The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, June 07, 1951, Page 5, Image 5

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June 7, 1951
Detroit Has All
Girl Graduates
Miss Imogene Roye
Bride Elect, Feted
Detroit — Commencement exercises
Lyons- Miss Imogene Roye, bride
for the five girl graduates from De­ elect, as an honored guest Saturday
troit high were held in the grade evening Mrs. Alex Bodeker, Mrs.
school gymnasium Thursday evening. Norman Johnson and Mrs. Alice
May 31. The girls wore white grad­ Huber were hostesses for a shower
uation robes. Blue tassels were on held in the Bodeker home.
their hats. They marched in to the
Miss Roye, daughter of Mr. and
strains of Pomp and Circumstance, Mrs. E. L. Roye and a teacher at
played by Johnny Davis.
the Lebanon high school, will become
A mixed chorus, composed of the the bride of Laddie Paska in Port­
girl’s glee club, and some extra male land Saturday June 9, at 1:30 p.m. at
voices added, sang “In a Monastery the West Minister Presbyterian par­
The salutatory followed sonage.
by Frankie Payne. The mixed chorus
Rev. James Atken Smith will read
again sang, “Our Land and My Land;” the ceremony. The onlj- attendants
after which Miss Joy Hills of the will be Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roye of
State Department of Education talked Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
to the girls as woman to woman. Miller of Crabtree.
She, being the first woman speaker at
After a short wedding trip to San
a graduation exercise from this Francisco the young couple will make
school, seemed most appropriate for their home in Lebanon where he is
the five girl graduates. The valedic­ employed and she will teach next
torian, Marlene White, was next on year. Music, games and refresh­
the program. She gave an interest­ ments furnished the entertainment.
ing valedictory.
Honoring Miss Roye were Mrs. Sar­
Diplomas were awarded by Noyes ah Cookingham of Salem, Mrs. Laur­
Whitten, chairman of the school ence Larimer of Scio, Mrs. Donald
board. Awards ■ were presented by Sheythe and Mrs. R. F. Corbin of Mill
principal Otis J .White after a short City, Mesdames John Prideaux, Will­
resume of the accomplishments of ard Hartnell, Clyde Bressler, Earl
each girl since entering school or Allen, E. L. Roye, Art Baltzer, Robert
during the years spent in the Detroit Walton, Wilson Stevens, Phillip Piet-
rok, James Hollingshead and S. West-
high school.
Two of the original class of 15 over of Lyons.
were among the graduates, Marlene
White, and Virginia O'Brien White. Education. Marlene plans enrolling
The other three graduates included there next fall.
Marilyn Lovelace, a transfer from
The commencement was concluded
the Salem schools in her third year; when John Davis played Largo from
Coleen Hopson from Milwaukee school Xerxes as a recessional. All seniors
in her third year; and Frankie Payne met in the grade school library for
began school in Detroit during her j the reception and good wishes of
second and fourth years in school. i friends and relatives.
Each girl has been active in the G.A.
A.; took part in the junior-senior play;
and each has sung in the glee club.
Other accomplishments of the girls Pinochle Pair Draws
were various class and student body
offices, Beacon or annual work, lib­ Fancy 1500 Count
rary activity, etc. The only award of
As the month of June is noted for
the evening was presented for scholar­ , the doings of couples, so was it with
ship to Marlene White, as well as the Gates Lucky Twelve Pinochle
the scholarship to Oregon College of club today. Mrs. Rosella Haywood
land Mrs. Tacy Long teamed up for a
thumping 1500 count in trump in
their combined pinochle hands.
Mrs. Bertha Vanderhoff displayed
commendable skill with the paste­
boards and thereby won for herself
first prize. Mrs. Ruby Adamson was
dealt the 300 pinochle which qualified
her for the traveling pinochle prize.
Mrs. Mabie Quarles caught second
prize rights.
Mrs. Doreen Fowler outshone all
events with her hostess effort when
Chuck Faylor and Sam Engle
she placed before her guests a deli­
cious cocnut cream pie dessert lunch­
eon and coffee.
Closed Mondays
Chicken Dinner
Viv's Steak House
Sat. Nite, June 9th
Dancing 9 til 2 a.m
Mrs. Geo. Huffman Camp Fire Girls
Entertains Society
Hold Ceremonial
Lyons- Mrs. George Huffman was
I hostess for the meeting of the
; Womens Society of Christian Service
in her home Tuesday afternoon.
I Mrs. Alice Huber, newly elected presi­
dent, presided over the meeting.
Many plans were discussed for the
summer months. It was voted that
the first meeting in the month be a
business meeting, and the second
meeting, work day, an all-day meet-
ing. A series of progressive break-
fasts were scheduled, Mrs. Huffman
will be the first hostess, It was
decided that the society should give
$5.00 to the mass X-ray program.
It was also stated that any member
that has time and wishes may bring
an apron to the next meeting. Mrs.
Huber reported that she will appoint
standing committees at the next meet­
ing, and also have her year-book
ready soon.
At the close of the meeting Mrs.
Huffman served dainty refreshments
to Mesdames Loren Chamberlain,
George Clipfell. Chester Roy, Oscar
Naue, Glen Julian, James Hollings­
head, Burl Smith, Ivan Smith, Wil­
lard Hartnell. E. L. Roye, Clyde Bres­
sler, John Hargreaves, Mrs. Inez
Ring, and Mrs. Alice Huber.
Mr. Adelbert A. Allen, Mrs. Agness
A. Alien’s son, received injuries which
hospitalized him recently. He was
injured while at work in a mill located
near the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G.rimes. Wednes­
day, attended the graduation cere­
monies in Scio. Their grandson took
part in the exercises.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rose returned
Sunday from California where they
were at the bed-side of Mr. Rose’s
Mr. C. A. Pound and son, Joel, of
Raymond. Washington, visited Sun­
day and Monday in the il. D. Pound
Floyd Fleetwood, Art Robison, »nd
FrarA Jack fished at Clear Lake two
days this week.
Jim Swan and Frank Jackson were
Suttle Lake visitors, Sunday.
Those girls who worked on the Mill
City Garden club cook book may pick
up their complementary copies at the
Mill City Appliance store. The cook
book contains on its 126 pages many
fine recipes and houseshold hints.
Mill City Garden club will have
from Corvallis a guest speaker on
the general topic of shade gardening
during its next meeting June 28.
Scorning the more convenient auto­
mobile transportation, Shelby Ump-
hres rode his bike to Stayton and
back—picked up some bike repairs in
The Lowell Stifflers spent Memor­
ial Day at Mt. Hood.
Mr. and Mrs, Art Abelson of
Molalla visited Mill City friends Sat-
I urday. Mr. Abelson formerly was
, employed in the Hammond mill.
The Royal Loschs, the Del Covilles,
the Wm. Kelleys and the Charles
Covilles spent the weekend relaxing
■ in the “Wildcat” the Charles Covilles’
j summer cabin at Breintenbush.
Tuesday night softball league offi­
cials will hold a caucus regarding
coming softball league play. Meet­
ing will be in the Mill City fire hall.
Mrs. Floyd Shepherd entertained
| the H. E. Jull family with a dinner
I in honor of Mr. Jull’s birthday anni-
| versary, Wednesday.
The Christian Woman’s Fellowship
| will meet next Wednesday, June 13,
I with Mrs. E. D. Cooke. Mrs. Cooke
will be the hostess and program
I leader at that time.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harlan of Moh-
Hi, Neighbor!
hope there's added a hit
of Neighborliness with each
purchase of our wares which
B e
already equal those sold
Your Business Helps Build the Canyon
The Wotoleto group of Camp Fire
Girls conducted a group ceremonial
Friday in the Pinkston home in CBI
addition to Mill City.
Major business for the day was
the election of officers for the group.
Elected were Norma Nelson, presi­
dent; Joyce Webb, vice-president;
Linda Dyhrman, secretary; Cleo Jose,
treasurer: Judith Bigger, scribe; and
Carolyn Brinton, songleader.
. The Camp Fire ceremonial con­
sisted of a candle lighting affair.
The Camp Fire Girls lighting candles
were Judith Bigger, first, work; Caro­
lyn Brinton, second, health; and
Carol Cooke, third, love. Each of
these girls got their Camp Fire beads
for the Seven Crafts.
ler visited relatives in Mill City over
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. John Klock, former
Mill City residents, visited in the
homes of Chas. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs.
Iyrl Plymale, and other Mill City
friends, Memorial Day.
Mr. \\ illis Emra of Portland visited
Mill City friends Memorial Day.
Mrs. Minnie Emra and daughter spent
Sunday here.
Bud Thomas, local flyer, recently
purchased a Piper Cub plane.
Mrs. Maggie Shaw and daughters
are attending the Rose Festival
activities as are the Rooert Venesses.
Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Teutsch were
Portland visitors Wednesday.
The Cecil Lakes have as their
guests this week their grandchildren,
Jack Lake's youngsters.
Mr. B. L. Allen is seriously ill in
an Albany nursing home. He re­
cently suffered a severe stroke.
The George Vetetoes returned this
week from their trip to Mt. Home
and the 1000 Springs of Hagerman
Valley, Idaho. They visited while
there Mr. Veteto’s daughter, Mrs.
Lloyd Sykes and family.
brought back one of the grand­
daughters back with them. She will
spend the summer with the Vetetoes.
Those taking to the air for the first
time in their lives Sunday were Caro­
lyn and Janet Brinton and Howard
Champ. They were carried aloft by
a four-place Fairchild airplane owned
by Ray Walker. This plane is hang-
ered at Davis Airport.
The George Steffys are driving a
new 1951 Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fail and
baby recently moved into one of “Tex”
Blazek’s apartments. Mr. Fail is
employed at the Detroit Dam. The
Fails formerly lived in Salem.
Mrs. Velma Carey and son, Jimmy,
left Monday for several weeks’ vaca­
tion in Phoenix, Arizona, at the
home of Lt. and Mrs. Gale Carey
and daughter, Donna Lea.
Visitors at the home of Mrs. Carey,
Memorial Day, were her son and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carey
and two daughters of Portland.
William Biaz and Miss Charlotte
Lovegren of Portland were weekend
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Don Gessner. Boaz is Mrs. Gessner’s
Mrs. Robert Boaz and three child­
ren and Mrs. Don Gessner are in
Portland this week attending the Rose
Festival and visiting friends.
Mrs. Robert Wilson and two boys
from Roseburg spent several days this
week at the home of her parents-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson.
They returned to their home in Rose­
burg Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wiseheart, who
have resided in Gates for the past
two years, have moved to Portland,
their former home. Wiseheart was
employed at the Detroit Dam.
Mrs. Elizabeth McMullen and her
husband moved to Salem Saturday last
week. Mrs. McMullen has taught in
the local high school the past year
while McMullen was finishing his law
course at Willamette University Col­
lege of Law.
Spending Sunday in Corvallis were
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rush and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Rush. They joined
the family of Mr. and Mrs. William !
Rush, at their home where they as­
sisted him in the celebration of his
birthday anniversary. William Rush
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gordon and two
children spent Memorial Day in
Eugene where Mrs. Gordon's parents
are buried.
Mrs. William Athey and daughters,
accompanied by Miss Pat Black from j
Lebanon drove to Gates Thursday
for the high school commencement
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Garrison spent
the weekend in Eugene and Spring­
field at the homes of relatives.
Ernest Wriglesworth, who has been
quite ill for several months, was taken
to Salem last week for a medical
checkup and is now hospitalized at
the Salem Memorial hospital.
Stayton guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Millsap this week were
Gates General Store
Don l let eouehinc wheeslns. racurrtn* st-
lec*» ot Bronchial Asthma non >laep ar.d
energy without try In* MKNDAOO. which
wort« thru the blood to reach bronchial
tubes and lung. Uiually help. nature qulealy
remove thict. suety murua Thue aileriat»«
rooghln« and aids trwr brralhin« and better
deep. Oct MgNDACO from druniet. BaUa-
factlon or monrj back fuarantaed.
Lyons Garden Club
Holds Flower Show
Lyons Garden Club is holding its
Annual Spring Flower Show in the
Abbott and Costello, and
Rebekah hall in Lyons Friday, June
Frank Buck in
15, 2 to 9 p.m. Amateur Flower grow­
ers in the community or club may
enter the show, which is under the
----- Plus -----
general chairmanship of Mrs. John
Jon llali and
Neal and Mrs. Otto Weidman, presi­
dent of the club.
Frances Langford in
Rules of the flower show specify
that entries must be in by 10 a.m.
Friday, June 15, and removed after
9 p.m. the same day; not more than
one entry in each class may be made i
by one exhibitor; house plants must
have been in the possession of its
exhibitor at least three months.
Ribbon awards will lie given and IDEAS STOCKWELL
the decision of the judges is final.)
During judging only officials will be
permitted on the display floor. Offi- |
cials stated that the club will provide
containers for specimen classes, but )
other display containers must be fur- I
nished by the exhibitor.
Exhibitor must follow the foHow- i
ing schedule:
Division 1. floriculture
Class I. Rose named variety, pink. |
one bloom.
Class 2. Rose named variety, red, i
one bloom.
Class 3. Rose named variety, yellow,
one bloom.
Class 4. Rose named variety, white,
or yellow, one bloom.
Class 5. Rose named variety, bi­
color or blend, one bloom.
Class 6. Climbing rose named vari­
ety, one sray or bloom.
Class 7. Vase bowl or basket of
roses will be judged for horicultural j
excellence effect.
Class 8. Annual, any seasonal, cor­
rectly labeled, one bloom or spray.
Class 9. Perennial, any seasonal,
correctly labeled, one bloom or spray.
Class 10. Houseplant, flowering,
In Technicolor
correctly labeled, one specimen.
Class 11. Houseplant, foliage, cor­
rectly labeled, one specimen.
Class 12. Houseplant, vine, correct­
ly labeled, one specimen.
Class 13. Vase, bowl, or container
of annuals will be judged for hori­
Rogues of
cultural excellence and effect.
Class 14. Vase, bowl, or container of
Sherwood Forest
perennials will be judged for horicul­
In Technicolor
tural excellence and effect.
Division II Flower arrengements
THURS., FRI., and SAT.
Class 15. Miniature arrangements.
It HIX \\ AY NF. and
Class 16. Table arrangements, kind
Class 17. Buffet arrangements.
Class 18. Small arrangements.
Class 19. Line moss arrangements.
Class 20. Planters, growing plants
Class 21. Collection of plants of
Doors open at 7:20 P.M.
Complete show can be seen any
Division III Soil conservation
time up to 8:30
ulti11itiiiiiitti tuiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Plant slipping, plants must have
started roots.
Holjby display.
Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Junior Division, Girl Scouts, Boy
Scouts, and junior hobbie display.
Africa Screams
Quick Dependable
Red River
Chuck’s Shoe Shop
Mrs. Vernon Smith and son, Mrs.
Edmund Klecker, Janet, Jeffrey and
Kristene. Mrs. Smith was a former
resident of Gates and a graduate of
the Gates high school.
William Stitt has been in the Salem
Memorial hospital for the past week;
and may undergo surgery. Mr. Stitt
is one of the oldest residents of Gates.
He has lived in this vlcinity*for the
past 50 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Inman of the
La Vista trailer court are the parents
of a son born Monday, May 28, at the
Salem General hospital. The baby,
their first child, was named Micheál
Lee and tipped the scales at 7 pounds
10 ounces.
Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Clise this week were Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Littlefield, Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Bills and daughter, Toni, all
of Maupin. Miss Toni is spending the
week with Mr. and Mrs. •Clise, who
operate the La Vista trailer court
in Gates.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Joaquin and
daughter, Darlene, visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders in
Salem one evening last week. Mr.
and Mrs. Saunders were former resi­
dents of Gates.
• True, that "little illness”
you'vs been mentioning in
an offhand way. may nC*
seem to amount to much—
just a few faint symptoms.
But, neglected, these “little
ills” can lead to big bills for
doctors, medicines, etc; not
so mention needless suffering
and loss of precious timet
Consult a Doctor now—
yon’ll save by it in the en<L
And, of course, we hope you’ll
bring his prescription to os
for careful compounding.
Capital Drug Co.
Building Materials of All Kinds
Mill City
Phone 3215
Phone 2484
Remodel - Repair - Improve
Smith the Builder