7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Januar) 21. 1952 mws aW SWe/lf lt’s the Can»on- •*> Advertised in The Enterprise! FOR SALE — 1950 Bendix automatic FOR SALE—50x100 lot, filbert trees AVON COSMETICS washing machine, bolt down style. in Portland or will trade for trailer $150.00. Phone 1815, Mill City. 4-3 See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, green house or what have you? P.O. Box house north of Santiam Garage. 673, Mill City. 3-3p Telephone 926, Box 658, Mill City. 3tf EXPERT AUTO and home radio service, 20 years experience, al) makes. Guaranteed service. FOR SALE — 27-ft. all aluminum PLEASE LIST all available rooms, Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. trailer house, tandrum wheels, elec room and board, houses and apts. tric brakes, shower, sleeps six, Write, telephone or visit Personnel Dept. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled bleached mahogany finish inside. Douglas fir poles, delivered to Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. Make offer. Enquire at blue trailer Lyons yard. For further informa behind Texaco station, Aumsville, E. tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 M. Minard. 3-1 TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma-1 Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745, chines. We sell, rent, repair and. Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf swap all makes. Trade your old i SEE US FOR GOOD Real Estate machine towards a new one. NEED A TELEPHONE? —Stop in buys in Canyon area. Listings ROEN. 456 Court St.. Salem. and see the new Lech combination •wanted. See GLEN SHELTON, desk or wall phone, also used salesman with C. E. COVILLE, SPORTSMEN—Join the North San phones from $10.00 up. Telephone Broker, west side Mill City. Phone I tiam Sportsman’s club now. We are and' Hearing Aid batteries stocked. 2207. 52tf I devoted to game conservation and Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. propagation and need your help. I TARPS—Tents, new’ and used. Selec Only $1.00 per year, you will have FOR SALE—1947 Buick convertible, tion of sizes. that much fun at one meeting. see Wagner’s at Gates Trailer Court Red’s Hill Top Trading Post Enquire at Enterprise office, or see 4-lp Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s. 9 FOR SALE — Chevrolet parts from PLUMBING SUPPLIES —Pipe fit wrecked car. See Silver Saddle tings, toilets, sinks, washbowls, Service Station. 47tf FOR SALE — Used Chevrolet and bathtubs, showers, etc. Bargain Ford parts, ’36 and older. Glen prices. Red's Hill Top Trading Post. CLOSE OUT SALE—Three new Cros- Mattson, R. 1, Box 73, Lyons. 3-lp ley electric ranges: several Crosley STOVES—Heaters and ranges, in oil FOR SALE—Wood stove, large Coun Shelvador electric refrigerators. tess Montag, needs one lining, oth or wood. Save at Sam E. Bridges, Gas Heat, Lyons. erwise excellent condition, $40. See Red’s Hill Top Trading Post 4 2 Joe Novak, R. 1, Lyons, Ore. 2-3p Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co SALEM, ORE. 1105 N. Front St Lyons Phone: 143 Salem Phones: 2-1924: Night 2 4417 HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons Including D8 and HD14 Cats, and ’«-yard shovels. / Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, Low-bed Trailers OPEN 7 a.m. to 12:30 a.m Weekdays SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT MILL CITÙ Phone 903 B » TRAILER HOMES Platt Angelus Traveleze Boles-Aero NEW AND USED ALL SIZES PARTS AND SUPPLIES 9 o I B o ■ « South Side Trailers ALBANY — 2 Miles South on 99E Business ■ slightest provocation. He is tied up most of the time; for there’s nothing NOTICE [ like being chained up a lot to develop Personal property taxpayers are re unfriendly attitude in a dog. And he quired to file an invoice as of January must be chained up, or kenneled, when 1st. 1952. wfth the Assessor for an I assessment base. Assessment must So many people who get a dog do not under direct supervision of his be filed on or before March 2, 1952. so because they want one "that will owner. Penalty provided after due date. be a good watch deg.” Trucks and automobiles carrying That’s all very well and good—up State license plates, and furniture in to a point, declares Harry Miller, WE SELL BETTER private homes are exempt. Furniture in Hotels, Apartments director of the Gaines Dog Research CARS FOR LESS! and Rooming Houses are subject to ! Center, New York. Unfortunately, he states, so few people realize that taxation. If you have not received an assess a dog trained to be hostile to all ment blank, please notify the Asses strangers may take a slice out of sor’s Office. rich Uncle Joe who is just coming for JOHN W. SHEPPARD. a surprise visit, or bite some young I 4-6 Linn County Assessor. ster who climbs over the garden Stayton fence just as readily as he will attack NOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL a burglar. BUILDING IT PAYS TO BUY AT That home is rare indeed which re- Sealed bids will be received by the HOME! undersigned until the hour of 8:00 quires the services of a specially- p.m. on February 12, 1952, and immed trained guard dog, who renders his iately thereafter opened by the Board best service on large estates, in busi of Directors of School District No. ness houses, industrial plants and 129J, Mill City, Oregon, for the sale civil and military institutions of var of a two-story nine-room elementary ious kinds. What the average family school building. This school will be needs for guarding the home is the sold to the bidder offering the best average house dog, Mr. Miller says. price for said building; and each bid shall be accompanied by a bid bond, He notes that an ordinary family dog I certified check or cash deposit in th* will usually bark loudly and in vary amount of 10% of the total amount ing degrees: in friendly greeting said check to be payable to Clerk when someone comes to the door, FOR SALE—1940 Chevrolet 4-dr. de bid, of Linn Co. School District No. 129J. CRANKSHAFT GRINDING luxe sedan, good tires, heater, seat Mill Citv. Oregon, as a guarantee of warningly when an intruder creeps into the cellar or when a fire breaks covers, recently overhauled and good faith. VOLTAGE REGULATORS out unexpectedly. If some stranger painted. Price $450.00, can be seen The Board reserves the right to re with a bludgeon in his hand attempts GENERATOR REPAIRS at Richfield Station in Mehama. 2-3 ject any or all bids, and to waive in to sneak up on a member of the formalities. FOR RENT—S-room house, available Specifications may be obtained from family, this same house pet may very February 5th. Lots for sale. Box the Superintendent of Mill City Public likely take a piece out of the intruder’s 133. Phone 924. Mill City. ___ 441 Schools, Mill Citv. Oregon. leg, or at least interfere with his EDNA ROSS, Clerk work. The dog will likewise probably WANTED — Poles, Piling. Barkies; School District No. 129J raise a considerable rumpus if some unpeeled Douglas Fir poles wanted Linn-Marion Counties, Oregon stranger tries to snatch the baby out delivered Fox Valiev. Ore. Length Phone 2403 Mill City of its carriage. 30 to 80 feet. Phone evenings Lvons ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The true guard dog, on the other 82. days Portland ATwater 2346. Next to Mar Dean Cafe Sealed bids will be received by the McCormick Piling & Lumber Co., hand, must be trained as < such, he of Linn-Marion Counties states. He is taught to be hostile, Board of Trade Bldg., Portland. Clerk School District No. 129J, Mill City, 37tf Oregon, in the office of the Superin to everyone, ready to spring at the i It’s Your Newspaper—Subscribe Now tendent of Schools, Mill City, Oregon, until 8:00 o’clock p.m. PST, Thursday, REAL ESTATE i February 14, 1952, for an Elementary Two-bedroom, unfinished house in | School Annex, and will then and there Shufflehoard Good Music Mill City, cement foundation, comp, be opened and publicly read aloud. | roof, cedar siding located in new Bids received after the hour set for the ! addition of Mill City for only $2,000, opening will not be considered. Plans, specifications, details and $500 down, $40 per month. Two bedroom modern house, very neat forms of Contract Documents for this Building may be examined at andc lean, large rooms, Mill City, Annex office of S. R. Haatvedt, Archi close to schools, for $3,800, terms. the tect. 340 W. 1st Avenue, Albany, FOR SALE—Low price house located Oregon, and a separate set of said Where Friends Meet in Marion county side of Mill City. plans, specifications and forms may Two bedrooms downstairs and two be obtained upon a deposit of $25.00 On Highway 222, Linn County Side usable bedrooms upstairs. Bath per set. Additional sets of plans and specifications may be obtained from room remodeled recently, nice large MILL CITY lot, with apple and nut trees, »3,750. the Architect for the sum of $10.00 George "Sparky” Ditter per set to cover costs of reproduction. No refund of the $10.00 for additional FRED A. LINDEMANN sets will be made but such additional sets shall remain the property of the — Public Accounting — Architect and shall be returned to him Real Estate — Insurance in good condition after the opening of LYONS. OREGON bids. Bids will be received on the follow DON’T BUY ON PRICE ALONE The Mill City Enterprise ing enumerated item?: General Con struction, Plumbing, Heating. Venti Qualitv Job Printing at BUY A QUALITY GUARANTEED USED CAR lating. and Electrical work, all under 3 X AT NO EXTRA (’OST one Contract. No bidder may obtain the proposal .< AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE form unless he has delivered to the à FROM YOUR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER Architect, at the above address, a nrequalification statement and ques- THE tionaire in accordance with the pro SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. visions of Section 98-103, O.C.L.A., at least 10 days in advance of the date , »2,695.00 1951 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe 4-Door Sedan set for openin" of bids; provided, I however, in case a bidder is willing Over $300 worth of valuable accessories. to waive his right of appeal from »2,595.00 1951 Packard "200” Series 4-Dr. Sedan whatever action the officers of the Only 5,000 miles. Lots of extras. Owner may take in qualifying or dis »1,645.00 1949 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Sedan qualifying him, he may present the Radio, heater. Only 22,000 miles. statement and questionaire as late as | 5 days before the date set for the »1,395.00 1949 Chevrolet Fleetline 2-I)r. Sedan opening of bids, but not later. A beauty throughout. Heater. Almost new tires. Prequalification statement and »1 395.00 1949 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-Door Sedan nuestionaire form may be obtained j Radio, heater. Good tires. Light gray color. from the Architect. Each bid shall be accompanied by | a certified check. ca = hier’s check or j bid bond (with authorized surety company) made payable to Linn- Marion Counties School District No. HOME OF CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH 129J. Mill Citv, Oregon, in the amount of not less than 10 percent of the 405 — 435 — 495 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4117 amount of the bid. The Owner reserves the right to jcajxnr«'« aw im « a » w ' s !!W reiect anv or all bids and to waive informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid ■ after the hour set for the opening thereof, or before the award of the contract, unless said award is de layed for a period exceeding thirty days. 4 EDNA ROSS, Clerk I)R. VICTOR .1. MYERS School District No. 129J Chiropractic Physician Linn-Marion Counties. Oregon Post Office Building. 2nd Floor First publication: __________ January ______ 24, . . 1952 Phone: Stayton 2274 Second publication: January 31, 1952 Stayton, Ore. Third publication: February 7, 1952 Directory DR. R. ROY QUICK J Dan River Prints. Children's Books, ¡Wool Scarfs. Stamped Pillow Cases, Blankets. Handkerchiefs, Nylons DENTIST Telephone 2261 for Appointment Tuesdays: 9 a m. to 6:30 p.m. Thursdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office in Jenkins Bldg.. Mill City : Hendricsons Store 'popular HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET CARBURETION and IGNITION HEIDT S AUTO ELECTRIC Salem Automobile Co. Do It Now! MIKE'S Septic Service: Attorneys st Law Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned < Phone SALEM 3 9468. OOIJXCT • 1079 Elm St., W. Salem 180 N. Commercial Phone 3-6412 A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle Hours ■ Difference Between Watch, Guard Dog MEANDER INN Emergency Service at All Hours I ■ LEGAL ADVERTISING VERNE’S 1 BARBER SHOP 2nd 4 Broadway Mill City Hours: 10 to 7 ' —------- -------------------------- ' MPO©o©flXDQ©©©co©cx;x «« cxmouxub WOOD’S STORE General Dry Goods NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY LUZIERS COSMETICS 1 1). W. REID. MD. 1 ■ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON! Mill aty nHBBBBBBBBBBBBnBBtn»BBBBH9> IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE mnmBBBfiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Painful Vor IBit, relief from eore. firry, ItehUif, simple FUee. eet CHTNAROID from your drupelet. Bee now fuet it uiuslly •oothee sway pain, aoreneaa, Itchlns. nerv- ouaneM See how it cools fiery burn in* and help* shrink and heal swollen tissues. Wonder-soothlns CHINAROTD must prove s blesslns to you or money back Is ffuarsnteed Albany TAVERN IN MANY CASES NOTHING IS REQUIRED DOWN—EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS z MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Also light hauling Attorney at Ijtw 318 Broadalbin RICHARD'S GATES Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly njckuos »1.50 per month HARLOW L WEINRICK Budget Plan How to Treat WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modem Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON Major Automotive Repairs On New I-eon a rd Herman Phone 3952 It’s Your Newspaper—Subscribe No» HEART ATTACK OR INDIGESTION? THANK HtAVT*»’ Mo’t attack« are ' j-» arid indigestion When It atrikea, take Baiiani They contain the faateat -act o« tablets TT-7 _ medicines i known to doctors for the relief of heartburn, gaa and usuaar duuaaa 2j<. VOIR LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALER Gene Teague Chevrolet Chevrolet Sales and Service STAYTON, ORE.