The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MILL CITY. OREGON DON PETERSON, Publisher 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE February 21, 1952 •'JOE BEAVER Editorial Comments Entered as second-elnss matter November 10. 1944 at the post office at Mill City. Oregon, under the Act of March 3. 1879 TERRORISTS AND GOVERNMENT primary importance it nonmilitary It took the FBI to round up the defense measures and of improving Ku Kluxers who terroriied one of the and humanizing the military establish­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for $1.00. counties in North Carolina. Ten were ment. While UMT would subject The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in­ sertion Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display rounded up on charges of kidnaping youth at a younger age to the dangers Advertising 45c column inch. Political Advertising 75c inch. and inflicting bodily injury on two of military life, many risks exist also persons. Both were whites. The under Selective Service. Absorption FBI entered when it was learned the of the individual into an official NEWSPAPER NATIONAL EDITORIAL \ Kluxers had taken their captives machine, medical regimentation and PUBLISHERS across the State line to administer the denial of religious rights, the ASSOCIATION bodily punishment. State or County exposure to brutalizing and demoral­ authorities could have acted but they izing influences—all these are present either failed to act or stepped aside in dangerz demanding active efforts to combat. Those efforts should ap- favor of the federals. "THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS military authority with —George Pu’ am. There is altogether too mdch terror­ p roach ism in this country. It crops out friendly recognition of its difficulties North and South. In the South and its devotion to duty, but with usually it is directed against Negroes , inisistence that the defense of free-- as in Florida. »In the North it is dom need not destroy essential values Reports of flying saucers over Korea has its thought provoking side. part of the war of the mobsters over of freedom.— From Christian Science Many defend the position that there are such things. Others just mutter, gambling and other rackets. This Montior. "nuts”! If we assume there are flying saucers—what then? The conscious eats into the very vitals of govern­ mind seeks a jiigeon hole for (he things. The politician whose mother was ment, for the government which can­ A GAME OR A PROBE? scared by a "red" yells—i-ommunists are flying the strange craft. That man not protect life and property is a The House subcommittee digging or woman tossed about roughly on life’s seas, sighs—"must be men from feeble instrumentality. The orig­ into corruption in the Bureau of In­ inal basis for government was to another world.” ternal Revenue has spirited away to We are interested in a habit that "flying saucers" have, namely that of maintain order under law. When the Washington four cabinets of confi­ just lurking—actually harming little if anything. We are not alone in noteing terrorists ride and commit mayhem | dential files destined for presentation this—an author fathered a book on the thenie. "another world watching . and murder and go unpunished the to a Brooklyn, N.Y., grand jury im­ We do not have at our finger-tips the record of events wherein flying saucers foundation of government is threat­ paneled to dig also into charges of figur<-d, but they have curiously mixed at times with important happenings, ened.—The Statesman corruption in the same agency. And such as atom bomb tests represent. I nited Nations' night bombing runs in the average American seems sure w to llll'IVi' IVT/I I’UT ‘ »CCI1I3 suie Korea are but another vital thing in our lives. EDGING INTO LMT UMT usk, what goes on? * * ¥ Political observers in Washington Representative King says his Since flying saucers are something out of the ordinary, we venture some­ are still persuaded that Congress is group feared the Treasury Depart- thing about them. Suppose the unusual "things” are the “coming to life" unlikely to put I mversal Military ment was going to get the evidence of our group conscience. By conscience we mean that halo-clad figure who tiaining into effect this year. But back and suppress it. Maybe Maybe so. so. __ l>ars our abuse of a neighbor. These “conscience saucers” gently coax us some of its advocates are striving to The assistant attorney general in into use of the atom and military might for the general welfare of the life push it through as an emergency i of this world only. These “conscience saucers” exist because it is very clear measure, and they have devised tactics [ charge of the Justice Department’s that our work-day minds can build well, but guide blindly. which should alert all citizens who crimminal division tells reporters the The untouchable conscience of each of us is all too easily spirited to the question efforts to embed the plan as appropriation of the files certainly will make things "tougher” for his attic when the show-downs come on the individual rights and liberties of a permanent part of the American office. Which suggests that some another. When the going gets rough, we go gingerly another direction— system. just so it is away from the problem. We must hope for and get that state The measure adopted by the House * sort of game is being played between of things when a man, be he white, black, yellow or what-have-you may Armed Services Committee illustrates the House probers and the Justice Department, each trying to keep the speak and act freely and at his pleasure on all things. Our “conscience thes tactics. It does not provide any other from scoring first. saucers” are our "big brothers"—they see to it that we do not allow things date for setting the plan in motion. We doubt the public would be too Retting entirely out of hand. So long as we behave ourselves in Korea and This appears to make it almost mean­ with the atom—just so long we will not have our britches warmed by proper ingless. But actually a starting date patient with playing football on this can be inserted by floor amendments gridiron. It wants corruption rooted means. The same Rites for our daily lives. or by Senate committee. Moreover out of the agency that collects its ¥ ¥ ¥ taxes and, to mix metaphors, to let We do not believe man is interested in or capable of wipinR himself off the plan could be put in effect by the chips fall where they may. executive order restricting Selective the face of this earth “Conscience saucers" stand Ruard that this shall Except for some lapses, Representa­ never happen. We assiRn shape and movement to flyinR saucers because we Service to ages above 19. This provision is designed to over­ tive King’s subcommittee has been see what we believe, just as we speak it. Let us lend beauty also to the form of “conscience saucers" by cloaking them in the fine thoughts that created come a major obstacle to early opera­ doing a businesslike and responsible Brotherhood Week. This Week and its copies should be used for the occasion tion of UMT—the conflict with Selec­ job. The Justice Department did tive Service. Selective Service is drag its feet outrageously with the for not causing “conscience saucers" concern. dealing with the immediate military St. Louis and San Francisco grand iiiuiiiiinitiii UN UN IUI Ml IlftiMimiMI need. Figures on its requirements juries. If the House group has rea­ have also indicated that for several son to suspect more foot-dragging in years it would be calling up practic­ Brooklyn, it should say so. Other-1 DR. MARK ally all the available youth—leaving wise, by removing what may be none for UMT. Now it appears that valuable documentary evidence the if there is a truce in Korea the draft subcommittee would seem to be giving might be lightened—giving UMT an the Justice Department a wonderful REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST opening. “alibi” if it should want one, let alone I Another strange provision of the’ obstructing the course of justice.— Will be at his Mill City office in the Jenkins Building House bill is one barring boys taken ( From Christian Science Monitor. Thursday afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. into UMT at 18 from being called into Also Thursday evenings by Appointment active service. Chairman Russell of> the Senate Aarmed Services Commit­ 'larch of Dimes Lassie HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST. ALBANY tee calls this an impossible provision. The reason is fairly obvious: the man­ IUM1WU power situation does not permit cut­ ting off the major source of supply— youth just coming of age. Such strained afforts to paste UMT onto Selective Service arouse serious questions. This newspaper recognizes Headquarters for the need for a better reserve, but does not accept the view that UMT is nec­ BOY’S WEARING APPAREI essary to obtain it. Under the pres­ 2 to 16 Years ent draft act—which runs until 1955 —each man called up is automatically , placed in the reserves for six years after his active service ends. This means that the reserve is provided ■ for until 1963. That fact removes much of the pressure for UMT—unless one accepts the argument that it must be enacted while the nation is alerted to danger. It is true that peacetime apathy has too often imperiled the United States’ One Door South of Model Food Market defensive powers. We have the im­ pression that some opponents of UMT do not adequately recognize that problem and do not offer any prac­ ticable alternative means of dealing 339 N. High, SALEM Open Friday Night ’Til 9 with it. But there is reason to believe that for some years to come the threat will be evident enough to pre­ vent apathy. This newspaper has frequently TIMELY SERVICE pointed to dangers in UMT which .CM LANS made us reluctant to favor it as a per­ manent system. Since Selective Serv­ ice is meeting the present military need and also providing for the re­ Six-year-old Gayle Sirrine. serve for st least 10 years, there is of West Linn. (Ire., can hold time for further study of all such I her doll next to her now that problems, Therefore we object to I she is out of an iron lung. March of Dimes funds have pressure tactics. provided all care in her two- Along with the best military estab­ and-a-half year fight against lishment that can be obtained without polio. January is March of needless or needlessly permanent mili­ Dimes month. tarization of the country, we urge the ' Stand Guard IAHUIIICIM Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture No flood or tillage problems here, thanks to your good watershed management, Joe." From where I sit... fy Joe Marsh Jiggs Gets Four "Kot-Foots" Cappy Miller's bought himself a new car. We won't be seeing his old jalopy bouncing over the back roads any more. I’m going to miss it, too. Many a morning Cappy and I drove off in that rattletrap for a day's hunting or fishing. We’d pile rods or guns in back, and prop open the trunk compartment—so Jiggs, Cappy’s pointer, could jump in and go along. They say when Cappy brought the new car home he opened up the hood to show off the engine—. and poor old Jiggs hopped right in! Figured it was the trunk. He hopped right out in a hurry, too. That cylinder head was mighty hot. From where I sit, old habits are hard to shake, once they get a hold. Like, for instance, too many people are still in the habit of trying to run their neighbors' lives — tellmg them how to act. what to wear, whether or not to enjoy a refreshing glass of beer. I say that kind of thinking's out­ moded . . . ought to be turned in for a new model! Copyright, 1952, United States Breuers Foundation I DOG THE BOY'S SHOP New Location After March 1st: 265 North High License Due Fees in LINN County: Penalty after March 1st: Male $2.00 Spade Female $2.00 Female $3.00 Male $4.00 Spade Female $4.00 Female $5.00 Make Money Order or Checks Payable To Frank Caraway, Deputy Sheriff OR MILL CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT ■ TODAY’»! feature RICHFIELD OIL AND SERVICE Next Time You Need An Oil Change CLOSING OUT SALE TREMEN DOI S VALVES! EVERYTHING MI ST GO! W E \Rl t.n ING 3 Ol ( ABBAGE, New Imperial Valley, th ONIONS, No. 2. 10-lh bag Hl NT’S TOMATO JVI( E. 46-oz. tin Government Forces Us To Vacate Now! We have complete line of Clothing—We ha\e Notions Clydes Richfield Service MILL CITY Specializing in PROMIT. ( (H’RTEOl S. \ND COMPLETE SERVICE FOR \l.l. ( ARS AND TRI’CKS VALUES VALUES! BALDWIN'S DETROIT. ORE. VELVEETA CHEESE. 2-Ib loaf TIDE. Lartre TIDE, (liant 1 7c 49c 25c 89c 29c 79c Hill Top Market MILL CITY