITY OPEN WEEK DAYS: 8 A.M. to 7 I’M. (’I.OSED: Sundays and Holidays WE GIVI TRADING STAMPS AND ALUMINUM AND DISHES HEMORRHOIDS • FISSURE ■ FISTULA PROLAPSE and other RECTAL DISORDERS • Stomach and Colon Ailment* NO ( MOSFITALIZAVION I Deecrtpliee Booklet s*** | en Requeet DR R REYNOLDS CLINIC PROCTOLOGIST RHVSICiAN 1144 C1MT1P Jtlltt ■ TELIPHOMC 1 141« SALIM. OIIGOH Pains, distress of “those days” stopped or amazingly relieved Gillette in 3 out of 4 cases in doctors' tests I • Here's wonderful news for women and Kiris who — each month — suffer the tortures of "bad days" of functionally- caused menstrual cramps and pain — headaches, backaches, and those "no-good," dragged- out feelings. It’s news about a medicine famous for relieving such suf­ fering ! Here is the exciting news. Lydia E Pinkham s Vegetable Compound — gave complete or atriAinp relief of such distress in an average o! it of 4 of the cases in doctors’ tests! NOW SHAVING'S QUICKER ...EASIER! GET A SUPER-SPEED IF F ▼ ONI-MlCt W1 L* A* WITH ra hade Slittili DISPiNSIR ELECTRIC LIGHT BULB fell 25 STORIES V/lTPQur BREAKING ! ^D etroit . M ich .) ilMEb IT WAS ^SDTtS*^y TO SHOW A NEW 3ORN BABY TO IT'5 FATt-iro oKiSFV0!0 W hetheq OR jyjT IT SI-KXJLD be PEPMiTTED to live n o « VJ1TH MONFV AND PASSPORTS FOR ENTERING SINCE IT IS OOMSIDE RED IMMODEST -To EXPOSE LYONS By MRS. EVA BRESSLER Mrs. Oscar Naue was hostess as­ sisted by Mrs. George Huffman to a group of the WSCS ladies at the Naue home Monday afternoon, The lime was spent in working on tea towels for the bazaar which will be held in the fall. Present were Mesdames Chester Roy, Glen Julian, Floyd Bas- sett, Clyde Bressler, Willard Hartnell, Rinke Feenstra, Mrs. Inez Ring, Mrs. Alice Huber, Mrs. Naue and Mrs. Huffman. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston are receiving congratulations upon the ar­ rival of this first great grandchild. A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scarbrough at Myrtle Creek, Mrs, Scarbrough is a granddaughter of the Johnstons and is living at the home of her mother Mrs. Claire Hum­ phries while her husband is serving in the navy. Her father is also serving in the navy. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Knox were hostess for a turkey dinner followed by a pinochle party held at their home Saturday evening, High score wenl to Mrs. Ike Myers and Paul Vincent, low to Mrs. Paul Vincent and Bill Beckett. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Long- necker, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers of Elkhorn. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vincent of Mill City and Mr. and Mrs. Knox. Mrs. E. L. Roye honored her hus­ band on his birthday anniversary, when some of the neighbors came to spend the evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Arch Eberhardt and daugh­ ter Judy of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooch and Mrs. Bessie Bassett of Mill City, Mrs. Lynn Roye of Port­ land was a Sunday guest, she with the Roye's went to Lebanon where they were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laddie Pesek, a daughter of the Roye's Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pennington and daughter Paula and Cheryl were week­ end guests at the home of her mother Mr. and Mrs. Sid Gruggett at New­ port. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jungwirth and children of Salem were weekend guests at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kinzer. Albert Julian of Fox Valley is among the asnirants for the Republi­ can nomination for representative of Linn county, filed for the Primaries on May 16. 1962. Mr. Julian has been a resident of this community for the last IS years, living on the same farm in Fox Valley, also a resident of Ore­ gon for 40 years. Bob Brassfield who is confined to the Veterans hospital in Portland for treatment spent the weekend at the IT > THIS OHIO-BORN VETERAN OF IR VRS OF NAVAL SERVICE IS A WINNER OF THE NAVY CROSS AND MAS HAD 2 SHIPS 3LOW)4 FROM BENEATH HIM. CHIEF BOATSWAINS thouoh in an UNARMED landing BOAT ANO UNDER CONSTANT MACHINE GUN FIRE HE MADE NUMEROUS TRIPS TO AND FROM SHORE TO RESCUE A GROUP OF BRAVING FLAME AND ENEMV AIR ATTACK l._~ "* MEN from a HE RESCUED 6 .LAZING BARCE loaded w ri ,OOO BLAZING BAR' GALLONS OF AVIATION GAS. FOR H'S HEROISM " admiral HALS EV AWARDED HIM THE NAW CROSS. marines trapped DURING THE LANDINGS ON GUADALCANAL. -> 3- » home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield. The Womens Society of Christian Service are inviting the ladies of the community to a Silver Tea at the community club house Wednesday aft­ ernoon, March 26, at 2 p.m. Invita­ tions have been sent to Mill City, Stayton anil Mehama societies. A guest speaker will come from Salem. Rev. R. A. Feenstra will leave Fri­ day the 21st to minister at Yoncalla for a week as Mr. Burleson did here. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Nydegger and daughter Mrs. Vaughn Hunt went to Fort Ord, California, where they will spend the weekend with Vaughn Hunt who is stationed there. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christenson and children have moved into the Sam Bridges house from the Paul John­ ston house in Fox Valley. Christenson will be employed at the Gas Heat company. Mr. and Mrs. Arnonson and family moved to the Johnston house, they have been living in the Toland house west of town. Arnon­ son is employed at the Detroit dam. The high school pupils as well as the grade school child'en are enjoying their spring vacation this week. Linn County Pomona grange will hold their meeting at the Santiam Valley grange hall March 20 with an all day meeting. A good crowd is expected. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hiatt returned home Thursday evening after spend­ ing several days at the home of their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thoma in Lebanon. WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! We hope you are pleased with our service. Mom s and Pop s CAFE Mill City How lydia Pinkham’» work* It ha» • 'calming" and »nothin? rfret on th» uitrut . . quieting thy contraction» < mw the chart) that to o/t»n mrnrt-ual pain, crampt, other dutrru •«(•ntiAcally Modern Action Yea! Lydia Pinkham’s has been proved to be scientifically modern in action.* This news will not surprise the thousands of women and girls who take Lydia Pinkham's regularly and know the relief it can bring And it should encourage y.>w (if you're not taking Lydia Pinkham's» to see If your ex­ perience docsn t match theirs ... to see if you. too, don't avoid the nervousness and tension, weakness, irritability — and pain —so often associated with "those days"! Remember Lydia Pinkham s, too — if you're suffering the hot flashes” and other func­ tionally-caused distress of change of life." Get Lydia Pinkham's Com­ pound or new. improved Tab­ lets with added iron ttrial size only 59«), Start taking Lydia Pinkham's today! a Rt s of thíiq LOW-LEVEL flying V •^^^^11 MONTHS- " we tw GRATEFUL | FOR rwm THE ' me r-w i V .cue or PRIVILEGE OF [SERVING OUR COUNTRY AND [THE U N. N cor. WE A MCSSAQC TCM1 LEAVE WITH REGRET.” Bu” < BOXER PACIFIC FLEET COMMANDER ADM ARTHUR W. R»CFOPP. c* CONTINUOUS ACTION TV»f C ((UNGS C~- . — ___ ano NR _ CROUP IO! V PACIFIC RIET CARRIER