September H. 19 >1 THE MILL C ITY ENTERPRISE Kindergarten Poses Issues for Mothers All mothers who are interested in a Mill City kindergarten for their child­ ren this year should attend a meeting Tuesday afternoon 1:30 p.m. Septem­ ber 11, at the home of Mrs. Joe Mc­ Nealy in the CBI addition in Mill City. Since the kindergarten is an inde­ pendent institution, sponsored by the local I’TA, but not a part of the city school system, it is necessary that a number of problems be discussed and decided upon by the mothers them­ selves. Anyone wishing further in­ formation about this meeting may phone Mrs. Don Bengston, 4508 in Mill City. It was previously announced that the kindergarten would open Monday, Sept. 10, but circumstances make nec­ essary cancellation of that date. CHOICE L<,< KERS STII.I. AVAILABLE “Enjoy Summer Freshness AU Winter Lone” Wrapping materials should be selected to keep the moisture in the food and the air out. I HILL TOP LOCKERS ■ MILL CITY BILL HIRTE HIM RS: 10 A M. to 7 I’M. Meek Da's » >< MJ' :• >: KWHIK.« tea « M w :: » :: M >< :< " « ” « » " w >< :< •• :: « c McCULLOCH SALES AND SERVICE (’(HIELETE STOCK OF SAWS AND PARTS Lyons Saw Shop Phone 2871 P. O. Box 12 LYONS. ORE. HERE’S ANOTHER WAY Car-Saver PROTECTS YOUR CAR Teaching Staff Of Gates Stays Same Biological Warfare Could Strike Here Coach Jubb Notes Grid-men’s Spunk For Guaranteed Cleaning it’s the Gates The Gates schools will open | If war strikes the United States, Mill City high football coach John Monday, September 10. Registration could strike here it is possible the Jubb stated today that his grid-men of students was held at the school j rich agricultural region of the Pacific show a spunky outlook and exhibit a house, Wednesday, September 5. All ] Northwest will be subject to some true fighting spirit. He feels that of last year's teachers were retained form of biological warfare, F. L. this fine quality of his men will go a for this term, Don Miley, superinten­ Ballard, associate director of the Ore­ long way in tipping the scales in dent; Howard Means, coach and gon State college extension service, favor of Mill City on Allen Field, teacher of science; Mrs. Elizabeth Me- 1 said this week in Corvallis. Thursday evening, September 20. He said public awareness of the The football artists for Mill City have Mullen, social studies and girl’s phys­ ical education; Mrs. Dorothy Wood, dangers of biological warfare, espec­ been hard at it since the fourth of ially on the part of farmers, is asked this month, and will continue the English. In the grade school Mrs. Mary by Oregon civil defense and health “hardening up” stuff right on until | Champ, primary grades; Mrs. Letha officials. This means keeping an game time. Bently, Mehama, second; Mrs. Gwen accurate tab on unusual crop and Coach Jubb and his assistant, Bur­ ; Schaer, principal and third; Mrs. animal diseases. ton Boroughs, have been busy lining Farmers, Ballard said, should re- out their men with uniforms and pro­ 'Janet Harold, Stayton, fourth; and Mrs. Olive Bornhardt, fifth and sixth. | port sicknesses andd deaths among per equipment. Both men are hopeful The school buildings have been their poultry and livestock—if un­ that more men will turn out for the completely renovated inside, and a usual—to county extension agents. football season. A good man was new coat of paint covers the exterior. The same information about unusual taken from the line-up when Gary Extensive improvements have been crop diseases is also requested. Peterson pulled out of position the "Biological agents are nothing tendons in his knee. Doctors' advise made in the basement of the grade school. Girls’ and boys’ dressing new,” he saidd. “In Oregon, as in against his returning to the line. rooms have been remodeled and en­ the entire nation, there is a system Those who are suited up for foot­ larged, new toilet facilities installed; to prevent and control diseases out­ ball this season are Dick Williams, a new floor laid in the gymnasium; a breaks of all kinds. This safety net­ Bob Baltimore, Bud Feeback, Daryl new kitchen built—modern and con­ work covers people, crops, and live­ I Farmen, Lyle Fleetwood, Richard I Verbeck, Roy Podrabsky, Bill Hamb­ venient; and the dining room enlarged stock. "Despite our effective health safety lin, Tom Stewart, Phil Carey, Howard for serving hot lunches. Mrs. Velma Carey and Mrs. Louisa program, biological warfare does hold Bear, Kenneth Bear, Kenneth Crosier, Wriglesworth will serve again as dangers we must be prepared to meet. [ Shelby Urftphress, John Melting, Dick I cooks; Harold Wilson, janitor-bus Farmers should realize that enemy Downer, Dale Andreassen, Al Ward, driver. Clare Rush will also drive agents, long before visible signs of Delmer Skillings, Donald Nesbitt, all-out war are apparent, could infect Bob Shelton, Vernon Christensen, Dick , one of the busses again this year. animals and crops. Some of the Kanoff, Denny Marttala, and Bill diseases possible to spread are anth­ Hoffman. rax, glanders, fowl pox, Newcastle Football schedule for 1951 for Mill disease, and rinderpest. Many types City is as follows: of plant plagues andd pests could be HOME TEAM VISITORS By GARY PETERSON used to attack food crops,” Ballard Thursday, Sept. 20 Football practice has begun on the said. Mill City (night game) Lebanon “B” campus of Mill City high school, as The extension director said farmers Friday, Sept. 28 the current band of gridiron hopefuls can forget about so-called “mystery” ♦Mill City (night game) Chemawa will assert as they nurse their aching germs and poisons. No type of bio­ Friday, Oct. 5 and weary frames after a session of logical warfare, he declared, could kill ♦Gervais (afternoon) Mill City said practice. Calisthenics and or sicken every person living in a Friday, Oct. 12 fundamentals make up the larger large area or city. Jefferson ♦Mill City (night game) part of early drills as coach Jubb Ballard urged that farmers get the Friday, Oct. 19 whips his team into condition for the federal booklet, “What You Should j * Sublimity (afternoon) Mill City first game, with the Lebanon “B” Know About Biological Warfare.” Thursday, Oct. 25 squad, just sixteen days away. It is available at local civil defense Mill City (night) Sweet Home “B” This year the team will operate headquarters or from the government Friday, Nov. 2 from a modified “T” formation, in­ printing office, Washington, D. C., Philomath Mill City stead of the straight “T”, as it has for 10 cents. for the past two years. This is the * Indicates league games. same formation that has made the ( Make sure your cigarette is out! Home team column indicates home University of Oklahoma one of foot­ games for Mill City. ball’s powerhouses. Football practice is shaking other­ wise dormant bodies out of the leth- i argy they fell into following the in- I tramural track m eet last spring, j By ELSIE MYERS Soon also dormant minds will awaken Miss Jackie Bickett returned home and start the old-nine-month grind at Saturday evening after spending four ; schoolbooks. weeks at the home of her uncle and What a shock! Can you imagine lililí littHttiittint'i ■iiiif^iiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiit'uiiiuiriiii iiihiih iiirniiiiiirBiiiiiinn aunt Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. Billington of getting out of bed before noon? Sweet Home. Since returning home When school starts, expectant stud­ she has been on the sick list. ents will rouse just about the same Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers drove to time that they were in the habit of A Friendly Place Portland, Sunday where they were going to bed during the summer. dinner guests at the home of Mr. and They will sharpen their pencils, Mrs. Dutch Luthkie. In the after­ To While Away I merrily wend their way to the same noon they visited their daughter, Mrs. scene from which they emerged last E. J. Del Sol, and small grandson, Your Idle Hours spring, and rise to new scholastic Richard John, in a Portland hospital. heights. And the athletes . . . strict Richard, who is the fourth child in the training no women, no late hours, , Del Sol family, arrived August 28 and no dames, no smoking, no broads, no ‘ weighed seven pounds. liquid refreshments (except water Dr. and Mrs. Carl Wilson of Silver- and milk), no skirts, and, worst of i i ton have been vacationing the past all, no studying because they might ' i two weeks at their summer home on forget their football plays. I was the Little North Fork. only fooling — only college football Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Billington of players can get away without study­ Sweet Home were over-night visitors ing, we peasants must grace the at the Bickett home Saturday night. classrooms with our presence once in Sunday they drove to the coast. GATES a couple of whiles or two. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sischo were a- Freshman initiation is coming up, mong those attending the state fair, too. New and drXktic rules will be Sunday. set up. We hope an impression will be made thereby upon the minds of the neophytes of the necessity for discretion when speaking to an upperclassman. Today’s freshman have lost the sense of respect for their elders which is, I believe, necessary for a well-rounded adjustment to high school levels of thought ... a ah m m-m-m! Further, these frosh should be privileged to “volunteer” for "service work” around the school. A “spot” of duty would strengthen their backs and school spirit. A noble cause, I say! Not many upper- classes would be willing to sacrifice “At the Bottom of the Hill” so much for the green neophytes. Another thing presses for a doin’— revival of the letterman’s club. The last initiated member of the old club has long since been graduated. Now those who carry on must or- nize a new club for Mill City High's athletes. Happy new schoolyear! NU METHOD 24-HOUR SERVICE Mill City Cloaea at 6 P.M. WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! We hope you are pleased with our service. Mom s and Pop s CAFE Mill City Mill City Hi-Liles • What a comfort it is, in time of serious illness, to know that hands—skilled and experienced in the task assigned—serve you with painstaking care. Your prescription is im­ portant to you— and to us. Capital Drug Co. Salem I ELKHORN RICHARD'S TAVERN Never - - a Dull Moment 80*', of battery failures occur where emergency calls are required —protect against this inconvenience and ex­ pense. Our battery service includes maintaining proper water level —testing for condition—cleaning and com­ plete inspection of terminals and cables. This is a regular service that keeps your car running trouble-free and more economically. It is part of Car- Saver Service that reduces wear of vital parts and im­ proves gasoline mileage. Drive in and let us show you how our Car-Saver Service can make your car run better, longer. EXPERT LUBRICATION • TIRE SWITCHING • BATTERY CARR ATLAS TIRES RAFTERIES • ACCESSORIES RALPH NIBLER ■» MILL CITY TAVERN Com/Ve/t’ ó'upjb/y ot All Your Building Needs Knotty Pine Paneling Pioneer Flintkote Roofing Boysen Paint 3 £ Kelly Lumber Sales OPEN SATURDAYS Phone 1815, Mill City Russell Kelly. Manager RTWUlt COHRNT • *0rrLA<©_ 3« GOW