Canyon $ Avenue Parade T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: Mill. CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES IDANHA LYONS Ml H \M \ MONGOLD By DON PETERSON This week the government surplus ON THE SCENIC NORTH StNTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OE NATURE’S EMPIRE building recently purchased by the .local Boy Scout committee was de­ $2.50 a Year. ]()t- a Copy Vol. VIII—No. 11 livered and unloaded on the site of their new home in the city park. This will provide ample space for Scout­ ing activities in a beautiful setting of tall trees—we can all be proud of this improvement when completed. The Lions club has been the big con­ tributor toward this building. The committee will gladly accept help in Oregon State College—Ways to ex­ erecting this building and if you can pand the Oregon hardwood industry contribute some time call on Scout­ ' have been under study by Jack Pfeif­ Lowell Stiffler, owner of Stiffler's Radio and tppliance store in Mill City, master Charles Kelly at the postoffice fer of the industrial relations section takes the helm for this year's Red Cross campaign. Delmer I Davidson of and make arrangements to put your j of the Oregon Forest Products lubora- Jefferson is the rural drive chairman for Marion county, Jack Lacy. Detroit “shoulder to the wheel”. tory on the Oregon State college * « * dam representative for CHI, will co-ordinate union and I management effort i campus. in the current Red Cross drive. Half the funds raised in this area will be Shields Remine, chairman of the Two major obstacles—lack of fani- shared with the Linn county chapter of the Red Cross. , according to Frank Lions club amateur show committee, I iliarity with hardwood operation tech­ M. I'archer, manager of the Marion announces that the date of this year's niques and with the market on the county chapter of the American Na­ amateur show is not far away—April part of the operators — have been tional Red Cross. 17th. He urges all who wish to take i largely responsible for the “off and Over 4,000 pints of blood were given part to register immediately at the I on” Oregon hardwood sales, Pfeiffer by citizens of Marion county through Mill City Furniture store. All con­ said. the American Red Cross to our fight­ testants will be invited to audition These two deficiencies have been ing men and to sick and injured at before the Lions club meetings on transmitted to the hardwood user who The state forestry department is home, in 1951. It cost the local chapter Monday evenings between now and the hesitates to purchase Oregon hard­ now examining cut-over forest lands I and the National Red Cross approxi­ date of the show. Prizes are being wood because of poor manufacture in Marion county to determine eligi-' mately $5.00 a pint to secure, process arranged for two age groups, one up and because he can not always be bility for classification as reforesta-1 and transport this blood. At the pres­ to ten and the other ten and over. sure of a steady supply. tion land under the Oregon forest fee ent time about two-thirds of the blood No charge for registration or entrance To help clear up some of the trou­ and yield tax law, according to Phil being taken in Marion county goes to fee, just your name and address with bles that have crippled Oregon hard­ Brogan, reforestatino director. Over 1 the armed forces. Blood is furnished the type of act you are going to wood output and to increase consumer 35,000 acres of privately owned land free of charge to anyone who needs it present. confidence, a satisfactory hardwood * * ♦ in the county are now on the refores- j at all hospitals in Marion county. log and lumber grading system will tation list. There never is any charge for Red Friday, March 28th, has been set be organized. Co-operating with the Preliminary word by the depart­ Cross blood and neither does anyone for the school consolidation election laboratory will be local hardwood in­ Ihe Red ( rim must cover the world these days—do your part— in Mill City, Gates, and Detroit-Idanha terests and the U. S. Forest Products ment indicates many more areas in have to replace blood use, although ► -r the call. by the county superintendent of laboratory at Madison, Wis. Marion county are eligible for classi­ friends and relatives are urged to re­ A large profit in the Oregon soft­ schools as a result of the petitions fication. Those areas have not been place blood used by a hospital patient included either because they were not if they can. circulated some time ago asking for wood field has long over-shadowed The charter granted the American this election. the potential hardwood industry. Most cut-over prior to the last classifica­ School officials are nearly 100% in lumber mill equipment is geared to tion in the county or because the land­ Red Cross by Congress states in part owners have not been aware of the that the Red Cross shall be a means favor of consolidation knowing the softwood production. A high-value benefits to be derived from this move, and high-caliber product would be features of the reforestation act, of communication between the armed forces aqd the people of the United but some individuals have been very marketed if operators were informed The deer problem got some working Brogan stated. Portland — More than $2,000,009 States. All branches of the service active in opposition, claiming for vari­ of minor. but important, adjustments Lands classified are removed from during the recent confab of the recognize the Red Cross as the official ous reasons that they wish to save i necessary for a switch-over, Pfeiffer worth of land, sea and air transporta­ over North Santiam Sportsman’s club in I the ad-valorem tax roll of the county agency for this purpose. tion equipment goes on display here their local school for the social activi- j said, placed on a special tax roll Mehama Women's club meeting and The same year Oregon became a ties it has provided, or that their chil-. Oregon hardwoods, according to Saturday when Portland’s huge Motor the whereby landowner pays a 5 cent Community sportsmen joined in per acre the state—1859—the Red Cross movement dren will have to travel long distances j preliminary research at the labora­ Show opens in the Pacific Interna­ hall. per year forest fee. Fire hashing out some decision about the Pavilion. to attend a high school located at a tory, compare favorably in physical tional patrol tax is assessed the same as was conceived. Both were born amid In addition to 108 new 1952 models, crop damage inflicted by the canyon’s under properties with Eastern and Southern central point. ad-valorem. At the time the suffering and bloodshed. Both owe deer population. there will be a costly array of antique • • * hardwoods. timber crop is harvested a 12% per their origin and development to pio­ Eager “either sex” deer hunt es- Ten Oregon hardwoods in order of autos, hot rods and custom, racing The benefits to be derived by a yield tax, based on the stumpage neers. Henri Dunant, a young Swiss sports cars. Luxury trailers, pousers voiced themselves first when cent better school are well known to most quantity are alder, tanoak, maple, and value of the timber, is made thus de­ businessman, pioneered the movement of us—a full schedule of high school madrone, California black oak, cotton­ trucks, airplanes and hydroplanes ex­ discussion opened. Game commission ferring the bulk of the tax burden to against indifference to human misery. the display. policy on deer hunting came in for cri- | time when the landowner is better Appalled by the neglect of wounded courses open to every one built into wood, Oregon white oak, ash, chin­ pand The famous Gold Cup champion ticism. Chief gripes were the drawing a able soldiers at the battle of Solferino be­ an economically sound and efficient quapin, and myrtle. pay. speed boat. Slo-Mo-Shun V, will be method of gaining a hunting permit i If to tween Italians and Austrians in 1859, unit. A 200-student body school has the present examination reveals sent here from Seattle for showing. and additional fees for special seasons. sufficient demand for additional class­ he recruited volunteers who began re­ been found to be the most economic The expanded auto show, Portland's Proponents of the status quo cited size school unit by state school offi­ a hearing will be conducted lieving the wounded distress. first in 13 years, will occupy all 11- better fencing and controlled doe ification, Dunant, moved by the spirit of the cials in a survey of all state schools. this year to decide if such classifica­ acres of the big North Portland plant. shoots as the only local measures war­ tion is in the best interest of the land­ Good Samaritan, gave it organization There is opposition to the consolida­ In the main arena. r $19,(W stage ranting attention. tion move by those who do not want owners and the county. The state rules, and a symbol—the red cross on show will be offered twice daily, star­ their children transported to a high forestry department will receive re­ a white background (the Swiss flag Evidence given during the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Umphress ring Henry Busse and his orchestra, indicated that damage in certain areas quests for classification from the with colors reversed). By 18(14 the school as far away as Gates or Mill stars Preston Foster and Sheila City from the Detroit-Idanha area. have been named voters registrars screen landowners, but such requests must Red Cross idea was formalized by the Arcy and a strong supporting cast. ran into thousands of dollars. Some be Children in that district are being for Mill City and the surrounding area D’ The filed with the state forester early Geneva convention, signed by 11 na­ farmers stated that some 20 to 25 deer show will be open from noon transported from Idanha to Detroit at for Linn county, according to informa­ enough for the lands to be examined tions. • were eating their crops and bedding Today the nation is girding its loins. this time and a few miles farther tion received from R. M. Russell, until midnight daily. down in their fields on a 24-hour-a- this summer and listed by Septem­ The Red Cross has undertaken the would certainly not be unreasonable county clerk. ber 1, 1952. day basis. The Umphresses' own the Chuck’s task of pacing its programs to the when those same children could at­ State officials sat in on the North crisis of the times. Todays’s commit­ tend a better credited school by such Shoe Shop on Broadway avenue in Santiam Sportsman Club assembly Mill City where they maintain hours ments, Red Cross officials say, consti­ numbering some 70 persons. Present Hutcheson Reports Real a trip. * * * of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. making it easy tute what may become the greatest for the state were Leg Sumwait, Larry challenge to the Red Cross in its 93— Then there is the argument of fi- to find and both Mr. and Mrs. Um­ Jack and Bert Walker. Estate Transactions year history. nancial cost of maintaining a high phress have authority to register citi­ “All airmen including pilots, me­ W. R. Hutcheson reports several school in the Detroit area, The taxa- zens for the coming elections. Registration for the Oregon spring chanics, and others must have their large real estate deals which have ble valuation in the Detroit-Idanha Miss Mikkelsen Honored been completed recently. The Marion district is very small and for that primaries closes on April 15, 30 days identification cards on their person at County Investment company have pur­ district to build a school on such a prior to the primary election. Six all times while performing their du­ By YW’ Choirmanship chased the Don GeSfcner place for the small valuation would be prohibitive— months residence in a community is ties,” Charles F. Horne, administrator Miss Sue Mikkelsen, 1951 graduate sum of $20,(MM). This place is located the moving of the present school build­ also required to be eligible to vote of civil aeronautics warned today. If a person is performing airman of Mill City high school, had con­ three miles east of Gates on highway ’ ing is possible, but is not economically at an election. I^e Logging, Kelly Lumber, CBI duties without having the proper proof ferred upon her the honor and duties 222, comprising about 90 acres of feasible. It is the hope of many tax- j of his qualifications on his person, he of promotion chairman of the YWCA land and a number of tourist cabins.1 Engineers, Chuck’s Tavern and Mill payers that the consolidation move I will be cited for a violation which on the University of Oregon campus Chuck’s Tavern is also located on the City Fire department have reserved carries, or many may be forced to go place, which was formerly known as rights in the coming softball season may involve a fine. in Eugene recently. out of business because of excessive according to Russ Kelly and Chet Fer­ Applicants for the airman identifi­ “Y News”, a campus bi-monthly the Dike ranch. taxes in order to support a high cation card must apply in person to publication sponsored by the campus school. The voters who do not have Amandus Frank of Stayton recently guson, league officials. Mill City firehal) was the scene of the local aviation safety district of­ "Y” will be under the able manager-| purchased the Steel ranch in central property taxes should be thoughtful Mill City grade school hits the front I fice, CAA, and present his airman ship of Miss Mikkelsen. of that argument when they go to Sue will Oregon, Hutcheson states, for the an important softball meet, Monday evening. Discussion on forming the the polls to cast their vote on the pages with something new. This time certificate, proof of place and date of also have charge of the campaign of sum of $42,500. consolidation issue—it could jeopard­ I it is a grade school annex. This new birth (birth record, passport, bap­ I I interesting next year’s crop of fresh- The Heath Ixrgging company has 1952 softball league play held the building will take on the usage norm­ tismal certificate, or affidavit from men girls in the “Y’s” program. Sue completed the purchase of the Squaw center of attention. Tentative ulans ize their community existence. ague and a ’twi- t«' ♦ • » ally given a classroom-music building. an individual having personal knowl­ will have as her propaganda mediums Creek ranch, located five miles east call for a six-team league We have no axe to grind in this Mill City’s thriving band and music edge of place and date of birth), and student parties, speeches and news- of Sisters, the purchasing price was light play schedule starts approxi­ mately the 20th of May. $75,000. matter, and as far as I am concerned department will get a boost from the two recent identical photos, full face, papers. The main reason for the twilight • it does not matter to me what the construction of a modern plant on one inch square. play is’ the getting of their teams results are. But what of the future Evergreen street facing Fourth street. lined up and ironing out of the play- Vital statistics on the multi-pur­ of the Detroit district? Is new busi- ers’ winter kinks by team managers, ness going to come in and face high pose structure now scheduled show Mrs. Philaine Digerness After this round of play will come building specifications of 104 by 28 (Continued on Page 3) the regular season softball under feet overall plus an eight foot wide Final Rites in Salem lights July 4th. Last year a record covered corridor on the south side of crowd enjoyed the softball games and the building. The new structure will The John Muir family attended the a brilliant fireworks display spon­ have a flat roof. I funeral services held Saturday for MONDAY— sored by the Mill City Fire depart­ A contract for $38,272.00 was let Mrs. Philaine Digerness, sister of Mrs. American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. ment and CBI. last week by the board to C. W. Hill Muir. The funeral was in Salem. Lions club meeting Further softball meetings are and Son, contractors of Salem. This Mrs. Digerness was quite well known A.F. A A.M. No. ISO stated meet­ newest addition to the Mill City grade in Mill City and had many good planned Monday evening, April 14 and ing third Monday. May 12. At these meetings entrance school plant will have its own individ-1 friends in this city. O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month. ual heating system. Mills Construe-1 Mrs. Muir’s sister visited Mrs. Irene fees and other important business will be transacted. There is room in tion company of Salem bid $42,200.00 Nettleton and Mrs. Telmer Iverson in TUESDAY— the pending schedule of play for one Women’s club 8 p m. 1st. 3rd Tues on this building, which will have two j Mill City several times in the past. or two more softball teams. All soft­ 129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues classrooms, one available as a music 1 Mrs. George Veteto. Mrs. John Swan ball players and softball enthusiasts room. Work on the building started of Mill City and Mrs. Joe Joaquin of Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday are welcome at the scheduled softball Gates also were present for the last week. Riders of the Santiam. 1st Tuesday this sessions in April and May. $33,755.00 allotted by the federal I rites for Mrs. Digerness. WEDNESDAY— government under Public Law 815 is 1 Boy Scouts, 7:30, H. S. Recreation immediately available for use on this City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m. Legion Auxiliary Plans building according to school board Legion Post Celebrates Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. members. Poppy Sale Strategy at Mill City fire hall. 33rd Anniversary Santiam Rebekah 160—1st and 3rd Mrs. Nell Stahlman and Mrs. Mar- American Legion post 58 observed Wed. at 8 p.m. Chinchilla Family Appears their thetta Jones will be co-hostesses for pot luck 33 anniversary with a Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p.m. the next meet of the Mill City Amer­ supper held in conjunction with the At Mill City Furniture PTA. second Wednesday 8 p.m. ican legion Auxiliary, The Legion business meeting at the Rebekah hall ladies will gather in the Stahlman THURSDAY— Ever see a chinchilla family? There in Lyons Wednesday evening. The home in Mill City, Monday night, Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d is a papa, momma and two kiddy anniversary was held on a nation wire The coming March 17, at 8 p.m. chinchilla on display in the Mill City basis of the March anniversary with and 4th Thursdays. Poppy campaign will be the focal Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p m Furniture store. The Marsh C hin- Mrs. Earl Allen, Mrs. Percy Hiatt, point of the evening’s business. American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs chilla ranch of Salem has the fur Mrs. George Huffman of Lyons and M rt. Tearly Muir, president of the bearing animals on show Friday and Mrs. Jabe IieJardin of Stayton as Garden club fourth Thursday I-egion Auxiliary raid, "We hope all hostes George Duncan was master Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs. Saturday. the members will turn out at this The Marsh ranch is the Salem rep- of ceremonies, during the supper hour Toastmistress Club, 2d & 4th, 7 p.m. meeting so that our Poppy program SOMEWHERE IN KOREA—(Special)—Crew chief Col. Ernest L. Po- resentative and associate of the Allied Cecil Bassett played several accordian FRID AT— drabsky of Mill City and armorer, I’fc. Charles R. Pierre of Salem, con­ can be discussed and planned. Any Fur Industry Inc. The chinchilla ex­ numbers, and Rev. and Mr*« R. A. 1.0 OF. meeting new members interested in joining our gratulate their pilot. Lt. David H. Poling of Albany, at the completion hibit has been made possible because Feenstra favored with vocal solos. Mill City IW’A meeting last Friday of inquiries about them from this Vice Commander Fred Louche from of another mission of “The Oregon Special”, jet plane manned by com­ Auxiliary can receive information at the Muir bakery. Dues are past due plete Oregon crew, now at an advance base in Korea. Farmers Union meeting at "Mehama area, according to Marsh ranch Mt. Angel was present and gave a man) and now payable.” ’ (Air Force Photo CO courtesy of The spokesmen. Woman's club, 2nd short talk. Stiffler Named Red Cross Chairman Mill City Area Oregon Hardwood Industry Studied Foresters Probe For Re-forestation Land Portland Auto Show Santiam Sportsmen Criticise Game Laws Opens Saturday Charles Umphresses Named Registrars Airmen Must Have Identification Cards ’52 Softball League Play Organized Construction Starts On New School Crete of The Oregon Spec aT Coming Events . . .