Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1952)
u March 13, 1«52 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE SPORTS PAGE t Wolves Sign For (Continued from Page 2) ; a well regulated city, I do however Baseball, Track question the fairness of such a meas By DICK WILLIAMS ure at this time. As you know, those The Timberwolves diamond team is of us who occupy trailers are tem porary residents, and, with the com taking shape after a joint meeting pletion of construction of the dams between the baseball and track team we will be leaving this area. There Monday evening. There are 20 boys fore, for your consideration may 1 I out for the ball and bat sport, eight . of these are former lettermen. The pose the following questions: “Should we who now occupy trail batteries that are going to lead the By DICK WILLIAMS er houses on private premises and team have had the only practice to St. Boniface wins district B-2 bas which gave a victory for the Saints who have gone to considerable ex 'late and regular field work is to be pense in constructing cesspools, lay undertaken on Wednesday, March 12. ketball tournament. Valsetz steals of 50 to 47. Burton Boroughs will coach baseball second place and Falls City walker The second round of play was Fri ing water pipes and fuel lines, be off with third. The Mill City Timber day night with Valsetz edging Falls forced to move at our expense by for the 1952 baseball season. The following are returning letter- 1st, when an ordinance could wolves nip the fourth place slot. , City 40 to 39 in one of the more ex July be enacted prohibiting only the - men trying out for positions on the The district tournament was con citing games of the tournament. basebail squad: ducted in a single elimination style, v The next game of the evening was parking of ADDITIONAL trailer Roy Chase, Darrell Farmen, Phil houses and requiring NEW trailers The winner, St. Boniface will repre the Mill City vs. St. Boniface. The Goble, Bill Hoffman, Gary Peterson, arriving in Mill City to occupy reg sent district B-2 in the state B tourna St. Boniface Saints tallied another Roy Podrabsky, Dick Syverson, and ment to be played in Salem March 13, win against Mill City by defeating ular trailer camp sites?” Al Ward. Given as the reason for enactment1 14 and 15. them 63 to 46. The Mill City Wolves New aspirants for births on the The first round of play was Thurs were in the ball game until the fourth I of the presently proposed ordinance squad are: Phil Carey, Brooks Crosier, is, quote: day March 6, with Gates, Marion quarter when Dick Kanoff and Roy Jim Cuthbert, LeRoy Emerson, Jim "We have had a number of com Goodwin, Elton Gregory, Boll Hamb county third place team meeting Val Chase fouled out of the ball game. setz, Polk county first place team. The Saints had a lead of three points plaints and find that very seldom lin, Jack Melting, Don Nesbitt, Chas. Gates put up a tough battle the first at the end of the third quarter count. are the city sanitation requirements | O’Kins, Tom Stewart, and Delmer half but in the second half they went Ron Ruef and Roy Christianson’s con complied with and in no case do we Syverson. to pieces to be defeated 55 to 43. stant sharp-shooting led them to vic find where the building cade is ob The speed sport of track has been served.” Following the Gates vs. Valsetz game tory in the fourth quarter. organized for the first time in quite Furthering the above statement, al a few years at the Mill City high the Polk county second team Falls Saturday night Falls City met Mill City defeated the Multnomah-Clacka City for third place in the tournament. low me to bring to your attention the school, The material has been pur mas representative Corbett, 48 to 40. Falls City edged the Mill City Tim following facts^and may I have your chased by the student body and the The first round of night play was berwolves by two points, 44 to 42. explanation of what corrective meas fellow using the equipment are very the Marion county second place team, Mill City led this ball game until the ures are proposed for these city code capable to make a successful year Duane violations by July 1st: under Coach John Jubb. The first Mill City meeting Yamhill county first last two minutes of play. 1. Do the (2) outside toilets in the meet that the track team will partici place team. Amity. Mill City victori Dunaway tied the score with a lay-in. ous <11 to 41, Mill City led the ball The score was tied with 30 seconds to city park comply with both the build pate in is at Willamete university on game from the jump at the beginning play and Steven Poe dropped in two. ing code and sanitation requirements? April 5. 2. Does the open sewer ditch at a The following boys have signed up of the game although Bob Edgren of The final game for championship of Amity who stands 6 feet 3 inches. the district was between Valsetz and certain local trailer park satisfy the for track at the meeting Monday: Bob sanitation code? Baltimore, Roy Chase, Dick Downer, dropped in 23 points, The next game St. Boniface. The Saints victory 66, of the evening was Marion county to 56. Valsetz led the ball game for i 3. Does a local motel owner who Darrell Farmen, Lyle Fleetwood, Bill first team, St. Boniface, and Marion the first four minutes of play. The f has constructed said motel since en Gorman, Elton Gregory, Bill Hambiln, county fourth place team Jefferson. Saints took the lead after Ron Ruef actment of the building and sanitation Bill Hoffman, Robert Keyes, Don Jefferson gave the Saints a scare by and Jack Cries poured in two. Val codes, have a waiver of record per Nesbitt, Charles O’Kins, Roy Podrab leading the second quarter of play setz didn’t gain a lead on the Saints mitting a publicly occupied building sky, De'.mar Skillings, Tom Stewart, and Al Ward. by four points, until Ruef of Sublimity after this point, although the score to be located over a septic tank? I dare say that a proper inspection pushed in 4 points in 10 seconds before was tied part of the time. The Saints the half time buzzer. The Saints led walked away from the Valsetz Cou could uncover many failures to ob life, deulged congress with letters to serve both the building and sanitation the second half by two or three points gars during the second half. let the lawmakers know that they codes. Now then, considering the apparent were unalterabjy’ opposed to compul lack of corrective measures taken to sory military training, which is rectify mistakes of property owners against our American tradition. This should be a lesson to those in the past, I feel your ordinance as nroposed would be discriminatory who say it is useless to vote. If every gainst those of us who in good faith eligible voter were to exercise his moved trailer houses on private prop precious right to the secret ballot, we erty in the ABSENCE of a prohibitive would soon eliminate corrupt govern ordinance. Further, I again respect ment and the politicians who make it fully request that you allow your tem corrupt. We could alect honest citi porary trailer residents to occupy zens who would truly carry out our their present locations until such time desire for world peace and prosperity. May primaries are coming up. Let’s as they move from Mill City. all REGISTER and VOTE! Very truly yours, Sincerely, RUTH STOVALL, C. M. PAULMIER Mill City. Mill City March 5, 1952 Sublimity Saint Wins District Tournament; Mill City Takes Fourth Place Honors MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS To the Editor: Defeat of the Universal Military Training bill is a sure measure of the will of the people when they are sufficiently aroused to make them selves felt. An unprecedented num ber of Americans from all walks of 0?? Friendship Class Sponsors Rummage and Food Sales Friendship class of the Presbyte rian church Sunday school is sponsor ing a rummage sale and cooked food sale Thursday and Friday, March 27 and 2. Doors will 8open at 1 o’clock each day in the church recreation rooms. Mrs. Herbert Schroeder is class advisor and teacher of the class. Any member of the class group will gladly receive anything members or friends of the church have for the sale. Committee going ahead with the sale inculdes Mrs. Mabel Schroe der, Mrs. Bertha Baltimore, Mrs. Mary Kelly, Mrs. Maxine Hill, Mrs. Lora Kelly, Mrs. Cathryn Ferguson and Mrs. Louise Armstrong. LARGEST BRAKES WIDEST COLOR CHOICE Vibration and power impulses are‘‘screened out" as engine is centered and rubber- cushioned between new high-side mountings. Big 11 -inch brake drums apply more leverage for more stopping power. Stops are smoother, safer, with less effort. 26 rich new colors and two-tone combinations . . . widest choice in Chevrolet's field. New De Luxe interiors are color-matched. BODY BY FISHER UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION RIDE WIDEST TREAD Fisher Body sets the standard —for styling, for craftsmanship, for comfort! Fisher Uni steel construction is extra strong. Chevrolet’s famous Knee-Action ride is now even softer, smoother. New shock absorbers give even finer ride control. Chevrolet measures 58'4 inches between centers of rear wheels — a broader base to you more sta- Only the New Chevrolet brings these fine features to the low-price field! Lowest priced in it* field! Thit baoutiful new Stylelme De luA« 2 Door Sedan — like many Cheviolet models — list* for leti than any compaiablo model in iti field. Continuation of standard equipment and trim illy str a tod 11 dependent on avoilabdity of ma- 4 WAY ENGINE LUBRICATION CAST IRON ALLOY PISTONS SAFETY PLATE GLASS ALL AROUND Chevrolet’s exclusive engine lubricating sys tem supplies exactly the right kind and amount of lubrication to each moving part. The same material as the cylinder block, pis tons expand and con tract at same rate. This reduces wear, lowers oil consumption. Chevrolet alone in its field gives you safety plate glass in wind shield and all win dows. for a clearer, truer all round view. POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Simpler with fewer parts to wear. «»her MOST POWERFUL VALVE IN-HEAD ENGINE No other car in Chevrolet's field offers you a single one of these features. Yet you’ll find many of them in America’s most costly cars. Here's proof that you're value ahead with Chevrolet . . . again in 1952 the By GARY PETERSON Mill City’s Timberwolves closed out the 1951-52 basketball season in the fourth spot in the District B-2 Bas ketball Tournament held in the Will-1 amette university gym Thursday, Fri day, and Saturday nights last week. On Thursday night the Timberwolves cruised to a 61-41 victory victory over the Amity Warriors. Friday night, to the anguish of Mill City fans, the green-clads picked up bad habits, los ing to Sublimity, who went on to win the championship. Saturday evening in the consolation game, the 'Wolves dropped another one, 44-42, to the maroon-clad Falls City crew. Al though the Timberwolves had an adge in control of the backboards, the Mountaineers had a better shooting average. In the nightcap, Sublimity took a hardfought tilt from the Valsetz Cou gars, showing the fast-breaking, slick passing offense which earned the league championship. As district champions, the Saints enter the state “B” tournament also to be held in Salem this week. Roy Christiansen of Sublimity received a vote, unoffi cially, as the outstanding player in the tournament by one of the Salem newspapers. W’ith the conclusion of basketball for this year. Track Coach John Jubb and Baseball Coach Burton Boroughs issued a call for track and baseball prospects on Monday. Practice ses sions for the battery—pitchers and catchers—are being held in the gym because of the somewhat dampened condition of the baseball field. Bob Baltimore, a three-sport letter- man, has been chosen first string of fensive end on the Shriners "B” West ern Oregon team which is to play the Eastern Oregon team in Pendleton this summer. Also named to this team was Jack Gries of Sublimity. Death, taxes, and report cards are three things which are inevitable. Yes, they were passed out again. May you rest in peace. Touche! -no complicated in termediate gears Op tional on De Luxe models at extra cost. W EDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INVITATIONS at The Mill City Enterprise Rubber Boot Work CHEVROLET ■y- 9 YOl’R LOC AL CHEVROLET DEALER Gene Teague Chevrolet * A FRIENDLY FAMILY ATMOSPHERE PREVAILS potai co&U OUTSIDE or INSIDE BOYSEN PAINTS 0 The colors you want for per feet matching or harmony • Got any color immediately Any color at regular paint prices By MRS. ALBERT MILLSAP Guests at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey are her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Heine, from Minneapolis, Minn. Donald D. Henness of Seattle paid | a farewell visit this week to his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Hen ness. He also visited other relatives in Gates, Mill City and Salem before his departure to Korea. He will sail from Seattle, March 19. Young Hen ness, 19, is “tall dark and handsome” and the apple of his grandparents’s eyes. Miss Birdie Larson, who is a student in Salem spent the weekend at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin. Marlin Cole, Gates’ star basketball player, member of the local high school team, was high point man in the Marion County B league, having made 442 points in 15 games. He set two records, one for most points in a single game and a record for most points for one player in the season. Marlin is a member of this year’s senior class. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rush and daugh ter of Salem were over the weekend guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rush. The east two blocks of Clark street are undergoing a face-lifting at the hands of Councilman Ix>rd. The im provement consists of two tile cul verts, and a coating of crushed rock. This work has been delayed since last fall on account of weather conditions and on account of a contractor who was allotted the job having to give attention to more important work. MORI PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CARI Teamed with Power glide is the most pow erful valve in head en gine in its field and an outstanding performer in any field! MILL CITY 0 lowest-priced line in its field! Come in and look it over. r < Mill Ciiy Hi-Liles GATES CENTERPOISE POWER Les’s Tavern i KELLY Lumber Sales "77 rr —1 L rr —~1T~ What makes Olympia so different? Surely you have noticed the dif ference in water . .. some may be too hard or soft, too acid or alkaline. Many are chemically treated. I he quality and character of O lympia Beer are due notalone to premium ingredients, but also to the rare brewing water from our subterranean springs. “It's the Water Full Soles and Heels t REFORE BI TING SHOES SF.E THE M \SON LINE 4 Chuck's Shoe Shop CHARLES I MPHRESS. Prop. I ‘gt>t Refreshment Re verage of Millions of Temperate People Open 7 AM. to 7 P.M. îtnmâ ittviwg ci mini (r.a g t *