MILL CITY LYONS Editor's Leiter Box (HAYSEED By I Nt I E SAM (Continued from Page 2) By MRS. EVA BRESSLER 3 OUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER land, Silverton, Woodburn, Mt. Angel, [ Grandma Julian who has been quite Estacada, Stayton, and Lebanon, and You expect more from your news- sick at the home of her son Albert before the summer is over the num­ paer than you do from any other bus­ is reported to be some improved. ber will double that, the statement of iness or institution for the very small Mr. and Mrs. Leland Manning, with the editor, that business will be forced , price which you pay for a subscrip­ Mr. and Mrs. Everett Limbeck went out because of excessive taxes to sup- tion. to Portland Thursday, were they vis­ i port a school is far-fetched, as there j You expect your weekly paper to ited Bod Brassfield at the Veteran­ ‘ will be very little difference if any. By GARY PETERSON give you all the news for each week hospital. With one parting shot at this fool- j The cuss-cuss snow is holding up The 45th anniversary of Faith Re­ ish situation, I can not see how any | for the entire year. 1 track and baseball practice sessions By DICK WILLIAMS bekah lodge was observed at the reg­ j parent knowing the potential dangers j You expect your newspaper to ular meeting Wednesday evening with of transporting their children twenty . maintain a high standard of morality. Inlement weather conditions have this week. Practice was held Satur­ held up baseball and track practice day and Sunday before the weather­ guests present from Stayton and Mill , to thirty-five miles twice a day, five You expect it to support the things sessions this week. The field has man pulled this stinker on us. At pres­ City, Zona Sischo, noble grand, and ! 'lays a week with ail kinds of drivers | that are right and condemn the things Jean Roberts, vice grand presided in all kinds of weather can afford to that are wrong. undergone excavation work to prepare ent there are twenty boys out for the over the meeting with Garnett Bassett I take the risk, it just isn’t good sense it for the baseball season. The Tim- national sport, with eight lettermen You expect your home paper to de­ berwolves will play all their home returning as nucleus fot ‘his year's acting secretary due to the absence or good business.—Sincerely, vote column after column to news edition of the baseball of Helen Anderson. The regular games under the lights of Allen Field, J. CAL SCHLADOR and propaganda, supporting local loutine of business was carried out. | Detroit, Ore. except the St. Paul game March 28. squad. Our first league game of the clubs, associations and all civic or­ At the good of the order hour Mrs. This will be an afternoon game be­ season is with St. Paul on the twenty­ ganizations. You expect your paper Lula Beringer gave the history of the Dear Mr. Peterson: cause of the Bucaroo’s refusal to play eighth of March. to boost the band, the ball teams, com­ The GAA is throwing a party this lodge. Telling of its being organized in the night game. Your column in last weeks issue munity celebrations, the Scouts, all March 9, 1907, she being the first (March 6) concerning the doings at school functions, the church, the Red The 1952 Marion County "B” Friday P.M. According to Leia Kelly, candidate to be initiated, with the dues city council rather amazed and amused . Cross and all worthwhile drives and League Baseball schedule is as follows the price of admission is a nickel per foot into the atmosphere or stratos­ at that time being twenty-five cents me. causes in the community. for the Mill City Timberwolves: a quarter. Mrs. Inez Ring was the April 2 -Stayton Here 8:00 PM phere. In other words, there will be Hooray for Mr. Steffy and the in-I You expect your newspaper to pub­ lot of fellas trying to look like three- oldest charter member present, with terested citizens who like him want lish all church news and notices, April 4- Jefferson There Mrs. Rosa Berry next in order. April 8—Gates Here 8:00 PM foot midgets, sliding through on their the city charter amended, so the tax­ church programs, club news, farm knees. The whole stupid body—stu­ George Cole of Stayton gave a brief payers within the city limits have news, home demonstration news with April 11—Gervais There dent body is invited to this'n. talk explaining the details for the some voice in our city government. April 15—Scio There all the local and community news. United Nations Conference to be held Sublimity, Marion County “B" April 18—Sublimity There It amused me to note the council You do not expect so much from in Washington, D.C., this summer. gave Patrolman Brenneman a raise in April 22 Scio Here 8:00 PM League’s offering to the state “B'" Mr. Cole is on the ways and means pay, do they think that will compen­ any other sources for so little pay. A April 15—Chemawa Here 8:00 PM tournament, came off with the third committee for selecting a high school sate for the long hours and strain this progressive paper is the greatest April 29—St. Paul Here 2:00 PM place trophy. Ronny Ruef, whom a student that will be eligible to attend. inexperienced man will be under? medium for building a progressive few MC girls are slightly giddy over, May 2—Detroit There A student to be selected from the Little do they realize what a man town and community. was named to the state *‘B” all-star The Track schedule of 1952 will be The subscription can only pay a Stayton high school. Faith Rebekah working under those conditions gives quint because of his outstanding play as follows: lodge will co-opeiate in everj- way as up, to please the city council. God fractional part of the cost of publish­ in the tournament. April 9—Chemawa There the Lyons students attend the Stay­ grant his wife the Patience of Job, ing a paper. Maybe no more than The Mil) City teachers attended a April 16—OSD There ton school. for she will need it. She won’t have enough to pay for the blank paper conference in Albany, Monday and April 23—Gervais There At the social hour a large anniver­ a husband long, but be married to a and the ink used. Tuesday, and, happily, there was no April 29 OSD County Meet There sary' cake and ice cream was served piece of human machinery. You owe it to your community to May 9, 10—Salem District There school on those two days. Meanwhile with Celene Taylor, Alice Ruber, May I speak from experience. I know support your local paper in every way May 16, 17— State Meet There the city policeman had his hands full. Patton, Maxine Berry and Zona Sischo what it did to my husband when he reasonable. No other advertising On the evening of March 15, a Sat­ the committee in charge with the worked alone and he had had 14 equals that placed in your local news­ WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS urday, the Canyon Teen-Age Club had tables beautifully decorated with months with the department too. What paper. AND INVITATIONS a whoop-te-doo party— St. Patrick's spring flowers. do they expect of a man with only at The Mill City Enterprise Day, of course, was the holiday behind Mrs. Floyd Bassett and Mrs. Hugh 3 months experience? The problems it all. Prizes were given to Bill Hoff ­ MNIIINIIIIIIinillllllHN'iridllliHII IHlIlllllitllllinilllllllfldilllllllUIII Mil Illi 'III INWM'WI* Johnston were hostess for the meet­ that come before the police depart­ man and Gerry Hamblin for wearing ing of the Lyons Garden club at the ment are numerous and varied, and the most green, and to Leia Kelly and Bassett home Wednesday afternoon. unless Mr. Brenneman is superman he Delmer Skillings for most closely rep­ Rollcall was answered by “Things to won’t stand the strain long before it resenting an Irish “mick” and "col­ do this month’. For the program a will show in his disposition and work­ leen”. Faith, and ya betcha! discussion was held on Study of the ing ability. MILL CITY Herb Garden with Mrs. Cleve O'Neil Let me tell you it is really nice to in charge. Mrs. Willard Hartnell have a chance to get acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. Don Walker and chil­ furnished the entertainment with my husband again after two years of dren, Danna Lee and Brent and Mr. A FRIENDLY guessing games. The main discussion having to play second fiddle to the and Mrs. Chas. J. Dahlen called in FAMILY of the afternoon was the spring flower city populace and their problems. Silverton Tuesday evening. The visit show to be held with date to be set was made to see a new nephew of the By the way you said the city coun­ ATMOSPHERE at a later date. The schedule was cil accented a verbal resignation from Walkers. The baby is the son of Mr. read with all committees appointed. Chief of Police Hunt. PREVAILS Walker's sister and brother-in-law, What hap­ Reports of committees were heard and ’ pened to the written one he presented Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Setterberg of several members reported on the sick to the police commissioner a few days Silverton. list. The next meeting will be held before council meeting? Let me tell April 9 with Mrs. Philip Pietrok and you, the lone councilman who objected Mrs. Alice Huber, hostesses, and Mrs. to the way it was worded perhaps has Alex Kuiken in charge of entertain­ had more experience writing out res­ ment. Present for the afternoon were ignations, or does the man have a By MRS. ELSIE MYERS Mesdames Willard Hartnell. Ernest conscience that is bothering him, it BEFORE BUYING SHOES J SALEM The Mehama local of the Farmers Garsjo, Ocard Naue, W. H. Loose, makes us wonder. SEE THE MASON LINE f 141 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4U4 DOROTHY HUNT Union held their regular business Burl Smith. Carl Nuttieman. Luther meeting Friday evening. New mem­ Stout. Chester Roy, John Neal, Philip Has Everything for Your bers received into the local were Mr. Pietrok, Lynn Lambert, Cleve O’Neil. Alex Kuiken, Clyde Bressler, Rinke Feenstra, George Huffman, Percy and Mrs. John Teeters and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis. Reports were Billington is here with the intention Hiatt, Mike Fink, and the hostess Mrs. CHARLES UMPHRESS, Prop. ♦ heard from Cleve O’Neil, delegate to of locating permanently and will be' Bassett and Mrs. Johnson. the recent convention held in Wood­ joined by his wife and other children I Glen Julian underwent a knee oper­ Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. I ation at the Salem Memorial hospital Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies burn. Luther Stout, president an­ at the close of the school term. He will remain in the nounced that at the next meeting a Mr. and Mi s. Carl Longneeker and I Thursday. representative of the Blue Lake Can­ sons Billy and Boh Van Eaton were hospital for several days. ning Co. would be present and show dinner guests at the Ike Myers home pictures of their plant. Refreshments Thursday evening. were served at the close of the meet­ Jackie Bickett spent the two day ing. holiday with Sandra Knox of Fox Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Knox of Fox . Valley. Valley were hosts to a group of friends | A group of friends with well filled at a turkey dinner and pinochle party , baskets called upon the Carl Nuttle- Saturday evening. Those present in-1 mans Sunday to help them celebrate eluded Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickett. Mr., their wedding anniversary. Those and Mrs. Carl Longneeker, and Billy participating were Mr. and Mrs. John and Mr. ami Mrs. Ike Myers of Elk- 1 Neal and Mr. and Mrs. Cleve O’Neil horn, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts and of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stout Jo Ann of Mehama and Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. John Apple of Stay-I Paul Vincent of Mill City. Mr. Knm ton. and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers of was the lucky holder of a thousand Elkhorn. Mr. ami Mrs. Bill Bickett and fam-1 aces during the pinochle game. Bob Van Eaton who has been spend­ ily were Sunday guests of their | ing a twenty day furlough with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Long­ Mrs. I.. A. Billington at Sweet Home. neeker returned to Oakland Tuesday Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. for re assignment in the Seabees. W. A. Billington, Scio. Mr. Samuel Mr. and Mrs. George Pettingil of Billington and son Larry of Morton, Portland spent the weekend at their Texas, and Le Roy Emerson of Mill home on the' Little North Fork. City. Mrs. Bill Bickett was surprised Mr. and Mrs. Lance Ray were call­ Tuesday by the unexpected arrival of ers Sunday at the home of their her brother Samuel Billington and daughter and osn-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. son Larry from Morton, Texas. Mr. Don Schultz of Scio. SPORTS PAGE Mill City Hi Liles Baseball and Track /Meets Scheduled Les’s Tavern THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE Mrs. Cleo Thomas and young Fred­ die Mundt are visiting Mrs. Thomas' i-ter, Mrs. Ronnie Olson in Lewiston, Idaho. Mrs. Olson is the former Phyllis Mundt. Mrs. Carl Foster’s mother is visit­ ing in Mill City this week. Pat Herron from Portland visited from Friday through Monday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Herron. Viv's Variety moved this week from the Dawes building to a new location on northeast Alder street across from the Mill City Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stiffler and sons spent the weekend in Eugene with Mr. Stiffler’s brother and fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Stiffler Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Turnbull and daughter, Carol, and Marjorie and Shelby Umphress attended district fellowship meetings of the Assembly of God church held in North Howell. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerr were host< for a birthday party for their son Wayne, March 14. Present besides the hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kerr, Mrs. Bessie Lyons, Bucky and Laura, Mr. and Mrs. Don Walker and Donna Lee and Brent. Shelby Umphress, high school stu­ dent was home ill for two days with a cold last week. Mickey Foster of Eugene was a caller at the A. W. Kerr home Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto have been sick for the past week. Mrs. Russell King has just returned home from St. Vincent’s hospital in Portland. She underwent minor sur­ gery. Miss Hope Baney was in Mill City Tuesday afternoon visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Swan. Mr. and Mrs. John Muir were in Portland Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup were Sunday afternoon visitors in Albany. While the Walkups were in Albany they missed friends Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chandler of that city who called here at the Walkup home. Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Johnson of Linn county was in Mill City and the canyon on official business this week. The Hinz coffee shop was closeci j Monday and Tuesday to enable the proprietors to finish the remodeling and enlarging of the kitchen. Spring cleaning was part of the job that wa- undertaken. Miss Judy Hinz is now employed in Salem. Rubber Boot Work Full Soles and : Heels : ELKHORN Chuck's Shoe Shop: OFFICE NEEDS Starts March 26 to April 5 Ind. /«STIFFLER'S invrtes you to see theN£W NORGE America's NEW miracle finish! tlAiaftC' WASHER GIGANTIC DREEM isn’t just a new paint. DREEM is a completely new and amazing finish ’ Removal Sale SON r 00 ANY FAINTING UNTIL YOU SEF FOR YOURSELF THE AMAZING SU­ PERIORITY OF BOYSEN DREEM Al l, ITEMS TO BE SOLD AT DISCOUNT 9FF0RF 4 LI Kt ITf To Reduce The Stock Not even a dial to set! Just press the 11 me-Line button New Norge aa/o tills with just enough water —then washes, rinses, spin dries, and turns itself off— Vou may skip or repeat any part of the cycle because every step is visible 3 MOV ING M H 1st TO 1S5 N. Hieh. Grand Bldg. BOYSEN 1ü0% PURE HOOSE PAINi F,n»st. PP'SI triai can M ""»«• (.»lion $.'>.30 3-gal. tin* 20 PLKSOLUI SMAZ’Nt ENAMEL PipiMui bäumt water. »icohe« a a „«n »CIOS’G.rtiP*''«» Vo« IS .'brpnt -pi»« to cnooia BOYSEN THULITE ENAMEL Adds enduriRt beauty to kitchens, bathrooms, woodwork. Qt.Sl.51 BJ y SEN 010 COLONIAL PORCH. OECK »NO FLOOR ENAMEL uw Or,« ,n « Sour« 0"t CMt u»u»"T ’’’ co'tor inside »9« w«e Aik fw P m dtmanstriban Stiffler's Radio & Appliance Co. “J' miles from nearest f'arkm^ meter Phone 902 East Mill City on Highw ay Salem Lighting & Appliance ('o. 23* N Illi.II STREET SEN \T<»R HOTEL BLDG. Better Light for Better Sight' Kelly Lumber Sales East City Limits on Highway 222 Phone 3215 MH A CITY ____ WJ ™* good only