Ü GATES By MRS. ALBERT MILLSAP Due to several inches of snow and the cold weather here there has been J_aery little “doing” for the past week. School was resumed the day after New Years with a good attendance. All logging operations are still at a Stand still and it is reported only a akeleton crew working at the Detroit J)«m. Members of “The Mixing Bowl”, cooking class of the newly organized 4-H club held election of officers at the last meeting, which was held at the school house. Allan Bilyeu wax chosen president; David Riddle, vice president; Susan Gorder, secretary; Carol Ball, news reporter; Vem Miles, cheer leader and I .ana Harrison, song leader. The next meeting will be held >at the home of Mrs. A. T. Barnhardt, January 12. Mrs. Barnhardt and Mrs. Glen Hearing are leaders of the group. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. Rosheim of Lyons were concerned to learn that they had met with an accident when Les’s Tavern MILL CITY A FRIENDLY FAMILY ATMOSPHERE PREVAILS For Guaranteed Cleaning it’a the NU-METHOD 24-HOUR SERVICE Mill City (ione* at • P.M. January 10, 1*52 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBtRRY FINN VIAlT A /cunUTE. i gotta HEftKTBURH I Z»i S o TH i RSTV their car collided with another one day last week. Mr. Rosheim escaped injury but Mrs. Roxheim sustained cuts about the mouth which required several stitches to close. She was brought to Mill City where Dr. Jack Reid cared for her. The car was badly damaged, The Roxheims were former residents of Mill City and Gates. Mrs. Lula Collins is Mrs. Rosheim’s mother. Mrs. Mary Champ is back following the holidays spent in Salem. Mrs. Champ is primary teacher in the local grade school. Cpl. Ernest Keith Kadine was at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kadine over the Christmas holi­ days from his station at the Presidio in San Francisco. Hollis Turnidge, who with his wife and daughter, Carolyn, were in Gates for the Christmas holiday, was taken suddenly ill and hospitalized for sev­ eral days. Turnidge stopped in Stay­ ton on his way home for a medical check and became ill while in the doctors office. He was taken to the Salem Memorial by ambulance where he was competed to remain for several days. Mrs. Turnidge and daughter returned to Gates until Turnidge was released. At latest reports, he was much improved and had returned to his home in Cutler City. Mrs. Floyd Völkel and Mrs. Joe Joaquin were hostesses at the home of the latter, Thursday evening, com­ plimenting Mrs. Dan Morrison on the occasion of her birthday anniversary. Mrs. Morrison was surprised when a group of friends gathered there with Never a Dull Moment I gifts and best wishes for many happy returns of the day. Following an evening of games, refreshments were served by the hostesses to the honored guest, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. W. S. Hudson, Mrs. Don Miley, Mrs. Charles Cooper,, Mrs. Elmer Stewart, Mrs. Norman Garrison, Mrs. Gerald Gar­ rison, Mrs. Laura Joaquin, Mrs. Dora Cooper. Mrs. Merit Wood, Mrs. Albert McMullen, Mrs. A. T. Barnhardt and Mrs. Glen Hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bonitz who had spent the holidays in Missouri at the home of her mother, returned to Gates Friday. Pauline’s cafe, which Mrs. Bonitz operates, was open for business again Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison were business visitors in Salem, Saturday. Mrs. Gerald Garrison was in charge of the Variety store during their absence. Miss Janet Klecker of Stayton spent the past week in Gates at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap. Mrs. Laura Joaquin returned home Wednesday of last week after spend­ ing the holidays in Roseburg at the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Layton Gosnell. Charles Cooper, of Ashland, who with his wife and two children have been guests at the home of his sister, Mrs. Joe Joaquin was hosp^alized in Portland at the Veteran’s hospital for a week, while his family remained in Gates. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Barnhardt, daughter Marcia, son John, accom­ panied by Allan Vail spent part of ground. The best sliding place in this fix them up.” . . .“Great Scott, your the holidays in California. They area is located on the Rush property entire town! That sounds like a big stopped in San Francisco, Monterej and parties of high school boys and order,” said Slats, “Er- how many and visited at the home of friends, Mr. girls as well as adults, who like bot tickets do you want? . . . “Six would and Mrs. Arthur Eckhart in Los sledding gather there for the sport. be about right, coach,” said Carey Angeles. The past week has been several groups apologetically.” We don’t have to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Park and there for the fun. add he got the tickets.” family were also in Los Angeles dur­ In Monday’s Oregonian was a pic­ (For Mr. Gregory’s and Coach Gill's ing the holidays and were considering ture of Lt. Norman Carey, son of Mrs. information, might we add that “the remaining there. The Wilsons were Velma Carey, and a former Gates boy. little town, not far from Mill City” former residents of Gates but have The article, under a Corvallis date has a population of more than four made their home in Salem for the ' line, stated that Lt. Carey had been hundred, and that does not include past year. I wounded for the second time, in action many living on the Linn county side of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Stewart of in Korea and was convalescing in the river where „“Norm” was born Tillamook arrived in Gates Saturday northern Japan at the present' time, and raised. We Sre fcpiit a city. > [expecting to spend the weekend with That he expected to return to the --------- —------- I their daughter and husband, Mr. and mainland about January 22. Lt. Mrs. Warren Varcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Carey, a veteran of World War II, Varcoe were not at home, having has been in Korea since August 1950. L. H. Gregory, sports editor of the j A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs. gone away for over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart anil "Impy” the dog, Oregonian, relates an incident, over Marion Lorenz, Lyons, January 9, at that they are keeping for the Varcoes, which coach Slate Gill, Oregon State, Salem Memorial hospital. found sanctuary Saturday and Sun- was amused when Lt. Carey a baske- A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. teer of 1947-48 was a member of the Rockwell, Lyons, January 10, at Salem I Tex Allen. O.S.C. team. The article states Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rush and baby “Carey is from a small town not far A SON —To Mr. and Mrs. Willie daughter from Salem were over Sun- from Mill City.” In the 1948 season day guests at the home of his parents, Carey asked for some basketball j Otto, Gates, January 10, at Salem ] Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rush. The tickets with the explanation, “My General hospital. I Rush home is a most popular gather- entire home town will be here to see | l ing place when the snow is on the me play tonight, and I would like ta It’s Your Newspaper—Subscribe Now fust Arrived “At the Bottom of the Hili'” MILL CITY TAVERN Call 3-F-22 Mobtlheaf WELZ MOBILGAS Sublimity or HATHAWAY GARAGE Phone 3202, Mill City ^BETTER PACKAGED foods Kellom’s Fresh Meats PTUUUI DAILY — VERY REASON ABU PRICES Kellom’s Grocery cm OPEN WEEK DAYS: 8 A M. to 7 P.M. CLOSED: Sundays and Holidays muj . Announcing CHANGE * WE GIVE T KA IM NG STAMPS AND ALUMINUM AND DISHES in the Management of flins, distress of “those days" stopped tr amazingly relieved Al's Richfield Service in 3 out of 4 casos In doctors* tosisi Clyde’s Richfield Service • Mercs wonderful news for Wtnrn and girls who — each month — miner the tortures of “ted days" of functionally- caused menstrual cramps and pain — headaches, backaches, and those "no-good," dragged- out feelings. It s news about a medicine famous for relieving such suf­ I fering' Here is the exciting news. Lfdia E Pinkham's Vegetable Cwnpound — gave complete or striking relief of such distress Ml an average of 3 out of 4 of Che cases in doctors' tests! Modern How lydla Pinkham's Warks It has a calmine ' and soothin* fffrcl on tn, ulrrus . Qiuetin? Ihr contrariions isee th« chart > that so ort«n cause menstrua; pain, cramps, oth«r dutrrss Actio« Tea! Lydia Pinkham's has been proved to be scientifically modem tn action/ This news will not surprise the thousands of women and girls who take Lydia Pinkham’s regularly and know the relief It can bring And It should encourage you (If you're not taking Lydia Pinkham's) to see if your ex­ perience doesn't match theirs .. to see if you. too, dont avoid the nervousness and tension, weakness, irritability — and pain—ao often associated with "those days"! Remember Lydia Pinkham s, too — if you're suffering the "hot flashes" and other func­ tionally-caused distress of "change of life.” Oet Lydia Pinkham's Com­ pound or netr. tmproted Tab­ lets with added iron (trial size only 59« >. Start taking Lydia Pinkham's today! under the management of CLYDE GOLDEN Specializing in Prompt, Courteous, and Complete Service For All Cars and Trucks liest Wishes for Success Charles Morgan, Richfield Agent Stayton, Ore *