June 2M. l»5i 4—THE .MILL CITY ENTEKPKISE For Guaranteed Cleaning DETROIT Alice Fryer of Detroit spent the past week with her brother in Sweet Home, where she kept house for him j while his wife was visiting relatives in Idaho. Marlene White returned home Tues­ day from the Salem General hospital where she underwent an appendec­ tomy. She suffered an acute attack ' in Portland where she was looking for work last Wednesday afternoon. She will return to Portland when her | health permits. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hanan and chil­ dren, Johnny, Merily and Stevie left Tuesday evening for a short stay at J the coast. Charlene and children will | stop over at Taft while Ed attends to business matters in Portland. Mrs. Zeda Rynearson suffered a heart attack at her home Sunday eve­ ning, and is still confined to her bed. Mrs. Fanny Noble enjoyed a family re-union with her children honoring her birthday last Sunday at a picnic at W’hitewater last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baldwin of Stay ton and children, Hannah and Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sophy, Russel, Richard and Ray Jr., all of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Clif Hawkins and two children from California, niece and nephew of Mrs. Noble also Mrs. Zoama Baldwin of Stayton were present. Mrs. Clar­ ence Baldwin and Ray Sophy are Mrs. Noble's son and daughter. it’s the NU-METHOD YOU YOU YOU 24-HOUR SERVICE Mill City COUNT/ CHAIRMAN 1,00 • »AU» Liucar* 0»<(.ON MBAY TREASURCR WALTgR M NUR P>ON44R ’»US’ CO tAR H COMHCRC 1AL »ALCM O>CGON Thao upon loftor is your porsooal uavitafeoo to participate in tko 100% Manon County ch »st x ray program to discover unknown cases ol tuberculosis, lung cancsr and heart abnormalities. ACCOUNTANT fK-O’O UOMCRS St: RETARV DISTRICT CHAIRMEN A00010W U BURGESS octroi r MISS GRACE W CARMAN • ALCM ROBERT QRARER DON» MRS NORMAN EASTMAN S.LvtRTON MR P f GORCS MT AN&CL MRS LULA MUMPHRCV A ALCM MRS ROBERT HUTCHCON »ALCM MRS ALBERT JENSON T urner MRS MARY KUSiE CALCM MRS NEVA LEVINSON • ALIM HARLEY L'BBEV JCP'BRBON MRS WILL'S YODER AURORA JACOB BERCHTOL* MAYOR MT ANGEL ROSCOE COLBY mayor GKR vai * DAVIDSON »T PAUL GUY HICKOC« RANA NG FATHER CYRIL Lteg%> »T MARY R FAR i RM DR A Your asetsianco in raising funds k> cover postage . . . printing . . • telephone . . . rent and other neceeeary expenses will be appreciated. AL LOUCKS MAYOR SALIM .. Mom's and Pop's CAFE Mill City GUARANTEED WATCH REPA1RTN G Ot LESPINAf^A GILBERT LOONEY mayor jU’taiOR MATT MARTIN mayor STAYTON Good heaMh ¡^everybody's business. Why not invest in your health . . . your hteve . • • and your cowmuikty • . . right now! ELMER H MATTSON mayor MOOORURN ROBERT JONES 1IU We hope you are pleased with our service. Contributions may be mailed Io Walter Minier. X-ray Treasurer. Pioneer Trust Co., Salem, Oregon. Regardless of whether you find it possible to make a contribution, please be a committee of one to see that not only you, but each of your friends and relatives have the benefit of this x-ray examination. HASEMAN mayor i OANMA Tire Check-up WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! mayor C. T IOTOITTUNE-UP Such a lOO’o survey has been made possible through the availability of It mobile x-ray units on loan from the federal government for this single "all-out" effort. Successful surveys have been completed in Seattle. Spokane, and San Diego. This Willamette Valley survey in which Mahon County has ioined is approved and actively supported by our county medical profession and civic leaders. The equipment is on a matching basis. The government will furnish the units and technicians. We are responsible for the local costs, which will amount to approximately $12.000 for Marion County. So far. $4,000 has been raised. The balance must come from those who recognise the value of this program Io the heahh of our community and who will underwrite this cost. ADVISORY BOARD HERB BARKER ORGAN Ito LAROR C Every adult resident ot Mahon County will be urged Io have a chest x-ray between July 18th and August 11th. There will be no charge lor these x-rays. Not only will you gain the assurance that you do not have a health condition that needs correction but your participation will insure the success of this program to protect you from future exposure to tuberculosis. This 100% survey is necessary because the limited number of mobile units available for past routine examinations has made it impossible to examine more than 10% of the people. MRS CARL SMITH •T PAUL MRS PA JL TOV.NSENO GCRVAIS E Closes at 6 P.M. To: AU Mahon County Raaideato: Expert work. Finest mate­ rials. Work done promptly ... and guaranteed. Let us give you a free estimate. ERROL ROSS MAYOR RlLVtRTON WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY FOSTORIA LINN C SMITH RANH INR CHARLES SPRASVC PVRL'SHRR ALBERT TOMAN NAVOR MILL crvv •* PAUL WALLACE RM»N<|» BAKER’S Let Us Give Your Car A Free Inspection GUARANTEED SATISFACTION YOl’R LOCAL CHEVROLET DE ILER Gene Teague Chevrolet Stayton, Oregon l’hone 2344 Fbr old-time Hiram Walker qualify— Teen Talk by the Kanyon Kids By GARY PETERSON Well, here I am, back at the old typewriter, and I do mean old, after a week’s absence during which time my brother and I sojourned in Seattle to attend a big Luther League con­ vention, including a total of 5,500 reg­ istered persons. To those who don’t know where Seattle is — on Puget Sound — it’s that lousy dump whose team is currently in first spot in PCI. standings. While there, a bunch of us attended a show which featured the “Lemon Drop Kid” and “I Was a Communist for the FBI”. To be sure, the first named was very funny, but the latter was, by far, the better of the two. Anyone who saw this pic­ ture. which is a true story featured in the Saturday Evening Post, who saw the filthiness of the tactics used by the Communist party to spread dis­ unity, mistrust, chaos, and the party line, would make their blood run cold. During the course of the picture, the Commies deliberately got non-card carrying workers injured so that a “good” man could be inserted into the job; incited Negroes to anger with hopes that they would go out and kill a white man, which would make a lot of friends and money for the party when they started a defense fund for the unfortunate victim of Capitalist aristocracy; used lead pipes wrapped with Jewish newspapers to attack men who were breaking a Communist- incited strike. This could turn public opinion against the Jews. I hope that the Mill City Theatre will take a hint from this, and get that picture here as soon as possible . . . (Please note "Professor Venesso”!) To get back on the subject of teen­ agers, the meeting of the Teen Can­ teen will be held at Breitenbush for a swimming and dancing party. The group will leave from the Fire hall at 5 p.m.. and everyone attending is asked to bring some foodstuffs, so that young palates will not suffer for lack of nourishment. Among the boys, at least, there seems to be a feeling of “I’ll bring potato chips, and let the others worry about the REAL food.” I hope that s<5me will see their way clear to bring some­ thing else a bottle of soda pop, or something. At least we will have some coke to wash down the potato chips. That is sort of romantic, you know. Just think about it a lovers’ moon—the lights are low, boy and girl are sitting together on the sofa. Gates Lucky Twelvers Send Get-Well Wishes Mill City Jewelry Gates Lucky Twelve Pinochle club | met in regular session today at its usual situs near Gates. Should Mrs. Edna McCreary so desire, there is little doubt but that she could enter professional circles with her pinochle skill. Again this week she was crowned with the first prize honor. Mrs. Tacy Long did something unusual by getting the a- ward of both the pinochle on-the-go prize and second prize. By some possible medium it is hoped that the thousand aces held by a new Lucky Twelve member will speak the get well wishes of Gates Lucky Twelve to Mrs. Jeannine Herz­ berg. Mrs. Marcella Peterson was hostess today. Out of the darkness comes a muffled Brooklynese voice, saying “Howja like a pertater chip?” In answer ’nudder cherce verce choips clearly “Yeah, if youse ’d only break off wid da rute beer long ’nuff so’s I c’d dampen me tonsilectomy!” All right, all right, I’ll go quietly, but let me wind up my imitation Missouri mule kicker. Thassal for now. HOWDY FOLKS . . I'M HIAIMNG FOR TH< 7th ANNUAL "TIMBER CARNIVAL" JULY 1, J, 4 - ALBANY, OMBON W at M GkMHRNivafeR L arrmir I var »«, fARAM Parade» Blended whiskey. *6 proof ’O'". grain neutral tpirira Hiram Walker A Son» lau. Peon«, HL $2io Pint t ode No Ititi C $3^ 4/S Qt. No Ititi B EarvHvah . . . FAr • Blf Tima Mountain Slates hw< Co. “A NX l«9Aar«in< Ta a - Parte« PNvate tate^rtea say: MILL CITY SUN. JULY 4X AFTERNOON SHOW ONLY ON MILL ROAD IN MULLEN PASTURE "BLITZ WEINHARD TORME!* • N ' , • A- *„•■)»* . — ■*. 4 A. * • ut : * ih > à » o comfaht . FotnANO. ottoo