F ’ « 5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Tickle Home Scene Of Bridal Shower FEMME PAGE 'W Nelson-McClintock Miss Anna Nelson Wedding Described Feted in Cree Home Miss Anna Mae Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson of Mill City, and John B. McClintock, son of Robert McClintock of Portland, became husband and wife during a double ring wedding ceremony in Mill City First Christian church, Saturday evening, Sept. 1. Minister Hugh E. Jull performed the marriage rites. Miss Anna Mae Nelson, popular bride-elect of John B. McClintock, was guest of honor when Mrs. Lowell Cree and her daughter. Miss Patricia Cree entertained at their home Tues­ day evening. Decorations featured garden flowers. The gift table was covered with a white cloth and centered with a tall bride doll. A bowl of flowers stood over a tiny bride and groom. Games were played and prizes went to Mrs. John Nelson, Mrs. Arthur Kerr and Miss Daisy Hendric- son. Refreshments were a heart- shaped salad, tea sandwiches, and coffee. Each guest brought or sent a recipe which was put into a recipe box and later given to the bride-elect. Present and honoring Miss Nelson were: Mesdames John Nelson, R. P. Veness, Al Yankus, Vivian Hoenig of Salem, Ruby Ziebert, H. T. Caughey, Art Kerr, Louis Verbeck, J. C. Kim­ mel, John Swan, Clayton Baltimore, Arey Podrabsky, Bessie Vandermeer, Mrs. Nell Swift, Misses Daisy Hend- ricson, Ellena and Norma Nelson, Betty Lou Cree, and the hostesses. Not present, but sending gifts were: Mrs. Edith Mason, Mrs. J. M. Dickin­ son of Salem, Mrs. George Veteto, Mrs. Harry Woods, Mrs. Harold Pound, Mrs. Carl Chance, Mrs. Clyde Golden, Mrs. Floyd Shepherd, Mrs. Oliver Muise. The bride was attired in a powder­ blue suit high lighted by a bouquet of pink roses and stephane on a white Bible. She was given in marriage by her father, John Nelson, Sr. The maid of honor Miss Donna Jean Nel­ son, sister of the bride, wore a brown suit with green accessories. Donna Carol Hoodenpyla, the groom’s niece from Creswell, wore a pink suit with blue accessories. John W. Nelson, the bride’s brother, was best man. Miss Vera Loucks sang “Because” and “I Love You Truly” to the piano accompaniment of Mrs. Grace Hutchinson. The church was decorated with bouquets of pink and white gladioli and fern. Candle lighters were Miss Patricia Cree and Miss Josephine Roy. Ushers for the marriage were Verle Moberg, and George Neal of Lyons. Mrs. McClintock is a graduate of Mill City high school. Her husband, who is now- employed by the Thomas Bros. Logging Co. of Cottage Grove, attended Drain high school. Following the wedding ceremony a reception ion for some 50 guests was | given by I . Mrs. fl. I. Plymale at the the wedding included sisters of the Christian church parlors. The Mc­ groom, Mrs. O. E. Hoodenpyla of Clintocks plan a short honeymoon Creswell and Mrs. Buford Ander­ trip to Y’achats. son of Oakridge: the bride's aunt ana The McClintocks will return to uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Foison of Cottage Grove where they will make Eugene: and the bride’s grandmother, their home. Out-of-town visitors for Mrs. Olga Nelson of Wecoma Beach. Bssm X SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR ALL GRADES Thiel's Store Your Friendly One Stop Store in LYONS GRIM FRIES. MEATS, PRODUCE, AND FOOD LOCKERS ,4 I i Elfstrom’s Own Provincial Collection Irenck Provincial and tarty edmerican .duple in 3o[t, warm Salem [in ilk You must come in and let our salesmen and decorators show you through this interesting New Department. See the amusing and useful: Milk Stools Lamps Knitting Bowls What-Not Shelves and complete model rooms set up for you to visualize it in your own home. .duple [or beauty, durability and [or informal liviny. R. L. Elfstrom Co 340 Court St SALEM Mr. i and Mrs. George Nydegger went to Elk Lake Monday, for huckle- berries. They had also been there Sunday afternoon and gathered some berries, There were lots of pickers at the lake. Mrs. George Clipfell is helping with a booth at the state fair representing the Sunday schools and youth group. She was home for the Tuesday eve­ ning youth meeting at Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scarbrough of Myrtle Creek were weekend visitors with the Johnstons here. They at­ tended the state fair and also visited relatives in Salem. Mrs. Scarbrough is a grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston and will be remembered as Betty Humphreys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Humphreys, of Myrtle Creek. The Humphreys are former | Fox Valley residents. Betty and her 'husband returned to Myrtle* Creek, I Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Hunt have | purchased the Bud Walker home east of Lyons and moved in when the | house was vacated by the George I Baileys who moved to Gates. Leland Humphreys, who has spent the school vacation with his grand­ parents, the Johnstons, returned to his home in Myrtle Creek, Sunday. Le­ land worked in the bean harvest in this area. His younger sister, Clar- yce, stayed in Salem with her grand­ mother Humnhreys and picked beans at West Stayton several days. She also went home Sunday as the Myrtle Creek schools opened Monday, Sep­ tember 3, Mountain States Power Co. has made quite a lot of line repairs in Fox Valley the past week. Installing larger transformers and some new poles. By MRS. OPAL WHITE Mrs. Raymond Sophy and sons have returned from a visit with Mrs. Sophy’s parents, the Earl Waters family. Waters returned with them and visited during Labor Day. He returned to Yakima with his son and family, the B. E. Waters family of Yakima, who visited the Sophy’s over the Labor Day holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Otis White and Mrs. Annie White visited in Eugene the I. M. Lien family, Thursday and Fri­ day. They drove to Portland, Friday evening and brought home with them James, Marlene and Virginia White who spent the week-end with their parents in Detroit. The family, to­ gether with young folks Harlow- White, Lauralee O’Brien and Stanley- attended the state fair, Monday. The Whites drove to Portland, Monday- evening with the young people and returned home, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hanan returned to Detroit, last Wednesday. They moved to Portland the previous Sat­ urday. They are arranging rental of their houses here. John Hanan has charge of putting the new aluminum roofing on the grade school this week. The work is more than half complete. There will be services again at the Christian church in Detroit beginning Sunday, September 9. Sunday school will be at 9:45 and church services at 11 a.m. There will be no evening services. The Detroit Women’s Civic club will meet at the home of Mrs. Arlene Sor- seth, at the Detroit ranger station unless the members are notified dif­ ferently. This is the regular Septem­ ber meeting. The August picnic was cancelled as a rveuit of the recent fire. Mr. and Mrs. Ran Helwig spent Labor Day week-end at the coast. Introducing I I I Detroit—School will begin in De­ A Marion county health department troit, September 10. All teachers representative. Miss Birbeck, and Mrs, hired in the spring will return with Detering, new county health nurse the exception of Mrs. Al. Cokenour for Mill City schools, will present the and Mrs. Charlene Hanan. The program for the first PTA meeting, teaching staff is: first grade, Mrs. scheduled for 8 p.m. in the high school Alice Perkins: second, Mrs. Russel auditorium, Wednesday, September 12. ; Hoyt; first and second. Miss Spur­ A thorough explanation of the serv- geon; third, Margaret Rasnick; j ices available through the Marion fourth. Miss M. B. Miller; fifth, Mrs. ; county health department will be Gladys Claxton; sixth. Russel Hoyt; covered in the progarm. seventh. Al Warby; and eighth, Mrs. All parents of high school or ele­ Mildred Ray. _ ______ ___ _______ Mr. Chester Boyle will mentary school students can get first be the new principal of the grade hand at the next PTA meeting the! school. above valuable information plus make Supt. U hite states that the bus the acquaintance of their children’s ! schedule will be the same as it was teachers. last year; and that the school lunch This year, as in the past, the most- program will start with the opening parents-present-contest will be con­ of school next Monday morning. ducted. The presence of the parents Mrs. \\ irts and Mrs. Ellingson will of students is counted towards the 1 cook in the cafeteria this year. winning of a plaque and flag, which High school faculty will be Otis will be awarded the class and room White, principal: Stanley Whipple having the most parents present dur­ coach, and ------ Miss ------ Kazi --------- Inuzuko. ____ ing the school year. __ Mrs. Charlene Hanan will return for the Mothers of the high school students opening of school, but has submitted will serve refreshments for the PTA her resignation for the year. group following the main program. Mrs. Jim O'Leary will serve as PTA ! president this school year. Fox Valley MILL CITY DETROIT We Give Trading Stamps I I I i I I I i i I i i I • i Miss Marlene Tickle, assisted by Miss \\ ilma Jull, was hostess for a I bridal shower at her home, Sunday. M iss Anna Mae Nelson, bride-elect of (John B. McClintock, was the honored ’ guest. Games were played and prizes awarded to Sue Mikkelsen, high and Pat Davidson, low. The gift table was covered with a lace cloth and centered with a wed- ing party of story-book dolls. Refreshments were served after the opening of gifts. Present in Miss Nelson's honor were Mrs. John Nelson and Ellena, Miss Donna Nelson, Miss Sue Mikkelsen, Miss Patricia Cree, Miss Barbara Smith, Miss Ardith Jones, Miss Jo Roy, Miss Dorothy Downer, Miss Hazel Neal, Miss Beryl Mason, Miss Pat Davidson, Miss Vera Loucks, and the hostesses. Sending gifts were: Miss Paula Jane Von Buskirk, Miss Leia Mel Kelly, Miss La Vetta Powelson of Corvallis,'Miss Elnora Albright, Miss Donna Bengston, Miss Beverly Timm, Miss Virginia Timm. Miss Alona Fay Daly, Mrs. William Tickle, and Miss Betty Lou Cree. School in Detroit Year’s First P.T.A. Open Next Monday Meet September 12 “Was a nervous wreck from agonizing pain until I found Pazo!" My* Mr». A. W., San Antonio, Ttiti Speed amazing relief from miseries of simple piles, with soothing Pazo*! Acta to relieve pain. itching msiantly — soothes inflamed tissues—lubricates dry. hard­ ened ports—helps prevent cracking, sore­ ness—reduce swelling. You get real com- fcrting help. Don’t suffer needless torture from simple piles. Get Paso for fast, won­ derful rewof Ask your doctor about it. Suppository torm — also tubes with per­ forated pile pipe for easy application *^«*» OlMSMWI .W .................... .... Miller, were business visitors in Mill Walt Westgaard drove to Montana City, Saturday. Mrs. Personett tran­ recently and brought back with him sacted business in regard to her his mother, She will make Mill City former home in Mill City. The Presbyterian church missionary her home. Pfc Ernie Podrabsky _ of the __ U. ____ S, society met at the home of Mrs. M r- Air Force was home on a short fur­ Geddes, Thursday afternoon. lough. He left Wednesday for Camp James Swan led the devotionals. Dr. D. Ferguson and Mrs. Caughey each Stoneman, Calif. gave interesting talks. Mrs. Geddes Jerry Swan came home on leave related her experiences concerning her from his Navy duty this week. former home in Wisconsin where her There will be a formal initiation father was a missionary. Lunch was and installation of Legion Auxiliary served to the guests by Mrs. Geddes officers in the Legion hall in Mill City and Miss Geddes. Tuesday, Sept. 18. Mrs. John Muir Dr. and Mrs. Mark Hammericksen announced today that all Legionaires drove to Astoria, Sunday and took and their wives are invited to the part in the Salmon Derby on the affair. Columbia river. They also enjoyed The Charles Umphresses visited in the beach at Seaside. The Ham- Chehalis, Wash., at the home of Mrs. mericksens returned home, Monday. Umphress's sister’s home, Sunday. A combined junior high and young They returned to Mill City, Monday. people’s fellowship meeting is being Labor Day, the pastor of the Albany held each Tuesday evening in the Assembly of God church. Reverend Christian church basement. It is Book, and six or seven other men from sponsored by Glen Shelton, Miss Alice that church’s congregation helped Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clipfell, with the construction work on the Mill and is for all interested young peoph City Assembly of God church. of the community. Among those who spent Labor Day Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Remine and out-of-town were Mrs. Ruth Witt and daughter have returned from a few A. R. Tohl. The couple drove to the days visit in San Francisco, Calif. Tohl Dairy ranch located on the beau­ Miss Hope Baney, former local high tiful Nehalem river in Tillamook school teacher, has accepted a teach­ county near Nehalem. The Tohl ing position in the Pendleton school ranch which is now leased, has the ! system this year. reputation of being one of the finest A bridal shower was given Wednes­ in Tillamook county. On the ranch day, August 29, in the Clayton Bal- is a $24,000 dairy barn which ae- i timore home for Miss Anna Mae commodates a dairy herd of 80 fine Nelson. Those honoring Miss Nelson milking Guernseys. Mrs. Witt and were ladies Dean Jackson, Lorraine Tohl also visited Tohl’s sister and her Caughey, Rachel Olmstead, Julie Bas­ husband, Mr. and Mrs. Max Fisher sett, Pattie Stewart, Evon Dart, of Portland, at the Fisher cottage Juanita Thomas, Barbara Podrabsky, in Wheeler. Goldie Rambo, Wilma Stewart, Hattie Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Pound enter­ Cole, Mel Robinson, Alma Thomas, tained at a family gathering, Sunday. Antonia Thomas, Ada Dart, Aiuta Present were their children, Mr. and Chance, Jennie Davis, Lettie Swan, Mrs. Harold Pound Jr., Eugene, and Mrs. Hazel Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Wilson, Jr. and daughter, Jeanne, Mill City; Mrs. CARD OF THANKS Pound's sisters and brother-in-law, We wish to thank everyone for the Mrs. A. T. Pederson, McMinnville and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Krukenberg, Fal­ many kind acts and sympathy ex­ lon, Nev. and their brother and sister- tended us in our loss of our loved in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Jessup, one. Mrs. Louisa Wriglesworth Cottage Grove. Cecil Wriglesworth and family Miss Betty Clinton of New Ply­ Russell Wriglesworth and family mouth, Idaho, visited at the home of Ben Wriglesworth her brother, Everett Clinton, in Mill Daniel, Edward, and Herbert City. Romey Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Baker spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Baker’s parents in Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroder and Mr. and Mrs. James Swan drove to Crescent City, Calif., Friday for a week-end visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schroder. Mrs. J. Personett and son, Ernest popular SUNDAY and MONDAY FRED MacMl RRAY, IRENE III NN and \NDY DEVINE in Never a Dull Moment Terrific Comedy! TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY JOHN B \RRYMORE JR. CORINNE CALVET In Iechnicolor Till RSD \Y DIANA LYNNE CH YRLOTTE GREENWOOD in Peggy In Technicolor FRID \Y and SATI RDAY GLENN FORD and RHONDA FLEMING in The Redhead And The Cowboy Rm Rogers Riders Club Matinee 2:00 p.m. Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 11 lllllllllll IUIIIIIIIIIIIII Illilllllllllllllllll Pinochlers 'Take Five’ For Picture-Taking Gates Lucky Twelve Pinochle club members posed for picture-taking to­ day as a diversion from the usual routine. Mrs. Marvin Keen was hostess for today's pinochle contest entrants. Mrs. Joan Long totalled up a higher score than her competitors and won first prize. Mrs. Edna McCreary shifted from skill to luck by winning the pinochle prize. Mrs. Ruby Adam­ son took the status of second prize winner. Hostess Keen set before her guest* a dessert luncheon of virgin cake, ice cream and coffee. <411 U4III4N Open 10:30 a.m to 12 Midnight Highway 222 CAR SERVIC E Marion CAR PARK Commercial & Ferry No Parking Worries the Heart of Downtown Salem1 Complete Auto Service 9