The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, June 28, 1951, Image 1

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    Walker’ Smith
Proves He’s
Pretty Good!
“Walker” Paul Smith, 66-year-old
Third Annual Aviation Day ambassa­
dor, walks right in all 190 lbs. of
him, and starts tossing out info show­
ing that he definitely is in training for
his 100-mile Century Walk from Bend
to Davis Airport, Sunday, July 15,
and his appearance lends plenty of
support to his words!
Smith bluntly stated that this
week he clicked off five and one-
‘’-.alf miles of highway 222 in 50 min-
i.tes walking time. Pete Catherwood
in an auto paced Smith and will verify
the fact, as will dozens of casual
observers. But that is not the half
■f it! Now he will shove off from
Salem for Lebanon for another prac­
tice jaunt. Smith confided that he
had a hankering for to see the hoss
races currently being staged there!
No. He is not content with that—on
on to Bend he goes from Lebanon.
After the Bend Chamber of Com­
merce and the Bend Bulletin have been
froperly briefed, Smith plans a little
scouting of the “rough” spots of high­
way 222 as it stretches from Bend
to the Davis Airport near Gates and
Mill City. Smith is not the least bit
t ashful about challenging anyone to
a walking race and he is giving plenty
of chances for possible competition.
If anyone thinks Smith is kidding,
just try him out!
With the fast approaching Third
Annual Aviation Day Dance, Saturday
evening, July 14, in the Mill City high
school auditorium, hot on their heels
the regal stature of Princesses Carol
Jane Blazek, Adaline MacDonald,
Lorena Devine, and Donna Ellingson
suffers a few ruffles here and there.
The Third Annual Aviation Day Dance
marks the close of their frantic efforts
in vote getting, poster making, and
just plain campaigning. The Third
Annual Aviation Day Queen will be
announced at the Saturday evening
dance. Mill City and Gates Cham­
bers of Commerce are making vote
getting by the Princesses a bit easier
by adding some plunder to the ballot­
ing. Prizes will be given in connec-
(Continued on Page 8)
Detroit Sawmill
leveled by Fire
The North Santiam Canyon lost a
sawmill located in the Detroit area
Wednesday, June 27. Fire completely
destroyed the plant of C. O. Briles.
Firemen from Camp Mongold, Idanha,
Detroit "nd the State Forest Service
battled the fire to no avail, except
to confine it.
There was no insurance coverage
on the mill and the amount of damage
caused has not been estimated. The
mill is not a large one, however. Briles
,s presently building another mill near
Idanha. The mill, which burned, em­
ployed five persons.
It is reported that the disastrous
fire started when a motor exploded
n the mill and spread flames through
the plant. One truck, operated in con­
junction with the mill, was destroyed
by the fire also. Surrounding build­
ings and living quarters were not in
danger, according to forest service
Johnny Gilworth Passes
in Portland Hospital
At press time, word was received
of the death of Johnny Gilworth in a
Portland hospital. Some six weeks
ago Gilworth was warned that he had
.¿bout six months to live because of
advanced cancer of the lungs. No
funeral arrangements have as yet been
Gilworth was employed at the De-
troit Dam a short time previous to
his awareness of his critical condition.
He is a long time and well known Mill
City citizen.
Coming Events . . .
American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon.
Lions club meeting.
A F. A A M. No. 180 stated meet­
ing third Monday
O.E.S. meeting. 2d Monday month.
Boy Scouts at City park, 7 p m.
Chamber of Commerce 2 & 4 neon
Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday
Women's club 8 p m. 1st. 3rd Tues
129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues
Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p m.
at Mill City fire hall.
Santiam Rebekah 166—1st and 3rd
Wed at 8 p m
Mill City PT A meets 2nd Wed
City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m.
Altar Society meets 3rd Wed
The’.a Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d
and 4th Thursdays.
Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 p.m.
American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs
Garden club fourth Thursday
Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs.
1.0 OF meeting
Mill City IWA meeting last Friday
Farmers Union meeting at Mehama
Woman’s club, 2nd and 4th.
Vol. VII—No. 26
$2.50 a Year.
a Copy
Gala Fourth of July Fete
Marks Lights’ Dedication
Acting on the thought, “Why not'
spend the Fourth of July in Mill a hot-dog is needed or a swig of soda
City”, sober-minded citizens have of­ pop that will be available too. both
fered a good reason, which is—a in the city park and at the festivities
whopper in the line of fireworks die- (((J (|)t 1 . n new
’w lighted athletic field
plays, three games of softball (under | _____
wated ___
near ...j
the Mill City grade
lights), a miniature airshow (cour- 1 school and the city park.
tesy of Davis Airport), plenty of
Back in March, Russell Kelly and
music, and a main feature attrac­
representatives of citizen groups
tion—dedication ceremonies for Mill other
down for a parley on the feasibil­
City's new lighted athletic field. For sat
ity of getting a lighted athletic field
those picnic hound, there is waiting for
Mill City. The problem of
the Mill City municipal park. In case squeezing
out more recreation time
for the busy populace of this area
confronted this group. A lighted
athletic field, it was decided, would
go far in turning the trick. The mat­
ter of financing the field naturally
came up, and again it was decided
that this obstacle could be whipped
by season ticket sales, scrap and
Mill City and Gates are assured of paper
drives, and contributions from
a visit from the X-ray service of the generous
citizens. Proof that this
United States Public Health Service , ambitious group planned well is now
during the dates July 18 to 27, ac- ( easily seen any day, if one but looks
cording to Mrs. George Ditter local in
, the direction of the Mill City grade
X-ray chairman.
Mrs. Ditter released information Fireworks
Permit Granted
today that Mill City and Gates' fi­
A permit from the Oregon State
nances for the X-ray visit are over Fire
Marshal has been obtained by
the top, since $110 have been raised the
Santiam Softball league for fir­
which will meet the local cost of hold- ing
a fireworks display which includes
ing the mass, 100% X-ray of this 50
, to 75 aerial displays, one-half hour
area's adult population.
of grand displays, and a huge quan­
The miniature chest X-rays made tity
of noise-making fireworks. All
by the X-ray units scheduled for a | this celebration equipment will be in
visit in Mill City and other Canyon 1 ( the capable hands of Burnett L. Cole,
communities will cost the individuals Lee Knowles, and Arlo Tuers come 10
having X-rays taken nothing. This p.m.
the Fourth.
X-ray program is financed by a com-1 A change in Oregon law caught
bination of tax funds and contribu-'( the Mill City Boy Scouts with $500
tions from interested community1, worth of fireworks on their hands,
which they can not sell. The Scouts
Mrs. Ditter submitted a list of the are
willing that their fireworks be
Yes, the gun is a dangerous weapon, but it is the match
community groups which have do­ shot-up for the benefit of the public
we are talking about. In careless hands, it can start a forest
nated to the cause of the 100% X-ray at the gala dedication ceremonies for
program. Those putting Mill City the new lighted athletic field. It is
fire that will burn thousands of acres of growing forests,
and Gates over the top were the Mill reported that the Santiam Softball
City Volunteer Firemen, American League will "pass the hat” for the
ruin hunting grounds for sportsmen, and recreation areas
Legion Auxiliary, Mill City PT A, Mill benefit uf the Scout* for their gener­
City Garden Club, Mill City Woman's osity. C.B.I. and the Nantiani Lions
for hikers and campers. When you are in wooded areas be
Club, Mill City Chamber of Com­ Club are kicking in on the fancy fire­
careful with fire as you are with loaded guns. Both are
merce. Lions Club Auxiliary, Mill City- works which will be seen Fourth of
Fire Department Auxiliary, IOOF July evening on the Mill City lighted
dangerous. Prevent forest fires. Keep America Green.
Lodge 141, Community Chest, and athletic field.
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Peterson.
Softball Jamboree
The above organizations and in­
Softball teams of the Santiam
dividuals gave the needed finances for
(Continued on Page 8)
a 100% X-ray of the adult population
of Mill City and Gates. The Com­
Oregon citizens must be warned ■ losed fire season more than a month. munity Chest contributed $50 and the
that more forest growth was burned Oregon's closed season is May 15th. IOOF gave $10 and the remainder of
There were five deaths anil 15 newly- in the State of Oregon by May 15, This year it was moved up to April those listed above gave $5. The total,
1951, than during the whole season 10th. State Burning Permits are now- $110 was paid to Walter Minier, X-ray
reported cases of tuberculosis in Mar­ of
1950. Since there were very few required before fires are started. treasurer, Salem, Mrs. Ditter stated.
ion County during the first four I
Mrs. Ditter indicated that one of
The United States National Bank
months of this year, according to lightning storms that could have set Many ranchers, in burning off fern
before the season closed, found the greatest causes of lack of co-op­ has been given the national award of
information released Wednesday by­ fires, most every fire was man caused. areas
eration of the public in connection the American Association for State
The carelessness exhibited by those
Dr. Willard Stone, county health
having land clearing fires and oper­ control. They evidently thought fires with a 100% X-ray program is fear. and Local History made annually to
would not spread so early in the year. Tuberculosis germs cause tuberculosis. the business organization doing the
The figures, based on provisional ating power saws during periods of
“Fern and Brush Fires” can no No amount of poverty or starvation most to promote interest In its re-
reports of the state board of health,
be discounted as being incon­ can cau--e tuberculosis in the absence gional history.
show a one-third jump from the 10
when, as a matter of fact, of tuberculosis germs. No amount of
The selection was made at the
cases reported during the same period complete disregard for forest re­ sequential,
sources and for neighbors, according they are destroying either natural re­ riches can guarantee protection in the association's annual conference held
last year.
to the Keep Oregon Green association. production or trees that have been
For the entire state there were
berculosis is not inherited. It is a at the University of Deleware.
The fact that these fires, like the planted, the forests of the future.
283 cases up to May 1, the latest date
disease. A person catches | The Oregon Historical Caravan,
for which figures are available, as Tillamook fire, in April started under of every citizen for the remainder of tuberculosis from another person who | which is being sponsored as a public
the worst conditions for control ex­
service by the United States National
compared with 245 last year.
perienced in many years merely ag­ the season in preventing forest fires. has the disease. A person may have during its 60th anniversary, was
Dr. Stone said that the number of gravated the tragedy. It was neces­ The Keep Oregon Green association tuberculosis and not know it. Early
considered the outstanding historical
(Continued on Page 8)
reported cases emphasizes the im­ sary for the Governor to advance the makes this appeal to all.
project of the year, according to Lan­
portance of the mass chest X-ray­
Pollard, superintendent of the
caster ~
survey now being planned for the
Oregon Historical Society, who at-
eight Willamette Valley counties this
■ tended the sessions.
summer and early fall.
i were made by historical groups in
“The statistics should also point
. all sections of the United States and
out to every individual tbe need for
regular examinations by the family
More than 145,000 people have
physician,” Dr. Stone said. “Tuberc­
viewed the exhibits in the Oregon
ulosis can be detected readily by X-
Historical Caravan during the four
rays or laboratory examination, as
and a half months it has been touring
can many other diseases, and the
■ the western part of Oregon. Accord-
earlier they- come to the physician’s
I ing to United States National Bank
attention, the better chance he has
I officials, the caravan will visit every
to help the patient.”
section of the state during the year.
The Willamette Valley survey,
which is designed to X-ray more
than 400,000 adults during a 13-week
period, is expected to get underway-
some time during July with the back­
ing of medical societies, public health
officials, and voluntary agencies and
individuals. It will be one of the
Federal Civil Service announces
largest health campaigns ever carried
an examination for substitute clerk,
on in Oregon.
$1.315 an hour, to fill vancancies in
the Post Office Service at Mill City,
A| iplicants must actually re-ide with-
in the delivery of the Mill City Post
Office, or be bona fide patron* of
that office. Persons employed in the
Mill City Post Office will be consid­
ered bona fide patrons of the office,
Further information and applica-
tion forms may be obtained from the
Secretary, Board of U. S. Civil Ser-
vice Examiners, at any first-or sec­
ond-class post office, or from the
Director, Eleventh U. S. Civil Service
Region, 302 Federal Office Building,
The sfring ho
Seattle 4, Washington.
Big Cliff Dam diversion tunnel is nearing rompletion. Shay < «instruction company is pushing through the
Applications must be on file with
construction of this tunnel. Big Cliff diversion tunnel • ill carry the fio« of the North Santiam River «hile
the Director, Eleventh U. 8. Civil
construction work on Big Cliff Dam proceeds. The 606-foot long tunnel ia 2* feet in diameter It probably will
Miss Fulton is the daughter of
Service Region, 302 Federal Build­
be complete. July 10 June 29 is the deadline for submission of bids for the construction work of Big Cliff
Mr and Mrs. M. I. Fulton, and Mik-
ing, Seattle 4, Washington, not later
Dam. the rrgulating and power dam located three miles below Detroit Dam.
kelsen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O.
(Photo courtesy of Capital Journal)
than July 18, 1950.
M. Mikkelsen.
X-Ray Money
Now Raised
Dr. Stone Gives TB
Report For County
Forest Destruction More Than in 1950
Historical Caravan
Brings An Award
Substitute Postal
Clerk Examination