4 « By DON PETERSON The Boy Scouts are looking for a new scoutmaster for Mill City’s future businessmen, city councilmen, and school officials. Chet Slater, scoutmaster for the past year is mov­ ing away to take employment near Crescent City, Calif. He has worked hard and diligently to give the boys “Scouting.” Today we have 11-year- old boys with worlds of enthusiasm, energy unbounded that makes us shiver when we think of trying to harness those energies into the activ­ ities of the Boy Scout program—to­ morrow they will be taking over the jobs of a family man and looking for a scoutmaster for their boys. So, our life moves steadily along. ♦ * * Perhaps this is our chance to make a better community for the future by working with these boys in programs that have been proved valuable to the country and various communities where it has been adopted. We are blessed with abundance in nature lore and outdoors study that many of us know very little about. A trip into the mountains with the scouts as a committeeman or scoutmaster could prove invigorating to any man. * « * Another thing that cannot be ig­ nored insofar as scouting is concerned is according to his friends, the forced resignation of D. J. Ferguson from his pastor duties in the First Pres­ byterian church because of ill health. Ferguson has a long record of in­ terest in scout affairs. • • * Charles Kelly has been a mainstay in keeping the scout activity alive and has been diligent in getting the men together for committee meetings this fall. Years past it has been Louis Verbeck and Larry Kanoff who have shouldered the responsibilities of working with the boys. Ed Cooke has been steady and a good worker in scouting even today he is in there pitching to do his part. There are numerous others that I probably am not aware of who have contributed time and money to give scouting a program in this community. * * * I am informed that Mill City many years ago had the first scout troop in Oregon—we must not live on our past glories but must dig in and make to­ day’s boys the best citizens possible. At a meeting in Mom & Pop’s cafe last week M. J. Rambo accepted the chairnfn>i»Lip >rs the . rorrrxmmmittee; Charles Kelly’ took on the job of finance man; Jhue Johnson, Clyde Golden and H. I. Plymale will handle outdoorsnian duties. Clyde Golden is going to supervise the advancement work of the scouts, and I will try to handle publicity, Clarke Lethin of Albany, scout executive for this dis­ trict was present and assisted in the meeting. * » * ♦ At this meeting the troop committee discussed plans for using the space alloted in the city park by the Lions club when that property was deeded to the city a few years ago. Plans are being drawn to meet specifications of scouting for a building in which scout work can grow and prosper as it should. In scouting the boys need a building in which their paraphenalia can be stored until the next meeting night; where the boys divide up and "go to work” unmolested by anyone; where courts of honor may be held, and dads and mothers invited in to see them demonstrate their various skills, such as building a fire without matches, tying knots and applying first aid to the injured—where leaves of trees and bushes can be arranged for identification, along with many other “samples” that are collected and “mom won’t permit in the house”. • * * The Lions club has granted per­ mission to use their property in the park for as long as is needed, but the building is too small for 25 to 35 boys to crowd in at one time, and can not be used on wet nights. The recrea­ tion room in the high school is avail­ able for their use, but it does not meet the qualifications of satisfactory quarters in as much as it is impossible to have lockers installed for the use of the scouts or any other permanent. fixtures. • • « You may be called upon in the near future to help furnish materials and labor to build this new home for the scouts—-please don’t wait to be invited, just tell one of the committee that you will be there or you will furnish some­ thing towards it. "We can and we will!” is our slogan. AIR FORCE OFFERS MEN COMMISSION Men with technical or specialized training in fields utilized by the United States Air Force are being offered commissions in the Air Force Reserve, it was announced today by Maj. Norman W. Campion, command­ ing officer of the Willamette univers­ ity air force ROTC. "Rapid expansion of the Air Force has reduced the number of trained officer reserves in many essential specialties and immediate consider­ ation will be given to applicants with experience in Air Force associated j •kills”. Major Campion said. T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: mu i cm DETROIT ELKHORN GATES IDANHA LYONS MEHAMA MONGOL!) ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGIIW \Y — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE Vol. VII—No. 42 MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER IS. 1S51 12.50 a Year. ] ()<> a Copy North Santiam Industrial Banquet Success in Sight Signs of whatever nature point to a rousing success for the North Kantian* chamber of commerce banquet in the Sublimity Parish hall. Wednesday evening. October 21. according to L. D. Wright, secretary of the canyon­ wide group. Ticket sales are at a high level. The best in representation will be on hand for the banquet. A sampling of the industrial might of the North Santiam region will be on display ‘‘or the banqueters. John G. Barnett. U. S. Department of Commerce spokesman, will attend the North Santiam chamber of com­ merce banquet in the Sublimity parish | hall. S. R. Overholser, resident en­ gineer, will appear that evening in The Damon Runyon cancer fund will behalf of the Army Corps of Engi­ be the recipient of the proceeds of a neers. Ivan E. Oakes will represent dance staged Saturday, Oct. 27, by the Willamette River Basin commis Santiam Aerie No. 2745, Fraternal •ion. Allen R. Meilis will speak f«r- Order of Eagles, it was announced the Portland chamber of commerce’s by Robert Wingo, the aerie’s worthy industries department, Arrangements have been made for the appearance president. President Wingo also announced the of an official of the Southern Pacific” appointment of a special arrange­ railroad for the canyon-wide affair. ments committee. Committeemen Ticket Sales Moving Fast are: Kenneth Hunt, chairman. Bill J. C. Kimmel, president of the Wilson, Buford Hughes, Pau) Jen­ North Santiam chamber of commerce, nings, Ed Debolt, and George Stewart. noted with enthusiasm that his ticket sales were tops and he had reports- Everyone Invited To Attend “Santiam aerie invites all organi­ of similar nature from others han­ zations and citizens to join with the dling tickets for the big banquet a* Eagles in making this dance an out­ Sublimity, October 24. Kimmel stated standing success,"chairman Hunt said. that the prospects of the canyon-wide “There is still no cure for cancer, con­ fete had "all the earmarks of a grand sequently research must be continued success!” on all levels and it must be supported Caravan Forms at Grange Hall by public-spirited citizens because we Wright stressed the fact that the have no idea of where cancer may North Santiam auto caravan, which strike—or when.” will form at the Lyons grange hall The local aerie will join with other at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Eagle aeries throughout this country October 24, is for the benefit of any- and Canada in a fund-raising effort j one interested in making the tour of for the Runyon fund, which was 1th* J’anyon. After this caravan has made its named after the late columnist and magazine writer who died of the ail­ swing up through the canyon, it will Plans ment, for which there is still no known head back towards Stayton. cure. The entire proceeds of the local are that the caravan will wind up in affair will be turned over to the fund’s Stayton in time for the trip to Sub­ treasurer, Walter Winchell, and the limity and the banquet in the Sub­ money will be used for research. The limity Parish hall at 6:30 p.m. only deduction from the proceeds will Exhibits In Wednesday Morning be for federal taxes- Wright cautioned that industrial Last year, the Eagles presented exhibits should be in the Sublimity $132,999.53 to the fund and the sum parish hall by Wednesday morning. was called by Winchell, “the largest These exhibits will feature products ever turned over by any fraternal or- manufactured and grown in the North ganization.” The columnist, who was Santiam canyon and valley, The line one of Runyon’s closest friends, called up of products will include exhibits the Eagles the "Runyon fund's ’Santa from the woolen mill, mines, plywood Claus’.” Officers of the Runyon fund, plants, shingle mills, cannery, and with headquarters in New York City, numerous other canyon enterprises. will distribute the money to univer­ James Nightingale and Herman sities, hospitals, and o^her research Hassler, co-chairman of the important, centers where the job of finding the event, re-stated the fact that tickets; cure for cancer continues. for the distinctly North Santiam ban­ quet may be purchased from J. C- Runyon Colorful Writer Damon Runyon was one of Ameri- Kimmel, Fred Lindemann, Ken GolSet,. ca's most colorful newspapermen. A 1 Dick Parker. Nolan Rasnick, R. L. and Sam Palmerton. Night- brilliant reporter, he was the author 1 Stewart, . , ,a'd ’ ’ , "For $2.00 you can learn of countless short stories, notable for their sharp delineation of "Broadway1 . first hand what fine foods we grow characters. Many of his stories were ' here, because only our products will , j be on that banquet table. Even the translated to the screen as starring; ” j most delicate of nalates will be vehicles for Hollywood actors. The Broadway play “Guys and Dolls”, is tickled!” On the weighty side of things is based on his writings. Runyon was afflicted with cancer of the throat, the matter of opening up at the ban­ but carried on his writing almost to quet for the first time of a storehouse bis last dav. Ax a memorial. Walter of valuable information about the Winchell initiated the fund as an aid North Santiam territory by John Durr, in the fight towards conquering the industrial survey snecialist. dread disease. Last year Santiam aerie also held held at the Mill City fire hall Satur­ a charitv frolic for the benefit of the day, October 27. Music again will bo fund. This affair netted a total of furnished by Mrs. C. N. Bennett and General $100 for the fund. The aerie received her ragtime syncopators. admission will be 11.00. Dancing a letter of thanks from Winchell. The Ramon Runyon dance will be starts at 9:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. Eagles Sponsor Runyon Dance Lee Hoffman, contractor for the Corps of Engineers, w ill soon comnlete construction of the Minto egg-taking station located near Gates. This interesting facility makes oossihle the taking of eggs from salmon in the North Santiam river. Although this project, consisting of a 182-foot long dam across the river and a series of fishways and holding ponds, is being constructed by the federal government it will be turned over to the state of Oregon. Salmon eggs taken at Minto station will be transported to Marion Forks fish hatchery. The Minto station dam is 12 feet high. Phil Callender, foreman for Hoffman, stated that a recent flash flood ripped out one concrete retaining wall. Construction work on the Minto station probably will be complete next month. The holding pond maze can be seen to the left in the picture. The river itself can be seen sliding over the Minto station dam to the right. (Photo courtesy of thesCapital Journal) I Shelton Accident Brings Wide Harm A jaunt to Detroit dam proved a sad experience for Bob Shelton and his companion, Miss Vera Loucks, Sunday afternoon. A car driven by W. D. Ptiftlins ot Mulino struck the Shelton automobile on the North Santiam highway near Gates, The occupants of the Phillips car were returning home from a hunting trip, Phillips was in the act of passing a line of cars in his lane while the Shelton car was approaching from the opposite direction, Both cars in- volved in the accident swerved into a roadside loading zone and there collided. None of the persons in the Phillips car were injured, but Shelton and Miss Loucks sustained minor in­ juries. Glen Shelton, father of Bob and former grade school caretaker, suf­ fered a heart attack when informed of his son’s accident. Damage to the Shelton car was estimated at $500 to $600. Contrary to rumor, Denny Marttala and Gary Peterson, friends of Bob Shelton’s, were not in the Shelton car at the time of the accident, Sun­ day afternoon. Just Arrived ... A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs. George Miller. Idanha. Oct. 10, at Salem Memorial hospital. A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Kuhlman. Mill City, October 15, at Salem General hospital. Coming Events . . . MONDAY— American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. Lions club meeting. A.F A A.M. No. 180 stated meet­ ing third Mo..day. O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month. TUESDAY— Riders of the Santiam, 1st Tuesday Chamber of Commerce 2 & 4 noon luncheon. Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday Women’« club 8 p.m. 1st. 3rd Tuea 129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues WEDNESDAY— Boy Scouts, 7:30, H. S. Recreation Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. at Mill City fire hall. Santiam Rebekah 166—1st and 3rd Wed. at 8 p.m. City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m. Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p.m. PTA. second Wednesday 8 p.m. THURSDAY— Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d and 4th Thursdays. Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p.m. American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs Garden club fourth Thursday. Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs. FRIDAY— LOO P meeting. Mill City TWA meeting last Friday Farmers Union meeting at Mehama Woman's club, 2nd Magic Show Slated For Mari-Linn Gym Oregon Seed Crops Meet Stiff Rivalry One word, quality, is taking on in- Lyons—A spectacular magic show is billed for the Mari-Linn school. j creasing importance in the outlook Arthur White, the great, master for Oregon's seed industry. magician who has thrilled thousands The day when buyers came rapping of people throughout the Pacific on the door, says H. E. Finnell, ex­ Northwest, will stage baffling illu­ tension seed certification specialist at sions at the new Mari-Linn gym, Oregon State college, has definitely Thursday evening, Oct. 25, at 8 p.m. passed, Today, more states are White will be assisted by Miss Nita entering the market places with Drake. They will perform such noted ■ increasing amounts of seed. Ladino acts as the famous Nero’s sword j clover and tall fescue, both widely cabinet, the Chinese torture mystery, 1 grown in Oregon, are good examples the great levitation, sawing a lady in of increasing competition. This year, says Finnell, the national half and many more interesting acreage of certified ladino clover will effects. Miss Drake, who is also a slight-of- approach 70,001» acres. Compare that hand artist has won the hearts of the with 42.000 acres just a year ago. people wherever she has appeared. 1 For the second year running, Cali­ This full evening's entertainment is fornia is away out in front as a certi­ being sponsored by the children of the fied ladino clover seed producer. Mari-Lann school. Proceeds will go Acreage there this year is 34,000 com­ towards the movie projçctor fund in pared with 25,000 acres in Oregon, which the school children are inter­ the second ranking state. Altogether, 14 states are producers ested. Refreshments will be sold by the of certified ladino clover seed this Mari-Linn parents teachers club after I year. Idaho ranks third with 5,400 the show. Admission price for adults acres followed by lesser amounts in is 60c and school children 25c. When Wisconsin, Washington, Illinois, South the new gym is complete, there will be Carolina. Wyoming, Tennessee, Ohio, Missouri, Indiana and seating for a crowd of 700. Advance Montana, ticket sales, as well as the door, will Georgia. Top quality certified ladino clover be handled by the upper grade seed has been supported at $1.25 per children. pound by the government, but now there is talk that it will be unsup- . ported next year. If that occurs, growers will likely face lower price prospects. Oregon once had the tall fescue I seed market just about its own wav, (Continued on page 5) The recently authorized property ' re-assessment program of the state was discussed by Robert MacLean, state tax commissioner, at the Linn county Farmers Union convention at 1 Riverview, Saturday. The objective I of the re-assessment work, according I to MacLean, is making sure that pro­ perty taxes are fairly distributed be­ tween classes of property and between | individual taxpayers. Until 1940 there was no really im­ portant change in property values | between classes of propetry. How­ ever, since that date the value of I various classes of property has risen, but not at a uniform rate. As a re­ sult. the pre-1940 assessment base | results in inequalities between tax payers. The greatest changes have been in timber values, as a rule In addition. some timberlands logged in previous years are sometimes re-logged from two to five times as the trees left become valuable Then, too, large acreages of land—especially in east­ ern Oregon—-formerly classed as grazing land, now have considerable value as t:mber land. These and other changes in value will be deter­ mined by re-assessment work. No corporation excise tax is now paid by privately owned utility com­ panies. Attempts at placing such properties under the state corporate This is Big Cliff dam's diversion tunnel as seen from an unstream vantage point on a level with the bed of the exise tax law failed at the last legis­ North Santiam river. The temporary coffer dam of rock can be seen in the center of the pirtnre as it connect» lature due, in large part, to recognized up with the mouth of the diversion tunnel. A foot bridge acrons the river bed can he spotted near the power inequities in assessments for the crane in the picture. Water is now flowing through the completed Big Cliff diversion tunnel. Work on the property tax. The re-assessment main dam is now underway. The concrete structure will rise within that area defined by the power rable strung (Continued on Page 5) •crows the chasm shown to the right. (Photo courtesy of the Capital Journal! Linn Farmers Union Studies Tax Work