o w 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE For Guaranteed Cleaning Gates Women Start Home Study Course it’s the NUMETHOD Gates A group of Gates ladies met last Thursday afternoon at the (iates high school for the purpose of organizing a unit of the Marion County home demonstration course. Mrs. Marjorie White and Mrs. June Burke, county demonstrators, were present and assisted in the organiza­ tion and election of officers for the year. Mrs. Floyd Völkel was chosen president, Mrs. Elmer Klutka, secre­ tary-treasurer. A vice-president will be elected at the next meeting in - October. An interesting course of study has ’been arranged for the winter, The •unit will meet once each month at the school house or in homes of the members. The subjects on the unit’s agenda should prove Interesting to the younger women of the community, they include upholstering, sewing, sheets made from Oregon products, and many other projects. Those attending the first meeting were Mrs. White and Mrs. Burke of Salem, Mrs. Clarence Rush, Mrs. Floyd Völkel, Mrs. Elmer Klutke, Mrs. Robert Oliver, Mrs. Clare Hen- ness, Mrs. Burrel Cole, Mrs. Dale Stubbs, Mrs. Arthur Findley, Mrs. A. T. Barnhardt, and Mrs. Glen Hearing. 24-HOUR SERVICE CliiM'H at 6 P.M. WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! We hope you are pleased with our service. The Salem Shrine club is sponsor­ ing the appearance of Horace Heidt Thursday evening, September 6, in the Salem high school auditorium, 6:30 p.m. The Heidt original youth oppor­ tunity program in Salem is for the benefit of the Shriners! hospital for crippled children The Heidt-Steppers, the features dancing groug of the Heidt show, features Miss Joanne Cherry once a member of the trio called “Pepper- erttes". When the trio broke up, due to one of the girls marrying, she stayed on as a permanent member of the It’s Your Newspaper—Subscribe Now Heidt-Steppers. This beautiful honey blonde called Nashville, Tennessee, home and Calif­ ornia her adopted home. Like most of the young people in the organization she gets a tremendous kick out of the traveling ami seeing the sights. As for her favorite food, she sticks to south­ ern fried chicken. She enjoys football as a spectator sport and badminton as an active one. DETROIT By MRS. OPAL WHITE Ed Hanan, who secured work in Portland a couple of weeks ago, re­ turned Friday evening of last week to move his family in to Portland with him. The John Hanans also moved at the same time and will live in Port­ land where John Hanan has been offered a position. John Hanan has Mom's and Pop's CAFE Mill City Your Physician is no This aerial photo depicts the violent character of Sardine creek fire during just one of its escapades. Here it has struck plenty of combustible material on the south bank of the North Santiani river after jumping that river, Thursday night. This photo was taken sometime Sunday while the fire was still entirely uncontrolled. (Photo courtesy Capital Journal) been re-roofing, with aluminum roof­ ing, the grade school at Detroit. He will complete the re-roofing job des­ pite his moving to Portland. The Detroit grade school has been given a “dress-up” during this sum­ mer. Various rooms have been fin­ ished in lovely pastel shades for the opening of school. The cafeteria and kitchen as well as the library were not repainted and show a direct contrast to the lively cream and pale green of the hallway. The dressing rooms in the gym have been repaired and new­ lines have been painted on the gym floor all in preparation for the open­ ing of school, September 10. School was formerly scheduled for opening September 5, but the upset condition of the community as a result of the recent Sardine creek fire prompted the decision school should open Monday morning, September 10, in­ stead. Many of the folks evacuated during the recent fire are returning and some of the woods work is opening up again. In a short while it is anticipated that everything will be back to normal. Of course, business as usual continued during the partial evacuation. Most of the evacuees were those who owned trailer houses ami those of the vicinities of Mongold, Fishers camp and the ranger station. Mrs. Al Cokenour of Idanha who was hired as teacher for the over­ flow group from the primary grades, has resigned and another teacher is being considered for her place. Mrs. Charlene Hanan, who has for the past two years taught English and geography andd directed music in the Detroit high, has tendered her resig- nation, affective when the vacancy caused by her resignation has been filled. Intimate View (Continued from Page 1) WE MIX A FULL LINE OF POULTRY \ND LIVESTOCK FEEDS \ND SOLIC IT YOUR PATRONAGE WE KNOW HIM ONCE YOU HAVE USED OUR SUPERIOR FEEDS \\D NOT! HIE ECONOMY, YOU WILL CONTINTF TO DO SO. W E (AN Also FURNISH YOU WITH HIGH GRADE LAWN OR FIELD SEEDS STRAIGHT \ \RIETIES OR MIXTURES. through the fire towards Mill City, but were halted by a blazing tree which had fallen across the highway near the dam. With burning snags falling all a- round, the trucks were turned around for a hasty retreat. Only then did the drivers realize that escape could easily be halted in that direction also. Tension mounted because Mrs. Wilson was encased in a cast with a broken leg and was. therefore at an extreme disadvantage. However, retreat was not blocked and they escaped from the fire area without mishap. Idanha Welcomes Slight Rainfall Idanha—The rain which fell Mon­ day night and Tuesday morning was welcomed all over the state, and es- pecially so here. However, it did not extinguishedd the forest fire which started a week ago on Sardine creek. The rain will, nevertheless, enable the fire fighters some headway in bring­ ing it under control. All danger to the towns in this area is believed past. Two tragic deaths are .however, in­ directly laid at the feet of the fire, The first death came Tuesday evening, A Friendly Place Your Idle Hours TAVERN I TON. ORE. • Don't expect your Phy­ sician to perform mira­ cles. Remember, it takes more time and effort to climb uphill than to coast down! Your patience and full co-operation are es­ sential to rapid recovery d Salem • RELIABLE* ' PRESCRIPTIONS GATES I Mrs. Ione Tickle is now recruiting a women’s bowling team for entry in the bowling league play starting Tuesday, September 11, at the Uni- ' versity Bowl in Salem on State street. Mrs. Tickle hopes that women who can hit an average of 125 or over will contact her for a position on the team. Last year Mill City was represented by two ladies teams in the bowling league play at the University Bowl. Since five is a complete team, it is important that interested lady bowl­ ers join up promptly. Mrs. Tickle’s telephone number is 4507 in Mill City. Never a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN 525 25752525 2525 25 25 25 7575 75 75 7575J Knotty Pine Paneling Pioneer Flintkote Roofing Bovsen Paint \ OPEN SATURDAYS MEDICINE MAN Mrs. Tickle Recruits League Bowling Team To While Away 75 55 5575 7575 75 75 75553575 Complete Supply of All Your Building I when Frank McDonald suffered a fatal heart attack while fighting the fire on Sardine creek. McDonald was 56 years of age. His wife and a son, Beal, and his daughter-in-law of Funeral services Idanha survive, were in Bend, Thursday afternoon. Phil Willis, 48, met death, Thurs- day morning, as a jeep, in which he was riding went over an embankment. The cylinder in the front wheel brake mechanism broke, let the brake fluid out, and caused failure of the brakes. Driver of the jeep, Archie Mattoon of Detroit was taken to a Bend hospital for examination and was later re­ leased. Other riders of the jeep dur- '¡ng the serious mishap were H. H. and Clyde Storey, Clint Smith, Les Garbutt and Red Asher of Idanha. None of these men apparently were injured. Kelly Lumber Sales ST » Phone 1815, Mill City Weinhardi I Russell Kelly. Manager I > t Mintr J suu «.- ji i * «