The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, February 14, 1952, Page 5, Image 5

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February 11. 1952
Mrs. Gerald Garrison Gates PT A Hears
Pink and Blue Shower Cancer Report
Mrs. Gerald Garrison was compli­
mented at a pink and blue shower,
Thursday evening of last week in the
recreation rooms of the high school.
Hostesses for the affair were Mrs.
Glen Henness, Mrs. Merle Devine,
Mrs. Burrel Cole. Mrs. Clarence Rush,
Mrs. George Mielke and Mrs. Joe
Joaquin. Before the many dainty
gifts were opened, Mrs. Don Miley
presented several selections at the
piano and games were played. Mrs.
W. E. Hudson, of Salem and Mrs.
Albert Millsap were awarded prizes
for the most correct answers.
Refreshments were served at tht
close of the evening by the hostesses.
The pink and blue color scheme was
used at the table, which was centered
by a large bouquet of pink carnations
and blue iris, flanked by a large
stork with a baby suspended from
its beak. Seated at the table were
the honored guest, Mrs. Garrison,
Mrs. Norman Garrison (grandma),
Mrs W. R. Hutcheson, 5£rs. W. S.
Hudson, Mrs. W. E. Hudson of Salem.
Mrs. Kenneth Martig, Mrs. Clarence
Johnson, Mrs. Robert Levon, Mrs. Dan
Morrison, Mrs. Don Miley. Mrs.
George Arthurs, Mrs. Oscar Ostehout,
Mrs. Jesse Moses, Mrs. Ray Lord,
Mrs. Harry Keiser, Mrs. Laura Joa-
quin, Mrs. Clare Henness, Mrs. Don
Gessner, Mrs. Glen Hearing, M rs.
Earl Dozier, Mrs. Clyde Oliver, Mrs.
Floyd Voll el, Mr«. Oswald Hirte, Mrs.
Lee Kuhlman, Mrs. Bob Oliver. Mrs.
Mary Egglestrom, Mrs. Eugene War-
ren, Mrs. Albert Millsap and Miss
Loren Devine. Those sending gifts
were Mrs. May Ettlin, Mrs. Jesse
Haywood, Mrs. A. T. Barnhardt, Mrs.
George Veteto. Mrs. Walter Brisbin.
Mrs. Lester Mason. Mrs. Bob Bonitz,
The Gates Parent-Teacher Associ­
ation met in the auditorium of the
high school Thursday evening of last
week. Mrs. Verner Evans presided
at a short business session at which
reports of committees were heard.
Mrs. Elmer Klutke reported for the
committee appointed at the meeting
to have the suits of the basketball
team of the seventh and eighth grades
put into wearable condition. She re­
ported the suits had been cleaned and
presented a bill for the service. Mrs.
Joe Joaquin reported for the Ways
and Means committee w’hich are plan­
ning to give a card party in the
near future. The chair appointed
Mrs. Cecil Haun, Mrs. Joe Joaquin
and Mrs. Edward Chance a nomi­
nating committee, to report at the
March meeting when officers for the
coming year will be elected. At the)
close of the meeting the president in­
troduced Mrs. James Turnbull, educa­
tional director of the American Can­
cer Society for Marion county and
Miss Alberta Shoemake, both from i
Salem. Mrs. Turnbull gave an in­
teresting and instructive talk on can-1
cer before showing three films per-
taining to the disease. Miss Shoe-
make also gave a brief talk on the
Refreshments were served by the
hostesses, Mrs. Edward Chance,
Mrs. James Carter. Mrs. A. T. Barn-
hardt, Mrs. Weldon Brown, Mrs.
Harry Evans and Mrs. Mary Champ
to the guests, Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull,
Miss Shoemake, and the 28 members
in attendance.
Snyder-Payne Wed
Vancouver Saturday
Idanha—Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Payne, Foster, Oregon, announce the
marriage of their daughter, Frankie,
to Arnold R. Snyder, Portland, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Snyder,
Idanha, Ore., on Saturday night at
The ceremony was performed by
the Rev. Roy Parcel, chaplin of the
Army base, at his parsonage in Van­
couver, Washington. Attending the
couple were William E. Bodie, Idanha,
and Maryetta Smith, of Portland.
The bride chose for her wedding a
semiformal lavehder gown, with
which she wore a Stroked Siberian
squirrel cape and a corsage of white
orchids. The groom and Mr. Bodie
wore gray suits and carnations, The
matron-of-honor was attired in a
dark suit and wore a corsage of red
rose buds.
The young couple are graduates
of Detroit high school, he the class
of '45 and she the class of '51. Mr
Snyder is employed by the McKale
service stations in Portland and she
at the Fred Astair dancing school as
an instructor.
After a honeymoon at the New-
Washington hotel in Seattle, the
couple will be at home at the Cottage
Apartment, 1310 Cottage Ave. in
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kelly and Mr.
and Mrs. John Muir attended the Mar­
ion county council meeting of Ameri­
can Legion and Auxiliaries in Salem
last Saturday evening at the May-
flower hall in Salem.
The regular Garden club meeting
for Feb. will be at Mrs. W. W. Alien’s
home at 8 p.m. Santiam district
director, Mrs. Bradshaw of Albany
will be guest speaker for the occasion.
Co-hostesses for the meeting will be
Mrs. Wes Greene and Mrs. C. A.
Mrs. Elmer Stewart and daughter Bruder.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stiffler en-
tertained Mrs. Stiffler’s father, Mar-
tin Schroeder and her brother, Vester
Schroeder and family from Salem,
last Sunday at a birthday party for
Mrs. Stiffler's father.
RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open
Sundays and evenings, flowers tele­
graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays,
planters, pot plants, corsages, wed­
dings, also shrubs and landscaping.
319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone
of the Santiam
Weekend guest at the Robert
Veness home was Miss Edith Veness
of Union City, New Jersey. Miss
Veness is now working for the Signal
Corps in New York City and has been
on a three-week leave of absence.
The American Legion Auxiliary will
meet at 8 o'clock on Monday, Feb. i
18th at the home of Mrs. Martha
Ragsdale with Mrs. Grace Hudson of
Gates as co-hostess. 1952 dues are
past due and should be paid at this
meeting or mailed to Mrs. Ruth Stov­
G. W. (Bill) Nourse, an engineer
on the Detroit dam project has re-1
Adults $1.00, Students 50c
signed his position here to accept a
post in Venezuela with the Morse and
Knutsen contsruction company. Mr. |
Nourse will leave in about a week. I
Mrs. Nourse and children will spend I
about two months in Santa Monica i
before leaving for Venezuela
The Christian church women’s fel­
lowship met Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Clarence Howe.
Mr«. Glen Shelton served as program
leader presenting a study subject of
“Missions in Latin America”. Mrs.
Paul Williams was devotional leader
for the afternoon. Sewing for
Memorial hospital
distributed for home work.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shuey and
Rev. and Mrs. Noble Streeter and
son, Steven, attended the Presbytery
of the First Presbyterian church in
Nelscott last Tuesday.
Mrs. J. Personette of Prineville ar­
rived this week to help keep house
and nurse Mrs. Floyd Shepherd back
to health.
Minister and Mrs. Hugh Jull at-
Gates Firemen
Music by Sons
Gates Hi School Gym
February 16
9 P.M
Just Arrived -
New Spring
S8.95 T0 SI8.95
Erma's Dress Shop
Mrs. John Nelson was honored by
a pink and blue shower Thursday
evening at the home of Mrs. Robert
\eness with Mrs. Al Yankus acting
as co-hostess. Enjoyable games were
played and prizes awarded to Mrs.
Earl Bassett and Mrs. Henry Chaney.
Delicious refreshments were served
following the opening of many lovely
gifts. Present were Mrs. Earl Nel­
son, Mrs. Henry Chaney. Mrs. Earl
Bassett, Mrs. Arey Podrabsky, Mrs.
Ruby Ziebert, Mrs. Ed Cooke, Mrs.
Walter Thomas, Mrs. Charles Thomas,
Mrs. Jack McClintock, the guest of
honor, and the two hostesses.
Sending gifts but unable to attend
were Mrs. John Swan, Mrs. George
Veteto, Mrs. Lowell Cree, Mrs. Rachel
Olmstead, Mrs. Clayton Baltimore.
Mrs. Jack Carey, Mrs. Inez Haun.
Mrs. Arthur Kerr, and Mrs. Harry
Girls Selling Candy
For Camp Benefit
Camp Fire and Blue Bird Girls are
joining the Willamette area council
in the sale of peanut brittle, February
15 to March 1, to raise money for
their camp. This is a yearly sale and
those who bought last year will re­
member how good the peanut brittle
Camp Kilowan is supported entirely
through the donut and candy sales.
and private donations. We, in Mill
City did not join in the donut sale in
October so we are anxious to make
this an especally big sale.
We are proud of our camp and wish
to keep it a first class camp. Camp
Fire people point to Camp Kilowan
as an outstanding example of a first
class camn, established front private
donations of work, land and mater­
ials. However, it takes funds to
maintain and keep equipped and we
would like to do our share.
Last year eleven girls from Mill
City attended Camp Kilowan for one
week each.
tended planning sessions in Portland
this week to lay plans for the summer
youth camp at Silver Creek falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harman and
children spent the week-end in Port­
Mr. and Mrs. Vardy Shelton from
Scio spent Sunday in Mill City at the
Fred Grimes home.
Glen Sorensen, of the law firm of
Hewitt, Estep and Sorensen of Salem,
was a caller in Mill City Wednesday
entine from Goode's Flower Shop.
Mrs. Wm. Turnbull has been con­
fined at her home during the past
week by illness.
Mr. Hugh Jull, minister of the First
Christian church announces that a
Jerry's Tavern
Gates, Ore.
Capiiol Drug Co
I Miss Donna Cooke was accorded the
honor recently of being installed
worthy adviser of Acacia Assembly
Order of Rainbow for Girls. The
impressive ceremonies were held in
Dennis Riches, master
counselor of DeMolay for Boys,
crown«! Miss Cooke. Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Cooke are the parents of the
Mill City girl.
Mrs. Geddes Celebrates
97th Birthday Saturday
Dinner was served at 6:30 last Sat
urday evening at the home of Mrs.
Ida Geddes honoring her Oil her
97th birthday anniversary.
Guests present were Mr. and Mrs.
Leland Kaplinger, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Gooch, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis, Mr.
and Mrs. Curtis Cline, Mrs. Helen
Saucier, Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mis« Daisy
Hendricson, Mr. anil Mrs. Lincoln
Henness, Mrs. Mel Robinson, Mrs.
Edith Mason, Mrs. Elsie Potter, Mr.
Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. T. Henness. Mrs.
Lillie Lake, Mrs. Bassett, and the
honored guest's daughter. Miss Daisy
Geddes, and her son, Al Geddes.
Curtis Cline entertained by showing
colored pictures taken in this vicinity.
film strip called “My Name Is Pablo
is to be shown Sunday evening. It i
a story of a Mexican boy.
Mrs. James Swan entertained the
Presbyterian Missionary society Wed­ aaannnHHnnnnHnHnnictsianHnnHi
nesday afternoon in her home.
Mrs. George Stewart and son, Tax Consultant
Merle were weekend visitors in
Lebanon visiting at the home of Mrs.
Stewart’s sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gilbraith spent
Sunday in Portland. Mrs. Gilbraith PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT
has recently returned from Canada,
Bookkeeping, Accounting and
where she has been caring for her
Tax Service
father during a illness.
Corner 3rd & Marion
Miss Joyce Westgaard and her
brother Walt attended the funeral of
a family friend in Tacoma this past
Telephone 4114
P. O. Box 1321
Miss Shcreen Muir, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Muir is able to be up
and around her home part of the
time. She hopes to return to school
in another couple of weeks.
Don’t let coughing, wheezing, recurring At­
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shepard and
tacks of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and
two children of Salem spent Sunday at energy without trying MENDACO. which
works thru the blood to reach bronchial
the home of their daughter Mrs. Lee tubes
and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly
Bassett and family for dinner.
remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus alleviates
aids freer breathing and better
Mrs. Erma Stout of Camas. Wash., sleep. Gel and
MEN DAGO from druggist. Satig»
is visiting at the home of Mr. and faction or money back guaranteed.
Mrs. John Swan this week.
• adtl
Wally Riggs Sport Shirts
Now Available
Place orders today for
• Ye», thii Prescription
Pharmacy la responsible
—responsible to you, and
to your physician. In all
»erioumess we accept
tbi> responsibility for
•afeguarding your health
and welfare. When you
bring a prescription here
it will be promptly and
expertly compounded
and the price will be fair.
Mrs. John Nelson Honored
By Pink and Blue Affair
Always in Stock at the
Gates General Store