The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, January 17, 1952, Image 1

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ID \NH \
Don Gessner, business agent of La-1
bor’s local union 441, and chairman ol ,
the Bloodmobile drive wishes to re-I
$2.50 a Year, J Of a Copy
Vol. VIII—No. 3
mind everyone that the blood bank will
all at the Gates school Jan. 31, from 1
to 6 p.m. The union and CB1 have en­
dorsed this drive and we feel sure that
everyone realizes the importance of
these blood banks to the lives of the
armed services besides the local coun­
ty blood bank for local use of those in
need of blood. "It costs so little to save
a life."
* • *
"The degree of discipline in the home has dropped . . . but parents expect
The new section of the North San­
children to come home from school with 100 percent discipline."
tiam highway is moving another step
“Under the guise of efficiency, the school system has become so highly
forward toward completion when at
organized.the primary purpose of teaching is lost-’’
a highway commission meeting in
"The superintendent in this district has assumed the role of dictator."
Portland, January 31 and February 1,
"We couldn't understand why the children in the third and fourth grade
bids will be opened for paving the new
are not made to learn the multiplica
section just graded this last summer
tion tables."
by the Cosmo Gilo company between
"The educational program as a
Mill City and Stout creek, the other
whole is failing in teaching funda­
side of Mehama.
This new road will be a decided im­
"The athletic teams leave in the
provement over the present route of
morning and half the school goes with
222 between Stout creek and Mil)
Jerald “Jerry” Lee Swan, 19, Navy
City and will help to invite more
Those are a few of the comments fireman apprentice Monday was listed
visitors to the canyon. Many more
attached to some 783 questionaires as one of those killed aboard his
dangerous corners and side trips such
which parents filled out for Dr. T. C. vessel, the mine sweeper Dextrous in
as the ones taking the traveler wind-
Korean waters. The Dextrous was
Holy and his survey staff who re­
ng his way through Stayton am:
leased a 400-page report on Oregon hit by enemy shore gun-fire Friday
Aumsville are being proposed accord­
ing to plans published in the daily
public schools. The survey, made at
the request of the legislature through
papers this week.
I believe it is sensible to by-pass
an interim committee and the State
Board of Education, covers all phases
cities by skirting the city limits with
of common and high school education
highways that usually become speed­
ways as soon as they are straighened
in the st'>te.
Holy summarizes the bad features
out. It is much safer for children in
a community when the highway is not
of the Oregon schools:
going directly through the middle
"The complex, wasteful, and educa­
of town, and it serves to lend safety
tionally damaging school district sys­
while traveling along the highway
tem” is most fundamental defect.
when traveling along the countryside
The managing and purchasing
nstead of in the cities.
practices of the school transportation
* * *
system are wasteful. For instance,
costs for .similar bus insurance range
Budget time is trawing close for the
from $20 to $198. Prices paid for
school districts and it will become the
similar school buses range from I
duty of the school board to prepare
$5,530 to $8,850.
Only one-third of I
budgets for the coming school year, .
the districts having transportation get
We have heard some expression of,
discounts on gas and tires.
the desirability of including a summer
Present school laws, which are
program of recreation for the young ;
poorly organized, so contradictory
and full of obsolete provisions as to
We think that it would be a very I
be difficult to understand.
good project to include a recreational
near Wonsan/ Korea. Serviceman
The 6 percent constitutional tax Swan was the’son of Mr. and Mrs.
director for the summer months to
limitation which fosters great inequl- John E. Swan of Mill City.
organize the young people into base
ties in the tax bases of school districts
tall, tennis, hiking, or swimming1
Navy sources indicated that the
hind diverts time of administrators
groups. Such activities would be
Dextrous was struck by two - hells—
from real education.
healthful and instructive to the young
Method of apportioning state money believed 75 mm. One explosion tore
•eople of the community, leading 1
transportation, which makes it itway the radio ehteiMia and rcprutedly-
them and assisting them in using
possible for densely populated dis­ caused your.g Swan’s death. Swan
their time to the best advantage dur­
joined the Navy February 28, 1951.
IRON LL'NG PATIENT—Ernest Kreft, 25, of the Keizer district and an employe of the industrial accident
tricts in sparsely populated counties
ing their vacation time.
commission, who was stricken with polio December 28 and placed in the iron lung at the Salem Memorial hos­
During his “stateside” duty lie at­
to get more than their share.
The cost of such a project w ould not
pital New Year's Eve. Shown with the patient, whose condition is listed as serious, is Nurse Evelyn O’Neil.
tended service school for technical
The high rate of turnover in ad­
Le exorbitant, and their are numerous
It will be the funds collected from the March of Dimes drive now being conducted that will be used in caring
ministrative and teacher positions, training and as a result won an ad­
young men and women in the field
for Ernest Kreft, stricken with infantile paralysis last month.
especially in the small school districts. vance in rating.
of recreational studies attending our
Swan received his formal education
In 1949-50, 31 percent of all teachers
colleges who would welcome an oppor­
were in their jobs for the first time in Mill City grade and high schools.
tunity to earn something during the
and 24 percent of administrators were He was a memls-r of Mill City high
summer months and also put into
school class of '51: and played base­
new to their posts.
practice ideas Teamed in college.
As will be seen in the following ball during his last year. Before
The cost could be included in the
summary of parental comment. Ore­ leaving for overseas, Swan spent a
school budget and divided among the
gon’s mothers and fathers, in general, leave in Mill City with relatives and
taxpayers, would rot amount to more j
A. W. Toman disclosed this week his
The Gates post office was broken
his many friends here.
than 50 cents for each taxpayer, and
are satisfied with their schools.
association with Mel Whelchel in Hill into and robbed sometime Sunday,
The North Santiam is now under­
Swan was born December 13, 1932.
Also by way of a modest bouquet,
perhaps less.
Top Market. Whelchel has been ap­ January 6. Two-hundred dollars was going a health survey of searching
• ♦ •
are the off-the-cuff comments of Dr. He is survived by his parents, three
nature. The canyon survey is but a Holy, himself, concerning the good brothers, John E. of Illinois; Ronald
This week we complete publication |
of Portland; and William A. Swan of
of a series of articles discussing! department of Hill Top Market. currency, no stamps or silver were small part of the Marion County and bad of the Oregon system.
Whelchel has a wide background of touched. It is surmised the robbery health survey, a voluntary effort seek­
school consolidation perpared as a |
Main complaints of parents who Mill City; and a sister Mrs. Albert
experience in Salem and elsewhere in took place between the hours of 5 p.m. ing out the true state of health of
result of the interim committee named |
were queried through forms sent to Smeenk, Portland.
by the legislature to study school the handling of frfiits and vegeta­ and 9 p.m. Sunday night; the only time our citizenry. People who conduct the parent-teacher heads throughout the
the post mistress, Mrs. Walter Brisbin, survey do so because of their interest
problems. The study was conducted bles.
state, are: 1. over-emphasis on ath­
Mel comes to a market place well was absent from the building that day. in bringing about more enlightened letics, 2. neglect in teaching the fun- '
by Dr. T .C. Holy of the Ohio state
university. He is regarded as a equipped with the most modern of de­
damentals, 3. too many extracur- I
Those who are doing the leg-work riculum activities, and poor discipline.
specialist in this work and has made vices for the cooling, preserving and the office was opened Monday morn­
on this survey are the enumerators,
some recommendations and given rea­ displaying of fruits and vegetables. ing.
Every county in the state was repre­
State Police called attention thia
The office is housed in the same j These persons must go from door-to- sented in the replies, with Multnomah
sons for them in his report. We have Hill Top Market’s new produce man­
building as the Brisbin residence. No door and asked dozens of health gues­ County having the largest number week to the fact that Francis Ray­
tried to present food for thought as
best we could. The reports are vol­ Saving Center in Salem. He also mail is distributed on Sunday but the tions of the canyon’s citizens. After (216), Clackamas County next larest mond Rasnick, Lyons, who lives on
uminous and more public meetings I has had marketing experience in Inde­ outer lobby of the office is left open these many and important questions (100). Next six counties in order of McCully Mountain, was arrested and
for the convience of box holders and are a^ked, the answers must be set numbers of replies were: Jackson, imprisoned for his part in having shot
should be held to acquaint the people pendence.
Whelchel is making Mill City his those wishing to mail letters. The down in the proper blank spaces.
with them.
Lane, Washington, Umatilla. Clapsop, and killed a deer out-of-season. Ras­
nick was arrested Monday, Jan. 14,
Time is getting short to accom-1 home; and has moved his wife and thief is supposed to have entered the
Those who canvas the Mill City and Linn.
piish consolidation in time for this three children here, from Salem. lobby and finding no one about took area asking the questions and filling
Items receiving the lowest general j on McCully Mt, He wa< taken before
school year of ’52-’53 budget work, so Young Toman invites the public to the money and made his escape un­ in the blanks are Mrs. Lee Donaldson, ratings in the elementary schools ' justice of the peace Harlow Weinrick
any action mst be pushed along in “Come in and meet Mel!”
Mrs. Kenneth Crosier and Mrs. John were, "community attitude toward the in Albany.
Rasnick pled guilty to the charge
order to be ready for the next fiscal1
Mrs. Brisbin has served this com- Donnelly. For Mehama, Mrs. Steve school”, "quantity and quality of [
1 munity as post mistress for the past Dark and Robert “Bob” Draper have competitive athletic program”, "qual- j of shooting and killing a deer out-of­
* • •
19 years and this is the first time volunteered. The good work in Gates ity of the extracurricular social activi- j season and was sentenced to thirty
days in jail. Two hunters in the Mc­
Many have expressed inquiries as
during her tenure of office any thing is being done by Don Gessner, Mrs. ties”.
to what has happened to the Mill City I MONDAY—
Floyd Völkel and Mrs. K. W. Martig.
of the kind has happened.
Most criticism in the high schools j Cully mountain area discovered the
Chamber of Commerce.
What has j
The postal authorities and state Hoping for a hospitable and warm was leveled at “teaching of funda- , carcass of the illegal deer and notified
police who in turn brought about the
happened to it, who killed it and where , American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. police were notified as soon as the welcome in Detroit area are canvas- mentals” and “discipline”.
is it buried? There has been very I Lions club meeting.
The grade schools came off some- [ apprehension of Rasnick.
robbery was discovered and are still sors Mrs. Earl Parker and Mrs. Otis
little accomplished since Bob Veness 1 A.F. A A.M. No. 180 stated meet­ ; investigating the crime. To date no White. Idanha is represented by Mrs. what better than the high schools on chose the 30-day jail term rather than
the $200 fine.
was secretary and president. During
ing third Monday.
l-evelle Haseman and Miss Kazi Inu-
(Continued on Page 8)
| arrests have been made.
his terms in office Bob worked hard
z.uka; and Mongold by Mrs. Ran
O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month.
and things did happen. It is too bad
we do not have more workers like Bob I TTESDAY—
Vem Olsen, health educator of the
Women's club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tues
who will pitch in and make the com­
Marion County health department
munity better known. George Steffy I 129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues
states that the information given or
was well on his way to putting this ' Riders of the Santiam. 1st Tuesday
received in this survey is held just as
canyon on the map, but he was
Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday
First hand experience with Civil i confidential as any which is given in
laughed at and scorned as a dreamer. WEDNESDAY—
Defense during the aerial bombard­ the privacy of a doctor’s office. Al)
George dreamed and organized the
identifying marks or names are re­
Boy Scouts. 7:30, H. S. Recreation ments of World War II in London will moved before the interviewer leaves
North Santiam Chamber of Commerce,
it was his ideas that brought it life.1
the home being visited. The inter­
Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. 1 detective of Scotland Yard, at the viewer is bound by law to hold all
Now it would appear that we are about
joint meeting of Marion County and
at Mill City fire hall.
to lapse into unconsciousness for lac
information entirely confidential and
Santiam Rebekah 166—1st and 3rd Salem Civil Defense at 8 p.m. Wednes­ for statistical use only.
of a s|^ark-plug. such as Bob an
Wed. at 8 p.m.
George have been.
auditorium. University and Mission
a a a
Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p.m. ; Streets, Salem.
PTA. second Wednesday 8 p.m.
We ne ed salesmen such as
“The London Fire Raid." a dramatic
if we at•e to hold are own ¡■nd r
documentary motion picture taken
Leonard Herman, manager of the
We have plent y to
Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d during the big fire raid on London Mill City Pinposal han requested that
but no o ne to do the selling
December 29, 1941, also will be anyone having Christman tree« they
and 4th Thursdays.
we goin g to lose the adv a ntage
Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 pm.
want disponed of to place them on
now hav e by not taking the 1 ball
American Legion 2d and 4th Thum.
The public is invited to attend, al­ the curb or in full view of the road
carrying it.
Power is so
Garden club fourth Thursday.
though the program is part of the where the pickup is normally made. Mari-IJnn school pupils and their teachers were startled lues'll) morning
avaiiabh» from the new dam
Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs training course for Civil Defense If thia is done on Saturday, January by a jolting hla«t within the building about them. The building was damaged
Toastmistress Club. 2d 4 4th, 7 p.m. workers of the County.
Mtanv rif tie k a<| 1
2vth, the disposal service will make, in some of its walls and equipment, but no one was harmed hy the explosion
a FREE pickup at that time to remove' which occurred in the area of the heating plant of the new buildirg. School
North Siurtiam ( namber of (
has been dismissed because of the blast; and authorities await a
accomplish thi« job
I.O.O.F. meeting
gation. Sour idea of the force of the explosion which abrupt! ended the
18 years, now lives in Salem, where
Mill City TWA meeting last Friday
Lyons school classroom studies may be gained by examining the crack in
new peoi
he brought his family after resigning are too large to take with the normal (
the wall and misshapen ventilator vane of that building as these two Mari-
Farmers Union meeting at Mehama from the Yard. He was stationed in
I adv.r>rafed at th^ -tart
Linn teachers. Miss Norma Miller and Miss Yivian lioyce, are shown doing.
Woman's club, 2nd
London all through the war.
Parents Offer Views On
Oregon School System
"Jerry” Swan Killed
In Korean Fighting
Toman Announces
His New Manager
Gates Post Office
Entered and Robbed
North Santiam ’$
Health Pictured
State Police Nab Out-of*
Season Deer Killer
Coming Events . . .
Scotland Yard Man Tells
Of World War 2 Bombing
Christmas Tree Disposal