n rhe MILL CITY ENTERPRISE 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Editor's Letter Box Minister H. E. Jull Mill City Enterprise Mill City, Oregon Gentlemen: Entered as second-claim matter November 10, 1044 at the poet office at the Mill City. Oregon, under the Act of March 3. 1370. Reference is made to your article' The vacation Bible school of | First Christian church closed Friday, headed “ Before the House Today ” ,: i i. v**i i »i»v Eii'i'i*! m . : One Insertion foe ar tbras foe 11 ! June 15, with a special program at The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect In­ and to the questions asked at the Display sertion. Error» In advertising should be report' d Iri. uo-d i.i’-J 1-:-, school meeting by Mr. D. C. Peterson 1 I 7:30 o’clock, in which the pupils dem- Advertising 45c column inch. Political Advertising 75c inch. and Mr. A. L. Davis, on June 18,' j onstrated some of the things that . had been accomplished during the two 1951. | weeks of the school. Minister H. E. aHCr^ NtWSPAPtlt I am sorry that some of the people NATIONAL EDITORIIAL present at this meeting, prevented j Jull reports that there was a total I enrollment of 63, with an average at­ . PUBLISHERS ON the board members from giving you tendance of 45. There were 23 pupils L -'ASSOCIATION complete answers to your questions, j U4lll«JirHM with perfect attendance records. Inasmuch as I served as chairman of the School Budget Committee and' Full-time workers were Mrs. Paul •THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS.” am familiar with the budget and all I Williams, Mrs. H. E. Jull and the —George Putnam details concerning it, and for the; minister, who served as superinten­ benefit of those voters interested in dents of the various departments, and these matters, I will attempt to the following helpers: Mrs. Marvin answer these questions to your satis­ Dart, Mrs. Elmer Shaw, Mrs. Wm. Shepherd and Wilma Jull. Part-time faction. It has been called to our attention that the milky appearance of the First, you state that the Linn helpers included: Mrs. Floyd Shep­ North Santiam river puts the damper on fly fishing all up and down the County School Superintendent was herd, Mrs. Chas. Kelly, Mrs. Wingo, river from the site of the Detroit dam to Lyons and Mehama and even below. not notified of the two bond issues. Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Ernest Miller, Mrs. Anglers report that the wily trout just will not feed or take a lure when the The fact that a levy was made by Eldon Hutchinson, Beryl Mason and river is heavy with the cleanings dumped into it by the construction work Linn County on the 1949-50 tax rolls, Yvonne Dart. on Detroit dam. The First Christian church held its to retire bonds and interest payable Fishermen are the first to comment that their fishing rights are second during that period, is in itself proof regular annual organizational meet­ in importance to that of Consolidated Builders, Inc.’s construction activity. that notice was given. Last year ing Saturday evening, June 16, with Fishermen do, however, wish to know whether or not it is possible that the the County School Superintendent the following results: Chosen Elders North Santiam river be cleared of pollution a few hours each day in the prepared the supplemental budget or Bishops: Ed Cooke, Irl Plymale, late afternoon or when the shadows are upon the river. and, through an error, did .not re­ Glen Shelton and Joe Vaughan; dea­ Those who look sadly at the North Santiam river because their fishing quest a bond payment levy. Mr. cons: Geo. Ditto, Eldon Hutchinson, ambitions are turned into hours of disappointment feel rather strongly Bennett was at that time a very sick Jack Johnston, Gordon Knox, Milton about the whole thing. L'ntil recently the river cleared for a few hours, man and therefore I feel should be Roten and Floyd Shepherd; trustee: but of late it remains heavily polluted. Experienced fishermen voice the excused. He has since died. Mar­ three-year term, Floyd Shepherd; opinion that the now plentiful trout will abandon the river if the heavy ion County did levy its proportionate deaconesses: Mrs. Lfora Caraway, muddying up of the water continues much longer. share of the bond payment. This Mrs. Celia Howe, Mrs. Grace Hutch­ We hope that the Corps of Engineers and CBI take note of the above year’s extra levy to make up for last inson, Mrs. Maggie Shaw, Mrs. Jo and provide irate anglers with an answer, better still a nice clear North year, is for Linn County only, and Vaughan and Mrs. Una Mae White. Santiam river for a few precious hours each day. Church treasurer: Mrs. Ada Ply- has been taken up with the State Board of Education, the State Tax male; church: Mrs. Gladys Chance; Commission, Linn County Assessor, pianist: Mrs. Grace Hutchinson with I.inn County Treasurer, and Linn Mrs. Helen* Jull, assistant; Bible Long has this community known petty, mean, and low doings, l.ong County School Superintendent. This school superintendent, Mrs. Gladys has the decent citizen's sense of decency been cuffed and bloodied, long was done some time ago, and all the | Chance; Bible school pianist, Wilma has this filth festered in first one spot then another in the affairs of Man above mentioned are fully informed Jull and Donna Cooke (tie vote); Bible school secretary, Mrs. Grace in this area. Many times innocent childhood has been abused and clubbed as to the $101,000.00 bond issue. into the sickening knowledge that those standing in the public eye as a The $44,000 bond issue, which was , Hutchinson; assistant, Wilma Jull; “shining example” were rotten through and through and deserving of the approved and for which the District and cradle roll superintendent, Mrs. very tortures of Hell. What happened Tuesday to little “Greg" and "Mike received the money in February, has Maggie Shaw, Mrs. Jo Vaughan, as­ Peterson is but another sordid blow of the bloodic*d and brutal club used been handled through proper chan- sistant. by some local “wit”. nels, and all parties concerned have Just as the outlaws and their “six-guns" ruled in their emotional and been fully informed. . I will add here law suit now pending, and which is a no quarter to decency, law. and order, so also this ' t hat the difficulty in getting this result of your last year's campaign, stupid manner and gave community has been ruled, no. not with the "six-gun", but with threats, fear, $44,000 issue approved was due to a $250.00; audit of school records, and intimidation akin and of the nature of the tactics of Hitler, Goering, technicality, and there was nothing clerk’s bond, principal’s bond, $255.00; and Goebbels of Germany. Those caught in this net of filth struggle for illegal about the issue. There were and another allowance for attorney’s a time' and then give up. As each new babe enters this world in this area, rather a large number of other dis­ fees in the amount of $250.00 to take there comes into being a tiny human who is entirely innocent. As things tricts that were faced with the same care of the suit now pending, which have been and still are, this new being will not I m - long in learning he is in problem; hence, the action by the was instigated by Mrs. Ruth Witt. a horrible and cruel area. State Legislature. There was no The third item questioned, $11,- ¥ ¥ * difficulty in selling the bonds, and 457.18 for emergency fund, is an To every person in this community who thinks that the rest of the world the original bidder purchased the amount based on the ruling of the is like this area in the affairs of Man—there are dozens, yes, hundreds who bonds. County Board; that an allowance know otherwise. We have this to say to those who now set the present You questioned several items in should be made for each teacher in hypocritical standards in this area—if you can do better—START NOW!— the budget which was approved by the amount of $.300.00, plus 3 percent if you cannot then hang your head in shame! the Linn County Rural School Board, .1 of the total budget, exclusive of the It can now be noted that this area was not overthrown by the bawdy­ and for which the levy is made on a emergency fund. The emergency ways of those who reputedly follow construction work, instead this com­ county-wide basis. This county-wide funds for all districts in the county munity over-threw those people who now steer clear of our society as if levy, by the way, saves the taxpayers are figured by this same formula. there were housed here the Black Plague. It doesn't take long for decent of District No. 129-J approximately The item for $2,000.00 under “Aux­ people to get their minds vexed by the inhuman work of the “standard 40 per cent of the school tax burden. iliary Agencies, Personal Service” makers” of lhip community. These individuals sanction the worst kind of First of these items questioned was I on the supplemental budget, is for insults and ahtlses and care not that innocent children are hurt thereby. the amount of $2,200.00 for steno­ I the Cafeteria cook’s salary. This As Christ with a whip drove the money-changers out of the Temple, so must grapher’s service. Elsewhere in the ■ service is of extreme value to both the decent citizens cut out and hurl to the dust the cancerous growth eating budget will be found amounts for the students and their parents, and up the social body of this area. Palling short of this. Gentle Reader, and clerk and stenographer which total is a must in the operation of a mod­ vour image in the mirror becomes a mockery! $.1,300.00. The County Board in­ ern school. ¥ “ ¥ ¥ formed our local board that when a Also on the supplemental budget It is absurd and ridiculous that one can not in a public forum, such as school hires ten teachers, it is re- under the heading of “Capital Out­ a school election, aak simple and honest questions without immediately- quired that some one be in the office lays, Betterments,” was the amount bringing down upon his head, his business and. yes, even his children the at all times. In order to save the ! of $2,725.00 This is made up as fol- deadliest cruelties and harms. As Thomas Jefferson so carefully and district money, this fulltime steno- ■ lows: Additional black board and powerfully wrote. "In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned grapher job has been combined with | tack board in the existing grade for redress in the most humble terms. Our repeated petitions have been the school clerk’s job, and the salary I school and the new addition,—$1,- answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked set to equal the minimum teacher’s 050.00; gravel and screenings to level. by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free salary. - and grade the playgrounds at the people.” The second item questioned was l grade school, and erection of a flag $2,075.00 for legal services. This ! pole, $1,175.00; and $500.00 for mate- children, Richard Jr., Carol and Della, item includes attorney's fees for bond j rials to construct a parking space and were weekend visitors with Mr. Han­ issue, $1,320.00; attorney fees for turnaround in front of the grade school. The labor for putting in sen’s sister and family, the Lloyd forms, etc. on this project, will be Ketchuns. Mr. Hansen and his ings to their new home in Taft. By MRS. OPAL WHITE father, Lauritz, and Della returned Frank New was elected as the paid by the Santiam Lions Club. ooi Mr. Davis asked the question Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hanan and chil­ to Agate Beach on Monday while school board member, at the school jY -, "How many outstanding warrants are dren, Merily, Johnny and Stevie, Richard Jr., and Carol remained for meeting Monday night, June I were visitors during the week with a week's visit with friends and rela­ with no dissenting vote, Mr. New J there that are not paid for want of the B. J. Frizzells in Redmond. tives here. lives in Idanha and has served one I funds”. There are none, and the Mrs. Hanan remained in Redmond Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferris, form­ year, the unexpired term of Lloyd 1 District has been on a cash basis for Also, Mr. Davis, all while Ed and B. J went on to Crane erly of Detroit for many years, were Girod and is now elected for the three some time. Prairie Reservoir for some fishing. weekend visitors here. They also year term, Mr. Noyes Whitten will bond and bond interest payments Mr. Richard Hansen and three moved some of their personal belong- be chairman again next year because have been met without any trouble or delay. of seniority on the board. It is regrettable that these ques­ Mrs. John Hanan, who has been tions were brought out in a manner visiting in Portland for the past two that could only cause trouble. Any weeks with her daughter and son-in- law, the John Sullivans is returning interested person need only to have today to her home with the J. D. asked any member of the Board, the Sullivans of Portland. The J. D. Clerk, or the Budget Committee, and Sullivans will spend two days with would have been given a clear and complete answer. the Hanans and will also vacation at I trust that the above will fully Breitenbush hot springs. TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY FOR ALL answer your questions and if not, I Mr and Mrs. Harold Mitchell and THE LOGGERS IN THE son, Harold Ray, were weekend visi­ will be more than happy to discuss tors with Stanely Whites in Detroit. them with you at any time. In view AREA, I AM PUTTING A COMPLETE STOCK Mrs. Mitchell is Mrs. White's mother. of the interest in the school affairs, OF LOGGING SUPPLIES IN AT BASSETTS Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hansen have as shown by the public, I request returned after an absence of several that this letter be printed in full in WELDING SHOP AT LYONS, months to Detroit. He is employed your paper under the heading "Let­ ters to the Editor”. with the Golder Construction com­ BETWEEN FLOYD AND Y'ours for better schools pany, road builders, here. LEE S. ROSS SURF WE WILL BE ABLE Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Ramsey have MILL CITV. OREGON Reports on School DON PETERSON, Publisher Muddy River Shining Examples June 21. 195! COMMUNITY AIMS THRU CO-OPERATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. SANTIAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. MILL CITY STREET IMPROVEMENT. LOCAL YOUTH RECREATION CENTER MILL CITY DIAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM MILL CITY’ PARK PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL. ELIMINATION OF BANFIELD’S NIGHTMARE. MILL CITY AREA SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. IMPROVE HIWAY 222 BETWEEN MILL CITY AND LYONS. OBTAIN CANYON YEAR ’ROUND PAYROLL INDUSTRIES. DETROIT, GATES, AND MILL CITY’ UNION HIGH SCHOOL. THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM Phone 3-4534 141 N. Commercial St. Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies ■■nm-iaxanawiMii «ua rai nwiflHuitmrnn whifhi - • .n»« ■ n mi ••••-■n -rnn iwn «9 Never - - a. Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN Kellom’s Fresh Meats FRESII DAILY — SER Y REASONABLE PRICES Kellom’s Grocery MILL city OPEN WEEK DAYS 8 A M. to 7 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 9 A M. to 12 NOON WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS AND ALUMINUM AND DISHES Complete Stock DETROIT M c C ulloch POWER CHAIN SAWS ^Repair Parts Always Available All Loggers NORTH SANTIAM a ---------------------- —, MYSELF, 1 \M TO GIVE YOl BETTER SERVK E THAN YOU HAVE EVER H AD BEFORE 1\ THIS IRK \ FRED GOOCH. JR. I'nion Wire Rope Tuffy Chokers Ksco Rigging Skookum Blocks and Rigging Dynamite Fire Equipment Power Saws Splicing and Socketing a Specialty Gooch Logging Supply “Ererydiing for z/u* Logger DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Sweet Home. Philomath Phone till Rimeberg Phone 3-665ti left for a week's vacation, probably to Canada Mr. Ramsey is with the Engineers at Mongold Look at these features: Quality job printing at The Mill ( it) Enterprise 4 Amateur Talent Wanted! $.->0 00 IN ( \sn PRIZES WILL BE I.IVF.N TO WINNERS OF THIS YEAR'S Timber Carnival Amateur Show TO HI HEID \r THE COl RT HOI SF. PI.\ZA IN From 7.-00 to 8 00 p m Yl.BYNY TUESDAY. .JULY 3. 1951 PERSONS WISHING TO INTER THIS SHOW SIIOI I D WRITE io lot HKDIN \ \T THE Will \Miril TITLE CO IN \IB\N1 GlVINf, Fl I I DFT\II< of | to it; 4i I * I ill NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS INMKI Ml X I* I >F| i 4NI> I EM.TH Of 4< I . I ,mr needed). PRF.VIOlS YE YRS WINNERS HAVE COME FROM OE I INN VXD RENTON t ill NTlEs \l.l PVRTS Nt» ENTRY FEE. OPEN TO \l I. ENTRIES MI ST HF IN RY JI NF. 17th I I I I i i I I I I with Cushioned Power/ We ar« proud to praaant this great naw chain saw—tha most powaHul in tba McCulloch lino. Stop in today and try out !*• naw McCulloch 7-55 ... with Cushioned Power «M»'K>erg4 h « *•*•< a sot «f Amazing Smoothers»! Cuahioned Povverl Easy to use all day because special rotating bal­ ancers geared to crankshaft neutralize vibration. Power! Light Weightl Full 7 horsepower, yet weigh» only S5 pound» w th 20-lnch chain and blade. Fast Starting I Superhot »park, automatic-rmind starter, push-button primer. Easy Operation! Chain oiler and tank built !(t, controlled from handlebar. Simplified grouped control»—throttta control» »nd Ignition sw'tch on handlebar for fingertip operation. Safety! Full automate centrifugal clutch d e- engages chain whan »ng n» |g idling. Convenience! Ignition po'nt» realty access 5 « n eiter.or housing. Full 3#0- swivel tranamiw-n lock» at any angle Floatte»» carburetor per - •» | full-power saw -gin any poa’tlon. CM* Sa«q I i I I I I I JOHN NELSON Sales and Service MTI.I. (TTY RESIDENCE PHONE 1241