IlLCKLEBERRY FINN LYONS /VAN MAH.1 IF HE STUMBLES ANO FAILS OO'NN BEFORE. I GET THERE.' By MRS. EVA BRESSLER “Our Faith” is the topic for Rev. Rinke A. Feenstra’s message next Bunday morning. The Communion service will be observed. At 1 p.m., the adult Bible class, with Willard Hartnell as its teacher, will serve turkey dinner to its many friends in this community. There were six present from the 1,1. class (interested intermediates) for their first mission study class, Monday after school, at the home of their teacher, Mrs. R. A. Feenstra, to begin the study of Latin America. Present were Shirley Mohler. Claudia Johnson, Carol Kruse, Gloria Carr, Gerald Steele and Bob Roy. Garnett Bassett was hostess for the meeting of the Three Links club Friday afternoon at her home. Elec­ tion of officers was the main business. Officers elected were Mildred Carr, chairman; Garnett Bassett, vice chair­ man; Jean Roberts, secretary; ami Ethel Huffman, treasure. Plans were made for a cleanup day at the Rebekah Mrs. Harold Brewer and Mrs. Marion hall, Tuesday, Jan 29. It was also Stone of Tacoma, Wash., and Mr. and voted to do some improvements a- Mrs. Max Montgomery from Coos round the hall, such as building some Bay were Sunday guests at the home walks and putting some lights in the of Mr. and Mrs. Vem Goodell. They outside buildings. Plans were also attended funeral services for Reginald made to have a bazaar sometime in Goodell held in Dallas Saturday after­ April. Present for the meeting were noon. Mr. and Mrs. Max Montgom­ Zona Sischo, Rosa Berry, Mildred ery were over night guests at the Carr, Ethel Huffman, Laura Neal, home of his sister and family, Mr. Jean Roberts, Blanche Wagner, Max­ I and Mrs. Harry Monroe in Mehama. ine Berry and the hostess, Garnett Miss Pauline Bridges and Miss Donna Peabody were hostesses for a Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burmester at­ party held at the Bridges home Sun­ tended a dinner, Sunday, at the home day afternoon honoring Cecil Bassett of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William on his birthday anniversary. Games Beran, near Scio. The occassion and refresrments furnished the enter­ VETERINARIAN I honored her mother on her birthday tainment. Those honoring Cecil were | anniversary. Afternoon visitors at'Cheita Lande, Nova Ann Geraths, STAYTON the Beran home were Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Titus, Janet Huffman, Ruby Adam Voytek of Scio, and Mr. and Naue, Donald Olmstead, Corinne Arc­ PHONE 414« Mrs. Jack McReynolds and son, Ed­ her, Donna Peabody, and Pauline Bridges. Sending gifts but unable to ward, of Albany. Opposite Thursday evening dinner guests at attend were Pat Archer, and Jean Claude lowin' Service Station the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Pietrok. Following the party, the Stevens were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford group was taken to Stayton to the Crook from Minnesota, and Mr. and show. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Mrs. Jack Scott of Mill City. Tues­ I day evening, Mr. and Mrs. Vem Good­ and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and Cecil ell, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crook and were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis and For Guaranteed Cleaning Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Crook visited son Darrell of Salem. at the Stevens home and viewed the Miss Eldene Aydelott of Salem was it's the | slide pictures of the Alaska trip. a guest of Miss Norma Miller at the Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Westover from home of Mrs. Alice Huber. Miss San Diego, Calif., spent several days Aydelott is a third grade teacher in at the home of her parents, Mr. and the Salem schools. Mrs. Art Baltzer. Westover who is Mr. and Mrs. Oral Toland returned 24-HOUR SERVICE seaman in radar has just recently home Sunday from Prineville. Mrs. I returned from Korea. They have re- Toland has spent the past month at Mill City ! turned to Calif., where he will have the home of-her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fetherston, help­ | shore duty for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Barr, Mr. and ing with the care of the new grand­ daughter, Mary Louetta. The Fether- Stons’ have two other daughters, Ann and Leone. Rev. Ernest Fritschle. Mrs. Frits- chle and two children were Sunday guests at the Lyons Methodist church, at the worship hour. The are out going missionates of Faith. Their destination is the Lee Memorial Mis­ sion in Calcutta, India. They expect i to leave the states sometime the first of February. Rev. Fritschle was i stationed at Calcutta during World War IL Lt. and Mrs. Lynn Roye of Portland “At the Bottom of the Hill” | were Sunday dinner geusts at the I home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I E. L. Roye. Vaughn Hunt who recently Uas ; called into the Army and sent to Lewis, spent Sunday in Lyons. Hunt with her father, Forrest degger went Saturday to Fort Lewis I after him. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Nydegger and Mrs. Hunt took him back to camp. The adult Bible class of ttne Meth­ odist church are inviting the commun­ ity to join them in a feast of food fellowship (served family style) at 1 p.m. next Sunday, Feb. 3, at the community club house. Mrs. Thomas Putman was hostess to a group of friends honoring her husband on his birthday anniversary held Saturday evening at their home. Cards furnished the entertainment, with pinochle in play. High scores was held by Mis. Merwin Knox and Dalls Franklin; low went to Mis. W. R. Tull and Bob Walton. At the dose of the evening, Mrs. Putman ed lemon filled whipped cream J. January 31. 1932 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE GOIN NU-METHOD IT’S AMAZING! OcKS'ter-iær 'AS CURBS-ÍOkiÉS Siwes as moajeÿ im PARTS OF BrRICa ! S mall - CHiwe ismpdé ßS CHIPíW Off SMHLL- PIECÍ5! ‘ --_rX T he shark is the F\SV\ T hat cam A ctually BLINK ITS EYES !!! I D isclose - OF A SING l F < (C^SES on RECORD MANŸ INSTANCES ........ knrvjimg pnd felling TREHS 2 FT. INDIFWETE&' COWS HPNt UPPER hJO FRCMT "TtETH1 94r Never a Dull Moment MILL CITY TAVERN The DEBUNKER Bv John Harvey Furbay. Ph.D. TH. |7 v . a . LOCUST 001$ NOT Livi tVEN ONE YEAR. Pains, distress of “those days" stopped or amazingly relieved PURA in 3 out of 4 cases in doctors’ tests! • Here’s wonderful news for women and girls who — each month — suffer the tortures of “bad days” of functionally- caused menstrual cramps and pain — headaches, backaches, and those ’’no-good,” dragged- out feelings. It’s news about a medicine famous for relieving such suf­ fering 1 Here is the exciting news. Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound - gave complete or ttrlking relief of such distress in an average of 3 out of 4 of the cases in doctors' tests! ScianliAcally Modern Action Yea! Lydia Pinkham's has been proved to be scientifically modern tn action! This news will not surprise tile thousands of women and girls who take Lydia Pinkham's regularly and know the relief it can bring And it should encourage you (If you're not taking Lydia Pinkham’s) to see if your ex­ perience doesn t match theirs . ,, to see if you, loo, don't avoid 136 Hew lyaia Pinkhom'» warli» It hat a "calming ' and »oottun, effect on ttie uterus . . . quieting tne contractions in* the chart that so o/ten enure menst-ua pain, cramps, other distress. the nervousness and tension, weakness, irritability — and pain so often associated with "those days”! Remember Lydia Pinkham's, too — if you're suffering the ' hot flashes"’ and other func­ tionally-caused distress of ’ change of life.” ni Com­ Oct Lydia Pinkham's pound or new. improved Tab­ lets with added iron (trial size only 59<). Start taking Lydia Pinkham'» today! seventeen ■merge* from the ground during the * climbs up on a tree trunk ;s skm and flies into the tree It mates with another locust, emales lay their eggs tn Then both the males Their life— »ft» days or hatch into h may 11* e tn the c on root tor seven- led ore beim« trar Les s Tavern MILL CITY A FRIENDLY FAMILY ATMOSPHERE PREVAILS — 1°’? Fc-4 ' Vitoria’’ is a member of the Ford Crestline which also includes the S—'liner convertible P”d the Country Squire station wagon. The Victoria combines unob­ structed side visibility and op-n-car advantages of a sports vehicle with the all-weather protec­ tion of steel sedan top construction. It is available in a wide variety of interior trim, uphol­ steries and solid or two-tone body colors. cake and coffee to Mr. Putman the honored guest, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tull of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. King of Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skillings, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wal- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Franklin, and Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Knox all of Lyons. The Mari-Linn completely packed when the Team played the Loggers in a Donkey basketball game with the score 27-12 in favor of the town team. The P.TC. who sold lunch was sold »out. Much fun was had with the crowd in an uproar most of the time. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Nydegger entertained with a chicken dinner held at their home honoring the basket ball players of the Lyons town team. Also a going away party for their son-in-law, Vaughn Hunt, who was called into the service, and was a »layer on the team. Present were Mr. and M rs. Joe Johnson, Mr. anil Mrs. Clarence Junguirth, Mr. ami Mrs. Leland Manning. Mr. and Mrs. l^o Cruson. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Limbeck. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Toland. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cruson, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Nydegger. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Hunt, Mrs Gladys Stif­ fler, Bob Brassfield. Ralph Hurst. Shirley Miller. Jimmy Frank, Mr. an I Mrs. Forrest Nydegger, Shirk Bev­ erly and Mabel. Recent visitors at the 1 me of Mr. and Mrs. Vem Goodell w, •e Mr. and Mrs. Marion Stone and son John f Tacoma. Wash. Mrs. Stone is a i i. Goo, tell. Mrs Harold . Orego the hem. A •t Mi Christian W PHR Tuesdav h Iti thei lit ie with a one o'clo •k k W Mr*. Ja V Spiritual Li Wilson. Mrs. George Roseberry and her mother, Mrs. Wrench from Salem, Mesdames Ernest Garsjo, Joe Zimmer­ I man, Russell Theil, Bob Walton, John Neal. Alex Bodeker, Ray Hohler,1 Wood Oliver, Clyde Bressler, Loren Chamberlain, Ed Hargreaves Willard Hartnell, Ivan Smith, Glen Julian. William Titmos, Floyd Bassett, Leon­ ard Cruson, Charlie Cruson, Eugene Roye Donald McWhirk, Mrs. Alice Huber. Mrs.-Hudson, and Rev. and, Mrs. R. A. Feenstra from Lyons. Miss Betty Bentley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bentley of Lyons who is a student at Linfield college i at McMinnville, has been appointed to the forum committee for Christian Emphasis week, Feb. 10-16. Mrs. Earl Allen was hostess for the hospital board members of Stay­ ton at her home Tuesday afternoon 1 for the purpose of getting the sewing j organized. Plans were made to hold f a meeting at the community club; house in Lyons, Tuesday, Jan. 29, to I start their cutting and sewing of the 1 hospital gowns. Present were Bertha ' Baltimore. Ruby Crosier of Mill City. Agnes Kirsch. Ann De.Iardin, Mar­ garet Kimsey, Verla Fry. Kathyrr. Weddle of Stayton, Mabel Downing and Bertha Allen of Lyons. Mr. and Mr*. Thomas Putman and daughter. Mary Lynn, attended a din- j ner at the home of hi* parent*. Mr. and Mr*. Lee Putman in Eugene, The occassion honored Thomas on his birthda y anniversary. The home economics club of Snntinm V«’!ey grange held meeting Tuesdav afternoorf at home e of Mr*. M ilson Stevens. Stevens, cha business meeting. Plans were made and discussed for the annual bazaar and harvest festival which is held in the fall. It was also voted to hold their meetings the second Tuesday in the month. At the close of the meet­ ing Mrs. Stevens served dainty re­ freshments to Mesdames Albert Ju­ lian, Albert Stevens, Clyde Bressler, Jerry Coffman, Elmer Taylor, Giles Wagner, and Dallas Franklin. UTTLE ILLS MAKE ç,\G B • True, that "'little ¡lines*’" you're been mentioning in an offhand way, may ix* seem to amount to much- just a few faint symptoms^ But. neglected, these "little ills’" can lead to big bills foe doctors, medicines, etc; not to mention needless suffering and loss of precious time. Consult a Doctor now — you’ll sate by it in the end^ Ami.of course, we hope you’ll bring his prescription to ns for careful compounding. 4 Capitol Drug Co Salem ••••••• »•••••• à VI Gooch Logging Supply Everything for the Logger B ASSETT S WEI DING SHOP t o Mr nrngram Huber, pr* gave a sh de Rre«1 M •me* I