Canyon Avenue Parade T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES IDANH \ LYONS MEHAMA MONGOI.D By DON PETERSON Wednesday evening of this week at ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEM \Y TO THE HEART OF N \Tl RES EMPIRE Sublimity the North Santiam Cham­ ber of Commerce held its first semi­ annual banquet since its birth last MILL CITY, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25. 1951 Vol. VII—No. 43 $2.50 a Year, |(lc » Copy March. Some will say that nothing has been accomplished since the for­ mation of this organization. How­ ever, many expressed the feeling of satisfaction and well-wishes for the continued success of this booster or­ ganization for the North Santiam canyon and its resident communities. It was about a year ago that one George Steffy, or “Santiam Sam" as he is known to his many friends North Santiam Chamber of Commerce has conceived and carried out during planned and dreamed of such an or­ the past few months its first big project, an inventory of its industrial ganization. He sparked a meeting here strength. Wednesday evening it celebrated the eat with an impressive and in Mill City by the industrial com­ thought provoking banquet in Sublimity. The food weighing down the ban­ mittee of the Mill City chamber at quet tables was a patent reminder of the productivity of this region. The which he laid the ground work for industrial products show gave banqueters eve and mind “food”. Noted this useful organization. It was speakers and distinguished guests “Sam’s” vision at that time which were lavish in their congratulations inspired the organization of this can­ of North Santiam citizens for their yon wide-chamber of commerce. obvious common sense co-operation in The meeting was attended by a canyon wide industrial development. capacity crowd of over 250 guests and For the first time six North San­ members. Guests included many in­ tiam communities have a condensed “Clothes for Korean children” was and up-to-date statistical picture of dustrialists and business men of the j the plea of George Laird who once themselves published in an attractive northwest. They were present to I was in Mill City, but now is in the learn more about the resources of this individual pamphlet. This industrial army in Korea. Recently Laird wrote survey was compiled and published by fertile canyon and valley area. I do out his plea and sped it to his Mill Civic Service, a professional survey not believe they were disappointed. City friends. The Masonic lodge group. Again, for another first this ♦ ♦ ♦ acted on the Laird request by sending industrial survey was unveiled at the After a sumptuous banquet of food a healthy quantity of clothes to Laird Sublimity parish hall banquet before grown and processed in this area, pre­ in Korea. pared by expert ladies of the commu­ the eyes of North Santiam citizens Jim Barton of the Masonic lodge and the industrial world, October 24. nity of Sublimity, a report of activi­ in Mill City set the wheels rolling on ties was made by Pres, J. C, “Doc” John G. Barnett, U. S. Department the clothes for Korean children proj­ of Commerce spokesman, applauded Kimmel. This report was climaxed ect. The lodge and its devotees fol ­ by presentation to the community rep­ the North Santiam Chamber of Com­ lowed through. So thorough was the merce in these words, “Here we find resentatives of a comprehensive in­ action in behalf of the Korean chil­ an organization that after only six dustrial survey prepared by John dren, that townspeople still are ex- months existence as a civic group, Durr, a professional in the field of , pressing the hope they, too, can lend comes forward with a comprehensive industrial surveys. Bonneville Power Administration competes with nature in raising spires from the ground. In the background a hand. The Industrial Surveys were broken survey of the resources of the region of this picture are the barren spires of fire stricken trees. In the center, of course, are the spires of a power It is reported that Laird and his down into six parts one for each of sub station located close by Detroit dam. This sub-station is 74 percent complete. New type De-Ion grid oil ' buddies have made arrangements for without being asked for it—a feat the commnuities of Gates, Mill City, unique in my experience.” circuit breakers are being used in this sub-station. This type of circuit breaker uses less oil than other types. altering and processing the donated Lyons, Mehama, Stayton and Sublim­ The sub-station shown will handle the 100.000 kw. of power planned from Detroit dam. Co-operation Emphasized clothing in Korea. They have seen ity. They give graphic illustrations (Photo courtesy of Capital Journal) Ivan E. Oakes, secretary of the to it that a sewing plant is in opera- and descriptions of the resources and | tion. The Laird group have under- Willamette River Basin Commission, services to be found in each of these ■ taken the task of seeing to it that pressed home the importance of co­ communities together with a second I the suffering children in their arena operation when he said, “Co-ordina­ part that deals with the whole com- I tion like that accomplished by the 1 of service get warmly clothed. munity as one group. Pictures taken of children in Korea North Santiam Chamber of Commerce The North Santiam Chamber of accompanied his request for clothing in a brief space of time is the driving A new bluegrass strain, called Mer­ Commerce has an opportunity to serve , force most needed if conservation and ion after the name of a golf course the canyon. It cannot do a good job “Dear Friend: A scouters training course which for them. The mute evidence of pri­ unless the citizens of this canyon put , If I were a healthy adult with good where it was found in Pennsylvania, starts Thursday, Nov. 1, at the Green vation and suffering these pictures perpetuation of our resources is to their shoulder to the wheel and help. sense, and a non-employee of Para­ will be widely used as seed becomes Acres grade school in Lebanon and show stirs sympathy in all who view be achieved.” J. C. Kimmel, president of the Latest reports indicate that The chamber can only accomplish as ' mount—three counts that disqualify available due to its resistance to root Camp Long Bow, will specialize in them. North Santiam Chamber of Commerce, soon Laird ’ s group will have materials rot. much as the people are willing to put me right off the bat—I would muscle teaching scouting “know-how", ac­ This prediction is from E. R. Jack­ cording to Clarke Lethin, Scout for carrying out their humanitarian reviewed the course of events culmi­ into it—your help is needed. in on this, because I’d like to have nating in the occasion being cele­ project. We must put to work the energies ’ a movie premiere at my house with all man, Oregon state college extension executive. brated. During his address Kimmef that are available to us—we must the fan fare of guest stars, search­ farm crops specialist, who adds that The first meeting will deal with gave a clear impression of the pangs push aside the useless Jetsam and lights, photograuhers, radio and tele­ almost all available seed is now being patrol and troop meetings. The I of organization of the canyon-wide grown in Oregon and Washington. move onward with the valuable work­ vision. civic group. In addition to resistance to root rot second meeting will be one week later, ers left to build a thriving commu- , “Sure, I’d get in on it, because I Thursday, Nov. 8. The third meet­ Trimble Makes Presentation nity for the future. don't have to sweep up around our organisms and general vigor, the new ing will be November 15. The A. W. Trimble, Mountain State« * * * house any more, do you? But let’s bluegrass strain is especially weed scouter training course will wind up resistant. It’s low growth also re­ Power company president, had the Time is drawing near for filing get down to brass knucks. with patrol and troop hiking and Dinner music and a wide variety honor of presenting the industrial “Some lucky or unlucky person quires less freguent cutting than other camping. nominating petitions for two places bluegrass strains, the specialist adds. >f foods will be featured in the annual survey to the North Santiam Cham­ somewhere in this world will have a on the city council. The terms of The scouter meetings will start at Mill City PTA International Progres­ ber of Commerce. It is tolerant to heat, drouth and Trimble’s com­ Arey Podrabsky and Carl Kelly expire world premiere in his or her home late 8 p.m. and last for two hours. The this year. At this time it is not ! this year, and I hope you will inform shade; produces good yields of seed week-end camp out will start at Camp sive dinner, Thursday, Nov. 8, from pany financed the project. Trimble noted that his company’s interest in known whether they will be candidates your readers if it either by printing that can be distinguished from ordi­ Long Bow at 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov. ! 5 to 8 p.m. Progress of the diners will be as the survey is a worthwhile investment to succeed themselves at the coming this egocentric letter or through nary Kentucky blue. Golf courses ar