7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE February 2». 1952 Wants and Sales If It's in the Canyon» It's Advertised in The Enterprise! FOR SALE Alta fescue hay, 50c a. INSULATION—Owens-Corning Fib- i ates Stiffler’s radio and appliance bale. A. N. Pietrok, four miles) erglass Blowing Wool—finest in- J store on Santiam blvd. northwest of Stayton, Shaft road. ' sulation known to man. Save over ) Mrs. Eva Raines of Portland form­ 8-3p | 20 to 40% fuel costs. Phone col- j lect for estimates. AMERICAN Mr. and Mrs. Shields Remine are erly a Mill City resident, spent the See W. R. HUTCHESON IMPROVEMENT CO.. Salem, ph. vacationing in California, also visit­ weekend at the home of Mr. and Mr». HAVE CASH —For 27-ft. or larger Mill City 2-4687 or 2-8010. 6tf i ing in Pasadena with his brother. They Lee Dike. house trailer. Box 529. Mill City, FOR SALE — Wedgewood gas range 9-lp are expected back March 3. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Uniphress and practically new. Bargain. Don FOR RENT—Modern 3-room duplex LEGAL ADVERTISING Brotherton, Lyons, Ph. 235. 7-3p WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled apartment. Inquire Walt Peterson, Howard Bair is home from the hos­ family visited friends in Independence Swift’s addition or at Enterprise pital, but still must spend some time last Sunday. Doublas fir poles, delivered to NOTICE office. 9tf PLEASE LIST all available rooms, Lloyd Wells was a Eugene visitor Lyons yard. For further informa­ Personal property taxpayers are re­ in bed. He has had many visitors room and board, houses and apts. I tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 quired to file an invoice as of January among them his grandmother, Mrs. Sunday. FOR SALE—Newly decorated mod­ Write, telephone or visit Personnel1 Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745, 1st, 1952, with the Assesor for an Z. Zimmerman, and his uncle and aunt, ern house on 13 acres, new drilled Deot. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf assessment base. Assessment must Mr. ano Mrs. Russell Hoffstettder, all well, $4,500.00. N. M. Bond, Rte. Builders. Inc., Detroit Dam. be filed on or before March 2, 1952. from Addy, Wash. 1. Box 160, Lyons. Two miles east FOR SALE -4-in S.H. soil pipe. 83c Penalty provided after due date. of Mill City in Linn county. 9-3p TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma- The Presbyterian Missionary society per ft.; 5-ft. recessed steel tub $59; Trucks and automobiles carrying served the Lions club weekly dinner chines. We sell, rent, repair and 40-gal. hot water heater $85. State license plates, and furniture in FOR RENT—5-room house in Swift Monday evening in the Presbyterian swap all makes. Trade your old Rodich, Rt. 1, Box 28, Lyons. 7-6 private homes are exempt. addition, $50 a month partly fur­ machine towards a new one. Furniture in Hotels, Apartments recreation room. Mrs. Mel Robinson, nished. See Mrs. D. J. Nelson Jr., AUTO and home radio EXPERT ROEN. 456 Court St.. Salem. Roaming Houses are subject to Mrs. Lester Hathaway and Mrs. Lee Box 688, Mill City or The Enter­ service, 20 years experience, all and Bassett were in charge. taxation. prise. 6tf SPORTSMEN—Join the North San­ makes. Guaranteed _________ ___ service. If you have not received an assess­ Mr. and Mrs. Ford Wilson spent’ Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. tiam Sportsman’s club now. We are ment blank, please notify the Asses­ Sunday in Salem visiting his parents: SEE US FOR GOOD Real Estate devoted to game conservation and FOR SALE—See us for 18 or 19-inch sor’s Office. buys in Canyon area. Listings Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Duncan. propagation and need your help. passenger tires. Silver Saddle JOHN W. SHEPPARD, wanted. See GLEN SHELTON, Mrs. Marvin Keen and Mrs. Benny 1 Only $1.00 per year, you will have Service Station. 6tf 4-6 Linn County Assessor. salesman with C. E. COVILLE, * that much fun at one meeting. McCreary spent Friday in Salem. i Broker, west side Mill City. Phone Mrs. McCreary took her dog, Cobena,' Enquire at Enterprise office, or see WANTED- Modern, old and antique 2207. 52tf I Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s. 9 to the veterinarian. fire-arms. Broken and incomplete Barbara Kenslow has joined her guns wanted for parts. Write and TARPS—Tents, new and used. Selec­ STOVES—Heaters and ranges, in oil family in Indio, Calif. She was a MMM describe what you have to Art By MRS. EVA BRESSLER or wood. Save at tion of sizes. student in the Mill City high school. Boyce, 705 Idlewood Dr., Salem. Red's Hill Top Trading Post Red's Hill Top Trading Post M rs. J. M. Dickinson from Salem Recent visitors at th# James Hol- 8-3p WE SELL BETTER lings head home were their daughter has been visiting her daughter and CARS FOR LESS! NEED A TELEPHONE.’ — Stop in and family Mr. and Mrs. Ray Adams family, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree, and see the new Lech combination of Cloverdale. for the past two weeks. desk or wall phone, also used Mrs. Monroe Walker and Lowell Stiffler was in Portland on phones from $10.00 up. Telephone Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Loren Walker went to business Tuesday. Mr. Stiffler oper and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. SALEM, ORE. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. Seattle, Friday where they visited 1105 N. Front St with relatives returning home Sunday 4 PLUMBING SUPPLIES —Pipe fit­ evening. Lyons Phone: Salem Phones: Stayton tings, toilets, sinks, washbowls, “Good News for the Man and His 143 2-1924; Night 2 4417 bathtubs, showers, etc. Bargain World’’ will be the theme for Rev. prices. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. Rinke A. Feenstra’s morning message IT PAYS TO BUY AT HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY next Sunday at 11 a.m. at the Lyons i HOME! • FOR SALE — Chevrolet parts from and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons Gates, Ore. wrecked car. See Silver Saddle Methodist church, March 2. It will Including D8 and HD14 Cats, and 3i-yard shovels. Service Station. 47tf be the Week of Dedication for the RUBY and JOHNNY Methodist people of this district and Complete Rigging Outfit, YVinch Trucks, Low-bed Trailers WANTED — Poles. Piling, Barkies; we will place our gifts upon the altar unpeeled Douglas Fir poles wanted for World Compassion and Service, “AMUSEMENT FOR delivered Fox Valley, Ore. Length March 8 to 16, will be the period of CARBURETION 30 to 80 feet, phone evenings Lyons KSSïœ «XJOCOtXSKSOCM R5OCKKMX aX W« WMQtbtWuXX «XX X:x>OC«X■tœXK’S.'M EVERYONE” 82, days Portland ATwater 2346. United Evangelistic Mission and the McCormick Piling & Lumber Co., guest minister will be Rev. Harold and S Board of Trade Bldg., Portland. Burleson of Myrtle Creek. Mrs. John Prideaux, superintendent Ore. 37tf Firestone Batteries and IGNITION of the Community Methodist Sunday school and Miss Marjorie Prichard, 4 REAL ESTATE ( RANKSHAFT GRINDING New Hastings Spark Plugs Miss Joyce Hargreaves and Miss Shir­ I ♦ WHEN IN SALEM Two-bedroom, unfinished house in ley Nydegger attended the Youth Con­ VOUTAG E R EGULATORS Visit Mill City, cement foundation, comp, clave held in Sweet Home over the S5.00 Trade In On a New Battery GENERATOR REPAIRS “HUDSON CITY” roof, cedpr siding located in new weekend. L'or a Limited Time Only Mrs. Charles Power and little son addition of Mill City for only $2,000, Home of GOOD Used Cars Vincent left for Cloverdale, Calif. $500 down, $40 per month. TIRES, TUBES AND ACCESSORIES—NEW MODERN DISPLAY Tuesday morning, called there by the Two bedroom modern house, very neat COME AND AND SEE IT! HUDSON andc lean, large rooms, Mill City, illness of her father Mr. Syrel. Sales — Parts — Service Mrs. Marvin Edwards and children close to schools, for $3,800, terms. SILVER SADDLE FOR SALE Low price house located Carol and Dale with her mother Mrs. SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT in Marion county side of Mill City. Byron Bates of Gates went to Glen­ Phone 2403 Mill City Phone 903 MILL CITY Two bedrooms dow’nstairs and two wood to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Next to Mar Dean Cafe 316 N. Church St. Phone 3-9101 usable bedrooms upstairs. Bath­ Clyde Morgan for over the weekend. room remodeled recently, nice large While there they assisted the Morgans lot, with apple and nut trees, $3,750. in moving to Forest Grove. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. FRED A. LINDEMANN and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead was his I sister Mrs. Viola Eckles and grand­ — Public Accounting — daughter Patty Mace from Four Mile. Real Estate — Insurance Gail Prichard who has been con­ LYONS, OREGON fined to the Shriners hospital in Port­ land for several months has returned to the home of his parents Mr. and PASSENGER CARS — 2- and 1-WHEEL DRIVE Angelus •> Platt Mrs. William Prichard. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. STATION WAGONS and Mrs. Forrest Nydegger was her Traveleze brother Ted Downing and his recent 4-W.D. PICKUPS - JEEPS bride from Merrill, Ore., also Mr. and PANKUS Mrs. Merlin Ford and his sister Rose Boles-Aero from Redmond. Mrs. Vaughn Hunt has returned to the home of her parents Mr. and NEW AND USED Immediate Delivery Mrs. Forrest Nydegger after spend­ ing two weeks in Southerlin. at the ALL SIZES home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hunt, and Mr. Real Bargains in Used 4-WD. Pickups * and Mrs. Rance Hunt. and Jeeps PARTS AND SUPPLIES Mr. and Mrs. Lee Putman, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. All Peddicord, and Lo­ H raine Peddicord from Durham, Calif., ■ were Sunday dinner guests at the 8 « home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Put­ 8 in the afternoon the group man. ■ S ALBANY — 2 Miles South on 99E drove to the Detroit dam. 8 SALEM, OREGON W. O. Julian from Auburn. Wash., « visited at the home of his brother, Mt. and Mrs. Albert Julian, and his mother Mr». Catherine Julian. •y • Thomas Putman, principal of the Mari-Linn school reported Monday morning one teacher Mrs. Martha Poole, and 25 pupils out of approxi­ mately 165 absent due to illness,. oh »: ¡s st st st» st st n st st st HHnnnustHnnnp ♦ T Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye returned J Dan River Prints. Children's Books. , DR. R. ROY QUICK home the last of the week after a ♦ Wool Scarfs. Stamped Pillow Cases, f DENTIST Chiropractic Physician ♦ trip with their son, Lynn to California. Telephone 2261 for Appointment J Blankets. Handkerchiefs. Nylons | ♦ Lynn who is in the U. S. Air Force Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Tuesdays: 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. was to report for over-seas duty. Thursdays: 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton, Ore. ♦ Office in Jenkins Bldg.. Mill City ♦ ♦ APARTMENTS—For rent. 3-bedroom home for sale. MILL CITY AVON COSMETICS See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, green house north of Santiam Garage. Telephone 926, Box 658, Mill City. 3tf LYONS Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Jerry's Tavern g Featuring: SHROCK'S HEIDT S AUTO ELECTRIC TRAILER HOMES New Willys South Side Trailers Elsner Motor Co Business Directory - Professional Expert Body Work J : Hendricson’s Store! NATURALLY HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN A Friendly Place To While Away Attorney» at Law 180 N. Commercial SALEM Phone 3-6412 Your Idle Hours How to Treat VERNES RICHARD’S Painful BARBER SHOP For It, kt, blessed relief It chin», simple Piles, eet CHINAROID from your drucflst. Bee now fust it usually soothes swsy puln. soreness, ttehln». nerv­ ousness Bee how It cools fiery burntn» and helps shrink and heal swollen tissues. Wonder-soothin» CHINAROID must prove a blessln» to you or money back Is »uaranteed 2nd * Broadway Mill City Hours: 10 to 7 WOOD’S STORE TAVERN GATES WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME General Dry (ioods NOTIONS LINGERIE RE.XDY-TOWF.AR HOSIERY LUZIERS COSMETICS Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON nOHQOQCX gXKOaXKX9QQ490Oda90aXSC «B B gnm»pt»angBfggPl> StHB u DBokiD IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE MJ10 PMHTlUc : HARLOW L. WEINRICK MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVIL E W EDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INVITATIONS at The Mill City Enterprise Garbare, ashes, trimmings. etc. weekly nickuns SI.50 ner month HEART ATTACK OR INDIGESTION? Attorney nt Ia»w i SIS Broadalbin Albany I-eonard Herman Phone 3952 I £HBBaajaDas><>aiibiJBCiH»0AanBB THANK HKAVCNS' Moot ■'.tacks sre JuitaeM ln<4>»r>uon. When It itnkes. taka Ball-ans Free Estimates Genuine Chevrolet Parts USE OUR BUDGET PLAN Balance Can Be Arranged to Suit Budget Gene Teague Chevrolet Chevrolet Sale« and Service STAYTON, ORE.