|SHUFFLEBOARD LEAGUE GAMES .« IIEDI LED January 29 — 8 p.m. i Davies tavern, Stayton at M.C. tavern Maples tavern at Sublimity tavern The Mill City “Derby” Shufflers Richards tavern at Meander Inn, M.C. still remain undefeated by virtue of a Cedars tavern at Jerry’s tavern. Gates victory over the Cedar Tavern team of Lea's tavern at Detroit tavern Detroit by a score of 149-98. Begin­ February 1—8 p.m. ning the game wearing Derbies, the Davies tavern at Richard's tav., Gates Mill City team began to gain in the Sublimity tavern at Detroit tavern second round and were never topped. Meander Inn at Cedars tavern. Detroit Because of the importance of the Mill City tavern at Les’s tavern, M.C. game, the Mill City shufflers wore Maples tavern at Jerry’s tavern. Gates "Lefty” Roy Shase tossed in 16 their derby hats for the first time. counters to pace the Mill City Timber­ February 5— 8 p.m. The hex worked, especially on Carl wolves to a roaring 70-32 triumph Jerry’s tavern at Davies tav., Stayton “ Winter Green ” Ball and Earl “ Hoot ’ over the Cougars of Detroit to re­ Lyman. A rousing yell was given the Cedars tavern at Sublimity tavern GENERAL EXTENSION DIVISION ATOMIC ENERGY EXHIBIT tain a tie with Sublimity for the Detroit tavern at Meander Inn, M. C. Cedars at the end of the game. Two students, visiting the traveling Atomic Energy Exhibit, are impressed league lead. Mill City has eight win, Maples tavern at Mill City tavern as they hear about the future possibilities of atomic power for warfare The Mill City Derbies have scored one lost record. Richard’s tavern at Les’s tavern, M.C. and peacetime uses. The atomic display is on national tour under direction 857 points in league games to 549 for The Green and Gold crew led half­ of the National University Extension Association, and is being brought opponents. The Mill City shuffle­ time score 30 to 11. The wolves also to Oregon by the General Extension Division of the state system of higher board team. Milt Irwin (Captain), ceding the Court of Honor, at which led the first quarter count 18 to 6 education. Over thirty major exhibits, direct from the laboratories of the Hazel Irwin, Ray Walker. George the sponsoring organization,, the and the third quarter count 47 to 18. I . S. Atomic Energy Commission in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, will be shown. Stewart, Byron Davis, Tally Davis, American Legion was well repre­ Richard Verbeck a substitute role sented. The exhibit will be shown in Medford. January 24-26, Eugene. January Cliff Waddle, Ralph Nibler, Tex in a dozen points to follow «dunked Mr. and Mrs. Chester Storey and 29-31; Corvallis, February 4-6; and Portland. February 9-12. The exhibit Blazek, Toots Blazek, Inez Haun, Jack “Lefty” Chase in the scoring depart­ is a public service open to everyone without charge. Enlow, Gene Gibson, Jack Donnelly, daughters were valley visitors last ment for Mill City. Jim White sank weekend. Mrs. Storey said there was Al Haun, and Benny Bennett. 10 for Detroit. The Cedars are represented by: six inches of snow down there. Quite | Then afterwards finish the project There was no Jayvee game because Bill Wirt, Byron Bryant, Bud Gescher, a lot for Willamina. you were working with at the last of a surge of influenza. Gail Parker, daughter of Mr. and | Earl Ijiyman, Charlie Berman, Aud­ meeting and later refreshments are (32) Detroit Mill City (70) Mrs. Elba Parker of Idanha has been | rey Layman, Lillian Gescher, Car< served. (10) White Chase (16) I Ball, Greda Wirt, Nadine and Nicl. ill for the past two weeks. O Theto Rho meeting was held (4) Vickers Marttala (3) Over a dozen children were out of First Grade Thursday r.ight. New officers were Weinfurter, Bill Cole, Ann Stephens, (8) Layman Downer (8) Bill McCully, Frank Swartz, and Bill high school on account of sickness Mary Ann Hoffman has been absent installed at the last meeting. (4) Wallace Baltimore (4) this past week. Kock. Stayton played at Mill City in from school this week with a bad (6) Ketchmen Kanoff (4) Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Davis were in cold. basketball and volleyball Friday after­ The Mill City Derby Shufflers also Hamblin (4) noon. The band played while the yell scored a game with Sub’.imity tavern Portland for five days doing their Third Grade Skillings (10) by a 173 *o 104 score Tuesday eve­ spring buying. The Davises have The Gay Blue Birds group met1 leaders yelled chants. Verbeck (12) ‘ The Davis Dry Goods Varity store ” —Barbara Podrabsky ning this week. Tuesday night at Earlene Nelson’s Gregory (5) here in Idanha. On Friday, January 18, Mill City home. Coming games include an important traveled to the Oregon Deaf School Mr. B. B. Bland of Antlers. Okla­ The third grade had their vaccina­ The Mill City Enterprise game with Gervais, now tied for in Salem. Mill City triumphed over homa, is visiting his son-in-lgw and tion shots Tuesday afternoon. second place, on the home floor Fri- O.S.D. 55 to 29.Mill City fast break Quality job printing at i daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Bud- —Sylvia Peterson day, January 25, and another with long of Idanha. Mr. Bland resided didn't work the first half due the Jefferson, also tied for second with Fifth Grade in Idanha in 1949. He and his wife fact the players were ont used to the By MRS. RUTH JOHNSON Gates and Gervais, on Tuesday, Jan. PhyllisBickett has been absent for operated the old Jefferson cafe which 1 floor. The second half Mill City went A birthday party was held last 29. These are big games in that Mill four weeks. We will be glad when burned down in June 1949. wild and scored 36 points. Saturday eve, Jan. 19, at the home of City must win these two teams to “Tuffy” Woodward is a very sick she gets back. There is a new girl Denny Marttala and Roy Chase Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nyberg honoring stay in contention for the title. The little boy. Hurry and get well boy, in our room, her name is Linda Timberwolves travel to Chemawa, better known as “Lefty” was living up the birthdays of five persons who have I miss you sledding down the hill. Baker, and she is from Riverside, to that reputation of being good for­ birthdays this month. Oskie Nyberg February 1, to play the Redskins. Gates, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Thomasson are Calif.— Marc Boothby. wards by leading the scoring for Mill whose birthday was Jan. 19th heads City with 14 points each. Next in scor­ the list. The other four are Anna the proud parents of a baby girl. Sixth Grade Mrs. Harry Wood is again back at RUBY and JOHNNY ing for Mill City was a reserve who Stevens, Carl Campbell, Harry Vhris- This is the couples second child, the Leon McCall was absent all week her dry goods store after being absent first a boy. The Thomassons’, former showed the ability of a good ball ­ tian, and Oliver Johnson. from school. a few days with illness. player, Bill Hamilin with 7 points in There were thirty-two guests pres­ Idanha residents, now reside at Willa­ “AMUSEMENT FOR — Michael Peterson the small time he was in the game. ent. A dessert luncheon was held at mina, Ore. Mrs. Thomasson is the Boy Scout News—Mr. Kelly is EVERYONE’’ former Shirley Willis, daughter of Mr. The fast break was working for the midnight. back today after missing last week’s second five as well as the first five. There also was a guest talent show. and Mrs. Glen Willis of Idanha. meeting. There was 29 at the meet-. Another of our boys has been called Mill City lead the halftime score 19 to Songs, poetry and dialogues. Happy ing this week. 18 but was trailing at the first quarter birthday was sung at the stroke of to “The Colors”. He is Dorland Ray, There is to be a paper drive by the son of Mr. and Mrs. Huber Ray of court 10 to 11. Mill City lead the third midnight. Scouts going on and if you would i Idanha. A farewell party was given quarter court 39 to 22. Guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. save your papers it means a lot to in his honor at Marion Forks lodge Al Stuber and children, Geannie and the boys, because it will help pay Mill City is tied for first place with last Saturday night. One by one they their expenses to camp next summer. Sublimity. Mill City has 7 wins a- Skipper of Salem, go. Oh, God bring them all safely Dick Woodward received the re­ There was a hike taken by some gainst* one loss. back. of the boys Saturday, otherwise there Mill City Bee win over O.S.D. 39 to quired number of merit badges to My thought of the week dedicated • were no other activities during tile 27. Jack Melting who is five feet qualify him, the Eagle rating at the to our boys: Scout Court of Honor, Monday night, wee that I know of.—Your Boy Scout, six inches shows that a shorty, can As every one of our boys go so reporter, Tony Boothby. at the rchool music room with Clark make baskets too be leading the scor­ bravely to fight the foe, let all of us Lethin, district manager of Albany ing with 14 points for Mill City. Phil Eighth Grade presiding. Many other merit badges here at home thank God that we Carey of Mill City followed close be­ The grade school basketball team I and advancements were awarded to have produced these boys and have hind Melting with 11 points. O.S.D. Russell Rice, Frankie Barton, Brad taught them that they shall not die in played at Mari-Linn. We won the BEFORE BI 1ING SHOES lead the halftime score 15 to 13 but the us pray. Oh! Lord game with a score of 55-12, Monday , Humphreys, Donald, and Leonard vain. Let SEE THE MASON LINE third quarter was to the winner 26 Take them safely to the fold. let not afternoon. Snyder, Donald Watkins, Michael to 19. their faith falter ever, until every The students received their report I Moore, Billy Cokenour, and Robert Mill City (55) (29) O.S.D. Lady. Lee Hobson and Gerald Vic­ acre’s sore is wined from the face of cards after school Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday the 7th and 8th graders | Chase (14) (5) Lisac kers »Iso qualified, but were not the earth. Mr. and -Mrs. Bill Miloy Harris saw a movie film about “Catching a Marttala (14) (2) Martin present. One, two and three year Downer (6) (10) Wallstrun service pins were given to each of the have returned from their trip to the Cold” with Walt Disney characters. I CHARLES UMPHRESS, Prep. With Your Pocketbook The Girl Scout meeting was post­ Kanoff (2) (6) Heath Scouts present. Each Scout demon­ east coast. O their way home, they Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. or Your Wife! Baltimore (3) (2) Mavnard strated some phase of their Scouting. took a southern route, visiting friends poned until next Wed. The Girl Hamblin (7) (1) Colley Mrs. Lethin showed pictures of the and relatives in Arkansas. Bill Scouts are trying to make their meet- I If you take her to Hoffman (2) (2) McCann boys on the Scout trail taken last and the missus look fit as fiddles; a ings last only 20 minutes at the latest. vacation has done them a lot of good. Shelton (3) ihlgren's in Salem ( 1 ) Nelson summer at Camp Pioneer. x»«nwxxxxMcx.xxx# « a s.« »xx« »r kämm N k Ward (2) Despite the disagreeable weather Now Bill can go hack to work with 'inner next Sun,! gusto. Mrs. Harris is owner of the Gregory (2) many enjoyed the no-host dinner pre- for c Harris sawmill a mile east of Idanha. CHOICE OF A pie-social was held at the Idanha AJt ertittmenl fire hall last Wednesday eve. I Ninety-seven dollars was taken ir which all goes to the March of Dimes. , •.»ing and Pinochle canasta and five hundred I With Dr* *auce and were played during the evening. X Cranberry S AT 1 First prize for pinochle went to Mr. I X Wilbur Chestnut: second prize went 1 to Huber Ray. First nrize for canasta went to Mrs. Wilbur Chest­ nut; first nrize for 500 went to Mrs. I Esther Fouts; second, to Carl Schaf­ NEW RETAIL LOC ATION: Big Ed started a “Pay-Your- went without all week end the fer. East City Limits on Highway 222 Biir campaign last week and Commissioner's among them. Mr. and Mrs. G. Geston went to With E-callofMci Potata ended up with a slightly red face. Seems Ed forgot to pay hix bill. Milwaukee. Ore., to visit Mr. Gest- S Phone 3215 MILL CITY and Cnsb Appio Eds been our Water Cootm's- son’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. ■ __________ From where I sit, Ed’s mistake XXX X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X sioner for ten years, and for ten is one we all make at times. We Christ Gestson. years now he’s been getting riled are too quick to accuse others Mrs. Esther Fouts was a Portland 1 visitor last weekerd. She visited her i up ever slow pat meats of bills. while forgetting our own faults. sister. Mrs. Mabel Fouts, and neicei So. he finally decidi'd to n