Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1952)
February 7. 1952 4—THE MILI. CITY ENTERPRISE SPORTS PAGE Derby Shufflers Wins league Championship Mill City Dumps Cascade 57 to 40 By DICK WILLIAMS Tuesday, February 5, Cascade met the Mill City Timberwolves on the 1 local floor to be defeated 57 to 40. Roy Chase drops 17 points in the 1 bucket to lead the scoring of the ■ game. This is the second time this , year Mill City defeated the Cascade 1 Union high school. Mill City’s fast break was in effect all through the game. Dick Downer controled the ’ backboard for Mill City to lead them 1 to victory. (40) Cascade Mill City (57) Wipper • Chase (17) (12) Metcalfe L. Marttala (5) (4) Miller Downer (5) (10) Dolke E. Kanoff (5) (8) Bates Baltimore (9) (4) Metcalfe J. Ward (6) (2) Chaddick Gregory (5) Cascade Javees defeated the Mill City five 50 to 28. Richard Verbeck lead the scoring of the game with 9 points. Mill City will meet St. Paul on the local floor on February 8. The last game on the local floor will be with OSD on Friday February 22. I.Y1.E YATES AT SAN ANTONIO Word was received today by the parents of Lyle Evan Yates, that he has been assigned to San Antonio, Tex., air base. He enlisted and was sent by plane to his new assignment. Young Yates’ address is Flight 193, 3738th Training Sqdn., 3730th Basic Military Trng. Group, Lackland Air, Force Base, San Antonio, Tex. Lyle I | attended Mill City high school as a | junior. i Last Tuesday evening the Mill City Javern’a Derby Shuffleboarders walked off with the league champion- ship when they downed the Maples cafe and tavern with a score of 177 to 122 to complete their string of wins. Their total winnirg joints was 1549 against ^94 for the lowers in all games played during this league round of play. The first tie game in the league play of the Santiam shuffleboard league was played last Sunday at Cedars Tavern in Detroit, when the Meander Inn shufflers traveled to the upper canyon and tied the Cedars players at 134 all. This is the first time in the local league play that a tie game has resulted. The Cedars players will play the Sublimity team Sunday and the Meander lnners are watching the out come of this game eagerly since it will decide league position. Should the Cedars win Sunday’s game then a tie for second nlace will exist in the league standing between Meander Inn and Cedars. The Maples Cafe met Jerry’s Tavern last Friday evening in their round on the shuffleboard alley and took a loss from that strong aggre gation. However, the following Sun day, the Maples players met the Canyon club of Detroit and took a win over the high altitude team of 176 to 143. The Meander Inn is boasting of a women’s shuffleboard team and will challenge all comers to meet them on the shuffleboard alleys for a test of skill. Their first game will be played this Sunday at Meander Inn when | thev take on the highly touted men’s aggregation. The Mill City tavern's shuffleboard team journeyed to Detroit this Wednesday evening to defeat to De- troit women 136 to 134. Quality job printing at The Mill City Enterprise WORRIED? 1 A JII Use Our Modern Movin *ing Vans Next Time You Move or Ship In Freight! Wright Truck Line Phone 125 “Ship the ‘WRIGHT’ way’’ Stay ton. Ore Timberwolves Scalp Rod and Gun Club Indians 57 to 48 Dines Pot Luck By DICK WILLIAMS The Timberwolves traveled to Chemawa on Friday, February 1, to victory over them 57 to 48. Mill City five worked the fast break all through the game. This was too much for the Indians although they did some good ball playing. Roy Chase lead the scoring for Mill City with 16 points. Dick Dow ner and Bob Baltimore was trailing close behind with 14 points each. Chemawa’s fast break did not work in the first and second quarter but was in effect the third and fourth quarter. Mill City lead the quarter count 11 to 8; 26 to 20; and 43 to 34. (49) Chemawa I Mill City (57) (4) James Chase (16) Smison Marttala (5) (8) Benallie Downer (14) (14) Shillal Kanoff (6) (16) Patchpe Baltimore (14) (4) Godows! Ward (2) (2) Yallup The Mill City Javees victory over the Indian 46 to 37. Phil Carey of Mill City lead the scoring of the game with 13 points. Mill City Hi-Lites By GARY PETERSON The Mill City high school sheet came out on Friday of this week. Nothing exceptional about that, ex cept that it was probably the most perfect technically of any issue put out thus far. I think Prof. Lecours is a stinker! Not only did he withhold information from me about the “slightly used” daughter he picked up at the hospital, but he didn't come around with a box of cigars for the chemistry class. First thing I knew about the whole episode was when I walked into the aforesaid chem class and nearly dropped dead when they told me I.e- Cours was in the hospital having a baby with the aid of his wife. Con grats anyway! Bob Veness, meeting with a com mittee of Mill City high school students, agreed to lower the admis sion price for Mill City high school student body members from the adult price of sixty cents to a new student rate of four bits. It was pointed out in this discussion that a few of the high school students make a habit of being boisterous and loud during the movie, thereby influencing many adults to curtail seriously their at tendance at the theatre. Those who take advantage of this lower price are asked to sit quietly and ask those who are making noises to likewise sit quietly. The advan tages to the student are plain. If the students show their gratitude as they should, it will also benefit Veness by bringing more adults into the theatre for entertainment. Veness also pointed out several rea sons why the recent increase in prices was necessary. Increased costs and various improvements in the theatre such as installing a new furnace or changing the old one for improved heating, a bunch of new seats, altering the accoustics. and in stalling carpeting in the lobby and Its the Greatest Car Ever Built in the low-price field ! *ITÌ NEW FROM RQAP TO ROOF! 'rri LONGER ANO STRONGER'. • The '52 Ford brings more power, more comfort, more big-car features into the low-price field than ever before! Its longer, stronger body, its sweeping style, its new all-around visibility, its two new high-compression power plants, and its dozens of built-for-keepe features make it the ablest car on the American road—the car that meeta the widest range ot motorists' needs. Kefs Given Priority On Federal Lands A pot-luck dinner was held at Marion Forks lodge by the Rod and Gun club last week. Forty-six were present. , Election of officers was held. Wayne Woodward was elected president, and Milo Harris, secretary treasurer. It was also a combination farewell party for Dorian Ray who was called into the service on Tuesday of this week. Each man purchased a dollar ticket which entitled him to a drawing of the door prize which was a bag of pop corn. There was $25 collected for the March of Dimes. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Huber Ray, and his sister and husband from Grants Pass, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Dorian Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Young, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Major Baughn, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stoll, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Hublow, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chestnut, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Palmerton, Mr. and Mrs. John Ray, Mrs. Clint Smith, Mr. Ben Bar- ber, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jacks and son Terry, Mr. and Mrs. George Brasmer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willis, and a school-day- friend of Dorian and Roberta Ray. Rubber Boot Work : • : « Full Soles and Heels ♦ Three more land openings compris ing a total of 81 farm units are. scheduled for the immediate future in the Columbia basin project in Wash ington, the Oregon Department of j Veterans’ Affairs announced today. Veterans of World War II have prior BEFORE BUYING SHOES ity in purchasing the farms. SEE THE M ASON LINE The opening on the first of these blocks, which comprises nine farms | near Quincy, has already been an- i nounced by the Bureau of Reclamation. Applications for these units must be | n the Bureau of Reclamation office, CHARLES UMPHRESS, Prop. Ephrat a, Washington, by February Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. 29. The second public announcement will be issued about February 11, with the veterans’ filing deadline slated 45 days later. This block con sists of 42 farms near Othello. The final announcement to be issued by the reclamation bureau in the Columbia basin project this year will be made about April 1 and will cover about 30 farms south of Othello. While the Oregon veterans depart ment expects to have supplies of ap plication forms when issued, veterans were advised to write direct to the reclamation office at Ephrata, in order to get on the mailing list for lat»r announcements. Drawings to determine winners of the farm units are ordinarily held from two to three weeks after the filing deadline. Winners, to qualify, must have had honorable service in World War II, must have had farming MRS. J. H. JOHNSTON experience, and must have at least Little Karen Rodich celebrated I her $4500 in cash, assets which can be con 4th birthday anniversary, Feb. 1st. verted to cash, or farm machinery Karen is the daughter of Mr. and 1 Mrs. and equipment. P. W. Rodich. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Hilbert Nel- son were over Sunday night and Mon day Portland visitors. The Nelsons are here from North Dakota to spend The perfection in quality of the winter. They are friends of the The Manufacturers Life reports light olympia Beer is due not Paul Scheiwek family and live in their alone to premium ingredients, trailer house at the Scheiwgk place. Business in Force of $1,444 million.! but to the rare water from our The new business in 1951 was $181 Mr. and Mrs. Orville Britton and artesian wells, famed for its million greater than that written in family of Sweet Home have rented natural purity and brewing the Clair Humphreys property and the previous year and amounted to qualities. moved here last week. They have a $198 million. Final touch of perfection is Payments made to policyholders boy and girl in grade school and a the skillful brewing ... a skill little girl younger. Britton has taken under their contracts totalled $26 handed down through three the agency for a power saw com million and were distributed to bene generations. ficiaries and policyholders in death pany and is opening a shop here. Mrs. Bill Kergil and son. Harry Don claims, matured endowments, annuity of Twin Cedars was a Fox Valley payments and other policy benefits, including $2 million in dividends to visitor recently. policyholders. An increased scale of Mrs. Harley Scott called on Mrs. nolicyholders’ dividends has been de J. H. Johnston Thursday afternoon. clared for 1952. Mrs. Hugh Johnston and daughter, The Assets of the Company grew Kathryn, were in Salem Saturday. to $449 million. Government and The groundhog didn't get to see Government guaranteed bonds consti his shadow in our vicinity, Feb. 2, so tuted 20 percent of Assets and corpor we should get some early spring ation and municipal bonds 39 percent; weather according to the “old time mortgages constituted 19 percent of predictions.’' Anyhow, pansies are Assets, preferred and common stocks still blooming and primroses and daf 11 percent, cash and other assets 11 fodils are budidng. percent. The rate of interest earned on the down the aisles. All of these cost Assets was 4.29 percent, an increase Light Refreshment Bet erage of sizeable sums of money. And, speak over the previous year’s rate of 4.22 ing of seats, some goon or group of percent. Millions of Temperate People snooks has made a nasty and idiot The mortality experience was fav ILTMPI4 BREWING Cl.. OLYMPIA. W*S4 . I. $ L ical habit of slashing seat covers with orable and Contingency Reserve and ’Trad» Markt Reg. U. S. Pal. Off. a knife or a razor blade, apparently Surplus now amount to $273z million. I to see what the stuffing looks like. OfMciOOOak x'x x x;x:x « XManffiCRXVSKWK'X-WX,x XXX’X x'xX«lM'Xx:>®SM These cost five bucks to repair. So you see that there are reasons for things. Word has reached my ear that some Gates students were some what distressed because they were left out in the cold in this deal. My advice is to do as we did—send a committee over to Veness for a friendly discussion about the matter. Bob also stated that he would like to AT visit the high school and show its students some pictures and have a talk with them to bring about a closer understanding between himself and the kids. NEW RETAIL LOCATION: I am very, very disappainted in the voters of the Detroit-Idanha East City Limits on Highway 222 school district, They turned down an Phone 3215 MILL CITY opportunity both for their own chil dren and for the Mill City students for better education. They destined their children to an education from a school with, I believe, three teachers so that ‘they get more individual in struction’’, At any school, regardless of size, a student who shows an in terest in his work will find his teachers more than willing to heljz him. The exact count in this election to decide whether or not to send Detroit high school students to Mill City next year when the old school will be in the middle of the Detroit dam reservoir can be found in another nart of this paner. Chuck's Shoe Shop Fox Valley Manufacturers Life Annual Report What makes Olympia so good? ‘7/i the Water* All Building Supply Needs Kelly Lumber Sales FEEDS and SEEDS Do Your Planning Now for Next Season's Crop BEAUTIFUL! YOU WILL ALWAYS FINO AN AMPLE SUPPLY OF SEEDS AT YOU CO-OP STORE The Maples Cate & Tavern Highway 222 *1 mile« East of Gate« lie also have a full line of Poultry, Dairy, Hog and Rabbit Feeds Give Us a Trial ! SPECIALISTS IN MULLIGAN STEW fTS BUILT FOR KEEPS ever built for the American Road 52 FORD I <»u and I’erey Mulligan. I’rop«. “Was a nervous wreck from agonizing pain until I found Pazo!” 'lest Prive'the Ablest Cor r.n A.F. : Ford Dealers Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton »ay« Mre. A. W., San Antonio, Texas Speed amazing relief from miseries of simple piles, with soothing Pazo»’ Acts to relieve pain, itching uu/«tny—soothes inflamed tissues—lubricates dry. hard ened parts- help« prevent cracking, sore ness—reduce swelling. You get real com forting help lYwi suffer needless torture from simple piles. Get Pazo for fast, won derful relief. Ask your doctor about it. Suppository Twm—also tubes with per forated pile pipe for easy application. *^ue Oswwi oa>W £ SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Feed* Seed« Fertilizer Telephone 5021 (.rinding and Mixing Custom Cleaning Seed Market Household Appliances Machinery Hardware Petroleum Products STAYTON, ORE. : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I : : :