5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE February 7. 1952 FEMME PAGE Miss Mikkelsen Honored At University of Oregon lX/TTT T /^T’T’V’ ^11 I Mi. and Mrs. Lee Donaldson have University of Oregon. Eugene, | moved to California this week. Mr. (Special)—Sue Elizabeth Mikkelsen, Donaldson will be with the Kaiser daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald M. | Permanent« Cement company near Mikkelsen, Mill City, was one of San Jose. As soon as they secure fifty-four freshman women invited to housing they will let their many Motar Board’s annual Smarty party friends know their address. Mrs. nich was scheduled for 6:30 p.ir Donaldson has been very active in the Wed. night in Alumni hall, Gerlinger. PTA and women's organizations while The party is held in honor of all here in Mill City. The Mother’s March on polio Mill City P.T.A. will meet in the collected $198.81 during the porch high school recreation room, Wednes­ freshman women who earned a GPA Mrs. Harold Pound spent the week­ light hour on January 31. Since that day, Feb. 13, 8 p.m. The PTA cele­ of 3.00 or more fall term. Miss Mik­ end in Eugene with her sister. time several people who were not brates its 55th birthday this month kelsen is a freshman in liberal arts. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McClain enter- able to be home have sent in contri­ and past presidents of the local organ­ tained Dr. and M rs. Body of Salem butions asking that it be credited to ization will be honored. There will be Wednesday. the Mother’s March fund. This special singing and a film on mar- Bob Drew, who has been working brings the total up to $218.31. in Independence returned home today. raige will be shown with Mr. Hugh The 55 Oman’s club, who sponsored Jull, minister of the Christian church, He was rained out of the hop fields the Mill Citv Mother’s March wish to leading the discussion. where he was working. Homemakers can spruce up their thank the Camp Fire and Blue Bird Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett enter­ The hostesses this time are the Girls and the mothers participating. 3rd grade mothers with Mrs. Mel­ homes for spring with the help of a tained Mr. and Mrs. Verne Shaw and bulletin on making drapes just issued As well as all those who contributed, vin Foster and Mrs. Howard Bair in son, Craig, at dinner last Friday by Oregon State college. the following mothers were divided charge. evening on the occassion of Mrs. “Make Your Own Draperies,” ex­ into teams of two with each team ac­ Everyone is cordially invited to tension bulletin 721, points out that Shaw's birthday. companied by from four to six Camp attend. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shepard of fabrics do much to create the mood Salem were visitors at the Lee Bas­ Fire or Blue Bird Girls: Mesdames of a room, and can tie the decorative sett home for dinner. The Shepards Lee Pinkston, Courtney Rue, Bob scheme of the room together through are the parents of Mrs. Bassett. Trask, Earl Nelson, Kenneth Biggers, color. texture and design. Mrs. Roy Kendler, Ray Steiner, H. M. Agee, Bob Hill played hooky from his Myrtle Carter, extension home furn- place at the bank last Tuesday when Floyd Jones. Don Jenkins, J. C. Wolfe, ishings specialist, is author. he spent the day in Salem on business. Jess Lee, James Barton, John Pero- I goy, Ray E. Walker. Shields Remine, The bulletin explains how to meas­ On Sunday, Feb. 3, Mrs. Elmer The regular meeting of the Santiam Arey Podrabsky, Melbourne Rambo, Rebekah lodge No. 166 voted last, ure for drapes, what materials are Shaw entertained her daughter-in- Charles Kelly, and Charles Harman, Wednesday evening to purchase 40- needed, and various ways drapes can law, Mrs, Verne Shaw, at a birthday who was also the chairman. year veteran jewels for all members be hung. A number of easy-to-fol- dinner celebration. Present also were of 40 years or more membership, low illustrations demonstrate each Verne Shaw and their son, Craig, and according to Mrs. Julia Bassett, noble step in making several types of Elmer Shaw. WEDDING ANNOI NCEMENTS grand. Mrs. Bessett was assisted drapes, including pleated, traverse, RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open at The Mill City Enterprise Instruc- Sundays and evenings, flowers tele­ in conducting the meeting by Mrs. and festooned draperies, tions are also given for making val­ graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, Z" Ida Plymale, vice grand. Mrs. Mattie Root of Willard Re­ ances and cornice boards. planters, pot plants, corsages, wed­ Free copies of this new bulletin dings, also shrubs and landscaping. bekah lodge of Ladysmith, Wise., was a guest of the lodge, Mrs. Root are available at county extension 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone is the mother of Mrs. Ed. Kadin of offices. 3';>i 42tf Gates, where she has been visiting, Friends of Mrs. Wilbur Memert Refreshments were enjoyed by surprised her with a no-host luncheon those present served by the Gates for her birthday when they called at ladies of the lodge. With Your Pocketbook her home and each presented handker­ chiefs as mementos of the day. Pres­ or Your Wife! Mrs. Hazel Irwin delighted her ent were Mrs. Rose Daly, Mrs. Mabel If you take her to guests with a strawberry shortcake Bruder, Mrs. Stella Kay, Mrs. Elmer and whipped cream luncheon before Shaw, Mrs. Ellen Kirk. Mrs. Verne Nohlgren's in Salem starting the afternoon of play at Shaw, and the honored guest. Mrs. By MRS. EVA BRESSLER for dinner next Sun.! the Lucky Twelve party this after­ John Holman sent a handkerchief, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt went to noon in Gates where pinochle took but was unable to be present. CHOICE OF I Lebanon Sunday after his parents, Mrs. Charles Harman. Mrs. H. M the afternoon’s attention of the ladies. | Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hiatt, who have Agee, Robert Wingo and Rev, I>. W. Bea Granuke stepped in and took , been at the home of their daughter, Ferguson, members of the Community Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thoma, since first prize during the afternoon’s play chest board, met in Salem, last Tues­ after Christmas. They will stay at and Fay Verbeck succeeded in corral- day evening with the chest board for With Dressing and ing the pinochle prize. The gals have the home of their son for awhile. a business meeting. Plans wereYnade Cranberry Sauce and Mrs. Hershel Culwell entertained still got Toots Blazek hexed, because for next year and distribution of she sadly carried home the low score w ith a dinner at her home Wednesday this year’s funds were made. evening honoring their daughter. prize. Mill City Toastmistress club will Joyce, on her Sth birthday anniversary. have charter night next Thursday Covers were laid for the honored guest Workers were Mrs. Percy Hiatt evening, Feb. 14, with the Presby­ Joyce, Mrs. Sarah Weitman, Misses Mrs. Floyd Bassett, Mrs. Pat Lyons, terian Missionary society serving the Maxine and Lilieth Weitman, Hugh Mrs. Wilson Stevens, Mrs. Keith banquet. Stayton and Albany clubs Weitman. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Weit­ Phillips, Mrs. Alice Huber and Bob have been invited to attend this formal With E'calloped Potatoes man and Larry, all of Aumsville; Mr. Walton. Mrs. Bressler wishes to meeting. and Crab Apple and Mrs. Elmer Culwell and Delmar, thank all her workers, also the ladies A sock’ dance was enjoyed by stu­ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Naue, Mr. and who so generously donated the cakes. dents of the Gervais and Mill City Mrs. Sam Culwell. Mr. and Mrs. Adell Mrs. Monroe Walker was hostess high schools following the basketball Hutchinson and Dean. Mr. and Mrs. to a group of relatives honoring her game last Friday evening. 1 Hershel Culwell, Thelma, Shirley and husband on his birthday anniversary, GIVE HER FLOWERS for a Val­ Andrew, all of Lyons. at ‘ their home Wednesday evening. Albert Julian spent Monday and Pinochle furnished the entertainment. entine from Goode’s Flower Shop, 6-2 Tuesday in McMinnville, where he at- Present were Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Stayton. Mrs. Cecil Lake spent the weekend ' tended the Western Oregon Livestock Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell The Lakes are and son, Timothy, Mr. and Mrs. Loren at her home here. i Association meeting. Mr. and Mrs. William Titmos who Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker and living in Cutler City, where Mr. Lake have been living at the Lyons Motel little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Willard is employed. They plan to move to I for some time moved this week to Chamberlain, Laurie, Linda and Mary, the coast city and will rent their home 1 Salem. Titmos was a worker at the all of Lyons, and Mrs. Gustersan and here. Dick Morse was a visitor in the Detroit dam until ill health forced son, Leroy, of Silverton. I him to quit. A pood crowd attended the turkey city today tending to business matters. (Children Under 10—Just 44c) Lyons was well represented at the dinner served by the adult class of the He is making his home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Epps were March of Dimes benefit held at the Methodist Community Sunday school Rebekah hall. Thursday evening, Jan. »•••1'1 at the community club house. business callers in Mill City Wednes­ 31. Much merryment and laughter Sunday at 1 p.m., following the regu­ day. They are completing details of was made during the “Community lar morning worship hour. Willard the sale of their furniture business to | Cake Walk”. Proceeding the walk, Hartnell, teacher of the class, gave a Harold Cooper and Ray Pitsor, who Ivan Smith from the Mari Linn school, reading on “Praver’ which he com­ will take over on February 11. I). F. (Sandy) Myers is a resident showed three reels of pictures, “Gay posed himself. Several hymns were FAMOUS BUFFET 90’s Live Again", Bruins Great Adven­ surg with John Prideaux leading. patient at the Veterans hospital in With Mary Barton Playing ture,” and “Oh My Aching Tooth.” A very good time was had by all. Livermore, Calif. Mr. Myers lived Mrs. Clyde Bressler was general The dinner was served by the adult Your Favorite Music on the chairman and she was assisted by i class to their many friends and neigh- Ham mono O rg a n workers from the various organiza­ I hors of the community for a social SUNDAYS from tions, Faith Rebekah lodge, Santiam and fellowship hour. Grange, Womens Society of Christian Mrs. Orville Downing and Mrs. Bob 12 Noon to *■ P. M. service, Lyons Garden club, St. Pat­ Carleton and Larry, were Thursday WEEKDAYS ricks Altar society. Home Extension . luncheon guests at the home of Mr. 11:30 A. M. to 8 30 P M unit, and the Mari-Linn P.T.A. and Mrs. Duane Downing in Portland, h-----------------------------—--------------------------- Duane is a son of the Orville Down- ings. Mothers March On Polio Nets $218 PTA Celebrates 55th Birthday Drape Making Outlined By O.S.C. Bulletin Rebekahs Vote 40-Year Jewels to Members You Can't Go Wrong! Mr. Hazel Irwin Serves Lucky Twelvers Lunch LYONS Roast Turkey Swift's Premium "" c“Ñsr dfiinoHCTh Third Grade Mrs. Dorothy, our teacher, absent from class on Monday. Monday evening at Blue Birds we made lots of Y'alentines. —Sylvia Peterson Sixth Grade The grade school played St. Mary’s last Tuesday. St. Mary’s arrived late ' at the school gym. The Mill City I grade players were Anthony Beery, William Clark, Tony Boothby, Larry Kanoff, Michael Lents, Ray Steiner.i Arthur Cox, John Roten and Michael [ Mathany Mill City beat St. Mary's, 27 to 13. The one who made the I most points was William Clark. He made 21 points. Leon McCall, Tony Boothby, Mike' Peterson, John Cutsforth, and Marie Hutherson were absent Monday from school.— Michael Peterson. The Boy Scouts held their meeting I in the high school Wednesday night. We planned for the rock clearing job on the school grounds. We studied the compass, All Scouts are to at- tend their church this Sunday in uniform to help celebrate Boy Scout Week, “This is Boy Scout Week, recognize them". We do not have enough boys in the scouts, it’s time to join, opportunities ; galore. —Tony Boothby. Seventh Grade Last Thursday and Friday the 7th graders conducted a candy and cooky sale for the March of Dimes. We raised $30 for the fund. Last Friday the Mill City grade school won over Sublimity, grade school by a score of 49 to 19. —Gregory Peterson Eighth Grade Norma Downer, Karen Andreason, and Bob Stetner were absent from school, but were present Wednesday again. The Mill City band played several band numbers for the high school game with Cascade. A short meeting was held for the Girl Scouts to talk about a party with the Boy Scouts. The grade school team played De­ troit on their floor, Friday night. The scores will be announced in next week’s edition of the Sth grade news. —Barbara Podrabsky SUNDAY and MONDAY ESTHER 55 II.I.IA5IS and RED SKELTON in TEX AS CARNIV AL In Technicolor — Also — Featurette THE GUEST Tl ESI» 55 and WEDNESDAY SUSAN HAY WARD and DAN DAILEY in I Can Get It For You Wholesale THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY RICHARD WIDM 5RK in RED SKIES OF MONTANA In Technicolor — Added Attraction — You'll Love It! FUN AT THE ZOO Kids Club Saturday Matinee 2:00 P.M. Red Ryder in “Fighting Redhead” In Color — Also — • Ml IR'S "Cake of the Week Birthday Cake for: Wayne LeCours, Shirley Meeks, Dick Tickle and Danny Bolding ♦ Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 in Gates before moving to California. Mrs. Myers informs us that he would like to hear from his friends here. Norman Marttala is enrolled at the Le Tourneau Technical Institute of Texas at Longview, according to word received here by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Martalla. Norman ananQnnQUHHnnnnnHHnHHnnnMl was graduated from Mill City high in 1950 and has worked on the dam Auditor Tax Consultant construction here until a few weeks ago when he headed for Texas and the institute. He is studying con­ struction engineering. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Stine of Albany PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT and formerly of Mill City were visitors Bookkeeping, Accounting and at the Jack Colburn residence last Tax Service Tuesday and Wednesday. While here they visited with many of their old Corner 3rd & Marion friends. The Stines have spent the STAYTON, ORE. past winter in Missoula, Mont., visiting with relatives. Mr. Stine is Telephone Illi P. O. Box 1321 employed with the SP in Albany, and annnnKtnnBHHnnHnnHHmaaHHHU is returning to take up his duties. W. N. SIMMONS KEEP OREGON ASTHMA Don't let coughing, wheeling, recurring at­ tacks of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy without trying MENDACO. which works thru the blood to reach bronchial tubes and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus alleviates coughing and aids freer breathing and better sleep. Oet MEND AGO from druggist. 8ati#> faction or money back guaranteed. The Charles Umphress family and Mrs. Del Drew and son, Tom. visited in Corvallis last Friday evening * Hallmark Valentines uith that Old-Fashioned Charm Thu year, send a Hallmark Old Fashioned Valentine, quaint as crinoline, endear­ ing as a love letter. And the Hallmark on the back of each one says "you cared enough to send the very best.” See them at EDWARD WILLIAMS “The Home of Hallmark Cards • Whether you think an illness is contagious or not—call upon a physi­ cian to make sure. Let him make a thorough check of your condition. Then follow his instructions closely. We hope, too, that you will bring the doctor’s prescriptions here for careful com­ pounding. Just try ust g ► *7 B JtóF — 1 Always in Stock at the Gates General Store miAB 330 Court Street s. WT t » ' < . z J nrwi” lid lid il ixf tr NEÀWiSRmPÆR