LYONS February 14, 1952 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HrCKf.FRF.RRY' FINN .0’ *»> Mr. and .Mrs. Howard Naue moved to Sandy, Tuesday, where he will be employed at the Warren Cook lum ber company as a Westcoast lumber grader. He has been a employee at the Mt. Jefferson lumber company here in Lyons for several years. Mr. an<i Mrs. Ivan Smith and family were Sunday guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. Leia Smith Cornelius, Oregon. Jerry Coffman lecturer for Santiam Valley grange attended lecturers school held in Corvallis, Thursday and Friday. A family potluck supper at 6:30 next Sunday evening at the com munity club house followed by a motion picture entitled "Appreciating Our Parents” is being planned by the young adult class of the Lyons Com munity Methodist church school, with Rev. R. A. Feenstra as their teacher. Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Feenstra of Lyons with Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Abbott of Stayton were among those attending their "Parsonage club” of the Salem district ministers and their | wives held at the Jason Lee Methodist church in Salem Monday. The next meeting will be held in Dallas on May 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen were among those spending the day at Hoodoo Bowl above Detroit. They |U TÊPO "YOU TO SAS 5 rltRE TO /wE ' reported a beautiful day and lots first grade teacher last year, Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred of people present. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Shepherd Skillings, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Poole, NOW THAT have moved to Salem. They have Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Putman, Mrs. been living in the little house back Hazel Wirth', Ralph Hurst, Mrs. Elva FABRICS CAM of the Post Office owned by Mr. and Kuiken, Miss Norma Miller, Miss BE MADE FROM Mrs. Pat Lyons. Shepherd was a Vivian Boyce, Mrs. Gladys Hurst, Mrs. Alice Huber, Mrs. Harvie Grimes, first aid man at the Detroit dam. Kathleen Kuiken, Rudy Poole, Mary This Sunday morning’s message by Linn Putman, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ^ev- Rinke A. Feenstra, pastor of the Smith, Ivalyn and Dennis. AVERAGE COW Lyons Community Methodist church, IS ABLE TO PRbOUCE Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and will be “How Essential is Faith for son, Cecil, were Sunday guests at the 50 SUITS OF O Salvation?” Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carleton enter home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston CLOTHES A mhu A ll Y/ and family at Culver, Oregon. tained with a dinner Sunday honor Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thoma of I ing there son, Larry, on his second birthday anniversary. Covers were Lebanon were Sunday visitors at the I laid for Mr. and Mrs. Duane Down home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. G irls of ing and daughter, Paula; Miss Jua 'Percy Hiatt, and her parents, Mr. I ■WE OZARK MOUNTAINS nita Downing of Portland; Mr. and and Mrs. Amos Hiatt. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ransom spent; Mrs. Delbert Baileym, Mickie, Twila, OLD MEXICO, A Ft>PUL/3R v >}REA HANG CHiCKEM and Sherri; Mrs. Violet Copper and the weekend at the home of Mr. and | W ish - bones over - we DISH IS MADE OF Roq^T Ronnie of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mrs. Keith Taylor at Taylors Land-1 CHICKEN with CHOCOLPTET TO HELP ing near Walport. Downing, William Downing, and Mr. 3PEED A MARRlRGE PROPOSAL ! and Mrs. Bob Carleton and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges are Sunday guests at the Carleton home spending this week in Portland, where | were Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg of he will undergo surgery. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunian and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hargreaves, I sons, Stevie and Ronnie of Stayton. Loren and Joyce, attended a family For Guaranteed Cleaning The teaching staff of the Mari- get together of relatives held in GRASSHOPPERS S Linn school held their regular teachers Corvallis Sunday. it’s the Dennis Smith, little son of Mr. and ^RE HIGHLY meeting and dinner at the home of RELISHED BY ^5? Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith. A general Mrs. Ivan Smith, spent the weekend discussion and school work was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul TRE TAPS ! talked. The occasion also honored Maddox at Pedee. card The Wednesday afternoon the birthday anniversaries of Mrs. Paul Maddox of Pedee, also Thomas club met at the Rebekah hall with 24-HOUR SERVICE Putman, principal and Miss Norma Mabe) Downing hostess. A one-thirty Mill City Miller, first grade teacher. Those dessert luncheon was served followe«! attending were Mr. and Mrs. Paul by several tables of 500. High score Close« nt 6 P.M. Maddox of Pedee. Mrs. Maddox is was held by Mabel Bass, second high a ten day vacation trip into California. due to the absence of Mrs. Glen WEDDING ANNOI Nt ’EM ENTS the former Miss Dean Thompson, by Ruth Lyons, low by Dorothy They will go south as far as San Julian. A general discussion was held AND INVITATIONS Helemn, and Doreen Helemn drew the Bernardino. and plans made to have a tamale niiiiiuiim'iin'iiiiini'miiiin'iiiniii iiii'iiiiiiiiiimiiiinimni awmi at The Mill City Enterprise I traveling prize. Attending the party The sewing committee of the San sale at the community club house were Ida Free, Wilma Olmstead, Thursday evening Feb. 21, with Mrs. Bertha Allen. Margaret Kunkle, Leota tiam Memorial Hospital Womens Albert Julian, chairman. At the close ! LICENSED Worden, Doris Roy, Ethel Huffman, Auxiliary under the direction of Mrs. of the meeting, Mrs. Loren Chamben- Garnett Bassett, Modena Carleton, Earl Allen, chairman, are cutting gar lain was honored on her 72 birth-1 Doreen Helemn, Dorothy Helemn, ments at the community club house day anniversary. She was present«! Ruth Lyons, Mabel Bass and the in Lyons. Any one wishing to help with a beautiful cake from her neice with the sewing will be appreciated, hostess Mabel Downing. Mrs. Ramie Martel). She also re-| f John Edwards Jr. from Fort Lewis, and may be obtained at Mrs, Alien’s ceived 21 handkerchiefs and another $1.50 per month and up Mrs. Archie Van home in Lyons, I with Mrs. Edwards and son, Eldon and birthday cake. Those helping Mrs. Also serving Gates, Lyons, Nuys in Stayton and Mrs. J. C. Kim twin daughters, June and Jean of Idanha and Detroit Chamberlain enjoy cake and coffee I Bremerton, Wash., are visiting his I mel in Mill City. •Mrs. Rinke Feenstra was hostess, were Mr. Chamberlain and Mesdames parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ewards MILL CITY for the meeting of the Womens j Burl Smith, George Huffman, Virgil Sr.; also his brother an«l family, Mr. Rogers, Ed Hargreaves, Alex Bodeker. DISPOSAL SERVICE “At the Bottom of the Hill” and Mrs, Marvin Edwards. John Jr., Society of Christian service held at i Willard Hartnell, Ernest Garsjo, Phone 3952 has received his overseas orders the parsonage, Tuesday afternoon. Ramie Martell. Monroe Walker. Wil LEONARD HERMAN A one o’clock dessert luncheon was when he returns. lard Chamberlain, Joe Zimmerman, The Altar Society of the St. Pat-; served preceeding the business meet-1 Charles Cruson, Ivan Smith, Chester ing, which was in charge of Mrs. , ricks Catholic church held another j Roy, Donald McWhirk, Mrs. Alice series of their Bingo partys at the Alice Huber, president, and Mrs. Huber, Mrs. Inez Ring, Rev. and Mrs. Rebekah hall Monday evening with a | Georg«1 Huffman, acting secretary. Feenstra. good crowd in attendance. Mrs. Clyde Bressler local chair Mr. and Mrs. George Robbinette man for the March of Dimes reports and sons, Jerrv and Frank, have $135.00 was sent to the Linn county moved into the Forrest N y «legger I VETERINARIAN chairman in Albany; $102.85 was house recently vacated by their netted at the community cake walk «laughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. STAYTON hehi at the Rebekah hall, $15.33 in Vaughn Hunt, when he was called the Iron Lung bank at the Mari-Linn PHONE 4149 into the service. The Robinettes have school. The remainder was from been living at th«' Apple Tree court. March of Dimes march at the San Miss LaVetta Powelson from Stan Opposite tiam Valley grange and Methodist field, Oregon spent several days as a Claude lewis’ Service Station NATIONAL HESS BUIIOINO Sunday school and banks placed in the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WASHINGTON. D C. business houses. Forrest Nydeeger. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield Paul Gerath underwent surgery at left for Sioux City, Iowa, Friday the Memorial hospital in Salem. Well. Christmas is over Nothing morning, when they receive«! word Wednesday morning. Gerath is an BIGGEST SHAVING but the bills linger on — un of the serious illness of her sister, employee at the Detroit dam. less It’s a few spots here and there BARGAIN EVER! BUY A Mrs. Bess Anderson. on the table linen and on the llv- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian and son.! Ing room table Along about now A special gospel film, “Regions Glen Jr., left Wednesday morning for a colorful new hat is good tor the FKF.SII DAILY — VERY REASON ABLE PRICES Beyond,” produced by the Bible ego and If the budget can't see it Testament League, will be shown at —freshen up an old one with a pretty veil a fresh feather or at the Santiam Chapel, Lyons, Feb. 19, SUPilt-SPiiD tractive flower OM-ntci at 7:30 by Chris Losby of Minot, * * * North Dakota, according to Rev. Wells RAZOR Speaking of spots—holiday par ties usually leave some depressing Gage, pastor. MILL CITY "FRIED NUMETHOD Never GARBAGE SERVICE a Dull Moment MILL CITY TAVERN J. . GOIN FOR YOUR PROTECTION! ^BETTER PACKAGER rood* Kellonfs Fresh Meats Gillette Kellom’s Grocery OPEN WEEK DAYS: 8 A.M. to 7 P.M CLOSED: Sundays and Holidays TRADING STAMPS \ND ALCMINl M AND DISHES Pains, distress of “those days stopped er amazingly relieved in 3 out of 4 coses IS HERE! in doctors’ tests I • Here's wonderful news for women and girls who — each month — suiter the tortures of •'bad days*' of functionally- caused menstrual cramps and pain — headaches, backaches, and those "no-good,’’ dragged- out feelings. It's news about a medicine famous for relieving such suf fering ' Here is the exciting news. Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound — gave complete or striking relief of such distress in an average of 3 out of 4 of the cases in doctors' tests! Scientifically MAYFLOWER Fresh Grade A MILK .with the Fat Removed How lydio Pinkham'i warkt II htu a "calmlng ' and roothmp rffect on the utérus . çuienny tne contractions tare tha chart > that so o/ten cause menst-ua. pain, cramps. othtr dutress. Modern Action Yes! Lydia Pinkham s has been proved to be scientifically modern In action! This news will not surprise the thousands of women and girls who take Lydia Pinkham's regularly and know the relief it can bring And it should encourage you «If you're not taking Lydia Pinkham s) to see if your ex perience doesn't match theirs ... to see if you. too, don t avoid the nervousness and tension, weakness, irritability — and pain—so often associated with "those days"l Remember Lydia Pinkham s, too — if you're suffering the "hot flashes'* and other func tionally-caused distress of "change of life." Get Lydia Pinkhams Com pound or new, improved Tab lets with added Iron i trial size only 59<>. Start taking Lydia Pinkham's today! Ask for it today, the fatuous non-fattening food drink for reducing diets. SI IM is fortified with added food elements and Vitamins A and D. It has a full bodied flavor that you will like — an economical, nourishing drink Ask your MAYFLOWER DEALER stains on your Sunday-best table linen To take out coffee or tea. rub the spots with glycerine let stand a few minutes and wash Fruit stains may be removed by pouring boiling water over the spot from a height of two feet All ,'ruit stains must be removed be fore washing the linen or soap may set the stain 444 Children s sweaters don t have the hand-me-down look when with all-purpose dye they're converted into a bright beautiful new color with a personal touch added Sim ple embroidery down the front is a dainty finish for a young girls sweater a wool appliqued football is fine for a boy's 4 4 4 Dry wet woolens in a warm room but not too neat heat That goes for wet leather shoes too When woolens are dry brush with a soft but firm-bristled clothes brush When wet shoes are dry brush off dirt and give a thorough polishin« with a good wax-liquid or paste polish 444 To keep your bed pillows clean and fresh use old pillow cases for protective coverings And for pretty dreams' sprinkle your fa vorite sachet powder in the cases Slip the top pillow case on at op posite ends to the basic one WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! We hope you are pleaded with our service. Mom s and Pop s CAFE Mill City Pay increases under certain limita tions are permitted under regulations issued by the Wage Stabilization Board. WITH 1O-BLADI OILLITTI DISPENSES THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE RAIJCM 141 N. Commercial St. Ha* Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies ^MMI MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS I