Mill City Hi-Liles February 21, 19.'»2 -THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mill City Grade School By GARY PETERSON Apparently someone reads this weekly piece of classical literature. As I sat down to write this aforesaid literary gem, I noticed a letter Third Grade which was about me—and my writing. Sylvia Peterson was absent thia A few things, though, I would like week with the flu. to straighten out. In the first place, Sixth Grade this writer is responsible only for Helen Anne Joiner and John Cuts- writing this column—-notice the head­ forth were absent Monday the 18th. ing- about Mill City high school news, both were back in school again on and not sports reporting. When I wrote about the Gates game, I thought Tuesday.— Michael Peterson. that there was going to be a full ac­ Boy Scout News count of that game in the paper. When the meeting opened there Secondly, I wopl<| like to state that were four boys, but the rest of them there are much larger gymnasiums showed up later. On the subject of than either Gates’ or Mill City’s, being late, too many boys have been namely Lincoln hi school in Portland, late. There's going to be something that are called crackerboxes or “dark done about it. Some of the bigger holes”, The reason the score was boys were not there because of the not printed in this column last week basketball tournament. was because this writer sat on a side One of the patrols studied the flag. of the floor where it was impossible The other patrol studied field signals. to see the scoreboard clearly or to Next week will be a court of honor, know accurately what the score was. some of the boys will bring cakes I wouldn’t say that the game for a lunch. All parents and friends are invited to attend the court of itself was unnecessarly rough—on honor at the high school next Wednes­ either side. Admittedly there were remarks in that particular paragraph day at 7:30.—Tony Boothby. which could and should have been 7th grade left out—I am sorry. Harold Kliewer was absent Monday Mill City lost another one to Sub­ the 18th.—Bruce Thomas. limity this time on the Saints’ home Sth Grade floor by a nine point deficit. Dunno The 7th and Sth grades saw a what the final score was. Tch, tch. movie in technicolor about oil. Members of the Mill City high We had achievement tests Tuesday school band enjoyed the concert Fri­ through Thursday of last week. day night of Rafael Mendez, the The Girl Scouts held a meeting “World’s Greatest Trumpeter”. Trum­ Wednesday last week to discuss how pet-playing members of the band, many meetings a month they should knowing the technical problems of lip have, and whether they should wear position, breathing, fingering, tongue- their uniform on every meeting day. ing, sluring, and so forth, were as­ A Girl and Boy Scout party was tounded at the ease with which the held at the fire hall — Thursday night, maestro played difficult variation of Each Scout brought a Valentine for “Carnival in Venice” using all three exchanging. Games were played and valves and only one finger. The con­ refreshments served. cert was held in the Salem high audi­ Gates played Mill City grade school torium and the Willamette University band accompanied Mendez, Saturday I Friday afternoon on our floor. Barbara Podrabsky morning a clinic for bandleaders and trumpet-players was held to help correct difficulties in playing, Sev- Quality Job Printing at era) students from M. C. H. S. were The Mill City Enterprise fortunate to get his autograph. A bunch of the guys went fishing on the coast last weekend. Caught a couple, I think. The Teen Canteen is still there. Evidently some of the Canyon Kids have forgotten its whereabouts — in the fire hall, There’s a feminine problem there not enough skirts show up. The Explorer Scouts are going again. This is for boys of 14 or over, There are many activities in this branch of scouting camping, fishing. parties, (co-educational ones), com­ munity projects, possibly a baseball • what a comfort it is, in team this summer, and so forth. time of serious illness, to Interested? Meeting Monday night know that hands—skilled at 8:15 in the Presbyterian recreation and experienced in the room. You’re invited. NEWS 1 Girods Super Market i O^ THE HIGHWAY at STAYTON LARGE SHRIMP FROZEN 12 oz. 69c LARGE BISQUICK 39c (RISCO 3-lb can ß5c JELLO or JELLO PUDDING 1 pkg. 29c No. 2 SANTI AM BEANS 19c PONDS FACIAL TISSUE 300 Site 2 for 45C 2-lb SUNSHINE KRISPY KRÄC KERS 49c 1 task assigned—serve you with painstaking care. Your prescription is im­ portant to you—and to us. M-D TISSEE 3 for 29c ORANGE. PINEAPPLE. GRAPEFRUIT. BLEN DED or HUNT’S TOMATO JUICE SI.00 EGGS ARE DROPPING! OUR FRESH EGGS FROM THE FARM WHICH WE CANDLE yOR YOUR PROTECTION WILL BE AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. 4 • Çet 'faune Large Eggs ITS BULK — 'ut After sometiiing to burned, the pile of ashes is usually much, smaller than the original substance This is not true in all cases; for some substances Increase in bulk when they are burned A good example of this is the common substance, ammonium dlchromate, which increases its bulk nearly ten times by being burned. The result­ ing heap of ashes is very porous and full of air. This substance is often used in commercial fireworks. Les’s Tavern MILL CITY A FRIENDLY FAMILY ATMOSPHERE PREVAILS muinai Gooch Logging Supply % b Everything for the Logger" BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP E 1 think of all man’s customs, And this one is the creepiest: He goes to bed when he’s wide awake And gets up when he’s sleepiest! Phone 1141 Phone 116 Sweet Home, Philomath Branch Store Lyons You should see the house we lived in when I was a kid. It was so old, it was already paid for! Women get all the attention in this world Just stop and think: when a man is born, everybody says “How’s the mother?” When he gets married, they say "What a lovely bride!” And when he dies, they all ask. “How much did he leave her?” * ■ Cooked Food Sale 10:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M March 1, 1952 AT .MILL CITY MEAT MARKET HILL TOP GENERAL STORE § V a a a . s Alt Building Supply Needs Kelly Lumber Sales AT 4 Jerry's Tavern WILL BE 45c Per Dozen or Cheaper BURNING A SUBSTANCE DOES NOT ALWAYS DECREASE > Heard on Don McNeill * "Breakfast Ch' If a man love the labor of any trade, apart from any question of success or fame, the gods have called him.—Robert Louis Stevenson. John Han't? Furbay, Ph D. by McHeill Junior had just returned from his first visit to a farm where he had seen lots of pigs and several lit­ ters of offspring. To his mother’s query as to what he found most interesting, he replied “A lot of little piggy banks robbing one big piggy bank.” J NOW! with MRS. J. H. JOHNSTON Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Nelson who have spent the winter here left Thurs­ day for Cornelius where they plan to stay a short time. Mrs. Clair Humphreys was here from Myrtle Creek. She came Fri- day night and stayed over Saturday with the Johnston families. Her brother and family took her to Albany Sunday afternoon where she took the bus for Myrtle Creek. Mrs. Wells Gage was a Monday | a.m. caller at Mrs. Jack Johnstons. Quite a number of families have been having “flu” lately. Several children were absent from school a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Nelson went to Banks the last week they are con­ ducting church services there for a time. Last week Paul Scheiwek and family, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Wells Gage and Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Nelson spent Satur­ day at the coast. The Dakota folks hadn’t ever seen the Pacific Ocean. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Rodich and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grover Rodich in Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Chamberlain and family moved to Lebanon, Sat­ urday. They have sold their plare in Fox Valley to Mr. and Mrs. Al Lautzer, and bought a home in Leba­ non. The Lautzers are moving to the Chamberlain place and may either rent or sell their house near the Apple Tree court. Mr. and Mrs. John Neal were Sun­ day visitors at the O’Neil home. Äy Prevent forest fires, KEEP ORE­ I GON GREEN. tlr.Vuqc/els Recognition won by University of Southern California students re­ cently included James E. Cooke, Mill City, who has been elected treasurer of the Knights, junior-senior men’s service honorary. Cooke, a junior at SC, is majoring in zoology. He was graduated from Salem senior high school. 4S-oz. can ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup were Portland visitors last Sunday. Mrs. Walkup remained over to attend to business matters Monday. Rev. William Turnbull, Bobby Drew and Shelby Umphress were Corvallis visitors Monday afternoon to attend a fellowship meeting of their church. The Stiffler and Veteto families were Sunday visitors in Salem at the Bob Mathers home for Sunday dinner. John Muir and David Kelly were in Portland Monday on Legion busi­ ness. The Don Jenkins children have been home a few days this week with the flu. Mrs. Isaac Roberts of River Road in Mill City suffered a light heart attack early this week. Mrs. Charles Ball, Mrs. Perry Mason and Mrs. Ernie Brown have been taking turns staying in Mrs. Roberts home at night to care for her. Mrs. Lloyd Wells has been ill for the past several days at her home. Our early snowfall this year did some good. It made a lot of neigh­ bors return lawn mowers so thcv could borrow snow shovels James E. Cooke Becomes Treasurer of SC Knights The DEBUNKER MILL CITY Fox Valley NEW RETAIL LOCATION: East City Limits on Highway 222 Phone 3215 MILL CITY Gates. Ore. RUBY and JOHNNY PICNICS I AMUSEMENT FOR EVERYONE” 39c » AVACODOS r 2 for 19c A steady U. S. Treasury bond buy­ er from his company since 1942. Carmi Messmore, right, an em­ ploye of the Kewanee < Ill. > Boiler Corp., received congratulations from Arm’s treasurer. Edward F. Wickham. - RADISHES and ONIONS and <1 WITH AN FHA COOP' TITLE 1 LOAN ? Spark Plugs « PfP UP ENGINfS . . . SAVE GAS . . . LAST LONGER SAVE at Girods AT STAYTON With a Title I loan you can re roof, repaint, re­ model. insulate, add a room, improve your yard, install heating system, install new plumbing, or make other improvements. You simply sign a note for the amount required and pay it off in 12 to 36 months. It’s the simplest loan plan ever devised. Any homeowner is eligible for a Title One Loan. Come in and let us explain this loan in detail. Have the improvements you’ve wanted NOW! Herr it the greatest single improvement in spark plug design yet made! *5'^ plus alumina . . . unbreakable at any engine heat; impervious to moi slurry gasea. Four times greater heat rondue* livily. Ten times greater elrrtncal re- •istanee. 100' < compression proof Fnjoy this result of jet engine re- search: bring to your rar this newly developed spark plug power, smooth performance, MM superb operating economy. AT YOUR CO-OP B ackache Ptor quk-fc \ 4 CALIFORNIA CARROTS 3 bunches 25c Pay Cash MODERNIZE, REPAIR OR ADD ROOM Mp for BorkorlM. Rheumatic huu» Oeuinf Up Nifht*. ttron< cloud* urn*. IrrtUMHMI p***afea Leo Paint, circles under tree. aud »wolien anhie®, due to non-orwanic and non-tyaWmlc Kidney and Bladder trouble», try Cvttea. Quick. co»’ plete ret i«*' » «•»•*? • ach guaranteed, A*k your dru. »Ui for C a <«*■>• Santiam Farmer.* Co-op Stas ton. Oregon lOCX MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. Phone LYONS. ORE