5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE 1 January 10. 19521 FEMME PAGE Eastern Star Holds Annual Installation A F The annual installation of Marilyn Chapter No. 145 Order of the East­ ern Star was held Monday evening at the IOOF hall. Those installed were Halle Toman, worthy matron; Wil­ son Stevens, worthy patron; Laurell Johnson, associate matron; George Huffman, associate patron; Edith Mason, secretary; Mary Tuers, treas­ urer, Betty Tinney, conductress; Stella Scott, associate conductress, Gwendolyn Jones, chaplain; Lois Scott, marshall; Edna Ross, organist; Fern Shuey, Adah; Anne Hirte, Ruth; Mabel Parker, Esther; Clara Morris, Martha; Betty Shaw, Electa; Mary Kelly, warder; and Oswald Hirte, sen­ tinel. Installing grand patron was Rex Hartley, installing grand marshall was Esther Hartley, installing grand chaplain, Mildred Allen and installing grand organist, Maxine Hill. A floral degree was given the new worthy matron by her new officers and a piano selection by Ardith Jones, grand musician of the grand assembly of the Rainbow for Girls was pre­ sented. The worthy matron received a gavel from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens, and the junior past matron, Lois Scott, and junior past patron, Flovd Johnson were presented with their pins and a gift from the 1951 officers. Refreshments in the manner of a smorgasbord were served under the able direction of Anna Jenkins, chairman of the refreshment com­ mittee. Chime Ringers Will Appegr Here Jan. 21 Powelsons Announce Engagement of Daughter Three Links Club Make Plan for Social Event The Three Links club met Wednes­ day evening and heard annuel report» of officers. Committees for the year were appointed, and plans for a card party and pie social early in Febru­ ary. The purpose of the social is to raise funds to pay off the pledge for the Santiam Memorial hospital, ac­ cording to Mrs. Melbourne Rambo, president. Mrs. Verne Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dart, and Mrs. Floyd Fleet­ wood were a committee which has completed a job of painting the kitchen of the hall. Thanks of the club are extended to these good workers. Christian church. This team is well known for their unusual and beauti­ ful percussion music. Over a ton of equipment will be used, and a special truck-trailer is used to transport it. The large Triple Octave Chimes create a lot of interest because they are one | of very few sets in existence today. One hundred chimes played in unison ' when played by two people give the Gates Lucky Twelve card club effect of a large organ and bells. celebrated National Thrift Week, The Wallace’s have a beautiful set of (that’s this week) by being practical Swiss Hand Bells imported from about this business of pinochle and Europe recently. The Marimba and prizes and all that. Electric Vibraharp complete the list of The hostess for the Thursday after­ percussion instruments. These musi­ noon card session, Mrs. Inez Teal gave cians have appeared in more than two useful and satisfying prizes and upped thousand cities for musical programs the spirits of the Lucky Twelver in colleges, high schools and churches during the past six years. Mrs. group. Mrs. Joan Long was the surprised Wallace is well known for her Vibra­ and lucky winner of the pinochle harp arrangements and will play four prize; Mrs. Bertha Vanderhoff hit of the large instruments. Mr. Wall­ the top brackets with high; and Mrs. ace, in addition to playing the Bells, Rosella Haywood plunged for the Chimes and Organ, will bring a ! poetic and ScriDtural background to low prize. the program. Miss I.aura Hamilton Mrs. Bea Graunke tasted the hospi­ ! of the Sherwood Conservatory of tality of the Gates Lucky Twelve Music. Chicago, is the pianist and will cardsters, today. also play the other instruments. Only the familiar hymns will be Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Baker visited Mrs. Gertrude Mason of Hainsby is played, The public is cordially visiting friends and relatives in Mill in Astoria. New Year’s day, with Mrs. vited to attend. Although no set Baker's parents. City this week. mission price is asked, a free­ ■x x :: x :: x x x x « x x a « x st :: x x « x x x x a x x x « as x X X X x a a a a a a x x a a a a a a a a a offering will be taken. » g a a i « >4 Mr. and Mrs. Hoodinpile and family x of Creswell were Fox Valley and Lyons visitors the last of the year. NEW EQUIPMENT IS NOW INSTALLED They were former residents in this FAST and BETTER SERVICE locality. GUARANTEED Mrs. B. W. Knotts of Mill City was a Lyons and Fox Valley business For Q Pounds caller Saturday morning. 30c DAMP W ASH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston enter­ 55c WASHED and DRIED tained several guests for a dinner SOAP FREE I Monday evening. Those present in­ 25c . DRYING cluded Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kelly of n Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Nelson, :: Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scheiwek all of Fox I Valley. GATES Lande, son of Mr. and Mrs. « Jim Raegil Lande, enlisted for navy training Gates Lucky Twelve Notes National Thrift Week Damp Wash & Drying SERVICE Gates—Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Powelson of Stanfield, Ore., are an­ nouncing the engagement of their daughter, I.aVetta Rose to Mr. Ver­ non Duane McFadden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McFadden of Stayton. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Powelson was a student of the Mill City schools until her senior year in high school, when the family moved to Gates and she was grad­ uated from the Gates high school. She is now employed at Oregon State college in Corvallis. Mr. .McFadden also attended the Mill City high school and is now a student at Oregon state. One of the outstanding musical events of the year will take place Mon., Jan. 21, when the Wallace Chime Ringers will present an eve- ning of Sacred Music at the First Fox Valley Gates Auto Laundry fa AVOID DANGERS OF PAYING BY CASH! Mill City Toastmistress club got the nod for full speed ahead and good wishes in a recent speech given by Myra Widenius, International Toast­ mistress club secretary of Albany, in Mill City, December 13. For the 18 charter members of the Mill City group the date February 14 will be a time well remembered. February 14 is “charter night” for the local group. The Albany chapter of the toastmistress club wiii sponsor the Mill City chanter during appropriate ceremonies in Albany, The 18 charter members listed on the -shiny new charter will be Lorraine Caughey, Ruby Crosier, Jean Donaldson, Vera Hathaway, Edna Hutcheson, Gwen Jones, Pat Wingo, Mildred Stewart, Edna Ross, Elsie Potter, Tvler Pinkston, Louise Palmer. Irene O’Leary, Vivian Kelly, June Miley, City Savage, Zella Hautala, and Sue Mikkelsen. The Salem unit of the National Federation of Women’s Republican club will meet in the Salem Woman’s club, 400 N. Cottage, at two o'clock, Monday afternoon, January the four­ teenth.’ Precinct committee women of Mill City and of Marion County will be special guests. Mrs. Zylpha Zell Burns of Portland, former chief clerk of the Senate, will be guest speaker. Her subject: “The Dangers of Treaty Makings,” touch- ing, particularly, on the Covenant of Human Rights. All interested women are urged to attend. BING (’ROSB5 JANE WYMAN ALEXIS SMITH in » Here Comes the Groom Tl ESI) \ Y and WEDNESDAY J \MES STEM \RT and M \Rl.ENE DIETRICH in THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY GEORGE MONTGOMERY G 11 1: STORM in THE TEXAS RANGERS — Plus --- JEFFREY LYNN DON \I.D CRISP in THE HOME TOWN STORY Kids Club Saturday Matinee 2:00 P.M. Red Ryder in "Roll Thunder Roll” in Color — Also — County Wide-- ( Continued from Page 1) The Marion County Health Council Ml IR’S “Cake of the Week” is a voluntary organization made up Birthday Cake for: of individuals who are interested in Robert Fleming, I>ean Glunz, health needs and services. Any or­ Laurence Hunt. Michael Douglas ganization or person interested in the Kelly and Diane Wilts« health of Marion County people is welcome and cordially invited to meet Doors open at 7:20 P.M. with the Health Council. Members Complete show can be seen any of the Council include persons who time up to 8:30 are also members of the Marion County Medical Society, the Marion and was called to Salem Monday. His father took him down to the re­ County Tuberculosis and Health Asso­ cruiting office Monday a.m. Raegil ciation, the Marion County Health graduated from the Stayton high Department, »*‘ie Farmers' Union Marion Association, the school June 1951. He had been work­ Health County Red Cross, the Marion County ing in the woods until he joined the Hospital Association, the Central navy. The Floyd Bassetts were Salem Labor Council, the Marion County Parent-Teachers Association, the City visitors Saturday. of Salem, the Marion County Dental Miss Sandra Knox visited relatives | in Eugene between Christmas and Society, the Marion County Pharnia- anannaiannnnHKtHnHHKtHHnHHMHa | cists, and some other interested per­ New Years. James Lande was at Mill City and sons. Auditor Tax Consultant Elkhorn on business Monday after­ noon. | Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston. Mrs. Floyd Bassett and Mrs. Jack Chris­ PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT tensen were in Mill Citv Monday evening for a lodge official installa­ Bookkeeping, Accounting and tion program. lax Service Mrs. Paul Scheiwek and daughter Corner 3rd & Marion Pauline and son, David, went to Salem Monday evening. Pauline and David . SI \YTON. ORE take music lessons in Salem every P.O. Box 1321 Telephone 1114 week. Mr. and Mrs. De Ryke of Gardner, BEFORE BUYING SHOES aHnannnnnnnnHnnnHHnnwc»anal Oregon, are visiting their daughter SEE THE MASON LINE and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe From- herz. Rev. Ferris Dodd is beginning a Don't let coughing, wheezing, recurring at­ special revival meeting this week at tacks of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and the Santiam Chapel in Lyons. energy without trying MENDACO, which works thru the blooa to reach bronchial Rev. and Mrs. Wells Gage and | CHARLES UMPHRESS, Prop. tubes and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus alleviates ■ family who have lived at the home coughing and aids freer breathing and better Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. of his sister, have moved into their1 sleep. Oet MENDACO from drugcUt. Batlg* faction or money back guaranteed. j new garage house near the old Lyons . school building. W. N. SIMMONS Rubber Boot Work Full Soles and Heels Chuck's Shoe Shop / ■ri M/ Speech Arts Ladies Charter Speech Club SUNDAY and MONDAY No Highway­ in th>e Sky Republican Women Will Meet in Salem, Jan. 14 Miss Albert Toman Jr., who was installed on January 7 as worthy matron of Marilyn chapter. OES. Her father Wilson Stevens, was in­ stalled as worthy patron. iiiuumoi ASTHMA III F I * AR D U 2-ï ' E mc WZÖ mo VO cts I * I » y ¡ • Cost Only 'fa S* f I J I A WT M W /if £ ¿g j 15c B. per Check You reçoive m#n»y order and your record copy. Fill out . .. Sign . . . That’« off y f « - IS! ~r Gates General Store MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INS! RANCE CORP. w * • Always in Stock at the MILL CITY STATE BANK Gig rr- i ¿i A' ® 'S £ & » Í . l / m J b *. ' '4