The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, June 07, 1951, Page 4, Image 4

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June 7. 19.» I
Tee# lalk by the Kelly's Come Out
Softball Champs
Kanyon Kids
Watch It Grow!
» 390.00 made last year.
1,127.90 Sale of Tickets
1,397.84 Sale of Metal
250.00 gift of CBI.
100.00 gift of Mill City C.of C.
100.00 gift of Lions club.
90.00 sale of paper
25.00 gift of Eagles.
1.00 private gift
it’s the
Mill City
Kelly's and the Engineer’s softball
teams went atr it in a close one
Wednesday evening. Don Carey, for
»3,481.74 NEW TOTAL
Kelly’s, pitched two-hit ball for them.
This was Kelly’s last league game.
This team tallied up five wins and
no losses due largely to the fine
pitching arm of Don Carey. The
Engineer’s bunched the two hits for
Mrs. Anna Jenkins attended the
their only run in the third inning.
The fifth inning the tie was broken by commencement exercises at the Ore­
a timely single by Dick Parker; scor­ gon College of Education in Mon­
ing one more counter for Kelly’s mak­ mouth, Wednesday.
ing two to one.
Wiley Muise, who is a student of
Softball enthusiasts and players re­ Oregon College of Education, re­
port the Kelly-Engineer softball turned home this week for the sum­
game a humdinger. Pitchers Fergu­ mer.
son and Carey were locked in a
Wednesday was the 26th wedding
pitcher’s duel all the way.
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Kelly’s are going to Salem Friday Walker. Friends extended their best
night for a try at the Teamsters in wishes in an informal gathering.
the Salem City League. Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Stone were
night Kelly’s will play the Sheridan i in an automobile wreck near Camp
All-stars in Sheridan.
Adair, Sunday. The Stone car was
The Firemen, previously not in the badly damaged.
win column, gave Chuck’s Tavernites
The Charles Umphress family plans
their second loss for the season by for this weekend a visit with their
niMAL tnouuui iter cits aio tic ktajl cuts iaos rio» caci
a score of 10 to two. LaMunian daughter and sister, Mrs. David Mc­
paced the Firemen with a home-run, Intyre, of Elmira.
MRS. AMERICA. This chart shows you by name and shape each of the
a triple, and a single. What paid
The Don Jenkins family took in
standard cuts of beef made to be sold at retail from the wholesale cuts
off for the Firemen was the fact that the Big Circus in Salem this week.
in the center of the chart. Each of these beef cuts is subject to dollar-
this hitting prowess occurred at the
A no-host dinner was given at the
and-cents price ceilings at your retail meat shop. Your retailer has been
right time and place.
First Christian church, Sunday. The
provided with the dollar-and-cents ceiling prices for the pricing zone in
dinner honored the Glen Shelton
which you live. You can ask to see these prices. Effective June 18 ceiling
family. A floor lamp was presented
prices must be posted by your butcher. Lower beef prices will be effec­
the Shelton's by the members and
tive on August 1 and another reduction will be effective on October 1.
friends of the church.
(Continued from Page 1)
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett, Maurie
the property known as the Waterman
to Davis Airport the judges in the and Rosalie spent Sunday at Suttle in Portland a fall and Christmas place are spending a few days in
special model airplane contest, Sun­ Lake boating and picnicking.
and Billy O'Leary accompanied their Lyons. The Johnsons plan moving
day, June 17, at 3 p.m. A fancy prize
Sunday Mrs. Jim O’Leary attended mother on the trip.
in soon.
awaits the lucky first prize winner
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ransom have
it is an Aeromite, Wen-Mac, power
controlled model airplane. The sleek port on the basis of perfection of con­ present during a musical recital in gone to the coast where he will be
looking little craft is powered with a struction. Those interested may con- which the two daughters of the Ray employed in the logging industry.
They will live at Taylor Boat camp
Baby Spit Fire engine. Second prize i tact Jim O’Leary at the Mill City i Plymales of Lebanon took part.
is a pair of navy flying glasses; and Variety store.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shepard and son, near Walport. Ransom worked for
third prize is a model airplane con­ The “Dam Flyers Club” spokesmen Dennis of the U. S. Navy, unit in San the Gas Heat company while in Lyons.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Roye have
struction kit. All prizes are now on state that identification buttons for Diego, Calif., were surprise visitors
display in the Mill City Meat Market. ' those entered in the handle-bar mus­ I in the Lee Bassett home, Sunday moved from the Joe Bentley house
tache competition will be available by
into the Ralph Trask house.
Davis Airport officials state that the first of the week. Detroit-Idanha evening. Mr. Paul Shepard is Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Julian made a
the model airplane contest rules are: area is asking for entry blanks in the Bassett's brother.
trip to Redmond, where he attended
One plane per contestant, no engines, mustache club. A hundred or more
Thirty four children enrolled Mon- an auctioners association meeting and
contestant may be boy or girl under new recruits have signed the mustache | day morning for the First Christian she visited old friends.
18, and judging will be at Davis Air­ oath since the last listing. A com­ church vacation Bible school. Dur­
Rudy Orth of Sedro-Wooley, Wash., j
plete tally will be published next ing the week more children enrolled visited in Lyons Monday. The Orths
tense sectionalism must be very pro­ week.
Third Annual Aviation Day until, Thursday 55 were enrolled. are former residents oL Lyons. He
The junior department superintendent attended school here 35 years ago.
tickets will go on sale next week.
Thassall for this week, folks!
Davis and O'Leary flew to Corval- is Mr. Jull and Mrs. Maggie Shaw He found many changes, but still
I lis, Sweet Home, and Salem on busi­ and Wilma Jull are his assistants. looked up several of his old school­
ness this week. In Corvallis they .Mrs. Paul Williams is superintendent mates.
. picked up a traffic-light gun used in of the primary department, and is
The Fox Valley cemetery was a
Hiirecting air traffic at the Davis Air­ being assisted by Mrs. Ada Dart and beautiful sight Memorial Day. Much
port during the landings and take-offs
credit is due Mrs. Gladys Mason of
Aviation Day. Aviation Day officials department Mrs. Jull has had as Mill City, who is president of the
1105 N. Front St.
are negotiating with Bandmaster Earl helpers Mrs. Elizal>eth Shepherd and cemetery association. She with two
Loucks for the appearance of the Mill Beryl Mason. The school continues boys to help her, spent several days
Salem Phones:
Lyons Phone:
grade school band during the until Friday. A demonstration pro­ doing cleaning, which is hard work
2-1924; Night 2 4417
Breakfast Hop part of the Third An­ gram will be presented. Friday eve­ for a women. Much interest was
nual Aviation Day, July 15, at Davis ning at 7:30.
shown. Graves, were cleaned that
Mrs. John Muir, son and daughter have not been cleaned for years.
and Mill Equipment Up To 25 T om
Davis Airport officials announced Terry and Shereen spent a few days A benefit dinner is being planned for
today that part of next Sunday after­ in Salem with relatives this week.
Including DR and IID14 Cats, and ^i-yard shovels.
the near future. The proceeds go
noon at the airport will be devoted
Richard Keiths and Marjorie Um­ towards improvement of the cemetery,
Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, I.ow-bed Trailers
to a Donkey Baseball Game spon- phress were Salem business callers, and gas for the power mower. It is
I sored by the Gates Firemen.
hoped the cemetery can be mowed
The Mill City Park Board are get­ several times this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and
ting together the equipment and man­
power for a go at cleaning up the son, Cecil, were among those attend­
brush and debris in the Mill City city ing the graduation exercises at Ore­
park. The help of public spirited gon State college Monday, June 4.
citizens would be appreciated, they Their son. Dale, received his diploma
in electrical engineering. He was
also commissioned a second Lt. in the
U. S. Army. Mr. and Mrs. Bassett
will leave for Fort Wayne, Indiana,
June 25, where he will be employed
by the General Electric company.
Visiting friends in Seattle, Wash.,
The regular meeting of the Santi- over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs.
am Valley grange was held at the Fred Lindemann. Richard and Linda.
¡grange hall Friday evening. _John
Mrs. Sarah Cookingham of Salem
| Lambrecht, master, presided. Guests spent Saturday night and Sunday
were present. Carleton Brown of visiting with friends in Lyons. She ■
j Salem gave a very interesting talk on was a guest at the home of Mr. and
j Grange insurance. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. E. L. Roye.
Harry Wiley of Lebanon were pre­
Mrs, Nannie Martin is visiting
sent. He gave a talk on the promot­ relatives in Lyons. She is a sister i
ion of the country-wide grange picnic of Clyde and Velvie Lewis and Mrs.
at Esticadia July 22. Rev. O. L. Bert Lyons. She is spending this
Jones, a member of the West Salem week with Mrs. Inez Ring.
grange, was also a visitor. Refresh­
Mrs. James Hollingshead represent- j
ments were served at the close of the ed Lyons at a mass X-ray meeting in |
evening and the Home Economics Scio Friday evening, for the purpose
club presented George Berry with of organizing th* eight counties in
a beautiful cake as "Father of the the Willamette Valley.
A small group of men met at the
Mr. and Mrs. I-acy Calloway, Don- community club house Monday even- '
j aid and Shirley who have been living ing for selection of a leader for the j
! in Lyons, moved Sunday to Gates. Boy Scouts. Since so many of the
I Calloway is an employee at the De­ boys will be employed in the harvest I
troit dam.
fields this summer, it was decided
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson. Sr. of they should wait until school starts in
Los Angeles, California, who have the fall before selecting a Scout
just completed their new house on leader.
As per usual, Saturday. night
brought forth a specie of home
sapiens, or, as Popeye puts it, human
beans. This species is the Saturday
night celebrator, in its adolescent
form. This queer monster aggra-
gated itsself in what was once known
as the Mill City Firehall. May it be
said now that it was a good thing
that chemistry sets are not furnished
for the amusement of mama’s little
count draculas, else the wreckage
would have been much worse. An
adult committee has been named to
aid and abet said species, including
Mrs. Russell Hoffman, chairman, and
her assistants, Mrs. Arthur Chase,
Mrs. Clayton Baltimore, and Mrs. J. L-
Mrs. James O'Leary,
president of the local P.T.A., called
a meeting of this committee and can­
teen officers. Dick Downer, canteen
president, and Sue Mikkelsen repre­
sented the teenagers.
A goin-away party was held at the
Charles Kelly residence Saturday
night for Bob Shelton, who Is moving
to Pratum to help his father run a
dairy farm he has purchased there.
Wake-up time is reported to be the
weak heart had better not read this—
4:30 p.m! Attending this party was
Denny Marttala, Alona Daly, Bob
Baltimore, Arlone Kuhlman, Leia
Kelly, Donna Cooke, Roy Chase, Vera
Loucks, myself, and of course, Bob
Shelton, the guest of honor. After
the refreshments were served, the
group attended a show in Stayton.
The airshow princesses met Tues­
day evening to get acquainted. The
princesses: Carol Jane Blazek of Mill
City, Lourena Devine of Gates, Ada-
line MacDonald of Lyons-Mehama,
and Donna Ellingston of Idanha-De­
troit, are entered in the Lebanon
Strawberry Festival, and will parti­
cipate in the parade, riding in a con­
vertible, as all good royalty would.
The queen is to be crowned the day
of the airshow, and will reign over
Aviation Day proceedings.
All citizens of the canyon should
plan to attend the airshow July 15,
and to support their princess, espe­
cially Mill City resident. Last year.
Princess Joan Ryal of Gates got the
most votes, and this must not be re­
peated. This is the time when in-
For Guaranteed Cleaning
Walker’ Paul--
Closes at 6 P.M.
We hope you are pleased
with our service.
Mom's and Pop's
Mill City
rials. Work done promptly ..:
and guaranteed. Let us give
you a free estimate.
Mill City Jewelry
Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co.
Electric Service Customers
Except for the immediate cities of
Stayton and Mill City, all electric service
will be temporarily interrupted on Sat­
urday morning June 9th, approximately
from 1:30 A.M. to 5:00 A.M. in and about
the areas of Stayton, Scio, Sublimity,
Aumsville, Lyons, Mill City, Mehama,
and Jordan.
This interruption is necessary to per­
form major work on high voltage circuits
to connect and energize the new 69,000
volt, 6,000 kva line and substation near
Stayton and to reinforce the existing 69,-
000 volt line at a point between Cotton­
woods and Scio.
Mountain States Power Co.
Never - -
■ a Dull Moment
“At the Bottom of the Hill"
THANK HXAV tn«' Mont arracks are Just act4
When It <tr.«r»_ take Be., «an
They mta n the (Mteet-acr n<
■tediernM |:..- tt , , o aoetori tor the relief at
bcartiurn lu and ttauar dutreu »M