Canyon Avenue Parade T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATBS ID \MI \ LYONS MEHAMA MONGOL!) By DON PETERSON This week has been proclaimed ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE "Advertising Recognition Week” by the governors of the eleven western states. So this week we salute our $2.50 a Year, ]()<•« Copy Vol. VIII—No. » Mil l. CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1952 advertisers for their loyal support of this newspaper. We urge your sup port them. I wish to point out a few facts of interets to our readers. Let me start by quoting from an article sent out by the Oregon Advertising club: “What no advertising? No adver- tising at all? To be truthful some might hail this as a relief—but only The last Mill City council meeting stirred up a hornet’s nest. «A suggestion for a time. Then you would dis was made at this council meet that a thirty minute parking limit be imposed cover an aching void—the market upon those motorists parking in the shopping area around the Dawes building. places of the finer things _ —the goods As result of this move, businessmen in the area immediately affected are up and services that make your life in arms. easier, more comfortable and health The severe scarcity of parking in the area on Saturdays and late Friday ier would only be available at tire afternoons is all too clear as all will admit. Those who are protesting the some personal effort. The aching -------------------------------------------------- •—-move for a thirty minute parking void would result in aching feet and limit do not feel a thirty minute limit heads before you found what you wanted. Remember, Advertising They concede iiirKi.:?,! might he in order Recognition Week focuses the spot during the period of extreme crowded light on the fact that advertising is conditions. a servant in your home, in every body’s home serving you always. The council’s attention to the “Advertising spreads the American Members of the Santiam Lions crowded parking problem on North market place before you every day club conducted an Investiture Cere First Avenue was drawn by the law to heln you select the finer goods, mony recently to mark the beginning enforcement body of Mill City. The ♦he more efficient services with min of a reorganized Explorer Post 49. state police have impressed upon the imum shopping effort.” The Post, which is now sponsored by local officials the need for clearing * * • the Lions club, has a membership of the main thoroughfare for through 14 Roy Chase, Gary Peterson, Rich traffic. The suggestion of a thirty Here is some more information ard Verbeck, Tom Kanoff, Maurie minute parking limit was in line with published recently by Dun & Brad Bassett, Richard Lovel, Goerge this idea of eliminating a hazardous street: Rambo, Donald Nesbitt, Alan Ray, condition. “95% of all failures in business are Arthur Hedge, Dean Gluntz, Dale from the ranks of non-advertisers . Certain it is that next council meet Andreasen, Kenny Andrews, and La- ing will find the businessmen of the . . ONLY 5% of those that fail are Verne Whaley. The group, complet area of the Mill City Furniture Store advertisers . . . Competent business ing the program of scouting in Mill and the Dawes building well in attend men scale their advertising investment RECENTLY “ THIS WEEK" REPRINTED SOME SOVIET CARICATURES OF GOD WHICH HAD City, is for boys 14 years old and ance. Spokesmen of this group of in proportion to gross sales. Then APPEARED IN A RUSSIAN PUBLICATION. "THE ATHEIST AT HIS BENCH". THEY WERE VERY over. they use their advertising on a pro business people have expressed the The Post Committee, presided over idea that a better solution can be gram basis so as to follow a systema INTERESTING AND REVEALING, FOR THEY 8HOWE1) HOW FAITHFULLY THE SOVIET PROPA by E. D. Cooke, consists of Evan worked out. These people feel that tic plan . . . GANDISTS ARE FOLLOWING THE SUPER-RACIAL LINE OF HITLER ANI) GOEBBELS. THE ♦ ♦ ♦ Yates, Ed Goschie, Chet Ferguson, the problem will become non-existant CHRISTIAN GOD IS REPRESENTED AS A RANTING BABBITT WITH HORN-RIMMEI) SPECTA and Lee Ross, secretary. Carl H once the free-way highway now under “The following percentages of gross CLES; THE HEBREW JEHOVAH IS A LEERING PAWNBROKER WITH FRIZZY BEARI) AND A Kelly is post adviser, and Robert surfacing contract comes into being. sales are usually followed, according Wingo is institutional representative. DERBY HAT; THE MOSLEM ALLAH IS A FAT. EXHAUSTED SENSUALIST WITH WATERY EYES to surveys made by recognized outhor- At the present time, certain areas The Boy Scouts, the Lions club, around the Mill City State Bank are AND DROOLING MOUTH. ities: and others have co-operated in the marked off as non-parking areas, Department stores 2.5%. THE POLITICAL BIGOTRY WHICH IS ESSENTIAL LN THE MONOLITHIC SOVIET STATE purchase of a 25 by 48 school build principally because the area abutts Men’s stores 3.3%. ing for a Scout cabin to be situated sharply on the right-of-way of high Women’s Wear shops 3.1%. MUST, IT SEEMS, EXTEND TO EMBRACE RACIAL BIGOTRY, JUST AS IT DID WITH THE NAZIS. on the ground reserved for that pur way 222. The disadvantages of this Furniture stores 6.3%. pose in the city park. The one-room state of things is clear since the Drug stores 1.0%. WHICH MAKES IT ALL THE MORE IMPORTANT THAT THE FREE PEOPLES OF THIS building, previously used in the Guilds marked off areas quickly become ob General Merchandise 1.5%. WORLD REJEC T AND REPUDIATE AND INCM I LATE THEMSELVES AGAINST THIS CORROSIVE Lake housing project in Portland, is scured by the large amount of traffic Jewelry stores 3.1%. EVIL. —By Robert E. Sherwood, Playwright. expected to arrive sometime this over and around the area. The trucks Grocery stores 1.0%. week. Erection will be rather simple and cars that use this area soon wipe I Specialty shops 3.8%. in that it is of a prefabricated type. out the “no parking” sign painted on Meat Markets 1.0%. The BoyScouts and the Girl Scouts the surface of the highway. The un Dry Cleaning and Dyers 3.3%. celebrated Valentines Day with a suspecting picks up a traffic ticket Hardware stores 1.0%. party held in the Fire Hall thefour- as a result. Other businesses 2.0%.” teenth of this month. Entertainment * a • The business men of the area in The regular meeting of the Amer included games and dancing, and re volved feel that the ill-will incurred The public is entitled to know wliat j ican Legion Auxiliary met at the Mrs. John Neal and Mrs. Carl Gates Community church will carry freshments were served by the Girl by the handing out of traffic tickets and where to find the supplies they ' home of Mrs. Martha Ragsdale. Mon Nuttieman were hostesses for the a full exhibit of community spirit by Scouts. Cleo Thomas. Girl Scout for over-time parking might well need to purchase for daily living. day, Feb. 18. Lyons Garden club held at the Neal staging a box social Saturday,March leader, and Charles Kelly, Scout destroy their businesses. They feel The merchant who advertises is on The new addition to the Legion hall home, Wednesday afternoon, with 1. The purpose of the benefit is the master, were present. that without parking meters or his toes telling his story to his is really taking on a new look and Mrs. Percy Hiatt, chairman in charge purchase of milk goats for the needy The Court of Honor is planned Feb. similar measures no parking limits neighbors and is not setting back the women are now busy with ways of the business meeting, and, Mrs. in Korea. 27, to celebrate the forty-second anni should be imposed, They »tate the half asleep while business he should and means for equipping the kitchen. George Huffman acting secretary, There will be two outstanding versary of the Boy Scouts in America. argument that Mill City is not such be getting is going to his competitor The Legion boys are really work due to the illness of Mrs. Mike Fink. prizes awarded. One prize will be Each patrol will present a few skits a large community that it need dic in a neighboring city because that ing hard on this project and it will Each member answered to roll call presented for the box decorated in during the program, and refreshments tate a thirty minute parking limit. merchant has told what he has to be a wonderful asset to the commu by “Starting Seeds Indoors”; Mrs. the most attractive manner. A prize will be served. Everyone interested The idea has been advanced that sell and is selling it to all who have nity. Alice Huber furnished the entertain will be given also for the box show in the scouting program, and espec this community seek out a new post need for his merchandise. Roselyn Wolfe, a new member, is ment with a flower scramble game; ing the most originality. Besides the ially parents of scouts are urged to office and thereby eliminate one The local newspaper is without Americanism chairman and hopes to cause of crowded parking near high equal the most read paper published get the contest in operation and will and Mrs. Rinke Feenstra won the two prizes for the lunch boxes there attend. way 222. Another idea is that the today, because it records local hap also take charge of the Poppy posters. prize for the Valentine gingle. Plans will be a door prize for some lucky Southern Pacific railroad might so penings that your neighbors are We do hope the schools will take a were discussed for the spring flower ticket holder. The Gates Community church is I condition their right-of-way near the interested in and every member of great interest in these two contests show with the date to be made later. . post office building that more park the family at some time during the and that we will have a lot of poppy Mrs. John McClurg, general chairman, located across from the site of the appointed the following committees: Gates school. Besides the fun and ing would be available or at least week will peruse its columns search poster entries. Schedule. Mrs. Nina O ’ Neil, Madeline frolic of a good, old-time box social 1 ease of getting in end out of the ing for his name or that of some ; Nuttieman and Agnes Brotherton; there will be commupity singing in post office and bank area be promoted. neighbor or friend. No matter how All membership fees are available The next council session, the first poorly the local newspaper is put and Polio drives—these are some of Staging, Gertrude Weidman, Anne which all can take part. at half rate at Salem • Y.M.C.A. for Wednesday of March, is down in the together by the local editor it still the free services it performs together Pietrok. Jewell Hartnell; entries. Agnes Brotherton, Mary Fink, Helen with the recording of events and the out-of-town members. The Salem little black books on the issue of a remains that one standard piece of Y.M.C.A. hopes it can be of the narking time limit for the North reading matter for all the family. It passing of friends end neighbors as Johnston Lola Lambert; classifica tions, Gladys Kuiken, Nina O’Neil, greatest service possible to all per First avenue be one of contention. is the standard joke of the week when their journey here ended. So this week we salute the Adver- Madeline Nuttieman, lainor Smith; sons withinaccessable distance to the the editor finallv mails his week’s Can we defend ourselves? judges clerks, Mabel Downing. Mattie Y building at 685 Court Street in effort and some error has crept in tiser who helps to make this possible Stout; posters, Frances Garsjo, Elea There k no known way to prevent Salem have additional expense in that is the topic of many a fire side by his support of the local newspaper nor Christenson; hospitality, Mrs. most enemy bombers from reaching travelling to the Y biulding. Com-1 in his home town. « * • Loose; publicity, Eva Bressler; clean ! the United States. We have good pensation for this is done by making * « • It is only by the presence of adver-1 up. Laura Neal. Eva Bressler, Garnett antiaircraft guns. So had the Ger tising that a newspaper is possible in : This past week Clyde Golden at Bassett. Alice Huber; pot-luck lunch, mans but the entire strength of the al! physical department membership any community—the newspaper in I his Richfield service station has been Ethel Huffman, Carrie Naue, Doris j German air force and Hitler’s antiair fees just half the normal cost. Quite number ... of out-of-Salem -»--------- a ---------- — ... -------- 1 Mrs. Harold Martin, Sweet Home, turn must serve the community and | passing out packets of seeds of “Wild Roy, Jacquie Smith. craft batteries were not able to stop members belong to the Y now and rhairtnBni Girl Scout cookie sale for its needs—it must speak out at times flowers of the West”. He tells me 1 our attacking bombers. On the aver At the close of the meeting dainty I regularly take 1«. — • the ...» , Santiam area says, “Plana for ’ the ------ ...... .- e , advantage j>f * when it is unpopular to do so. It that he has quite a number of packets age, we lost fewer than 10 out of family swim night* on each Tuesday annual Girl Scout cookie sale, Mt carries the burden of advertising the j left, and if you would like some, just refreshments were served carrying each 100 planes. out the Valentine motif to Mesdames and Friday from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. last November, are March 1-15, in- causes that the public is interested in, i stop by and he will gladly give you a Phillip Pietrok, Don Brotherton,! That is why we must have civil Many mothers drive into Salem to elusive. The girls will start taking package free for your use in the such as Red Cross, Community Chest. | Orville Downing. W. H. Loose, Otto defense—and have it now! We can l take advantage of the gym and swim J orders Feb. 25. No girl is to accept family garden. * • • Weidman. Burl Smith, Jack Christen not prevent enemy attacks—but we classes offered to women each Tuesday ' money for the cookies prior to de- Bill Pennick announces that dances son. Floyd Bassett, Hugh Johnston, can keep them from knocking u» out ■nd Friday morning at 9:15 a.m. livery. for the benefit of the Gates Fire John McClurg. Percy Hiatt, George of the war. If we know what to do Many father» bring theinr son« in or Most of the Brownie Scouts and MONDAY— department will continue every Sat- Huffman, Luther Stout, Alex Kuiken. we can save lives and property, restore come in by themselves each day from American legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. urday night. A large crowd turned Clyde Bressler, Oscar Naue, Ernest our cities, and get back into the fight 5:30 to 7:00 each evening. Other men intermediate Girl Scouts will be ' selling cookies in their own neighbor Lions club meeting out last Saturday night at the Gates Garsjo, Willard Hartnell, Lynn Lam ! no matter what form those attacks and women come in at their conven hoods. This year the Senior troops A.F. A A.M. No. 180 stated meet high school gym, and the firemen bert, Rinke Feenstra. Mrs. Alice might take. ience and play handball, swimming, will also be staffing booths in various ing third Monday. will appreciate continued support Huber. Mrs. Gladys Stiffler and the There are good defenses against weight-lifting, conditioning classes business establishments, for which O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month. i so that they can raise the funds nec hostesses Mrs. Neal and Mrs. Nuttle- the A-bomb. There are ways to save , and participate in the physical depart they have already arranged. The essary to complete the new fire hall man. thousands of people from^the worst ment program. TUESDAY— I profit from the cookie sale is split in Gates. This is a good cause and blast, heat and radioactivity. There j This offer makes rates for men as two ways, one part remaining in the Women's club 8 pm. 1st, 3rd Tues low as $7.50 peryesr for men under a lot of the boys are donating their are way» to take shelter, and to res ' troop for troop activities, the other 129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues time and labor to get it finished. cue the trapped and injured, and to 25, $10.00 for men 25 and over. $7.50 going to the Camp fund to pro Riders of the Santiam. 1st Tuesday • * • cut fire losses to a minimum. Civil per vearfor women and as low as vide more camping for more girls. Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday $3.50 per year for boys and $2 50 per defense can show you what to do. The campaign ♦» mise funds for the Mr«. Martin says further, “The WEDNESDAY— year for girls. Monthly payment» Heart foundation is bein^ advertised There are good defenses against ' leaders are prepared, the girl» are Dog owners will please note that can be arranged if desired. Boy Scouts. 7:30, H. S. Recreation and your help is urgently needed in March 1st is the penalty date for biological warfare. We can keep' No special program is offered the ‘rarin' to go". U’e hone the public City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m. this humanitarian cause. You may getting their dog licenses. Deputy disease from spreading, and protect i will receive the annual Girl Scout Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. donate by sending any amount you our food and water supplies, and save ■ out-of-towners-only a «necial rate of cookie sale, March 1-15, as generously Sheriff Frank Caraway and the local half price. Persona interested in ob at Mill City fire hall. our crops and livestock. Civil defense j wish to your local Postmaster. Just as in previous years. Enthusiatic Santiam Rebekah 16ft 1st and 3rd ¡ address your contribution to Heart police department will issue licenses working with existing health agencies , taining more Information about the public support of our cookie sale has up to that time without penalty. Salem Y program may call 3-9117 or Wed at 8 p.m. Foundation, in care of Postmaster. and physicians, can do the job. ! definitely meant more camping for Caraway informs us that the li tvrite the Salem YMCA. • • • Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p.m. 1 more girls in Santiam area.” But we must face facts. Civil cense fee for Linn county is $2.00 for Cookie chairmen in the communities It ’was a lovely spring we had a males and spade females, and $3.00 defense takes planning, organization PT A. second Wednesday 8 p.m. week ago and many of us hope it for females. After March 1 the pen- and a lot of hard work. It is not a of the area are: Mrs. Oren Hewitt, thtrsd ay — ! returc« »oon. It has been nowing ■ alty of $2 will be added. ■ Sweet Home; Mrs. Alta Fletcher. jobfor those who can’t face fact« or Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d Independence; Mrs. Sidney Hoffman. almost continuously since e I took my who aren’t willing to work. If we’re and 4th Thursdays. For Marion county dog owners li- TWIN SONS To Mr. and Mr». Salem; Mr.«. Martin Stromseth. sawdust tires off the car — - 1 put them | attacked (and remember, it is pos-I Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 p.m. sences must be obtained from the sible) the hard, terrible task of get-1 Leon McCarley, Mehama, Feb. 15, at Albanv; Mrs Robert Hobbs, Lebanon; the ' | Amerlcar Legion 2d and 4th Thurs back on this week «o perhaps Mrs. E. A. Huddleston, Silverton; Mrs. snow will soon leave again. I wa«' county clerk's office in Salem. ting our cities back on their feet | Salem Memorial hosnital. Garden Cub fourth Thursday. A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. B Prideaux, Lvons; Mr«. Angus planning to do a little garden work i will denend mainly on CD volunteers. Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs. until the snow hit thi« past week. I earth X t . I hope I wasn’t the only one Next, let’s consider what wrnilLI would ! ' Claude Lankins. Lyons, Feb. 21, at Ware., Stayton; Mr». S. T. Moore, Toastmistress Club. 2d 4 4th, 7 p.m. and that good resolution was dis- Detroit. ■ns went adrift. happen after an atomic bomb raid, ^»lem General hospital. FRH> AT— 1.0 O F meeting Mill City LWA meeting last Friday Farmers Union meeting at Mehama Woman's club. 2nd National Brotherhood Week Feb. 17 to 24 Parking On No. First Ave. Perplexes City Merchants Explorer Post No. 49 Resumes Program Letts Make Every Week Brotherhood Week Legion Auxiliary Plan Poppy Poster Contest Neal-Nuttleman Host Gates Church Plans Lyons Garden Club Box Social March 1 Salem YM Welcomes Out-of-City Members This Is Civil Defense Girl Scouts to Start Annual Cookie Sale Coming Events . . . Linn County Dog Owners issued Final Warning Just Arrived B League Basketball Finals Thur., Fri., Sat., Nites Stayton 7 p.m