The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE rCOOD HEALTH •» MILL CITY. OREGON COMMUNITY AIMS THRU CO-OPERATION: DON PETERSON. Publisher SANTIAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. MILL CITY STREET IMPROVEMENT. LOCAL YOUTH RECREATION CENTER. MILL CITY DIAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM MILL CITY PARK PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL. ELIMINATION OF BANFIELD’S NIGHTMARE. MILL CITY AREA SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. IMPROVE HIWAY 222 .BETWEEN MILL CITY AND LYONS. OBTAIN CANYON YEAR ’ROUND PAYROLL INDUSTRIES. DETROIT. GATES, AND MILL CITY’ UNION HIGH SCHOOL. Entered a* second-class matter November 10, 190 at the post office at Mill City. Oregon, under the Act of March 1. 1S7» I i ISSU ill» AQVKItTININfài On* Insertion for 50c or three f-.r The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect in­ sertion Errors In advertisina should be reported Immediately. Display LL.’ Advertising 45c column inch. Political Advertising 75c inch. NEWSPAPER June 7. 1951 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE NATIONAL OITORIAL k PUBLISHERS -'ASSOCIATION “THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS. George Putnam THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE "Flying Saucer Street SALEM The bitter, yet, prayerful note struck by the letter "To the Editor' which appears on today’s editorial page crys out for some explanation and thought. | the skin over the tips of the Answer to Question No. 1: There does exist confusion about “Cedar Street" which is located on 1. Both the Chinese and the nerves and may cover a con­ the south side of the Mill City fire hall and in front of the Mill City city Italians claim the honor of hav­ siderable area of skin. Medical hall, Epps, Marttala, and Corbin houses. ing invented eye glasses. How­ treatment can reduce the itch­ Though once there was a dedicated and platted area named Cedar Street, ever, it was during the Middle ing and pain and shorten the no graded and maintained street was present. This "paper street was Ages that Europeans hit upon duration of illness. vacated by Linn County officials when Mill City requested it. The present the idea of putting lenses in Answer to Question No. 3: frames and perching them be­ city hall, as we see it today, was then built on a part of the “closed" street. 3. More patients seek medical fore the eyes. The modern ap­ help because of headaches than The remaining land of the “closed" street quickly became an actual route plication of this old idea has i for any other single reason. for car traffic in both directions. This is how things look now from our saved many eyes, and has pro­ Causes range from eye trouble view point. vided many more with better to brain tumors. Treatment ¥ ¥ ¥ vision. ranges from eyeglasses to surg­ The Mill City city father», it seems, brought about the closing of Cedar ery. In the case of persistent Answer to Question No. 2: Street as a way of getting enough land in the center of Mill City for a city 2. Herpes zoster, or shingles.1 headaches, see your doctor. He hall and jail. Usually one-half a vacated street becomes the land of those is a painful disease affecting old has at his command modern sci­ owning land alongside it when vacated. and young. It is in all prob­ entific methods for diagnosis Assuming thia condition held good for Cedar Street at that time, the ability a virus infection, extend- ( and treatment. ing to the sensitive nerve ends (Copyright 1951 by Health Informa­ school board and clerk of school district 129-J, apparently on their own, of the skin. The sores appear on tion Foundation) Presby- sanctioned a gift of the district’s interest to Mill City, interest terian church officials of Mill City did likewise with th in this vacated street. new Buick and was badly damaged but ♦ * * left under its own steam.” “No, I Recently during one session of the Mill City city council it voted a ! don’t know the make of the other After the light barricade and a light for the barricade for “Cedar Street”. By REBA D. SNYDER car, but it was just a Jalopy.” “Dri­ was up, the council backed out on putting up the barricade, In place of a ver of the Jalopy said he didn’t even Many are the times you have barricade suggestions for proper signs were asked. said and heard others say, “If I see the Buick.” “Yes, the Buick was Instead of the name “Cedar Street”, we suggest the name "Flying only had a day alone to do a^ I | traveling miles an hour.” “No, it Saucer Street"—it’s there, but it isn’t! wished, I’d do thus and so." That didn’t hurt the Jalopy much, just day came to me today (Saturday), knocked the bumper off in the hi-way, my eldest spending the weekend in wasn’t any good, anyway.” “Yes, Sweet Home and the “other half” I think it was about 7 or 7:30 cause and the two younger took off about it was while I was feeding the baby,” The good-natured crow of the I nited States brand of politics has been 8:15 a.m. for Salem and the Scout "No, I don’t know' the Buick owners cut to ribbons by the murderous machine-gunning of a strange group of Citcus, so I knew I’d have a nice name, just driving through I think, political henchmen. long day to do as and what I pleased, but one of the women passengers was Congressmen, big business, and certain “news" sources work side by when and if I pleased, as it would be sure mad.” “No, I don’t know where side in killing the confidence of good citizens in their government. in the wee hours of Sunday morn- the patrolman is and I don’t think he saw it anyway.” And so on and Huge meat packers blast away at the soft body of the administration's before they returned. so on and I was getting no place price control program. Congressmen, who should know better, rip open Returning to the house after their , fast. Finally gave it up as a bad high government secrets and future defense plans during the so-called departure, I thought, "Well, I really MacArthur hearings. Fulton Lewis, Jr., posing as a "news analyst" shows ought to make a batch of cookies, the j job and came home. My brother and family having just an uncanny knowledge of as yet un asked atomic bomb-linked questions Kid hasn't any sweets for his lunches returned from a three weeks vacation, later put to Secretary of State Dean Acheson. next week.” So a batch of cookies I spent a pleasant hour or hour and a * ¥ ¥ went into the oven, Taking a peek half with them and of course in the Secretary Acheson was placed in an unfavorable position by the atom into the Kelvinator I knew that for between time I had eaten my lunch bomb-linked question and if the question were answered properly it might two meals I would do no cooking, a 1 with my favorite comic book, Dick well open the flood gates holding back our atomic bomb know-how. task I heartily dislike, but the break­ I Tracy. The Truman administration must not allow the MacArthur hearing to fast dishes had to be washed and Yes, there was a couple errands become the fountain from which the Reds may at their leisure drink their fill three beds must be made. Then that I'd promised to do so guess I better of the atomic bomb know-how that we now have, even if it means the white wash should be done, «nd get them off my mind. Yes, I had that book work has to be taken care planned to go to the movie but before crucifixion of the Truman administration and the Democratic party. of. The second adding didn’t come I knew it, it was past time for the out the same as the first, so up to the first show and the lawn needed to be store and the adding machine, only watered anyway, so guess I’ll just to find that the first addition was do it and go to bed. correct. Editorial from THE DAYTON (O.) could not have occurred had the ver­ While at the store, I heard of an NEWS. (May 20.) dict depended on the evidence. It With that strange doctrine, for happened that the Communists, look­ accident which occurred on our main America, of “guilt by association” ing for propaganda material, made street the evening before and being a conscientious correspondent, decided To the Editor; we are fairly familiar now. You a hullabaloo about his case, alleging May I venture to affirm the truth. were seen on the same street with a persecution. If the Communists said to investigate. The answers I re­ ceived to questions asked went some­ murderer, therefore you are a mur­ he was innocent, then he must be thing like this. “No, I didn’t see it, Closing streets in the heart of the city derer. Or maybe it was only a com­ guilty, said the Mississippians. So just heard the crash,” “No, I don’t is far from our idea, as condemned. It is very enteresting to watch these munist you passed on the highway. guilt by association has resulted in know anyone who did, but the street loving civilized characters take ad­ a capital punishment. That makes you a Communist. was filled with people shortly after.” vantage regardless to rights. Visit * « • Suspicion by association we have “Yes, I believe the one car was a the City hall and study the city map. Now comes, as if guilt by associa­ long had with us. “A man Is known Cedar street between 2nd and 3rd tion were not enough of a departure by the company he keeps." Associ­ street is a closed street. is a supporter of Communist China. from our principles, what we may ation may provide a clue; but in Your school board members and Whoever, therefore, opposes an all- American law it has had no weight call guilt by deadly parallel. as proof. It is in politics guilt by We might put it in the extreme* out attack on China by ourselves, is the Presbyterian church members gave association counts heavily. There it thus: Communist Josef Stalin in Mos­ a friend of Stalin, a Communist. your street away. I presume this has threatened to take the place of cow drinks coffee for breakfast. Any Gen. MacArthur is by this test a was done with the public’s vote. facts, to serve as a substitute for American caught drinking coffee for good American but Gen. Marshall is Why the half street was opened for two way traffic is beyond my know­ thought. But is it now only in poli­ breakfast is therefore a follower of a Communist. ledge, however, it proved to be too This guilt by the deadly parallel tics? Stalin, a Communist. The most recent example of this goes about as far as men cango with­ dangerous, therefore the mayor and The St. Louis Star-Times say. but for it, the execution of Willie McGee parallelism has been like this: Stalin out some use of brains. Already it councilmen did the best they could goes about as far as men can go with- with this mess. In all fairness do you honestly destroy itself. • • • think we should endanger the childrens Those who wish to tie up all our lives in this neighborhood? What if strength in China, for instance, are we planted a lawn on the city street? found to be making Stalin and the That’s what happened just beyond the Communists a free gift of all Europe. closed street area. By that fact, employing the deadly To us all comes a day when things parallel. Gen. MacArthur and Sens. fail the soul. For our childrens sake, Taft and McCarthy and all those let’s plan a better place for them and ¡linked with them are helpers of Stalin; teach them not to think they must live I they are Communists. by money, organization and pleasure Isn't it high time now to quit the alone. Righteousness is not a condi­ guilt-by-association and the guilt-by- tion of faith, it is the reward of faith. parallel nonsense and revert to the Thank You I use of our brains again. Mrs. Neal Marttala Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Have U Visited? Chuck’s Tavern 2 Miles East of Gates MY DAY Try our Steaks OR A Chicken in a Basket New National Sport? The Deady Parallel FOR YOUR PROTECTION! ^BETTER PACKAGED foods Kellom’s Fresh Meats FRESH DAILY — VERY REASONABLE PRICES •» /n Asphalt, Linoleum and Rubber Squares Lay Them Yourself and Save Money MILL CITY OPEN WEEK DAYS 8 A M. to 7 P.M. WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS ASPHALT. 9x9 in. LINOLEUM, 9x9 in. RUBBER. 9x9 in. Nr and I lc each 16c each 37c each \«phalt and Linoleum Tatterns in Stork HILL TOP GENERAL STORE ALBERT TOMAN. Prop. Complete Stock M c C ulloch *-4 Boles-Aero NEW AM) USED ALL SIZES -x Repair Parts Always Available It's Here! NEW McCULLOCH Chain Saw We are proud to present thia greet now chain lew—the moot powerful in the McCulloch tine. Cushioned Look at these features: Amaiing Smoothness! Cushioned Power! Easy to use ail day because special rotating bal­ ancers geared to crankshaft neutralize vibration. Power! Light Weight! Full 7 horsepower, yet weighs only 55 pounds w th 20-lnch chain and blade. Fast Starting! Super hot Spark, automatic-rewind starter, push-button primer. Try It Yourself. .. Feel Its Power and Smoothness I stop In toper and »» out the new McCulloch 7-H .. wdh Cushioned Rower •eewtaeWaM », ■