The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, June 21, 1951, Image 1

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    Air Day Hop
Fete Settles
The Third Annua) Aviation Daj i
Dance is slated Saturday evening, I
July 14, in the Mill City high school j
auditorium, according to "Doc" Kim­
mel, co-chairman of the queen con­
test. Winner of the queen contest
traditionally is annonuced at this
dance. Princesses Carol Jane Blazek,
Adaline MacDonald. Lorena Devine,
and Donna Ellingson are working
hard at their ticket seling duties.
Voting in the queen contest in con­
nection with the Third Annual Avia­
tion Day festivities stops at 11 p.m.
Saturday night. July 14. Voting is
done by the selling of Queen Can­
didate ballots in amounts of 50c,
$1.00, and $5.00. A 50c ballot sold
represents 10 votes, a $1.00 ballot
20 votes, and a $5.00 ballot, 100 votes.
Mill City Chamber of Commerce of­
ficials wish it understood that these
ballots are not tickets entitling the
nurehaser to admission to the
Swede” Ralston air show slated for
Sunday afternoon, July 15.
15% of the funds each girl raises by
the sale of ballots returns to the
school in the area sponsoring her
The Canyon Princesses and their
supporters are busily engaged also
:n the task of preparing a float for
the Albany Timber Carnival Parade,
Tuesday, July 3. Last week the prin­
cesses were outfitted in their finery
for all future public appearances,
courtesy of the Mill City-Gates Cham-
oers of Commerce.
The back-drop for all the Third
Annual Aviation day festivities, Davis
Airport, Sunday proved itself an in­
teresting spot for spectators, but a
tense one for entrants and judges of
the Davis Airport model airplane
There is little question
that the youngsters entering the con­
test poured hours of painstaking
work into the construction of their
models. The model plane entered by
Bill Gorman reflected the most care­
ful workmanship, but was less elab­
orate than the model entered by
George Rambo.
After much head
scratching and soul searching, the
judges choose Gorman’s plane num­
bered “33” as the first prize winner,
and Rambo’s plane numbered “42”
for second.
(Continued on Page 8)
Pawned Woman's
Body Recovered
Vol. VII—No. 25
Coming Events . . .
American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon.
Lions club meeting.
A.F. A A.M. No. 180 stated meet- I
ing third Monday
O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month.
Boy Scouts at City park, 7 p.m.
Chamber of Commerce 2 & 4 neon
Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday
Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st. 3rd Tues
129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues
Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m.
at Mill City fire hall.
Santiam Rebekah 166—1st and 3rd
W’ed. at 8 p.m.
Mill City PTA meets 2nd Wed.
City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m.
Altar Society meets 3rd Wed
Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d
and 4th Thursdays.
Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p.m.
American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs
Garden club fourth Thursday
Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs.
LO.O F. meeting
Mill City TWA meeting last Friday
Farmers V’nion meeting at Mehama
Woman's club, 2nd and 4th.
$2.50 a Year.
a Copy
Annual Police
Benefit Dance
Fri., June 29
A glance at this view of Detroit Dam and at the masthead of The
Mill City Enterprise will show approximately how much higher
Detroit Dam will rise before Consolidated Builders Inc. calls it
"quits". This is the view of the Detroit Dam seen by those taking
part in a motor caravan which recently visited the site of the dam
and the Marion Forks fish hatchery. Russell Hoffman, general
superintendent of the job. stated that some 570.000 yards of concrete
now cause Detroit Dam to reach an altitude of 1.235 feet above
sea level. The final altitude of the Detroit Dam will be 1,574 feet
above sea level. At present some 850 men are employed in the
construction work on Detroit Dam.
C.B.I. placed 95.000 yards of
concrete during the month of May.
Completion of the dam is
expected in 1953, since Detroit Dam is now 50% complete, and 43%
of the concrete needed is now in place.
(Photo Courtesy Capital Journal)
Detroit—The body of Mrs. Louise
Gilpin, wfie of Lincoln Gilpin, of De­
troit was taken from the Breitenbush
river near her home Thursday morn­
ing, June 14, where she had gone the
proceeding evening about 10 p.m.
with her young son, Harry.
Harry returned home about 11 p.m.,
wet to the waist and announced that
his mother had gone into the river
to drown and he could not stop her
either by persuasion or force. Lin­
coln, together with a neighbor, Jess
Brown and Harry went back to the
river, but because of the darkness,
Harry could not locate the exact spot
where his mother entered the river.
Search was begun on Thursday
morning and her body was recovered
from the river at about 9:30 a m. that
same morning. The search was
under the direction of patrolman Mc­
Kelvey of the State Police.
Mrs. Gilpin, who was about thirty-
five years of age, was the mother of
three children, Harry, 10; Claudia,
seven; Constance, three.
Her in­
valid mother. Mrs. Frank Steenhout,
Sr., resided with them. She leaves
also a father, Mr. Frank Steenhout,
who is with her brother, Frank Jr.,
at Sweet Home.
The funeral was held in the Dalles
where she was buried. The family
has moved to the Dalles where the
family of Lincoln Gilpin lives.
Serv ing:
Before the House
Joe Hrdina Seeks
Save Soldiers Amateur Talent
Last Tuesday morning. “Greg", my son. aged
12. was on his way to the Mill City post office for
t'.e newspaper office mail w hen he was shocked,
hut. and sickened by a filthy and slovenly burlesque
of his father and his father's newspaper front page
editorial on the local school budget and other school
issues which was nailed up in public and out of his
reach on the telephone pole directly in front of the Mill City State Bank.
My son stated to my wife and some other members of my family
that, “People standing around me looked funny at me when I saw the
thing!” So upset was “Greg" that he does not remember who those
persons were who "looked funny". Since I had gone earlier to Salem
on business and knew nothing of the ridiculing sign. “Greg” bravely told
his mother he was going to tear the filthy sign down. He wanted to do
this in spite of the fact that he was too short to reach it and too small
to tear loose the large nails holding it up and he knew it!
Without telling my wife what they were going to do “Greg" and
another son, “Mike”, age 11, got on their bikes and made a “bee-line"
for the insulting sign erected on the corner of the Mill City State Bank
property. One of the boys was going to act as a ladder for the other
and they would have tried to bring down the insult to their father and
themselves and their mother and sisters had it not been ripped down
just before they came on the scene.
"Mike" was so stunned and embarrassed by the sordid insult, which
by then lay where it had been collapsed and thrown on the bank's side­
walk. that he had picked it up and was about to take it away with him
on his bike when he was stopped from doing so. "Mike" must have
believed that it was his duty, and felt he must take the offending thing
out of public and dispose of it somewhere (his brother had so ordered).
To the best of our ability my wife and I have tried to rear our
children so that they will not know the filth and indecency of the kind
recently visited upon them. My wife and I have three other little ones
in our home. Are these innocent ones to be the victims also of later
and more foul and obscene caricatures hatched by lewd individuals with
a perverted sense of humor? Will your little tots be next? Will these
sneaks go even further with more mean and low tricks?
I am shocked that in this day and age that a human being of these
great I nited States would use such a bawdy way for voicing frustrated
emotions and thereby strip naked an incestuous mind before the eyes
of the innocent as well as the calloused. Can there be human beings
so lacking in simple decency and intelligence living here in Mill City?
Those who are silly enough, can toss one insult after another at me
—I hope 1 am big enough to withstand such undemocratic acts—but.
when my children are hurt, abused, and stunned in the worst way by
filth thrown in their faces, that is going too far!
The nailing up of the burlesque sign, coming as it did on the heels
of the school election meeting Monday night, no doubt was an outgrowth
of that meeting. I stated at that meeting that no official notice to the
Linn t ounty Assessor had been given of the $101,706 bond issue and that
no levy for that bond issue has been made by Linn County for its portion
of the indebtedness. Donald She y the, chairman of the school district
129-J publicly slated at that meeting that one levy had been made to
meet payment on the $101,766 bond issue. A letter “To the Editor"
appearing in thia issue of this newspaper paraphrases this statement.
In order that the truth be known about this one fact I requested of
John W. Sheppard. Linn County Assessor, an answer to the following
question: “Has the county assessor been notified for the years 1949-50
and 1950-31 of the existence of a bond isaue for school district 129-J in
the amount of $101,700 or an amount to pay the payment due on such
a bond isaue for the past two years? Or did he assess for either year?"
Thia ia the answer I got: "This office was not notified for the years
1949-50 and 1950-51 of the existence of bond issue for Diat. 129-J in the
(Continued on Page 8)
Coupled with the Albany Timber
Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, com- Carnival is the annual amateur show
! inanding general in the Far East, re­ at the Court House Plaza in Albany,
Tuesday, July 3, 7 to 8 p.m. Cash
cently wrote of “The tremendous job prizes totalling $50.00 will be a-
the Red Cross is carrying out for the warded the winners of this year's
health and welfare of the troops,” Timber Carnival Aamatuer show, ac­
adding “Most impressive of all Red cording to Joe Hrdina of the Willam­
Cross services is the lief-giving blood ette Title Co. in Albany who is chair­
which is supplied to our wounded man of the amateur talent recruit­
soldiers in aid stations and hospitals. ment.
Every member of your organization
Entry can be made on the show by
and every American who has given writing Joe Hrdina at the Willamette
blood to the Red Cross can and should Title Co. in Albany and giving full
feel that he personally has directly details of the act being entered, the
contributed to the saving of the life number of participants, instruments
of an American boy.
used and length of act or time needed
Mill City and area citizens will have for completion of the act.
their chance for contributing a pint
No entry fee is required and the
of blood Monday afternoon, June 25, show is open to all. Entry in the
from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Mill City show must be made by June 27.
grade school auditorium, according to Previous years winners have come
local Bloodmobile sponsors.
from all parts of Linn and Benton
When one goes to the Mill City counties.
! grade school auditorium Monday,
| June 25, one will see many people I
i performing several different tasks,
j These are not all paid workers. The
only paid workers are the technical
I staff from the Red Cross center in
Portland. The nurses who draw the
I blood and the custodians in charge of
Official charts of retail beef cell­
the blood. The receptionists, the staff ing prices will be posted in meat
aides and grey ladies; the nurses who ■hops throughout the coifntry ton
take your temperature and history; June 25. The date for posting ceil­
the nurse's aides who help in the ing prices is a week later than pre­
donor room and the canteen w’orkers viously announced and wax finally
who give you coffee, all are volun­ selected ax the date to allow for last-
teers. The doctors also are volun­ minute price revisions and distribu­
The death rate of Korean wounded
Housewives can refer to the price
is less than half of the World War charts, which must be posted by
II figure and only one-quarter of the butchers in a readily visible place,
rate among combat troops during to be sure they pay no more than
World War I, according to Dr. Rich­ the ceiling price for feef set for this
ard L. Meiling, chairman of the area.
Armed Forces Medical Policy Council.
On an average, the Korean casualty
not only receives whole blood more
promptly than the wounded of World
War II. but he receives it in greater
When the supply of blood from the
home front runa low, soldiers, sur­
Summer is nearly upon us and so
geons and nurses give life-saving
blood. Major surgery in base hos­ iis the Davis Amusement Co. carnival,
pitals again means a large supply of which will set up for business for four
whole blood is needed. Soldiers at big days beginning Wednesday, June
Fort Ix>wis give generously before 27, and runing through Saturday,
they go overseas, and frequently sol­ June 30, in the Mill City park area,
diers home on leave call the Red Cross park officials indicated today.
for information concerning where
The staging of the carnival in the
they can bank their blood before they Mill City park is for the purpose
of benefiting the city park which at
If citizens respond as hoped, 200 present needs added picnic and public
pints of blood will be collected Mon­ facilities, according to officials.
day, June 25, when the Bloodmobile
The Davis carnival has six rides
visits Mill City at the Mill City grade and numerous concessions for the
school auditorium.
light of heart.
Beef Price Lists
Posted June 25
Davis' Carnival
Arrives June 21
The Second Annual Policeman's
Dance in the Mill City Fire Hall, Fri­
day, June 29. keeps Mill City Police
Chief Kenneth Hunt hopping even
now—selling tickets instead of giving
them! Police Chief Hunt is having
a rough time selling tickets for
the Policeman's Dance because so
many other ticket hucksters are
pounding the sidewalks. May be that
he should "pull his rank” on 'em!
Since the two-way short wave radio
mounted in the new patrol car re­
quires a tremendous amount of volt­
age, a special generator must be in­
Also more communication
equipment is needed in connection
with the city hall. The city hall and
jail itself needs some added facilities
such as filing cabinets (no, not cabi­
nets for holding files, the kind found
in cakes!) but records, account books,
and police reports.
Citizenx of this area are well aware
of the courtesy and quick help given
them by the Mill City police depart­
ment day or night and Jim O’Leary,
police commissioner, is confident that
the public will come out in force for
the Police Department’s one big
splurge each year. The first class
orchestra of Hal Moffett of Salem
will provide the easy music for an
enjoyable evening Friday, June 29,
in the Mill City Fire Hall.
The Second Annual Policeman’s
Dance is law enforcement by example
Chief of Police Hunt thinks, because
a decent and well conducted dance
provides a recreational outlet which
is healthful for energetic young peo­
ple. Chief Hunt is particularly in­
terested in seeing that young teen­
agers in Mill City get needed whole­
some recreation.
Last year the Mill City Policeman’s
Dance was a grand success and had
wide public attention. Last year’s
dance was held on the tennis court
of the Mill City high-school, because
no modern up-to-date aance*ha)l was
available in Mill City at that time.
Since last years’ dance, the Mill City
Firemen have constructed fine quart­
ers for dancing in the Mill City Fire
Hall. The Firemen have generously
shelved other plans for the hall and
allowed Chief Hunt full custody of
their hall for his departments’ dance,
Friday, June 29.
Sunday Cub Scout
Picnic Postponed
The Cub Scout Pack committee de­
cided during its meeting last Wednes­
day night to postpone urytil later in
the summer the Cub Scout picnic
originally scheduled for this Sunday,
June 24. It wax also decided that
the den meetings should be suspended
for the months of July and August
and resumed again after the start of
school in the fall.
Because of the wide variety of
other interests for the boys and their
parents during the vacation months,
experience has shown that attendance
at the den meetings and other activ­
ities of the Cub Scouts has declined
to a fraction of the almost perfect
showing made during the school term.
For this reason it was concluded
that the purpose of the Cub Scout
program could best be served by sus­
pending activities until the start of
the fall term when an expanded pro­
gram will be inaugurated which will
provide instructive entertainment for
both the Cub Scouts and their par­
ents during the next school year,
Scio X-Ray Meet
Organizes Work
Lyons—Mrs. James Hollingshead,
Mrs. Alex Bodeker and Merrill
Brassfield attended a meeting at the
Scio grade school building Monday
evening for the Willamette Valley
X-Ray program.
Ralph McDonald of Scio is district
chairman, and Mrs. James Hollings­
head has been appointed chairman
for the Mari-Linn district of Lyons.
Committees on publication, alloca­
tions and finance soon will be ap­
pointed. Chairman from the various
organizations will be appointed soon
by Mrs. Hollingshead.
Carrying out the program de­
pends upon the organized groups
and individuals) The cost of the
X-Ray being 16 cents a person for
those 15 years or older. A quota of
$125 must be raised if the X-ray
machine can be assured by August.