Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1951)
4—THE mill city enterprise 5 fashioned waffle feed at his home last [ October 25, 1951 husband with a party on his birthday Friday night. Those who attended anniversary held at the hall in Jordan. were Denny Marttala, Gary Peterson, [ The time was spent in dancing with By GARY PETERSON Dolores Pool, Alona Daly, Leia Kelly. , refreshments served at the close of The “Mud Bowl” of Sublimity was Arlone Kuhlman, and, of course Bob the evening. Those honoring Mr. Johnston were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd the scene of last Friday’s game with Baltimore. The boys got down to the By MRS. EVA BRESSLER the Saints which Mill City lost, 12 to bottom of the batter bowl, and the Mr. and Mrs. Keith Salchenberger Bassett and Cecil, Mr. and Mrs. 0. The Timberwolves started rolling girls were still stowing them away Charles Cruson, Mr. and Mrs. Leo ' and children from Eugene were guests Cruson, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cruson, in the first quarter when they march like a horse in a oat bin, the boys a- I at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Alwood Aronson, Mr. ed up the field to be stopped short of greed that a halt would have to be Mrs. John Kunkle. The Salchenber- and Mrs. Everett Limbeck, Mr. and a touchdown. Sublimity scored once called. The way it wound up, the gers are moving to Arcada, Calif., Mrs. Jack Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. i in the second quarter, and again in males of the species wound up eating > i where he will be employed. Ernest Garsjo, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne ! the last quarter, but was unable to in the kitchen. Teachers of Mari-Linn school held Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry, 1 convert the extra points. Next football game, incidentally, is ) j their regular monthly teachers meet- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thayer, Mr. and The sale of magazines was over , next Thursday night on Allen Field. ; ! ing and dinner at the Riverview cafe Ms. Wallace Bevier, Mr. and Mrs. last Friday. A total of $799.95 worth The Timberwolves play the Sweet I in Mehama, Tuesday evening, Oct. 16. Stanley Forrest, Mr. and Mrs. Frank of magazines were sold. Approxi Home “B” squad, and wind up the | 'at 6:15 p.m. Mr. Putman reported Scheader, Mr. and Mrs. Erroll Kintz mately $325 of this goes to the stud 1951 football season against Philo-; on the State principals convention ; and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thayer. ent body, which sponsored the sub j math next Friday at Philomath. which was held in Salem, Monday and , The Girl Scouts will attend the scription drive. Next week there will be another . Tuesday. Plans for school Halloween | The first edition of the ‘Wolf Tales,’ I column, if someone doesn't see fit to ) morning worship service at the parties were made and other general. Methodist Community church next Mill City high school paper, was shoot me previously. Happy Archi i business of school discussed. Those Sunday morning. The girls will sing distributed Monday. Many technical I attending were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas) a special number directed by their details were encountered in the pub medes’ birthday! i Putman, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith, leader, Mrs. Jack Christensen. The lishing of this first edition, but these flUll'MlUlimM Ulrlill IUM41UUUS. uXI? 'Ill lill III' lul UiKll.i IWIIW¡MMMM 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skillings, Mrs. i national theme for the week is “Girl can be ironed out in the future. I ? I Hazel Wirth, Mrs. Elva Kuiken, Mrs. ! Scouts”. A growing force for free Students are urged to write letters Martha Poole, Miss Vivian Boyce, and ■ dom. The pastor, Rev. R. A. Feen- to the editor if they feel so inclined. Ralph Hurst. Miss Norma Miller was , stra, will use the story of Queen These may pertain to anything about A Friendly Place unable to attend due to illness. Esther with the text "For such a time the school which they feel should be A meeting of Girl Scout, and as this”. Parents and friends are in improved, altered, of approval of good To While Away Brownie leaders, assistant leaders, I vited to attend this service. The things will be printed. The writer’s committee members and mothers was i church choir will give a special num ) name may be with-held upon request, Your Idle Hours | but all must be signed when turned held at the Jack Christensen home, ber also. with Mrs. Christensen and Mrs. John) The Lyons and Stayton Methodist in. Prideaux hostess. Discussing the ) churchs held joint services Tuesday, Report cards came out this week, years schedule and plans for the . October 23, in observance of the Week amid mixed feelings. Some students annual halloween party was made, j of Prayer and self denial. The after were both surprised and elated, and •2 7» •AV*’ Present were Mesdames Clarence noon session was held at the Stayton others were both surprised and de BLITZ WFINHAPD COMPANY • PORTLAND. OREGON Jungwirth, Ivan Smith, Ray Mohler, church at 2 o'clock under the direction jected when they first saw their cards. Calvin Trahan, George Huffman, of the Womens Society of Christian Attendance slacked off at the Teen Burl Smith, Ernest Garsjo, Merlin Service. The evening service was Canteen last Saturday night. There Knox, Marvin Edwards, John Prid held at Lyons at 8 o’clock. Mrs. was a pronounced lack of manpower. eaux and Jack Christensen. Feenstra who is the Spiritual Life Due to the Eagles’ Damon Runyan Mrs. Wood Oliver left Friday morn secretary was in charge. Reports cancer fund benefit dance this Sat GATES THANK HEAVENS! Most attacks are Just acid ing for Shawnee, Oklahoma, where were given on two foreign and two urday night, the teenagers will make indigestion. When it strikes, take Bell-ans tablets They contain the fastest-acting she was called in the settlement of home missions by Vivian Boyce, Nor themselves at home in the high school medicines known to doctors for the relief of her sisters estate. ma Miller, Mrs. Orpha Roye and Mrs. for their weekly festivities. All maramin'mi mrim iiii ' mu niiiimniiiMiiuii mi'iiinitt hii iinuniimiN heartburn, gas and similar distress. 25<. elders who possibly can, should attend Mrs. Hugh Johnston honored her j Alta Bodeker. Rev. Abbott from the dance for the benefit of the can Stayton sang two solos and read the cer fund. It's a worthy cause, and scripture. one that may someday help each of us Don’t forget the bazaar sponsored if we need it. All proceeds go to by the Womens Society of Christian help find a cure for cancer. Service will be held at the Rebekah Twirp season is over. We can hall, October 30, with a turkey dinner breathe again! There’s nothing like served in the evening. There will be a good, old twirp season to make the VETERINARIAN fancy work, home made candy, a fellas realize that it is safer the fish pond and Christmas cards for normal way. Sort of a foolish, but STAYTON sale. This is an annual affair and mighty invigorating! PHONE 414« there will be a short program. Bob Baltimore was host at an old- Mrs Arch Mink of Ida-ih was a Opposite Tuesday v «itor at the home of Mis. Lucille Nash Claude fowls’ Service Station Mrs. Jim Lande has returned home from a trip to Sacramento, and San Francisco, California, where she Santiam Aerie No. 2745 stage their visited relatives. big benefit dance in the Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges are visit fire hall Saturday night. October 27. ing relatives at Sidneys Montana. Proceeds of the dance will go into the WE ARE PLEASED While there they will attend the wed Damon Runyon cancer fund. This is TO SERVE YOU! ding of her sister. the second such dance sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lyons and son the Eagles fraternity. Mrs. C. N. We hope you are pleased of Gates were Sunday afternoon Bennett anil her ragtime syncopators with our service. guests at the home of his parents, provide the musical talent for the Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Lyons in Lyons. public affair. Girl Scouts Troop 93 have started Al Stahlman returned from the Sa their fall schedule with Mrs. Jack lem Memorial hospital, Monday. He Christensen as leader, and Mrs. Ray spent one week there while under ob Mohler assistant leader. Mrs. Ernest servation. Garsjo, Mrs. George Huffman and It’s a Halloween party for the 6th, Mill City Mrs. Albetr Carr are committee mem 7th, and 8th grader children of Mill bers. Officer» elected as follows are: City grade school, Friday night in the Gloria Carr, president; Claudia John gvm. The spook partv is sponsored son, vice president; Carol Kruse, I by the Mill City PTA, Mrs. Arey secretary; Sandra Knox, treasure; I Podrabsky is handling the arrange Kathyrn Johnston, Sharron Toland ments. Each child will bring 15c and Shirley Mohler, program commit ! which will defray the expense of cider tee. Girl Scout week starts, October and donuts. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Large spent Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jungwirth and Tuesday in Salem where they shopped children of Coquille were recent and transacted business. • • • iff“ imri siuii. ■ ••»»• visitors at the home of her parents Mrs. Ardith Christie and two daugh many reader» of THE CHRIS Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kinzer. They also ters from Toledo are visiting their TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doc mother and grandmother, Mrs. Edna tell the Editor how much they Jungwirth in Stayton. Bodie. enjoy thi» daily world-wide Weekend guests at the ho-”« of Mr. newspaper, with such com Mr. and Mrs. Gail Dorothy, accom 80% of battery failures occur where emergency calls are ment» a»: and M*s Burl Smith were her parents, panied by Mrs. Al Stahlman, visited required —protect against this inconvenience and ex “The Monitor it the moil Mr. and Mr». Albert Nelson ard her Stahlman in the Salem Memorial hos carefully edited pense. Our battery service includes maintaining proper brother and wife and son Mar», from pital, Sunday evening. paper in the U.S.,, ■" <, Washington. M Sgt. and Mrs. W. O. Hamrick water level —testing for condition—cleaning and com “I aluable aid in leach Thelma Nydegger was hostess for are visiting her sister, Mrs. Jack D. plete inspection of terminals and cables. ing , . ." the afternoon card club with her party Colburn and Jack Colburn. The Ham “News that it complete This is a regular service that keeps your car running held at the Rebekah hall, Wednesday ricks are on a delay-enroute-from and fair ..." afternoon. A one-thirty dessert Carswell Air Force base, Ft. Worth, trouble-fr»e and more economically. It is part of Car- “The Monitor turely it a luncheon proceeded several tables of Tex., to March Field, Riverside, Calif. reader's necessity . . Saver Service that reduces wear of vital parts and im 500. High score was held by Bertha The John Swans have received the Y'ou, too, will find the Monitor proves gasoline mileage. Allen. Low by Garnett Bassett and information that their son, Jerry Lee informative, with complete Mabl? Downing drew the traveling Swan, is now in Japan. Jerry is in world new» . . . and a* nece»- Drive in and let us show you how our Car-Saver prize. Present for the party were | the navy. »ary a» your HOME TOWN Service can make your car run better, longer. paper. Mabel Bas«, Dorothy ILlenv.i, Doree” The Raymond Mainards have just Helemn, Cairie Naue Dori* Roy, returned from Arizona. They will l'»e thia coupon for a Special Introductory »ub»cription — 3 Lucille Don. van. Gtrnitt Basset , make their home in Mill City and EXPUT LUBRICATION * TIRE SWITCHING * BATTERY CARB MONTHS FOR ONLY »J. Ethel ll'it'man Mabel Dow ring, Wil Oregon once again. Arizona climate ATLAS TIRES • BATTERIES • ACCESSORIES ma Free Ruth Lyons. Bertha Allen, does not compare favorably with Ore and the hostess Thelma Nydeggei. gon's they report. Mr a al Mrs. W. H. Joht son were Th, Ctuhllaa Ow. Non»,, St . H—t«. IS, Ma.,., V. S A ••ecent vi»i«ore in Newport. The and Mrs. John I.engescher were Mr. ?!•••• »end tn« an i«t r»«l t»e t ®ry »»becHp- ).l*o vi«'*i-d in Corvallis it th, homes and Mrs. William Marneilli and son. !>«• !• TW« CWtolM« S « MooilRt-- ?• I |J of Mr. and Mr-.. Arthur Peppin, Mi William Jr., of Portland, and Mr. atai Mrs. Parlee and Mr. am. and Mrs. V. O. Lengescher also of Mrs. Joon Mink. M’s Parlee is a Portland. Mrs. Marneilli is a neice <—> sister of Mr. Johnson. of Mr. Lengescher. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith and child Mr. and Mrs. John Trask who are ren were recent visitors at the home ) spending the winter at Taft on the (»««••) ( ) of his parents at Cornelius, Oregon. ri»« j coast were weekend guests at the Recent visitors at the home of Mr. home of their daughter and family, WE TAKE IETTIR CARE OF YOUR CAR Mr. and Mrs. George Nydegger. Mill City Hi-Liles LYONS cash COUNTS at Girod's Super Market ON THE HIGHWAY at STAYTON PICNICS 49c fb YOUNG HENS 39c » FRYERS $1.39 ea‘ h PORK ROAST SHOULDER 49c SWEET POTATOES 3 n>s. 29c AVAGADOS 3 for 29c CELERY TREE TOP APPLE ( IDER 59c <al- M-I) TOILET TISSUE 3 for 29c ["BLITZ 1 [ WEIN HARD KFOR ME ! " RICHARD’S TAVERN HEART ATTACK OR INDIGESTION? HERE’S ANOTHER WAY J. W. GOIN MILL CITY PROTECTS YOUR CAR Mom's and Pop's CAFE b CAPITOL TOM ATO JUICE 16 oz. ran 25c DURKEE S MARGARINE 29c * __________ JELLO PUDDINGS I for 29c GIANT o\> Doi.. Dl Z or DREFT 79c package --------- -------- TASTY PAK RAISINS i "" 59c Pay Cash and SAVE at Girod’s RALPH cmba NIBLER r Mrt. A. IF., San Antonio, Total Speed anuuing relief from mnenea of mm pie piles, with «nothin» Paso*' Ac«» to relieve pain, itching nuranl/v-soothes inflamed tissues — lubricates dry. hard ened parts—help* prevent cracking. «Ire nes» -reduce swelling You get real com forting help he l »offer needle»» torture from simple piles. Get Paso fur last, won derful rewef. Ask your dicl r about it. Suppiwitiyy Aorm — also tuhr» with per forated pile pipe for easy application. *Pa«e <*«■■»• i ooW i./iaseHi • mji ..- yr yr yr yr ttj Complete Supply of All Your Building Needs AT STAYTON “Was a nervous wreck from agonizing pain until I found Pazo!” ;• Kellom’s Fresh Meats FRESH DAILY — VERY REASON ARI F. TRICES Kellom’s Grocery yr yr 75 yr yr yr yr TTJ 7 . .. y.- yr yr . y;- yr yy yr y:; Knotty Pine Paneling Pioneer Flintkote Roofing Boysen Paint F Kelly Lumber Sales MIU. CITY OPEN WEEK DAYS: 8 A M. to 7 P.M. CLOSED: Sundays and Holidays OPEN SATURDAYS WE «¡nr. TRADING STAMPS AND ALVMINl’M AND DISHES a A* I Phone 1815. Mill City Russell Kelly. Manager