November 8. 1951 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBERRY FII\N * Thought for today... I “The sleeping fox catches no poultry —Benjamin Franklin For moderate refreshment... LYONS 0LYMPI4 ! 5 from Elkhorn, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stout, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nuttieman /v Z,/yAi ■ À from Mehama, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve O'­ Neil from Fox Valley and Mr. and By MRS. EVA BRESSLER The regular meeting of the Santiam Mrs. Neal. ■/fi the Water" ____ ______ _ held ----- Friday even- .. Reverend Feenstra will observe Valley grange was ing, with Albert Julian, acting Mas- Armistice Day by delivering a sermon ■-- to . the -L. absence _i_______ of > Johnie i-u-i- Lam i— ­ entitled “The Way to Peace”, Sunday ter, due Olympic Brewing Co., Olympia, Wo»h , U S. A. ’ ® brecht. Election of officers Was the morning; and an evening sermon on main business, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl the topic, “How I Found Peace”. Nuttieman were obligated in the first A large crowd attended the gym­ and second degree. The regular rou­ nasium warming in the new gymnas­ tine of business was carried out and ium at the Mari-Linn school, Friday the following officers elected: Johnie evening. The time was spent in Lambrecht, master; Giles Wagner, square dancing and playing cards. overseer; Jerry Coffman, lecturer; G. __ girl ________ The scouts and campfire girls I). Myers, steward; Frank Basl, assis- wjth their leaders sponsored a Hallo- tant steward; Nina Dark, chaplain; ween party held at the Rebekah halt. Anna B. Julian, treasurer; F ern Sletto, large crowd attended, with the secretary; Steve Dark, gatekeeper; children all dressed in costume. Bertha Basl, lady assistant steward; Thomas Putman, principal of Ceres, Elsie Myers; Flora, Elaine Mari-Linn school and manager of Russel); Pomona, Dorothy Draper; hot lunches, reports that several I.eora Stevens, musician. Executive people have asked about bringing committee members are Lloyd Sletto, their extra fruits and vegetables to Elmer Taylor, and Wilson‘ Stevens., ^¡'‘schoorfor the\TlUneVp“rogram” Refreshments were served at the close , Mr. Putman states that the school of the meeting. would be more than happy to receive Mr. and Mrs. John Neal entertained any good fresh apples, winter pears, a group on Halloween evening at cabbage, carrots or any other fresh their home, following a pot-luck sup­ produce. The pr oducts should be per. The evening was spent visiting, good as the cooks do not have much Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers time for sorting in their preparation. Anything will be greatly appreciated. Mrs. Harris and little daughter of Michigan who has been visiting with Try Our q Coffee! her father, Jack Beagle, left for Seattle, Wednesday, where she will visit with her sister before returning to Michigan. short program was presented by Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Manning Burgess from the Stayton high school: Next Door to Mill City Variety moved Thursday into their new house Joyce Hargreaves, vocal solo; Janet located west of town. Huffman, Lois White, Shirley Wodtly Mr. and Mrs. Brude Levingslo are and Janet Bellin, clarinet quartet; the parents of a boy, weight 6 pounds, boys trio, Clifford Crook, John Davis Dinners Hamburgers Fountain 10 ounces born, October 30. This is and Sheldon Titus, accompained at the their second child, first boy. I piano by Cecil Bassett; trumpet and Short Orders 5c Coffee A special meeting of the Altar accordian duet, Pauline Schiewek and society of the St. Patricks church was I Cecil Bassett; girls trio, Donna Pea­ held at the home of Mrs. John Jung­ body, Pauline Bridges and Cheita wirth, to make plans for the bazaar Lande. which will be held sometime this The regular monthly meeting of the month. officers and teachers of the Methodist Thomas Putman was ill, Wednesday, Sunday school held their meeting at and had to be absent from school. I the parsonage, Thursday evening. , Putman is principal of the Mari-Linn Plans were made and discussed for the school. 1 winter months. Mrs. Bob Carleton who has been Mrs. Maurice Rollins and son, employed at the post office for the I past two years, has quit, and Mrs. Micheál, of Salem spent several days Bob Draper of Lyons route one is at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Smith. Mrs. Rollins and Mic- taking her place. Monday, November the 12, the heal left Saturday for Long Beach, children will enjoy a holiday from California, where she will join her husband who has recently returned ' school, it being Armistice Day. Near a capacity crowd attended the from Korea. FRESH HAU T — VERY REASONAR1JC PRICES Miss Janice Huffman of Salem Arthur White magic show last Thurs­ day evening at the Mari-Linn Gym. spent the weekend at the home of her Nearly $90.00 was taken in for the parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Huff­ movie projector fund. The P.T.C. man. Janice is employed at the Mil­ sold over $30.00 of cake, punch and lers Department store in Salem. MILL CITY Don’t forget the card party at the coffee in addition to the gate receipts I after the show. Rebekah hall, Saturday evening, spon­ OPEN WEEK DAYS: 8 A M. to 7 I’ M. The annual bazaar sponsored by the sored by the Three Links club. This CLOSED: Sundays and Holidays Womens Society of Christian Service is the first of a series which will be was held at the Rebekah hall, Tuesday held throughout the winter months, j WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS AND ALUMINUM AND DISHES evening, with a large attendance. It is hoped that a good crowd will Approximately 140 attended the tur­ be in attendance. key dinner which preceeded the selling I Floyd Monroe and Mr. and Mrs. of fancy work, home made candy and Jack Thayer of Albany were Sunday Christmas cards, and fish pond. A 1 guests at the home of Mrs. Inez Ring. J Hinz Coffee Shop Sportsmanlike DRIVING WAIT FOR WALKERS Pretty soft stuff! That’s what pedestrians are made of. So it’s a lot better not to push them around with that big motorized mass of steel and chromium—your car. Pedestrians are never bullied by cars. They are bullied by rude, incompetent drivers be­ hind the wheel. The chief points of conflict be­ tween pedestrians and drivers are at intersections. Wait for walker» at intertection», says the AAA driver training book, “Sportsmanlike Driving. Sometimes walkers are caught Kellom’s Fresh Meats I Kellom’s Grocery Home Lighting! For Safety & Visit Our Showroom Now ffy /fatty //¡tUtt, Erector. CAINES DOG RESEARCH CENTER Convenience See the Latest Fixtures Obtainable * RUSTIC * COLONIAL * CONTEMPORARY * CONVENTIONAL "Better Light for Better Sight LAMI’ REPAIR CENTER Lamp Parts for Most Lamp* Salem Lighting & 23« N. HIGH ST. ) SEN \TOR HOTEL BLDG. midway across the street when the light turns. Wait! Keep your foot off the accelerator. Give walkers a chance to finish the crossing without running for their lives. Sometimes, when you want to turn your car to the left, the walkers have a green light across your car’s path. Wait! In your big, steel car you are the one with greater strength. So you are in a position to show the greater courtesy. Turn only when crosswalks are clear. Show courtesy to pedestrians. Wait for walker»! Open a Checking Account! A FINE COLLECTION OF BOXER FIGURINES IS OWNED BY SEN HERBERT LEHMAN(iMl.v), $10,000 WHO iMfWTEP the FHKTPOGiOF TRfEBREEP in NW Deposit Insurance Of FONTAINEBLEAU 1$ NAMED AFTER A HOC’HP CALL£P BLEAU WHO MS l OVEREP THE WATER SOUR l E USED THE FiRCT COUNTRY TO MAKE IT ILLEGAL FOR THE FAMOUS FRENCH FOR A PERSON CONVKTEPOf CWE1TY FOUNTA/N TO PCC/S EVER A lain TO OWN ONE MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. • IMI. G