The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, January 17, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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January 17. 1952
“Just How Good Must I Be?” will
bathe question which Rev. R. A. Feen-
•tra will answer in his message next
Sunday at the morning worship hour,
11 a.m. The choir will present an-
Other special number. At the evening
oervice the pastor will deal with the
theme of “Patience.”
Miss Janice Huffman of Salem
opent the weekend at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Huff­
man. Miss Huffman is employed at
Millers department store in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carleton with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lelack of Mill City
went to Corvallis Friday evening,
where they attended the Oregon State
and University of Washington basket­
ball game.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Castle of Klamath
Falls visited friends in Lyons and
Mehama. While in Lyons they were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Lindemann.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry spent
last week at the home of her brother I were guests at the home of her sister.
and family in Oregon City, returning ' They also visited her parents. Her j
father is quite ill in a hospital.
home Monday evening. -
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pennington and
Miss Jeanette Huffman was the
honor guest at her Sunday school j daughters, Paula and Sheyrl, spent
class party Sunday afternoon held several days in Newport. They were
at the parsonage, celebrating her guests at the home of her mother, Mr.
thirteenth birthday anniversary. An and Mrs. Sid Grugett.
Installation of officers preceeded all
hour was spent in playing games,
followed by a short business meeting, other business at the first meeting of
and refreshments served by the boys the new year for Faith Rebekah lodge
of the class. She was presented with held
a cake with “Happy Birthday Jean­ Blanche Wagner, district deputy pres­
ette” on it. Also a box of bird ident and staff. Elsie Myer, deputy
Those attending were j marshall; Hazel Lewis, warden; Alice,
Bob Roy, James Morgan, Claudia deputy secretary - treasurer; Carrie
Johnson. Shirley Mohler, Carol Kruse, I Naue, deputy chaplain; Beulah Lewis,
Gloria Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith, 1 deputy outside guardian; Frances
Evalyn and Dennis, Rev. and Mrs. McCarley, deputy inside guardian; in­
Renke Feenstra and the honored guest, stalled the following officers for the
Jeanette Huffman.
The closing coming year in a very pretty cere­
presented by mony. Officers are Zona Sischo,
the teacher using a booklet called noble grand; Jean Roberts, vice grand;
"The Time of Your Life” in which a 1 Ethel Huffman, secretary; Gertrude
Christian experience is made most Weidman, treasurer; Alta Bodeker,
worden; Celene Taylor,, conductor;
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens Rosa Berry, chaplain; Helen Ander­
honored their daughter, Mrs. Hallie sen, inside guardian; Anna S. Julian,
of Mill City on her birthday outside guardian; Garnett Bassett,
For Guaranteed Cleaning | Toman
anniversary at their home Saturday right supporter to noble grand; Lois
evening, January 12th. Those pres­ Myers, left supporter to noble grand;
it’s the
ent to help Hallie celebrate were her Roberta Longnecker. right supporter
husband, Albert W. Toman and two to vice grand; Elsie Myers, left sup­
I sons, Steven and Bradley, Mr. and porter to vice grand and Mildred Carr,
j Mrs. J. W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. H. past noble grand. The new noble
[ Albert Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Pearly grand appointed the following com­
I Cribbs and the host and hostess, Mr. mittees for the year: finance and aud­
and Mrs. Wilson Stevens. Hallie’s iting, Hazel I-ewis. Rosa Berry, Anna
grandmother. Zander, was unable to B. Julian; Floral, Celene Taylor, Alta
Mill City
Bodeker, GertrudeWeidman; publicity,
attend due to a severe cold.
Eva Bressler, Beulah Lewis, Jean
Closes at fl P.M.
Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg visited Roberts. Blanche Wagner was e-
relatives in Portland Sunday. They lected a trustee for the term of three
years to replace Helen Andersen, out­
going trustee. Jean Roberts was ap­
pointed the new drill captain. Mild­
red Carr, outgoing noble grand, pre-
| sented each of her officers with a
hand painted gift. The meeting of
the Three Links club will be held the
last Friday in the month. At the
social hour a no hostess pot-luck
luncheon was served.
Mrs. Earl Allen entertained a group
of relatives Thursday evening at her
home honoring her aunt, Mrs. Myrtle
Hester, of Salem on her birthday
anniversary. Cards furnished the en­
“At the Bottom of the Hill"
tertainment. High score was held
by Mrs. Civile Bressler and Wayne
Leirman; low by Mrs. John Worden
and Clyde Bressler. Present for the
evening, were Mr. and Mrs. John
Worden and Marjorie of Fox Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bressler of Lyons,
Mr. and Mrs. Wavne Leirmap, Ronnie
and Richard of Stayton, Mrs. Myrtle
Hester and Mrs. Cora Corbett of
Salem, and the host and hostess, Mr.
and Mrs. Allen.
Weekend visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges were Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford I.aFord from Bea­
ver. Oregon. Mrs. Clare or
Springfield, mother of Mr. Sam
Bridges is now a guest at the Bridges
The January meeting of the Lyons
Garden club was held at the commun­
it" club house. Wednesday afternoon,
with Lola Lambert anil Gladys Kuiken
hostesses. Roll call was answered by
tips on pruning roses. Ethel Huff­
man was in charge of the meeting due
to the absence of Bea Hiatt who is
president of the club, general dis­
cussion was held on the “Care of
house plants”. Doris Roy furnished
the entertainment. Present for the
afternoon was Mary Fink. Carrie
OPEN WEEK DAYS: 8 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Naue, Inez Ring, Jackie Smith.
CLOSED: Sundays and Holidays
Frances Garsjo, Celene Taylor, May
Patton. Laura Neal, Nina O'Neil.
Ethel Huffman, Alice Huber. Claire
Feenstra. Lola Lambert, Gladys Kui­
ken and Mrs. Jennie Moe who was a
' guest of the afternoon.
Mrs. J ames Hollingshead was
hostess for the Womens Society of
j Christian service held at her home
i Tuesday afternoon. The meeting was
called to order by Mrs. Alice Huber
in 63-80%* of the cases
president. It was voted to pay $25
in doctors’ lestsl
to the Wesley Foundation fund. Also
to buy chickens in readiness for the
• Those suffocating "heat
tamale sale some time in February.
waves" - alternating with ner­
| It was reported that the new 45 cup
vous. clammy feelings — and
coffee urn had arrived and will be
accompanied often by restless
Irritability and nervousness —
j ready for use. The next meeting will
are well-known to women suf­
be held at the community club house
fering the functionally-caused
with an all day meeting and pot-luck
distressof middle life "change"!
at noon. Mrs. George Ros
You want relief from such
berry and Mrs. James Wilson of Sa
suffering And chances are
I will be guests of the day and
you can get it. Thrilling relief!
furnish the program. Attending
Thanks to tiro famous Lydia
Pinkham medicines'
meeting were Mesdames Wood Oliver.
•In doctors tests. Lydia Pink­
Ed Hargreaves, William Titmas.
ham's Compound and Tablets
Floyd Bassett. Renke Feenstra. A
Les’s Tavern
a Dull Moment
Bodeker, Chester Roy, Charlie Cruson,
George Huffman, Ivan Smith, Glen
Julian, Joe Zimmerman, Mrs. Inez
Ring, Mrs. Alice Huber and the
hostess Mrs. Hollingshead.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hartnell are
spending this week at Kennewick,
Wash. They will also visit relatives
at Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crandall of
Rochester, Minn., will leave this week
for their home after being at the
home of their daughter and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Free, since before
Mrs. John Jungwirth was hostess
for the meeting of the Altar Society
of the St. Patrick’s Catholic church
held at her home Thursday evening.
It being the first meeting of the new General hospital.
year, plans were made qnd discussed j Regil Lande, son of Mr. and Mrs.
for the coming year. A report was Janies Ijinde, left Monday for Port­
given of the last bingo party and plans land where he will be sent on to San
and committee appointed for the next Diego, Calif. Regil recently enlisted
party which will be held Monday eve­ in the U. S. Navy.
ning, Jan. 21, at the Rebekah hall.
Present were Ida Free, Leola Phelps,
Use of convict labor in filling gov-
Anne Pietrok. Rose Schwindt. Mary eminent contracts is banned by the
Volten, Gertrude Jungwirth. Ruth Walsh-Healey public contracts act.
Lyons, Father Schneider and the host­
ess, Mrs. Jungwirth.
Leonard Cruson is spending this
■ week in Lewistown, Mont. The trip
' was made on business.
I Amos Hiatt who was taken to the
I home of his daughter, Mrs. Leonard
I Thoma in Lebanon, being seriously ill;
is now convalescing at the Salem
Kellom s Fresh Meats
Kellom’s Grocery
Meet Mr
“Hot flashes" of Change of Life stopped
or strikingly relieved
brought relief from such dis­
tress in 63 and 50% 1 respective­
ly! of the cases tested. Com­
plete or striking reliefl
Ttloviand. Ha»«* Banafitad
Amazing, you say ’ Not to the
many thousands of women w ho
know from experience wiiat
these Lydia Pinkham medi­
cines can do!
Their action — actually — is
very modern. They exert a sci­
entifically calming. soothing
Try Lydia Pinkham’s on the
basis of medical evidence! See
if you. too, don t gam blessed
relief from those terrible "hot
New Lydia Pinkham » werkt
«roman» »ym-
pathrfic nrrvout
to pur
relief /rom tHe "hot fUuhtf' «nrf
othfr /unctton<ii/|f-cadis-
trrwi ol "chaafr ol
tl acts thronte» a
flashes" and weakness so com­
mon in "change of life.”
Don't put it off' Oet Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Com­
pound or new, improved Tab­
lets with added iron ¡trial size
only 59c).
Wonderful — too — for the
functional pains, cramps,
"dragged-out" feelings and
other discomfort of monthly
menstrual periods!
When winter storms disrupt electric service.
Mr. Trouble-shooter will be on the iob day and
night to repair the damage.
pect any praise or thanks for this; he's simply
doing the job for which he's been trained.
So, if your lights go out during a storm,
think of this man on icy poles exposed to the
wind and rain.
The Maples
Cale & Tavern
He doesn't ex­
Regardless of personal discom­
fort, he'll be working hard to restore your ser­
vice as quickly as humanly possible
Highway 222
l*i miles Fast of Gates
W i M «
l.<»u and Percy Mulligan. Prop*»