IDANHA 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBERRY FINN ( it nk T By MRS. RUTH JOHNSON On the sick list this week are Earl Carte, E ddie Evenson, Tom Floyd, Sherilee Cannon, and Mrs. Even Even- son. • Hank Hinch and Jerry Pittam threw their hats in the ring for justice of the peace of the Breitenbush area. Good luck to the best man, and may his judgeship bd a fair and long one. Anna Bess Carte won second place in the Detroit school spelling contest | Anna Bess is an eighth grader and resides in Idanha. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Curtis of Port­ land brought Mrs. Marion Aiderman home and visited her over the week­ end. Marion Aiderman is doing just fine at St. Vincent’s hospital in Portland By MRS. EVA BRESSLER and expects to be out about Sunday, or so Marion thinks anyhow. Thomas L. Putman, principal of Myrtle Gestson and Esther Fouts Mari-I.inn elementary school in Lyons, went to Dallas Thursday, they visited annuonces that Open House will be Mrs. Fouts mother, Mrs. Sawyer, and held this year on Monday evening, aunt, Mrs. Anna Chamberlin. March 17, from the hours of 7 to 9 Mr. and Mrs. Gudne Gestson and p.m. Open house was not held last Mrs. E sther Fouts went to Portland fall during National Education week ever the weekend. They visited Mrs. because the teaching staff felt that Fouts sister, and Mr. Fouts brother more work could be on display by the Roy Fouts. having it in the spring. All teachers The American Legion auxiliary met will be in their respective rooms to at Mis. Roselle Vickers home, with welcome the parents and friends. 13 present, There will be a Legion This “open house” gives teachers and birthday party on March 22nd. A ux­ both parents a chance to discuss their iliary is taking part in the PTA or child’s individual problems and still Deanha Capers to be on the 4th of have time to profit from their visit April, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Beeson of He had his leg Eugene spent the weekend in Idanha while back east. badly burned by a heat lamp. It just visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Davis. Otto Shiffer who returned home took almost all Otto’s hide off. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Davis have last week had a horrible experience established residence in Idanha. Their dry goods store at Detroit will soon be razed to make room for the De- troit dam reservoir. For Guaranteed Cleaning! Mr. and Mrs. Ted Toderoff and son have returned from Portland. it’s the Bill Ritter has returned to us to barber again. Our ex-new barber i didn’t last long. It was too lone- | some for him up here. He was used to the bright lights and the only lights 24-HOUR SERVICE we have up here are the sun and the moon. I mean that are bright. Mill City Well, I must close for this week as I don’t feel so hot myself. I have had two “flu” shots from Dr. Reid and he really shoots! LYONS NUMETHOD Never a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN WOilMMII nu UII An UH ♦ Kellom's Fresh Meats FHF.SII DAILY — VERY REASONABLY. PRICES Kellom’s Grocery MII.I. CITY OPEN WEEK DAYS: 8 AM. to 7 P.M. CLOSED: Sundays and Holidays WE GIVE TRAU1NO STAMPS AND AM MINI M AND DISHES V, œ. huck I Æ SOT lb SET IH * HOT. STUFFY STzOTiHij ALL DAT L0K6 ’V.KUE You ARE S wkti -'. h G . Fil- Aü . hvn T ih S < emjctih « '-x before school is out. Spring vacation will begin March 18 through the 21st for all pupils of the Mari-Linn school. Nineteen attended the Youth Rally Saturday evening held at the Commu­ nity hall to introduce the United Evangelistic Mission. Some time was spent in playing group games, after which Joyce Hargreaves and Marjorie Prichard served refreshments. At the close of the evening a short devotional service was led by the guest minister Rev. Harold Burleson of Myrtle Creek. Present were Joyce Hargreaves, Har­ vey and Carol Grimes, Bill Grimes, Loren Hargreaves, Shirley and Bev­ erly Nydegger, Rev. and Mrs. Feen- stra, Rev. Burleson, Marjorie Prich- ard, Norma Miller, Vivian Boyce, Marilyn Baltzer, Don Kuiken, Jerry Bowers, Sally Studnick, Ronald Long- acher and John Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston of Cul­ ver were Saturday night guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh John­ ston. They attended church services Sunday morning at the Methodist Community church and renewed ac- quaintances. Miss Lucille Lewis of Corvallis spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis. Miss Lewis is a teacher in one of the grade schools in Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson and little son Chris of Salem were week­ end guests at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. Addi­ tional Saturday evening dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton, l Douglas and Margo Lee also of Salem. I Mrs. Pat Lyons went to Walport Sunday where she will visit at the home of her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor and family. She will also visit at the home of her sister Mr. and Mrs. John Trask at Ocean Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hiatt returned home with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thoma of Lebanon Sunday. Mr. Hiatt who has been quite sick wasn’t as well again. The regular meeting of Santiam Valley grange was held Friday eve­ ning with two present, and Johnnie Lambrecht master and Bob Draper acting overseers due to the absence of Giles Wagner, presided over the business meeting. All reports from various committees were heard. It was voted to buy some new dishes for the kitchen, plates, cups and saucers knives, forks and -poons. At the lec­ turers hour pictures were shown by the Hamptons. They were pictures from Ecuador taken by their son who is there. At the close of the evening a pot luck supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Lerov Hiatt and Jim. and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ward of Roseburg visited relatives in Lyons Sunday forenoon. They were break­ fast guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. Mr. Hiatt is a son of Elmer Hiatt and brother of Mrs. Bodeker and Mrs. Clyde Bress­ ler. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lande and daugh- HEMORRHOIDS • FISSURE - FISTULA PROLAPSE and ofhtr RECTAL DISORDERS • Stomach ond Colon AilmanH NO HOSPITALIZATION Z - i O»»«-1 ipti»« Booklvt ( on Roquoot DR R REYNOLDS CLINIC nOCIOlOGIST NATUROPATHIC “Hot flashes” of Change of Life stopped or strikingly relieved In * 63-80% of the cases in doctors * tests) • Those suffocating "heat waves" — alternating with ner­ vous. clammy feelings — and accompanied often by restless irritability and nervousness — are well-known to women suf­ fering the functionally-caused dist ress of middle life "change" I You want relief from such suffering And—chances are ’ou can get it. Thrilling relief! '‘hanks to tiro famous Lydia Pinkham medictnes' *ln doctors tests, Lydia Pink­ ham's Compound and Tablets brought relief from such dis­ tress in 63 and 8O''< »respective­ ly» of the cases tested. Com­ plete or striking relief! PHYSICIAN 1144 CINTI» HUIT - - TIllFHONl 1444« SALIM OREGON its no — at SQ v 'KRELS to trca T a P al . ter Cheita spent Sunday at the coast. They visited various places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Walworth of Salem were Lyons callers Monday evening. The Walworths former resi­ dents of this vicinity, have purchased them a home near Salem. They have recently returned from a three-months trip to Florida, where they visited at the home of their daughter and fam­ ily, and also toured other southern states. Bill Grimes spent the weekend at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chet Grimes. He returned Sunday evening to the USS Delta stationed in Washington. Bill has been in the navy for some time. Mrs. Donald Huber entertained Sat­ urday afternoon with a party at her home honoring their son Dennis on his 4th birthday anniversary, games and refreshments furnished the enter­ tainment. Little folks present were Terry Thayer, Marilyn Margin, Harry Carleton, Sandra and Kathleen Dug­ gan, Glen and Jackie Phelps, Dennis, Donna and Darrell Huber, Mrs. Jack Duggan, Mrs. Jim Phelps, Mrs. Bob Carleton and Mrs. Huber. Mrs. Ivan Smith and Mrs. Burl Smith W’ere hostess for the meeting of the Womens Society of Christian Service held at the Ivan Smith home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Albert Huber presided over the business meeting with Evelyn Julian as secre­ tary, many plans were made and dis­ cussed. Plans were made for the Sil­ ver tea which will be held at the com­ munity club house Tuesday, March 25, with invitations to be sent to Stayton, Mill City and Mehama. Table com­ mittee Ethel Huffman, Eleanor Smith and Doris Roy. Plans were also made to redecorate the interior of the club room and kitchen with Eva Bressler, Orpha Roye and Martha Cruson, the committee in charge. A white house party will be held at the home of Mrs. Carrie Naue Tuesday afternoon, March 18, with Ethel Huffman as­ sistant. Present for the meeting were Inez Ring, Ethel Huffman, Evalyn Julian, Alice Huber, Martha Cruson, Orpha Roye, Eva Bressler, Carrie Naue, Dori- Roy, Clarie Feenstra and BIGGEST SHAVING BARGAIN EVER! BUY A WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! Gillette We hope you are pleased with our service. SUPtk-SPttD^t^ owl. met RAZOR Mom s and Pop s CAFE ¿fe ID J- r WITH 10-11* 01 GILLITTI DISPENSER I Mill City WILLIAMS PHARMACISTS MATE THIRD CLASS US. NAVY IWO JIMA-— STUDDED WITH ENEMV PILLBOXES--THE INFERNO THAT KILLED MANY AMERICANS INCLUDING JACK WILLIAMS. A WINNER OF THE NAVY MEDAL OF HONOR. WOUNDED BY 3 SNIPER BULLETS. THOUGH GRAVELY THE ARKANSAS NAVY MEDIC FINISHED TREATING THE MARINE BEFORE ATTENDING TO HIMSELF. CRAWLING forward of the FRONT LINES, he CAVE FIRST AID TO A SEVERLY WOUNDE0 marine , SHIELDING HIM WITH HIS OWN BODY. COVERED WITH BLOOD HE STARTED BACK TO THE LINES FOR AID. BUT ANOTHER BULLET HIT HIM AND HE DIED IN HIS SELF- SACRIFICING SERVICE TO OTHERS. the hostess Jackie Smith and Eleanor Smith. Sunday dinner guests'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber, were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mulkey, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Parish, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mulkey and daughter Dinan Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mulkey, all of Silverton and Mrs. Alice Huber of Lyons. The occasion honored the birthday anniversary of Dennis Huber son of Mr. and Mrs. Huber. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bass are an­ nouncing the marriage of their son Wayne Bass to Miss Linda Gale Saunders of Venice, Calif., which took place at Yuma, Ariz., February 22. Wayne who is with the V. S. army is stationed at Camp Pendleton, in California. Mrs. Wilma Free was hostess for the afternoon card club with the party held at her home Wednesday after­ noon. Several tables of 500 followed a one thirty dessert luncheon, high score was held by Doreen Helemn, second high went to Berneice Bridges, low to Mabie Downing and Bea Hiatt drew the traveling prize. Attending the party were Eulalia Lyons, Leota Worden, Margaret Kunkle, Doris Roy, Carrie Naue, Ethel Huffman, Bea Hiatt, Garnett Bassett, Mabel Bass, Dorothy Helemn, Thelma Nydegger, Alma Olmstead, Berneice Bridges, Mabel Downing. Modena Carleton, Ida Free and the hostess Wilma Free. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead were Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Olmstead of Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Olmstead Bobby and Judy from Coburg, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Edmondson, Ronald and Ray from Oak Grove, Mrs. Viola Eckles and granddaughter Patty Mace from Four Mile, Mrs. Bertha Bent- ford from Burnt Woods. The occa- sion honored the birthday anniversa­ ries of W. R. Olmstead. Mrs. Arthur Olmstead, Ed Olmstead, Byron Ed­ mondson. and Patty Mace. Mr-. John 1-engacher is spending this week in Portland with relatives. A M EDDING \NNOI N( EMI NTS \ND 1NVIT \TIONS at The Mill City Enterprise z D6NAVT 1 - 5 - I Thousand« Hove BenoSted Amazing, you say? Not to the many thousands of women who know from experience what these Lydia Pinkham medi­ cines can do! Their action — actually — is very modern. They exert a sci­ entifically cafrntap, soothing effect! Try Lydia Pinkham's on the basis of medical evidence! See if you. too. don t gain blessed relief from those terrible "hot hvh T ihô ure ••• Í i at AT TUG THE OUTBREAK the OF KOREAN HOSTILITIES, ________ OSPREY - vas OR0ERE0 TO * PRE-ASSAULT SWEEPING OPERATION «T POHANG . L> * ■ •V .S S. (P I »36 FOOT WOODEN-MULLED MINESWEV ER OSTOEY. ? l T in av - JAPANESE MINES J 7 If OSPREY. WU Y HAS Jt! N A? MU l H svics AS ANY OTHER ship n KOREAN , tfp uv- as ASSAULT SWEEP.-. WOLMI DO ISLAND Tc > t IN TLE INVASION OF INCHON K eV! -X.V w V / v THE ENEMY STRUCK HER ON OCTOBER 29,1951 WHEN 0NE NAAN \A'AS AND A MOLE WAS TORN ENEMY SHORE BATTERffS OFF WONSAN, KOREA. pT_. f * > after 19 MONTHS OF CONTINUOUS DUTY NKOREA. T he OSPREY <5 still SWEEPING MINES I AND TME MEN QF T v 4 4