5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Junr 2», |>r,l FEMME PAGE Just Arrived... Mrs. George Differ Honored by Friends liiiimjuiu'jii A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Mapes Jr., Idanha, June 24, at Salem General hospital. I Till RS., FRI. and SAT. A SON To Mi. and Mrs. Howard GEORGE MONTGOMERY and Means, Gates, June 25, at Salem Mem­ BRENDA M SRSHALL in orial hospital. The Iroquois Trail A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. 1 Edward R. Shum, Mehama. June 26, ; — Plus — at Salem Memorial hospital. SPADE COOLEY and A SON -To Mr. and Mrs. Jess Lee, HIS BOYS in Mill City, June 26, at Salem Memorial hospital. Everybody's Dancin' A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Claud Sullens, Gates, June 27, at Salem General hospital. SUNDAY and MONDAY' Mrs. George Ditter was honored ! during a surprise birthday party at TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFIED I the American Legion Hall in Mill i* OR SALE Baled hay, clover and City, Saturday evening by a group rye grass. Good condition. Price | of friends and relatives. $25.00 ton. Harley Libby, Marion, After an evening of dancing and Ore 26-lp , cards, a buffet supper was served to Lyons—Mrs. Orville Downing, Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Jay Quarles, Mr. and George Nydegger and Mrs. Vem Ny- Mrs. Frank Klecker, Mr. and Mrs. degger were hostesses for a shower | Thyril Shipley, Mr. and Mrs. Lee honoring Miss Betty Nydegger, bride j Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Arm- Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Walker and j strong, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beebe, elect, at the community club house 'daughter, Beverly, flew to Lebanon Friday evening, June 22. Games | Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Cole, Mr. and Wednesday on business. Front there Mrs. Arey Podrabsky, Mr. and Mrs. were played. After opening of the gifts dainty they flew to Salem and then back I Milt Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Res­ refreshments were served to Miss home. \\ hile in Salem they met and sler, Mr. and Mrs. Woodie Heller, VAN JOHNSON and Nydegger, honored guest, Mesdames hobnobbed with an old acquaintance Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson, Mr. and h \THRYN fill AYSON from Oakland, California, who was Mrs. Ray Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robert Carleton, Earl Allen, Wilson in Stevens, Oscar Naue, Chester Roy, flying through from Puyallop, Wash­ Steiner, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kend- to San Francisco, Calif. ler. WHAt KOREA NEEDS toy. Ma.ln. George Huffman, Marvin Toland, ington, The John Muirs visited Marion Mrs. Ditter was further congratu­ Sg* Robert J Ward home bom Iron» Forrest Nydegger, Alex Bodeker, Bob Forks Sunday afternoon and looked lated by couples, Walter Howe-Ar­ line duty on 35 days rotation leovo it Free, Sam Bridges, Mrs. Alice Huber, I pver the new fish hatchery located lene Mazzie, Bernice Bigger- Charlie more CARE food and clothing package* Mrs. Gladys Stiffler, Misses Ruby there. The Io save civilian live« ana boott morale Muirs spent a few Naue, Janet Huffman, Pauline moments with their friends the Scott Rambse.v, and William Duval-Ruth Sgt Word 25 o full-blooded fighting • Every prescription en­ Bridges, Janice Huffman, Billie Wil­ Youngs, proprietors of the Marion Witt. Out-of-town guests were Miss Cherokee whole home il ot 1238'. W r*t trusted to us is coni|M>unded as Veronica Kemper, St. Paul, Minne ­ son, Shirley Nydegger, Georgia Forks Lodge. 93rd Street loi Angele« 44 California « TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY sota, Mr. and Mrs. John O’Malley though our reputation rested mode headline« by asking hit mother Io Casebeer, Beverly Nydegger, Nova Mrs. Frank Jackson is visiting and son of Portland, Mrs. Matt release him from the "eole-turviving «on GREER (¡ARSON and upon the accuracy and qualitv Ann Gerath, Marlyn Spa, Mabel relatives and friends In Eugene this Ditter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cline of rule which would hove kept him out Nydegger, Marlene Downing, Carol week. W ALTER P1DGEON of that prescription alone. And Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. William Prin­ of the front line Hit two brother« wore Kuiken of Lyons, Mrs. Munt of Stay­ it does! That is why we use only in The Marion County Sunday school gle of Tacoma, Washington. killed in World Wor II. He enlisted d describe» civilian conditions in If you seek prescriptions com­ Downing, Mrs. George Nydegger and presentation by members of the Bible included a beautiful Pendleton robe. Korea os a new "Cherokee Trail of Tears Contributions for CARE packoges The main decoration feature was pounded with the utmost care, Mrs. Vem Nydegger. schools of the Mill City Assembly of may be sent to CARE—Portland the huge birthday cake topped with we invite your patronage. God, Free Methodist and Christian one little candle. Till RS., FRI., and SAT. Churches. President of the organ­ Wishing Mrs. Sullivan many more ization, Glen Shelton, will be in charge of the business meeting, which will California, are spending the summer happy birthdays were her daughter, WATCH FOR largely consist of election of officers at the home of their grandparents, Mrs. Iryl Plymale, Mr. Plymale, Mr. Salem GUARANTEED and Mrs. Oscar Fredrickson, Mr. and for the coming year. The meeting Mr. and Mrs. Sigward Jepsen. ANNOUNCEMENT ■ RELIABL will be preceded by a pot-luck dinner Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson were Mrs. Bud Ferrigno and family of SHOE REPAIRS at 12:35. pleasantly surprised to receive a phone West Fir, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Golden Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Howe and call Sunday afternoon from their son, and family, Mr. and Mis. Eldon Hutch­ Complete show ran be seen any PRESCRIPTIONS inson and family. family of Roseburg spent the week­ PFC John Jackson, who was in Bing­ time up to 8:30 Sunday, the George Vetetoes visited end visiting former Mill City relatives hamton, New York, visiting his pater­ lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll and friends. nal grandmother, aunt and uncle. the Coast and Yahatts. Mr. Veteto’s Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krlever and John will sail from New Jersey today granddaughter. Miss Sharon Gray of daughter, Betsy, are moving to Albany for Europe with his Company, the Mt. Home, Idaho, returned home with where they will make their home. 547th Ordinance Division of the U. S. them. She will visit for a few weeks. Minister and Mrs. H. E. Jull at­ The Mill City Presbyterian church Army. currently are using a fine new electric Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell tended the state convention of Chris- | organ which was recently purchased of Canby visited the George Vetetoes. tian churches at Turner, Tuesday and and placed in operation. Mrs. J. Alstead of Minneapolis, Minn­ Thursday of this week. The conven­ Mr. and Mrs. W. McCarthy and esota, is now enoying a visit with tion continues through Sunday after­ noon. family spent the weekend in Portland. her sister, Mrs. Veteto. CHARLES UMPHRESS, Prop. SUTTLE LAKE LODGE Another of Mill City's old-time Mr. McCarthy is the manager of Epps Clyde Golden and sons, Jerry and Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. residents slipped quietly way last Furniture store in Mill City. Charles, and a friend, C. Bennett of Patty and Mike Kelly of Richmond, Albany went on a camping and fishing weekc. Luther M. Graham, who for jaunt to Lake Ann located near Mar­ many years was employed by the ion Lake. While the party were Hammond Mill, passed away in a busily engaged in fishing on the lake Salem hospital last week. Funeral ' SERVICE QUALITY a hungry bear helped himself to all services were held at the graveside | Dancing 9 til 2 a.m. their stock of provisions. So barren in the Jason Lee Cemetery, Salem, Saturday. Mr. Graham was 89 years did the bear leave the cupboard that there was no shortening left for the of age, but few who knew him only ' MUSIC BY frying of the fish they had caught! casually would suspect this was true. A hike out for more supplies was necessary before the call, “Come and get it!” could sound out. Mr. Herbert Schroeder is home Don't let coughing, wheezing, recurring at­ of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and WE DELIVER from the Salem hospital and doing tacks energy without tryine MENDACO, which works thru the blood to reach bronchial nicely. Stayton Mill City and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly ADMISSION: l.adiea 50c. Gentlemen 75c, Tax Included The Odd Fellows, I.O.O.F., are tubes Phone 2484 Phone 3215 remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus alleviates and aids freer breathing and better going to Lebanon tonight for special coughing sleep. Get MENDACO from druggist. Satis« festivities. faction or money back guaranteed. Mrs. Clyde Golden and son, David, will visit her sister, Mrs. Merland Temple, of Portland this weekend. The Presbyterian Missionary Soci­ ety met in the Floyd C. Jones home in C.B.I., addition Wednesday after­ noon. Mrs. A. B. Cutler of Portland was the guest speaker. Mrs. Donald Think I’ll go in and visit the Sheythe gave a vocal solo. Mrs. Jones served dainty cookies, ice Studio soon. It would be fun cream and tea as refreshments for the and I could make my own ladies assembled in her home. Mr and Mrs. Dave Epps of Sweet gifts. Help out a lot at Home spent the weekend in Mill City. Christmas! Guests in the Charles Umphress Our Car-Saver Service starts with good home Friday evening were his sister, lubrication—regularly. Not only the right ‘Visitors Always Welcome’ Mrs. L. O. Ingram, and Mr. Ingram lubricant in the right amount, in the right of Eugene. place, but a thorough inspection to catch Mrs. Charles Sullivan was honored trouble before it starts ... a check for Sunday by a birthday celebration in rattles and squeaks and a report on any her home where good friends and relatives gathered around a Sunday SALEM mechanical attention needed. A complete Phone 3-6762 1057 S. Commercial St. dinner table loaded with a big birth­ record of service is kept here to assure day cake and all the trimmings. car-saver service at proper intervals. Bride Elect Given Pre-Nuptial Honor MILL CITY COMPOUNDED Grounds For Marriage CARE The Miniver II Story Capital Drug Co. Quick Dependable ...... AJX...... DANCE Chuck s Shoe Shop Sat. Nite, June 30 Building Materials of All Kinds FRERES BUILDING SUPPLY They say Ceramics is a relaxing hobby! ASTHMA RED ASHER'S RIVERSIDE Ramblers Car-Saver Service ADDS THOUSANDS OF MILES OF CARE-FREE DRIVING Paradise Ceramic Studio Neighborliness Pays! We’ve said it before and We say it again? ‘ You can’t do better elsewhere!’ BATTERY SERVICE: 80% of all battery failures occur where a service call is re­ quired... our Car-Saver service protects you against this inconvenience and ex­ pense...it includes adding water...test of condition ... an inspection and cleaning of terminals and cables — insurance of maximum battery capacity and life. TIRE SERVICE: Let us tell you how our tire switching service can save you money through increased tire mileage. There is often more uneven wear on front tires than on the rear...rear tires wear evenly but at a faster rate... then, too, to be kept "alive," the spare tire should be run. But further, our service includes an inspec­ tion for glass, tacks, and nails embedded in the tires... a check for cuts and bruises. RADIATOR SERVICE: Keeping th« cooling system filled is just the start. You receive a check of the cooling system, water hoses and clamps. These are but a few of the important car saving services you receive when you put your car in our hands. Buy and Trade at Home and Help Build the Canyon Gates General Store EXPERT LUBRICATION • TIRE SWITCHING • BATTERY CARE ATLAS TIRES • BATTERIES • ACCESSORIES RALPH NIBLER ke better care of your car Á