7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Januar) 17. 1952 Wants and Sales If It s in the Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! FOR SALE—100 acres, level land, six- WANTED—Sewing, for ladies, boys AVON COSMETICS room house, barn, and mise, build­ and girl’s clothing. Reasonable See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, green ings, on highway, 3 miles west of rates. Mrs. John Hanson, Spring house north of Santiam Garage. Mill City. Three acres clearest bal­ street, behind Silver Saddle service Telephone 926, Box 658, Mill City. 3tf ance small timber and brush. Spring station. l-3p water piped in house, electricity. LIST all available rooms, See Glenn Mattson, R. 1, Box 73, FOR SALE — 27-ft. all aluminum PLEASE room and board, houses and apts. Lyons. 3-lp trailer house, tandrum wheels, elec­ Write, telephone or visit Personnel tric brakes, shower, sleeps six, Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated EXPERT AUTO and home radio bleached mahogany finish inside. Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. service, 20 years experience, al) Make offer. Enquire at blue trailer makes. Guaranteed service. behind Texaco station, Aumsville, E. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma­ Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. M. Minard. 3-1 chines. We sell, rent, repair and I swap all makes. Trade your old WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled SEE US FOR GOOD Real Estate machine towards a new one. Douglas fir poles, delivered to ROEN. 456 Court St., Salem. Lyons yard. For further informa­ buys in Canyon area. Listings tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 wanted. See GLEN SHELTON, Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745. salesman with C. E. COVILLE, SPORTSMEN—Join the North San­ tiam Sportsman’s club now. We are Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf Broker, west side Mill City. Phone devoted to game conservation and 2207. 52tf propagation and need your help. NEED A TELEPHONE? — Stop in Only $1.00 per year, you will have and see the new Lech combination TARPS—Tents, new and used. Selec­ desk or wall phone, also used that much fun at one meeting. tion of sizes. phones from $10.00 up. Telephone Enquire at Enterprise office, or see Red’s Hill Top Trading Post and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet's. 9 Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. FOR SALE — Chevrolet parts from FOR SALE — Used Chevrolet and wrecked car. See Silver Saddle PLUMBING SUPPLIES —Pipe fit­ Glen Service Station. 47tf I Ford parts, ’36 and older. tings, toilets, sinks, w’ashbowls, Mattson, R. 1, Box 73, Lyons. 3-lp bathtubs, showers, etc. Bargain FOR SALE —Two lots 52.5 by 170 prices. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. feet, 40 ft. well, with 2-room cabin, STOVES—Heaters and ranges, in oil or wood. Save at can be repaired. Phone 1334, Rev. FOR SALE—Wood stove, large Coun­ Red’s Hill Top Trading Post W. W. Watkins. Mill City. l-3p tess Montag, needs one lining, oth­ erwise excellent condition, $40. See Joe Novak, R. 1, Lyons, Ore. 2-3p FOR SALE—1940 Chevrolet 4-dr. de­ luxe sedan, good tires, heater, »eat covers, recently overhauled and I painted. Price $450.00, can be seen at Richfield Station in Mehama. 2-3 Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co SALEM, ORE 1405 N. Front St. Lyons Phone: 143 Salem Phones: 2-1924; Night 2-4417 WANTED — Poles, Piling. Barkies; unpeeled Douglas Fir poles wanted delivered Fox Valley, Ore. Length 30 to 80 feet. Phone evenings Lvons 82, days Portland ATwater 2346. McCormick Piling & Lumber Co., Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Ore. 37tf FOR SALE—Two lots, modern utility house, nice garden spot, a good bus­ iness site, near Aumsville school. Make offer. Inquire at blue trailer, behind Texaco station, Aumsville, E. M. Minard. 3-1 HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons Including D8 and HD11 Cats, and ^i-yard shovels. Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, Low-bed Trailers OPEN 7 a.m. to 12:30 a.m Weekdays REAL ESTATE Emergency Service at All Hours Two-bedroom, unfinished house in Mill City, cement foundation, comp, roof, cedar siding located in new addition of Mill City for only $2,000, $500 down, $40 per month. Two bedroom modern house, very neat andc lean, large rooms. Mill City, close to schools, for $3,800, terms. FOR SALE—Low price house located in Marion county side of Mill City. Two bedrooms downstairs and two usable bedrooms upstairs. Bath­ room remodeled recently, nice large lot, with apple and nut trees, $3,750. SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT MILL CITY Phone 903 a 0 © TRAILER HOMES a § § 0 ■ Angelus FRED A. LINDEMANN — Public Accounting — Real Estate — Insurance LYONS, OREGON Platt Traveleze Boles-Aero NEW AND USED ALL SIZES PARTS AND SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 South Side Trailers ALBANY’ — 2 Miles South on 99E Business Directory - Professional aBBBBBnBBBnBnBnBBBBBBBBBnB f Dan River Prints, Children's Books, | « Wool Scarfs, Stamped Pillow Cases.? ’ Blankets, Handkerchiefs, Nylons | DR. R. ROY QUICK DENTIST Telephone 2261 for Appointment Tuesdays: 9 a m. to 6:30 p.m. Thursdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office in Jenkins Bldg.. Mill City : Hendricson's Store ♦ ♦ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSTBB I)R. VICTOR .1. MYERS Chiropractic Physician Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton. Ore. FOR SALE 50x11k) lot, filbert trees j in Portland or will trade for trailer | house or what have you? P.O. Box 673. Mill City. 3-3p I Attention Motorists Will the next accident you see be yours? We hope not. Here are just a few helpful hints that may prevent your having an accident, according to Mill City Chief of Police Kenneth Hunt. “Check the following equip­ ment on your car to see if it is in safe operating condition; windshield swipe, horn, rearview mirror, foot brake, hand brake, headlights and tail light, also see to it that your tires have sufficient tread and are properly in­ flated." “And don’t forget that all important driver behind the wheel. Many acci­ dents are caused by negligent and drinking drivers.” Mill City has been very fortunate having had few serious accidents, taking in consideration the existing weather conditions. Chief Hunt com- mented. “We can cut down our per- centage ofaccidents greatly if you motorist will take time to follow the above suggestions,' he said. Driver license examiner will be at the Mill City fire hall Friday, Jan, 18th, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Special attention to out-of-state motorist, who are gainfully employed in the canyon area, you should apply for your Oregon operators license and Oregon plates, It has been noticed that numerous cars in Mill City bear out-of-state plates which are invalid. Anyone wishing to abtain an Ore­ gon drivers manual, or information concerning Oregon plates mav do so by either calling at the Mill City police department or contacting the officer on duty. There will be some one at the office this Friday and Saturday, also every day next week between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. IDANHA By MRS. RUTH JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Fouts, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Gestson visited the Richard Cannons at Sweet Home over the weekend. The Cannons are form­ er Idanha residents. Mrs. Cannon is a daughter of the Braxton Fouts. lister Garbut moved out bag and baggage last weekend. He told me he got out while he still had the power to do so. He went to Bend where his family reside. Mr. Garbut has been employed as a logger all summer. Some of our organizations are spon­ soring a dance which will be held Feb. 2nd at the grade school auditorium. All proceeds go toward the March of Dimes. Myrtle Gestson and Esther Fouts are the sole sellers of tickets. Step up boys and get yours. Its for a very worthy cause. We never know who of us will be stricken next. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Smith are leav­ ing the canyon. They are moving to Willamina where Mr. Smith will be employed. He is a logger. Mr. and Mrs. Smith moved here last summer from Valley Junction where Mrs. Smith operated a tavern and eating place combined. Pat Patterson has been on the ailing list for the last few days. Just a bad cold. Mrs. June Bradfield has moved to Salem. She has been living in the Shaffer duplex for some month», too much snow up here for her she said. Mrs. Geo. Schram who took a trip to her native Ireland last fall, is get­ ting to be a very lonesome woman. George received a letter from her, saying she will be home next month. In-The-Car Crankshaft Grinding Attorneys st Law SALEM 180 N. Commercial Phone $-6412 Septic Tanka and Sewers Cleaned ♦ Phone SALEM 8-9468, OOLI-ECT • 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem ! <■ D.W.REID.MD VERNE’S BARBER SHOP PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 2nd 4 Broadway Mill City Hoars: 10 to 7 Mill City y WOOD’S STORE Oeorral Dry Goode NOTIONS LINGERIE READY’-TO-YVEAR HOSIERY I < ZIERS (XISMFTKS WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Funeral .'Service STAYTON OREGON UlDt T KO i nnm*— trini-immmir n iiii i ii ii iiiiii annn IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE HARLOW L WEINRICK i Albany if she can get passage back by then. George says he sure will be glad to have the little woman back too. He is tired of his own cooking. Oscar Renn, our wandering batch- elor man is now visiting in Corpus Christi, Tex., he will spend a month or more with his son V. O. Renn who is a navy man, and his two grand- children. We sure have weather up here, all sorts, one minute its snowing, then rains for a spell. Once in a while old “Sol” sticks his snoot out. Yester­ day it was like a spring day for half an hour or so. Old man weather can’t quite make up his mind what to do. But whatever the weather is this is not a bad old world to live in. News is scarce this week, no one seems to have the cash to go anywhere or even afford company these days. Winter Days Tklkphon* Salem 3-9205 2135 Fairgrounds Rd.. SALEM Quality Joh Printing at The Mill City Enterprise Shuffleboard Summer Sunshine Good Music * MEANDER INN Where Friend» Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY George “Sparky" Ditter Î ELECTRIC Phone 2403 Mill City Next to Mar Dean Cafe Painful A Friendly Place To While Away Your idle Hours For Rent I COMPLETELY FURNISHED I Apartments ULTRA MODERN sKxns n 0 V w ä svww v wu v ukr un MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekN pickups 11.50 per month Also lirht hauling Attorney at law $18 Broadalbin Top 1951 Campaign Jerry's Tavern IGNITION and CARBI RETION VOLTAGE REGULATORS GENERATOR REPAIRS How to Treat For fast. blessed relief from ton fiery. Itchin», simple Pilei, get CHTNAROID from your druggist. See how fait it aiually soothes a*ay pain, soreness, Itching. aerv- ousness See how It cools fiery burning and help» shrink and heal swollen tissues Wonder-soothing CHINAROID max prove a blessing to you or money back is gusrsntead NEWS If I had an elephant? Floppy ears Christmas Seal sales soared above I’d wash them once in seven years, I’d use my trunk for a garden hose. i the 1951 mark this year according to And make a nozzle out of my nose! I this area's campaign chairman, Mr». By Sylvia Peterson, 3d grade J Melbourne Rambo. Mehama with­ drew this year from the family of Third Grade * The Blue Birds held a meeting 1 North Santiam communities united in Monday after school. Mrs. Earl Nel- , the 1951 Christmas Seal drive. Me- --------- son is our leader, and Mrs. Tex Agee ^“''•« «’t up and carried out a separate Christmas Seal program, Mrs. Rambo is our assistant leader. We had jello and cookies for lunch, i indicated. This year $465 was the total sum Then we sang songs. —Sylvia Peterson I collected by the organization headed by Mrs. ’Rambo. The drive closed Sixth Grade during the Christmas holidays, but Bernice Slater, Leon McCall and the books will not close until John Cutsforth were absent Monday the March 31. Money raised by Mehama the 14th. Seal workers must yet be Anthony Berry was absent Tuesday. Christmas totalled. Larry Urban, John Cutsforth, During the Christmas Seal drive for Steve Savage and Bernice Slater were 1951, $450 was the total collected by absent Tuesday and Wednesday. combined efforts of the commun­ —Michael Peterson the ities of Mill City, Lyons, Mehama, The sixth grade boys learned some I and Gates. new exercises Monday. The excellent co-operation that Mrs. There was a show in the fifth1 Rambo inspired in those connected grade room at noon Monday, it was with the Christmas Seal drive for the about vacationing in Oregon. It is benefit of tuberculosis victims' treat­ sponsored by the Oregon state high­ ment and cure did much towards the way commission. fine showing this year, citizens in The Boy Scouts had their meeting this area believe. Wednesday night at 7:30. Mr. Kelly In view of the fact that the book* was sick so he could not be there. on the T.B. drive will not be closed We talked about hikes that we have until March 31 citizens may contribute been on. All boys who are 11 years towards the cause and thereby in some of age and older are invited to join instances reduce their income taxes. the Boy Scouts, there is a troop meet­ ing every Wednesday night at 7:30 4 in the high school recreation room. Last Saturday eight boys of our troop went swimming at the YMCA and took swimming tests. Those go­ ing were Gregory and Michael Peter­ Gates, Ore. son. Terry Muir, Maurie Bassett, Ray Steiner, Arthur Cox, Lanny Podrab- Rl BY and JOHNNY sky, and Laverne Whaley. Greg Pe­ terson, Terry Muir, and Maurie Bas­ sett succeeded in passing their first AMUSEMENT FOR class swimming tost. Don Peterson, EVERYONE troop committeeman furnished trans­ portation and accompanied them to the Y for their tests.—Tony Boothby, Eighth Grade Tuesday night the Mil) City grade and high school majorettes including Clara Caudle, Lynn Brown, Diane ■ Peterson, Fiances Ward, Virginia Bil-1 yeau, Willma Loucks, and Barbara Podrabsky, drum majorette performed at a high school game with Sublimity. After school the Girl Scouts had a short meeting, then went for a little hike which lasted 20 minutes. Friday night Mill City will play Mari-Linn in basketball and volley­ ball.—Barbara Podrabsky. * MIKE S Septic Service: HEIDT S AUTO HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN Mill City Grade School Christmas Seal Sales leona rd Herman Phone 1952 xmnraHBDBQSBBBnnaaBBDoanMB Suitable for Two People RICHARDS TAVERN GATES Oak Park Motel Phone 5922 GATES