December 13. 1951 Í— THE MILE CITY ENTERPRISE &V ¿fatty 7/jti/il, Director, GAINES DOG RESEARCH CENTER REX.A/’¿’/A'/Y/? OWNEP BV HARNESS RACE DRIVER PEI * CAMERON. PINEHURST, '* N C .WEARS A SPECfAL PARft£SS SO HE CAN Mabie Veteto, vice president, and Jen- ' nie Smith, secretary. Plans were made for a Christmas party. New robes for the Rebekah lodge initiation team j Chas. Dolezal returned to work this is a goal of the group. I week after several days illness. Mill City high school girls athletic Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Robinson and I daughters spent Tuesday in Salem on association has as the theme of its Saturday, Dec. 22, Christmas formal, I business and pleasure. Mrs. Fred Grimes is spending some­ I “Silver Bells”. The dance will be held auditorium. Bar­ time at the home of her daughter, in the high bara Barton, vice president of the } who is ill at her Scio home. The Dean Jackson home was the group, is the general chairman of the Miss Freda Thayer, high scene of the 3-Links club session this event. I week. Election of officers was held. school teacher, is adviser to the girls. Elected were Goldie Rambo, president; Miss Leia Kelly is president of the I GAA; she has put all members of the group into the work of preparing for the annual Christmas affair. Robert Zambrowski takes Frank Dickie's place on the local SP set-up. A good look at the map will re­ By MRS. OPAL WHITE Dickie held the position of car in­ veal the startling fact that almost The Christian church has secured spector for the SP. Dickie is retiring. •he entire continent of South two pictures that will be included on Zambrowski is reportedly an excellent America lies' east of North Amer­ the Christmas program, Dec. 23 at j softball man. The Zambrowski fam- ica. If you went straight south the church. The time will be an­ i ily comes to Mill City from Albany. from New York, you would land in nounced next week. One picture will the Pacific Ocean just off the west Wednesday evening Mrs. Caughey coast of Chili. The westernmost be a 16 millimeter film entitled, "The entertained the Friendship class of the part of South America is almost Littliest Angel", also two film strips i First Presbyterian church at her -traight south of the tip of Flor­ in color entitled “The Holy Child of j home. Mrs. Chas. Kelly led the de- ida. South America is southeast, Bethlehem”, and "Why the Littliest I votions. The class studied the “First not south, of North America. Camel Knelt”. The public is invited. I Christian”, from the Book of Luke. There will be a young man from Mrs. Herbert Schroeder was the lead- Northwest college who will preach at ’ er. A lunch was served. Members the Christian church, this Sunday. present were Mrs. Chas. Kelly, Mrs, Detroit Women's club had a Christ­ Vernon Todd, Mrs. Lora Kelly, Mrs. mas party last Wednesday evening Maxine Hill, Mrs. O. Mikkelsen, Mrs. held in the home economics room of Freda Thayer, Mrs. Arthur LeCours, the high school. v ■_______ Mrs. P. Stover, and Mrs. Barbara Yar- BLITZ WEINHARD COMPANY • POSH AND. OREGON There was music and gift exchange. ’ nell. • Bingo was played with the members Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown and again exchanging gifts. Husbands daughter Lynn went to Salem Mon­ Quality job printing at were invited. The Mill City Enterprise day Christmas shopping. The Leslie Umfleet’s were Satur- j day visitors at the Jess Brown home. They are the parents of Mrs. Brown and they also took one of the children I ■ home with them for a visit. I Mrs. Margaret Rasnick received word of the death of her mother Tues­ a k day evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rasnick drove to Seattle Wednes­ day and returned Sunday. Mrs. Ras­ BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP nick is the third grade teacher. Stanley Whipple, coach of Detroit school was ill Monday and Tuesday Phone 1141 Phone and was confined to his home. Sweet Home, Philomath Branch Store Lyons Mrs. Opal Leeming left Thursday afternoon for Wichita, Tex. She re- ceivei^ word that her father suffered a heart attack. one-stop shopping for you Mrs. Mildred White and children, Eye-catching presents Curtis and Lyman, arrived from Santa ‘Thunder the tree Anna, Calif., Tuesday to visit the Otis A."- s*. Shuffleboard Good Music White family over the Christmas holi­ Here, in one convenient days. package, is everything you need Mrs. John Osborne of Mongold was for wrapping beautiful gifts— taken to Salem Memorial hospital poper, seals, tags, ribbon- Monday to undergo surgery. designed by famous Hallmark The 7th and 8th grade boys played Gates last week with a score of 32-16 artists. Select yours r Where Friends Meet in favor of Detroit. A volleyball while stocks are complete. game with 7th and 8th grade girls On Highway 222, Linn County Side also played the Gates gills. After the game the 7th and 8th grade girls MILL CITY play the Detroit high school girls. | Mrs. Modena Surgeon is the coach "The Home of Halmark Card»’’ George “Sparky” Ditter ' for the grade school and Miss Kazi 330 Court Street Salem, Ore. Inuzuka is coach for the high school XX x x « « it « X >t >t » X x x « « x;x X X X x x'x x I girls. ^Debunfcer MILL CITY r JOHN HAKVEY FURBAY PH D DETROIT TAKE HIS PAL MICKEY, 1 MAPE IN KXM, WAS THE FIRST MOVIE 727 ÍTAPA DOG AND SET THE PATTERN FOR LATER DOGACT/NG in THE MOVIES ® 1931. Gain«« Doo K«««arch Cttuitcì /V Y C Santa Gives A Party "BLITZ WEIN HARD I TORME!" 1 I Gooch Logging Supply Everything for the Logger' Hallmark’s Matched Gift Wrappings mean MEANDER INN Edward Williams At least out- party for the children this Christmas season, that's tradi­ tional. So we set the theme with gay little crepe paper favors and decor­ ative glasses and such. With small fry we stay away from rich, gooey foods. So for our party idea we turn to Santa’s sack of toys and come up with those old-time favorites — building blocks. You make them from good pound cake, preferably a square shaped cake. Get it from your baker or make one up from any good cookbook recipe. Cut your pound cake intitf-inch cubes and cover with pastel frostings. With a pastry tube in your little right hand, you can letter the blocks any way you like. Cream Frosting •\ cup Blue Bonnet Margarine '« cup cream 4H cups sifted confectioners' sugar % teaspoon vanilla extract food coloring Cream margarine. Blend in sifted confectioners’ sugar, vanilla and enough cream so that frosting spreads smoothly. Divide mixture and color each batch with assorted food colors to obtain pastel tints. Cover cube cookies with frosting and decorate in contrasting shades. THRIFTIER OPERATION REDUCED MAINTENANCE FEWER REPLACEMENTS Bright Cranberries A ik I Apples Make A Pretty Christmas Pie ’ FEWER ADJUSTMENTS TROUBLE-FREE DESIGN LESS DEPRECIATION » America has made Advance-Design Chevrolet truck* it* channel-type frame, durable rugged rear axle and dozen* No. 1 choice, because Chevrolet of other money-saving advan­ truck* consistently do more work tage*. for the money ... cut hauling America'» largest group of truck cost*. omy Thi* stem* outstanding from engineered-in econ­ Chevrolet's Follow owners. the Choose Advance-Design a lead of Chevrolet Truck and feature* — save! Come in and see us —and powerful valve-in-head engine. get the right truck for your job. great A little pastrx ( hristma* tree top* thi\ dcliciou* truit pie. prrmits a peek at the iuio cranberry and apple tilling lark lloriwr’s Pie uas plum, so they *av But it couldn't have bwn prrttU T than thia Christmas pie in which bright cranberries com­ bine their tart juiciness with mellow apples Quo k cooking tapioca jells the J uki to a just-right consistency without clouding the attractive color I h» Christmas tree and the holly leaf edging are easily cut from Simple waxed paper patterns. Ilohd.«> broil Pie 2 tablespoon^ quick-cooking 1 ls cups cranberries, ground tapioc a 2*s cups chopped pared apples 1 H cups sugar Pastry for two-crust 9-inch pie H teaspoon salt I tablespoon butter Combine tapioca, sugar, salt, and fruits, let stand 15 minutes, or while preparing pastry. Line a '» inch pic pan with half of the pastry rolled ** inch thick. Trim off excess pastry. Then cut and remove small triangles of pastry from rim to make pointed edge. Roll remaining pastry meh thick and cut out Christmas tree and small holly leaves. (Use patterns cut from wax« d paper Lay on pastry and cut around edge with sharp knife ! Moisten edge of bottom crust with cohl water. Then arrange leaves around rim, placing one leaf on each point and pressing together with fingers Fill pie shell with fruit mixture and dot with butter Place tre* on top «»f filling Rake in hot oven (425* F i 45 minutes, or until ■MH ’ ' ------------ —a (Conhnvotion of ttvndord «gvRpmenf and trim ifktt- frcNtd i> on cvorfobtbty of mearte I ) "o'* ChevroM Ireii in „„ rtw any ether moire! ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS VOLK LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALER Gene Teague Chevrolet Phone 2344 Stayton. Ore. I