The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, January 03, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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    January 3, 1952
by WcAHIl
t is a well known fact that a
bachelor is a rolling stone who
fathers no boss.
A woman at forty can be as pretty
•» »he was at 25— it only takes
a little longer.
After much deliberation I have
found that when you take a walk
you don't have to give it back.
Running after women never hurt
any man. It's catching them that
does the damage.
Bees aren’t as busy as you think
they are. They just can’t buzz
any slower.
A bachelor is a man who will
take no for an answer.
Den MiNtlll’l "Breakfast Club"
Men. thru fri. morning» on ABC
Les’s Tavern
For Guaranteed Cleaning
it’s the
Mill City
(losen at 6 P.M.
as Sunshine
Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg, her
son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carle­
ton and Larry spent Christmas day
in Portland with relatives. They
were dinner guests at the home of
Mrs. McClurg’» sister, Ray Negstad
her nephew returned home with them
for his holiday vacation.
Dinner guests at the Wilson Stevens
home were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toman and sons,
Stephen and Bradley of Mill City, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Stevens and Mrs.
Viola Zander of Lyons.
Mr. anil Mis. Phillip Pietrok had all
A GUY AND A DOLL learn up
of their children home for Christmas
in a rollicking new TV show
with Mary, Theresa and Frances com­
when blond Vivian Blaine joins
ing from Salem, and Mr. an<] Mrs.
madcap comedian Pinky Lee in
Clarence Pietrok from Stayton.
"Those Two," NBC’s newest
Mrs. Claire Humphries and children
regularly-scheduled TV program
from Myrtle Creek were guests at
(7:30 PM EST—Mon.. Wed.. Fri.).
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
It's essy io seo what makes Vivian
J. H. Johnston. She also visited her so popular. Her lovely voice, of
brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerath and
family have gone to Long Beach, land and Mr. and Mrs. Laddie Pesek
California, where they will visit rela­ of Lebanon were Christmas day din­
tives. They expect to be gone about ner guests at the home of their par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye.
two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Julian and
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker had as
grandma Julian were dinner guests at their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamp­
the home of their son, Glen Julian ton, Douglas and Margo Lee, Mr. and
and family.
Mrs. Norman Johnson and Chris of
A family gathering of relatives of Salem, Mrs. Clyde Bressler and Elmer
Mrs. Floyd Bassett was held Christ­ Hiatt.
mas day at the Rebekah hall with a
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Maurice
large dinner served. Present were Mr. and Jane of Walport spent the week
and Mrs. Arnold Svverson, Harvey, end and Christmas with relatives in
Dick, Delmar and Rodney; Mr. and Lyons. They were guests at the home
Mrs. Wallace Bevier, Gary and Jim­ of her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. P.
my; Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Raines Lyons and at the Wayne Ransom
and Allen Leslie, all of Mill City; Mr. I home. Christmas day the group en-
and Mrs. Merle Devine, Lorena June, joyed a family dinner at the home
Bob and Wayne of Gates; Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gisler at Marion.
Mrs. Pete Etzel of Stayton; Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Sletto left the last of
Mrs. Virgil Cribbs, Larry and Sharyn the week for South Dakota, where she
of Dallas; and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd will spend the holidays with relatives,
Bassett and Cecil of Lyons.
and attend the Golden Wedding anni-
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber, Dennis, i versary of her parents.
Donna Lu and Darrell were guests at | ___
Mr. ____
and Mrs. Orville Downing, and
the home of her parents, Mr. and Miss Juanita Downing of Portland
Mrs. Eldon Mulkey in Silverton.
were guests at the home of Mrs.
Guests at the Albert Bass
home | Downing's sister and family, Mr. and
meth Bass i | m
_ . Bert
■ o in .t Salem.
were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
and family of Fox Valley, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stockwell and
Mrs. Sam Bass of Scio, Mr. and Mrs. children from West Salem were guests
Leo Sprager of Los Angeles, Calif.; at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Leonard Moses. Barbara Jones from Mrs. Art Ayers. Additional guests
Philomath: Cnl. Wavne Bass from at the Ayers home were Mrs. Ina
Camp Pendleton, Calif; and Mr. and Stockwell ami Mrs. Minnie Kimery.
Mrs. Willard Hartnell of Lyons.
Mr. and Mrs. John Neal spent the
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hiatt went to day at the home of her parents Mr.
Lebanon, Thursday, where they will and Mrs. Georg» Westenhouse in Scio.
spend several days at the home of
Mr. and ____
Mrs. ______
Delbert Hill were
their daughter and family, Mr. and | dinner guests at the home of Mr.
Mrs. Leonard Thomas.
( and Mrs. Don Brotherton.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Julian of Port-
’The regular meeting of Faith
land visited, Saturday at the home of , Rebekah lodge was held Wednesday
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert evening at the hall with only 11 mem­
Julian and Grandma Julian.
bers present. The regular routine of
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Manning and business was carried out, with reports
Richie were dinner guests at the home of various committees heard. Plans
of her narents, Mr. and Mrs. Sim were discussed for installation which
Etzel in Stayton.
___ be held at the first meeting in
Dinner guests at the home of Mr. January.
______ At the close of the meeting
and Mrs. Clvde
Lewis and Beulah dainty refreshments were served by
were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ïæwis __ ___________
committee, , _______
Roberta ___
I .ongnecker,
from Georgia, and Miss Lucille Lewis Mj|]ie Becket and Jean Roberts.
of Corvallis. Kenneth left the day j Girl Scouts, Carol Kruse, Shirley
after Christmas for Camp Stewart Mohler, Gloria Carr and Kathyrn
Georgia. Mrs. L«wis remained >” Johnston from Lyons, attended the re-
j Mehama with her parents, Mr. and .
i Mrs. Vernon Miller.
Lt. and Mrs. Lynn Roye of Port-
union for the Smith Creek Camp!
group held in Salem .
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson and child­
ren spent several days over the holi­
day visiting in Medford.
Mrs. Alice Huber returned home
Friday evening from Portland. Mrs.
Huber had spent the week at the
home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
(ieorge Keeley. She also visited
other relatives while there.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Sunday school board was held at the
parsonage, Thursday evening. Plans
were made and discussed for the Sun­
day school for the coming winter
Mr. and Mrs. George Berry was
complimented on their 48th wedding
anniversary Sunday, Dec. 30, when
relatives and friends gathered at
their home in the afternoon to pay
them congratulations.
Bill Grimes from San Diego, Calif.,
who is with the U.S. Navy and as­
signed to the U.S.S. Delta, spent the
holidays at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Grimes. He will
return to San Diego, Jan. 2.
Mr. and Mrs, Keith Salchenberger
and children of Arcata, Calif., spent
several days at the home of her sister
and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle.
Mrs. Salchenberger was called home
by the serious illness of her father,
Ben Bodeker.
Ray Negstad also of Portland who is
visiting at the home of his aunt and
uncle the McClurgs.
Mrs. Inez Ring returned home Sun­
day evening from Portland after
spending Christmas and the rest of
the week in Portland at the home of
her grandson and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Trask.
New Y’ear dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg
were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carleton and Larry
of Fox Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Downing and little daughter, and Miss
Juanita Downing of Portland; also
School resumed Wednesday morn­
ing following the holidays. Miss Viv­
ian Boyce, music instructor, will be
absent for several days. She is con­
fined to her home in Salem with the
chicken pox.
Miss I.ucille Lewis who is a teacher
in the Corvallis grade school has re­
turned there after spending her vaca­
tion at the home of her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Clyde Lewis.
Mrs. Ed Hargreaves returned home
the last of the week from Portland,
after spending several days at the
home of her daughter and family.
All logging and mill operations
have closed down for a period of
time due to the snow and extreme
cold weather.
You need good thick suds to get
clothes clean. If suds break down
before the end of a washing period.
dirt will be re-deposited on the clothes.
To prevent this, use more soap or
special detergent when you see suds
begin to disappear.
Quality Job Printing at
The Mill City Enterprise
"The most important method of
saving today is to buy bonds,” says
Mrs. Edith S. Sampson. Alternate
U S. Representative to the General
Assembly of the United Nations,
where she has distinguished herself
in many ways. "By this method,
you are giving your government the
use of your money You are actually
lending the government your money
and in return you get interest.
"Of greater value, however, than
interest, is the fact that you, as an
American, have invested your earn­
ings in your government. You are
doing your Dart in helping to make
secure the more abundant life which
all of us ar» seeking."
Newspapers consistently fight cor­
ruption and incompetence in govern­
Try Our
OPEN EVERY DAY — 7 a m. to 11 p.m.
Coffee Shop
Next Door to Mill City Variety
Dimes For America's Defense
Short Orders
Gooch Logging Supply
Hot flashes of Change of Life stopped
"Everything for the Logger
or strikingly relieved
in 63-80%* of the cases
in doctors’ tests!
• Those suffocating "heat
waves’’ — alternating with ner­
vous. clammy feelings — and
accompanied often by restless
irritability and nervousness —
are well-known to women suf­
fering the functionally-caused
distress of middle lift "change”!
Y’ou want relief from such
suffering. And—chances are—
you can get it. Thrilling relief!
Thanks to two famous Lydia
Pinkham medicines!
'In doctors' tests. Lydia Pink­
ham s Compound and Tablets
brought relief from such dis­
tress in 63 and 80% (respective­
ly* of the cases tested. Com­
plete or striking relief!
Phone 116
Phone 1111
Branch Store Lyons
Home, Philomath
Kellom's Fresh Meats
Kellom’s cm Grocery
aih . i .
OP’ N WEEK DAYS: 8 A M. to 7 I’ M.
CLOSED: Sundays and Holidays
(At «.Bl
This IrptrallT American school girl posies another Defense Savings
Stamp In her album which she will soon convert into a Itefcnne Rond
Stamp I« >v has become one of the popular institutions in the public and
parochial schools.
Thousand« Hava »enefired
Hsw Lydia Piahhorw't workl
It act» through a woman's sym­
pathetic wow system to pite
relief from the "hot flathrs and
other /unctionaily-caused dis­
tresses o/ ’ change of life."
Amazing, you say? Not to the
many thousands of women who
know from experience what
these Lydia Pinkham medi­
cines can do!
Their action — actually — is
very modern They exert a sci­
entifically calming, soothing
Try Lydia Pinkham’s on the
basis of medical evidence! See
if you. too. don't gain blessed
relief from those terrible "hot
flashes” and weakness so com­
mon in "change of life.”
Don't put it off' Get Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Com­
pound or new. improved Tab­
lets with added iron [trial size
only 59« *.
Wonderful — too — for the
functional pains, cramps.
’ dragged-out’’ feelings and
other discomfort of monthly
menstrual periods!