The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, January 24, 1952, Image 1

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This past week the publishing in­
dustry celebrated Printing and Pub-
lishing Week, Jan. 14 to 19th, and
$2.50 a Year. JOf « Copy
more appropriately it also celebrated i Vol. VIII—No. 4
Ben Franklin’s birthday. Ben Frank­
lin did much to give us a start toward
free newspaper publications. Some
Ncthinr W*«ng with My Tummy
of the early day editors fought long
fights to obtain the right of the free-|
dom of the press, and some spent time
in the early day jails and suffered
much to get and secure the right of
free speech, which includes freedom
Members of Scout Troop No. 43 and
of the press.
their parents enjoyed a pot-luck sup-
The March of Dimes takes on the aspects of the old-time barn-raisin'
We owe much to these early pio­ i per at "the Detroit grade school at
festivity in Mill City Saturday night at the l.O.O.F. hall at 8:30 p.m. The
neers. Today we must also make 6:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 2k Mothers
modern twist is that the affair is named, "March of Dimes Benefit Basket
choices when it comes to publishing of the Scouts prepared and served the
Social”. Not only local talent will entertain during the evening of fun. but
views on subjects, many times of a food for the occasion. After the sup­
also out of town talent.
great variety.
per members of the scout troop were
Santiam Sam, sometimes known as George Steffy, will lend his unusual
• * *
given awards for their various accom­
and unique talents to the “March of Dimes” campaign when he auctions the
There are always those who pena­ plishments in scouting.
fair damsels of this city Saturday'
lize the publisher if he does not pub­
Second class Scout rating was pre­
lovely little baskets prepared by tin
lish and express his views in con­ sented to William Cokenour by his
night. The gentlemen are reques’ed
formity to their own by withhold­ father Alfred Cokenour. First class
to be present with full pocketbook in
ing advertising and subscriptions to ratings were conferred as follows:
order that they may have the company
the point of attempting to starve out Frank Barton by Warren Stoll, chair­
of the perty young maids who have
the culprit who does not agree with man of troop committee: Michael
worked their dainty hands to the bone
them. . It is only possible to main- Moore by Larry Jack, neighborhood
preparing the delicious delicacies
tain a newspaper from advertising commissioner; and Leonard Snyder
which are in the beautifully decorated
and subscriptions, so it is also im- and Donald Snyder by their father
portant that you protect your free Alfred Snyder.
Outstanding and sensational enter­
Merit badges were awarded to
tainment direct from Broadway or at
When your local merchant does not Robert Lady for business and book­
least from out-of-town will be an
advertise in your local paper you may binding; Dick Woodward for citizen­
added attraction during the evening.
feel free to spend your money any­ ship, bird study camping, pathfinding,
Rest assured there will be music.
where you please, because he no pioneering, and life-saving; Donald
A loveable vari-colored cocker span­
longer is interested in supporting a Snyder for home repairs, public
iel puppy will be auctioned to the
local free press unless he does. speaking, dog care, bookbinding, and
highest bidder. This pedigreed puppy
Good business practices allows a per­ pioneering; Russell Rice for home re­
is being donated by Santiam Sam to
centage of income to be spent for ad­ pairs, bookbinding, and pioneering;
the worthy cause of the March of
vertising. Dun & Bradstreet feels that Frank Barton for home repairs, cook­
Dimes. This puppy is from a family
1% or more is allowable for this ex­ ing, and rabbit raising; Michael Moore
of cocker spaniels famed throughout
pense to doing business, and the local for forestry; I-eonard Snyder for
the West. The parents of this dog,
newspaper is entitled to its share.
woodcarving; Donald Watkins for
owned by George Steffy, will also be
* * *
home repairs and dog care; Brad
The newspaper is obligated to carry
The Santiam Lyons Auxiliary has
an open forum column if it will remain Hopson for fjremanship.
endorsed the March of Dimes box­
free and those who wish to express
The merit badge awards were pre­
supper in the Mill City l.O.O.F. hall. CpI. James E. Harmon was killed in
Three-year-old Judith Gorman, of Houston, Texas, has been battling
themselves may do so, provided they sented to the Scouts by Larry Jack,
Each lady in Mill City may put up a Korea while serving last fall with
polio two-thirds of her life. After she was stricken two years ago, she
are willing to identify themselves by Warren Stoll, and Alfred Snyder,
basket of food for auction to the the 24th Infantry Division, his fam­
went home from the hospital with braces and crutches. Now she's
signing their names to their expres­ Scoutmaster of Troop No. 43.
highest bidder. Ladies are reminded ily learned this past week. He was
back at the Southwestern Poliomyelitis Respiratory Center In Houston
sions. We have received and all
for an operation which doctors hope will help. The center is one of
that this year is Leap Year—no fur­ a brother of Mrs. Clyde Oliver, Mrs.
Scout members demonstrated sev­
newspapers receive many letters of eral scouting skills for the benefit of
several sponsored by the March of Dimes for respiratory poHo cases.
ther hint should be needed.
(■lenn Goodman, and Harry Harmon
anonymous origin, either signed by their parents and those present.
Those wishing a bit of card-playing of Gates.
typewriter or no signature at all. Clarke Lethin, field Scout executive
may bring their own tables in the
This type of letter no one is ob- from Albany, gave a short talk and
afternoon before the festivities start.
ligated to print, nor those that are projected colored slides taken on the
Chas, and Wm. Stewart, co-chairmen
too lengthy and that wander away Explorer Trail last summer. Lethin
of the local March of Dimes, stated
from the subject.
I that someone will be present at the
was accompanied on the Detroit-
I l.O.O.F. hall and will check in the
I Idanha visit by his son. Bruce Lethin.
Mrs, Viv Mullen has opened for
The Movie “Angela in the Outfield’’ | card tables.
The greatest army of volunteers
The Detroit-Idanha Scout troop No.
business in her new location in the 43 is sponsored by the American ever to take to the field at one time sponsored by the American Legion
Even the Teen-agera have bowed to
This week the local Boy Scout Troop
Dawes building Ulis week. Many Legion Post No. 141 in that area.
in an Oregon fund-raising campaign Auxiliary was attended Saturday the March of Dime« by staging their No. 49 under the leadership of Scout-
know her in the canyon and she will
will participate in the “Mothers’ night and $65.00 was turned to Mrs. own version of a basket social, Sat­ ms tar Claries Kelly is embarking
welcome all her friends to come in
H.H. Storey, Treasurer of the March urday night in place of their regular upon a paper drive. The?* hope to
March on Polio” January 31.
and see her. She has a variety of
Dimes ...
in ____
this ______
area. , $97.75 was routine. A surprise prize will be collect enough paper to pay their way
The local Mothers' March on Polio of
articles for sale, both new and second
is being sponsored by the Mill City raised by the Idanha Fireman’s pie j given for the high school student hav- to summer camp at Camp Pioneer
Woman’s club. Mrs. O. M. Mikkelsen, auction on Wednesday night. The ing the best-equipped food basket. this coming season, according to the
• * *
The Stewart brothers warn, “Stay boys. They will continue operations
president of the club, named Mrs. Idanha Gun club donated the sum of
Russell Kelly is planning the organ­
The annual Santiam Lions Club Charles Harmon .chairman of the Twenty-five dollars to bring the total away from this March of Dimes bene- until camp time begins according to
I fit basket social and you’ll surely miss present plans.
ization of a company to use the waste ' amateur show hits the public scene committee, which includes Mrs. Floyd to date of $187.75.
I a lot of fun!' Everyone is invited.
lumber products in the canyon. He I again. The next show is slated for Jones, Mrs. Ray Steiner, and Mrs.
The March of Dimes dance Feb-
The city has been divided into four
plans to visit the state college in the : April 17. Auditions for a spot on the James Barton. Campfire and Blue
ruary 2 at the school auditorium has |
sections and the boys will call on citi­
near future and learn what they have dotted line any day now' at the Mill Bird leaders are co-operating in the
zens to pick up paper bundles and
as its chairman Nolan Rasnick of
found in the way of putting waste City Appliance store.
drive, and Campfire girls will accom-' Detroit, the March of Dimes chairman. I
deliver them to depots in various parts
products to good use, It is a worthy
Quincy Smith, reported with his com- |n AutOIHODile ACCiOGIlt
of town. Paper should be tied in
This year the amateurs will be
venture and everyone should get be­
donations that will help to battle! mittee consiting of a representative
bundles sorted into two groups, either
hind him and help to make it a success. divided into two groups, those under polio.
from each of the organizations who I Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Suddeth skidded newspapers or magazines in order to
He feels there is a good market for ten and those more than ten years of
As many as 30,000 mothers may sponsored it. This committee consists from the Santiam highway last Friday bring, the most when they are sold.
Oregon hard woods too and that it is age. A first, second, and third prize
part in this culminating event of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Storey, Legion while traveling between Gates and
Don Lemke, leader of the Elaming
only waiting for someone to start
of the 1952 March of Dimes, accord­ and Auxiliary; Mrs. R. W. Hellwig, Niagara on the icy road. Losing con- Arrow patrol will collect west of First
milling these woods for the market. best performances.
The 1952 version of the Santiam ing to Mrs. Frederic W. Young of Mongold; John Ray, Idanha; Chester trol of the car it went over the bank street on the Linn county side. Maurie
We have lots of Maple and Alder
Club amateur show will be Portland, state advisor on women’s Boyles, School; Mrs. Jim Geibler, and turned over, injuring Mrs. Sud- Bassett, leader of the Eagle patrol
here in this canyon waiting to be
by Shields Remine. Jim activities for the National Foundation Willing Workers club; Mrs. John Ray, deth severely with bruises and lacer­ will pickup east of First street in
• • *
O’Leary had the reins for last year’s for Infantile Paralysis. Mrs. Young Mrs. C. Russell Hoyt, Mrs. Earl, ations. Mrs. Suddeth is able to be Linn county.
Parker, Mrs. Nancy Monroe, Leo Fitz­ up and around again, with apparently
On the Marion county side of Mill
Oswald Hirte reports the petition amateur show which was a resound­ also disclosed in announcing the gerald and Frank Ray. Pie, sand-! no broken bones.
City, George Rambo, leader of the
he is circulating asking for a vote on
Marches were planned by cities and wiches and coffee will be served; pies ■
Mohawk patrol will collect east of
consolidating the school districts of
to be provided by the willing workers, is back at work on the Detroit dam
First street, and Gregory Peterson,
Gates, Detroit and Mill City, is about hazard to safe motoring in the city towns in at least 16 Oregon counties.
Phoenix, Arizona originated the
leader of the Beaver patrol will call
ready and he expects to have it com­ of Lyons. Automobiles continue to
for paper west of First street.
pleted by the 1st of February. He ford this dangerous body of water in idea in 1950. Oregon gave it a
reports that anyone wishing to sign order to negotiate this sharp curve limited trial in 1951, and, Mrs. Young
If the boys miss you, you may call
explained, this demonstration of its
this petition may contact him and he in the middle of the city.
one of them to have a pickup arranged.
great potential led to arrangements
will assist them in doing so.
• • *
The troop now has a total member­
for its expansion and intensification
* * *
Remember to report at the Gates this year. Young said in outlining
ship of 33 boys, according to Scout­
The highway commission’s Lake school next Thursday afternoon to
master Kelly.
Lyons is still full of water and a give your pint of blood to the Blood the procedures to be followed. The
mothers involved will seek gifts for
Bank. Hours are 1 to 6 p.m. at the one hour, between 7 and 8 p.m., Jan.
Gates school, Jan. 31, according to 31, and they will call only at those
Don Gessner, business representative homes where norchlights are burning.
of Labor local 441.
“The lights will indicate
(Continued on Page 8)
One of those things that make the
Mill City Variety is now under new
bachelor’s life an easier one is happen­
management. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
ing soon. The American legion
Walkup of Albany have purchased MONDAY—
Auxiliary of Mil) City is stag'ng a
the variety store started in Mill City
American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon.
food sale at the Colburn & Booth
by the Jim OTx-arys.
Lions club meeting.
store in Mill City Monday Jan. 28.
The Walkups have lived in Silver-
A.F. 4 A.M. No. 180 stated meet­
Mrs. Ruth Stovall is in charge of the
ton and Albany for several years.
ing third Monday.
popular benefit affair. Proceeds of
business that bids fair for success if
Walkup, a contractor, did electrical
O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month. names mean anything. Mrs. Les
the food sale will be applied upon
construction work for the past 20
kitchen equipment for the local Legion
Mullen started “Viv’s Steak house’’
years while in Albany.
Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tues and it is a going concern. Now Mrs.
The O’Learys will still live in Mill
The male portion of the local Legion
Viv Mullen has opened to the public
City. O’Leary is presently employed
group are working hard at the job of
Riders of the Santiam. 1st Tuesday her newest enterprise. This venture
by CBI on its contract work on Detroit
getting the legion hall kitchen built
^truly is different. One mpst view
Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday
and Big Cliff dams.
as soon as possible. The Legion
• the business itself for a clear picture.
Auxiliary have as their goal a stove,
Viv’s Variety features ladies and
Boy Scouts. 7:30, H. S. Recreation
sink, utensils and regular equipment
City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m. i children's clothing, dishes, utensils,
for the Legion hall kitchen. Mrs.
Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. sheets, fancy-work familiar to those
John Muir, Legion auxiliary president
at Mill City fire hall.
commented, “Any auxiliary member
Santiam Rebekah 166 1st and 3rd so on and on the items that can be
who fails to attend the regular bus.
found. Viv’s Variety is a forerunner
Wed at 8 p.m.
ness meetings loses money, because a
of what may be a dime store for Mil!
Altar Society 3d We.ln «lay 8 p.m.
ra*h attendance prize is jnven c*
Robert Veness and Carol, hi« daughter, have watched Roy Rogers and
time, but you have to
PTA, second Wednesd:
8 p m.
Dale Evans, his wi'e. in many of their western movies, . Not until recent­
ly, as the above picture 1 shows. did the Venesses see apd visit with the
Mrs. Nell Stahlman was
Turn on your
famous actor and actress “in the flesh". The Mill ( ity Theatre has one
Grove, SI
Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d
member winning the prizi
of the best established Roy Rogers clubs in this area because of the
” about tl
and 4th Thursdays.
The auxiliary met Mondai
efforts of Boh Venesa. This fact was recognized by the two film stars
t for a
Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 pm
the home of Mabel Bru
American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs.
Stahlman was co-hostess.
photograph was taken at the Iverson ranch in California where many
ietor jf Le
Garden club fourth Thursday.
regular business was out o
western movies are mat lie. Not only did Veness chat with the Roger* hut
men Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs
also with Bob Hope, 5 ■liekey Rooney and other film greats during the
itmistress Club, 2d 4 4th, 7 p.m.
(Photo courtesy Capital Journal)
jaunt to Hollywood, l.l S.A.
l.O.O.F. meeting
Mill City TWA meeting last Friday
Farmers Union meeting at Mehama
Scouts Honored
Old Fashioned Box Supper
Slated Sat. In I00F Hall
Killed in Action
Mothers March On
Polio January 31
Idanha Will Hold
Dimes Dance Feb. 2
Boy Scouts Storting
Paper Drive Today
Annual Lions Amateur
Show Due April 17
W. Sud(fetll Injured
Bachelor’s Delight Held
By Legion’s Auxiliary
Mill City Variety Bought
By Walkups of Albany
Coming Events . . .
Viv’s Variety Marks
Second ’Viv’ Business
Visit Bloodmohile at Gates School, Jan. 31,1 to 6 PM