Mill City Hosts Canyon-wide Track Jamboree Mill City grade school plays host Friday afternoon, May 11, for a Can­ yon-wide track meet in which young­ sters in the third grade on up will have a part. Students in these classes of the I Mill City, Gates, Detroit, North San­ tiam, St. Mary’s, Stayton, West Stay­ ton and Jefferson schools are sched­ uled for competition on the Mill City athletic field Friday. This Canyon-wide track meet was scheduled last Friday, but rain caused cancelation of the event. The run-off of the various phases of the meet starts at 1 p.m. and runs until com­ pleted, probably 3:30. Three events wlil be in progress at all times until the completion of the track day. Four age groups among boys and girls will compete in six different events during the afternoon’s encount­ er. The age groups are composed of those under 10, those under 12, those under 14 and those under 16. The age groups will try for honors in the dash, standing broad jump, running broad jump, accuracy throw, potato race, and relay. Judges and supervisors of the dash and jump events are John Jubb and Herbert Shunk of Mill City and John Cannon of Detroit. Potato race and relays overseers are William Poole and Vernon Todd of Mill City, Don Carey of Gates and Father Snyder of Sublimity. Those in charge of the ball throw are Miss Alice Smith, Miss Joan Cox, and Howard Means. Taking care of the scoring and ribbons will be Mrs. Fern Sletto and Miss Sigrien Grim- stead. Hot-dogs, pop, and eats con­ cessions will be under the wing of Miss Evangeline Shattuck and a group of seventh and eighth grade girls. Responsible for the buildings are Mrs. Dora Rogers and Mrs. Earl Loucks. Slips of different colored paper representing first, second, third, and (Continued on Page 8) T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES lit \NII \ LYONS MEHAMA MONGOL!» OX THF S( EMC SORTH SANTIAM HloliW %Y $2.30 a i ear. a ( opy Santiam Farmers’ Co-op Business Volume Zooms Co-op Business Tops Million Dollar Figure contributed to local, state and federal governments. Manager Martin's statement fol­ lowed the reading and analysis of the condensed statement of operations of the Co-op given by a representative J. Martin, manager of the San- of the Wm. G. Stacey & Company, ac­ Farmers’ Co-operative, revealed countants and auditors of Salem. Tho short statement to Co-op mem- audit spokesman expressed the opin­ and the public Monday night, ion that the Stayton Co-op of some 7, in the Stayton community hall J 1,000 members showed a healthy the volume of business conducted i trend. by the Co-op exceeded one million I. J. Shumacher, president of the dollars for the fiscal year April 1, Santiam Farmers' Co-operative, called 1950 to March 31, 1951. _ ___ _ __ upon Co-op directors Al ____ Hassler, John Mr. Martin reported that $1,007,309 Frank, Arthur Sander, and John Neal in goods and services were handled by for brief comments concerning the the Santiam Farmers’ Co-operative co.op. Each director appeared con­ ducing the fiscal year. He further fident that this year’s record can be stated that as a result of this exten- equalled, if not exceeded. sive operation $29,872.79 in net mar- | Near the close of the annual Co-op gin was built up. Martin expressed meeting nominations were opened for pride in the fact that the sum of' candidates for the two openings on $50,000 was paid employees and at the board of directors of the Stayton the same time $5,000 in taxes were Co-op. John Frank of Sublimity and John Neal of Lyons were nominated and re-elected. Both have been di- rectors since the formation of the Co-op in 1945. Pres. I. J. Schumacher reported the Mill City is justly proud of its “Mill City Band and tala, Terry Muir, Robert Baltimore. Eddy Leach. decision of the board of directors in Majorettes". These young people, many of whom Maurice Bassett. Bruce Thomas, and Harold Kliewer. pledging $5,000 in support of the San­ never before had any musical experience or training, Band members in the front row, left to right, are tiam Memorial Hospital. Those as- Yvonne Dart, Denny Podrahsky, Colleen Estenson. gave a spring concert two weeks ago in the Mil) City­ “Operation waste-paper” proved a sembled Monday night voted that the grade school gymnasium. Such selections as the “Star Janet Kleinz. Denny Sheythe. Robert Herman. Ralph tactical success, if the sum of $138.62 pledge _ be met by payment of $60 per Jull, Sharon Gibson, Dale Walzack, Lyle Fleetwood, Spangled Banner", “Grandiose", “Golden Glow”, and realized from sale of waste-paper col- I mon'h for the next seven years, Richard Verbeck. Delmar Skillings, Philip Goble, “All Star” boomed out and upward from the band in­ lected Sunday is any indication, cant- Barney Kirsch, manager of the Mt. Robert Giannola, Sherry Hansen, Richard Ziebert, Jack struments of this enthusiastic musical group. paign chairman Bill Stewart feels. Angel co-operative, was introduced Jones, and Donald Lemke. The able and sincere band director, Earl Loucks Stewart commented that the rainy and asked for his comments in regard stands at the far left. Musicians standing, left to Trim and poised majorettes in the foreground, left weather hampered operations greatly, to the annual audit of the operations The Canyon Aid Association of i right in the back row are Rosalie Bassett, Evelyn to right are Virginia Billue. Diane Peterson, Frances He stated that the Mill City firemen 1 of the Santiam Farmers’Co-operative, Detroit conducts its annual fund Taylor, Walter Quarles. Truman Jones. Patsy New- Ward, Barbara Podrabsky (drum majorette), Willa (Continued on Page 8) have been inspired by “Operation raising drive June 4 to 12 in the some. Audrey Shaw, Leroy Podrabsky, Charles Mart- Loucks, Lynn Brown, and Clara Caudle. waste-paper" and will sponsor their Detroit area. This Association is own waste-paper drive in July. In composed of representataves from all view of the Firemen’s effort Stewart the organizations in the Canyon area, believes those people who missed get- j Nolan P. Rasnick, president, stated. ting their waste-paper hauled away A major feature of the drive is a Sunday still may contribute to a special banquet in the Detroit high worthy cause. school. This banquet is under the Concrete results are showing up in j The Gates high school junior-senior The Santiam Eagles, who engineered N%ncy Louise Teni.k-k's dfo ebbed the lights-for-the-athletic-field cam- | prom, sponsored by the junior class supervision of the American Legion Dennis Martiala was elected president the St. Patrick ’ s Day dance on Satur ­ of the Mill City high school student aw ’ ay Tuesday morning while she was auxiliary, and the price per plate is paign. The poles for the lights have and the annual high-spot on the social set at $1.00. The proceeds of the body for the school year 1951-52 at an day, March 17, are doing it again on in a Salem hospital. Mrs. Pennick been secured through the co-operation i calender, enlivens the Gates high dinner go into the Canyon Aid fund, election meeting Friday, May 4, in another Saturday, May 19, in the Mill was a genial real estate broker in the of the City of Mill City and the Mill 1 school gymnasium Friday, May 18, at City Fire Hall, Bob Wingo, stated Mill City area. She was 61 years of according to John Cannon general the Mill City High school. City park board. Ten 90-foot poles 9:06 p.m., Marlin Cole, dance commit- age, and was born near Pleasant Hill, and two 40-foot poles were logged by teeman, announced today. chairman of the fund raising effort. 'Denny” is the son of Mr. and Mrs. today. Wingo, as chairman of the dance Missouri, October 20, 1889. Buck Storey is director for the Neal Marttala of Mill City. Herb Maag, “Sparky" Ditter, John I Mrs. M. Woods, junior class advisor Idanha district and Otis White for Mrs. Pennick married John Richard Nelson and his power saw, Leo Lemke, and high school teacher, indicated that After the ballots were counted and committee, again has obtained the popular and much sought after Rag ­ the Detroit area. Other committee all members of the student body were Pennick September 18, 1918. She Al Ward, and George Stewart in his j invitations I to Gates high school members are Mrs. Daue Longhran of gathered in the auditorium, this year’s time Syncopators of Mrs. C. N. Ben­ taught school in Kansas for several faithful wrecker.. I alumni have ■ been extended for the Mongold, Mr. Henry H eibert of student body officers announced and nett of McMinnville. years, and in 1928 the family moved In addition to Bill Stewart expressed his thanks junior-senior prom. This Saturday, May 19, dance is to California. In 1937 the family Idanha. Mrs. Ray Johnson and Mrs. congratulated the new officers. and those of the sophomores for the j the aulmni, parents of the junior­ sponsored by Fraternal Order of Barney of Detroit. again moved to Albany, and remained splendid assistance given them by citi­ senior class members are invited to Taking part in this ceremony were The Canyon Aid association was Sue Mikkelsen who announced Denny Eagles, Santiam Aerie No. 2745, as a there until 1942. zens and by Russell Kelly, Bill Shep­ the occasion. organized two years ago for the Marttala as president; Marlene Tickle fund raising means for carrying out Lorena Devine, prom chairman, has The Pennicks changed their resi- herd, Arthur Chase, Leonard Herman their community program. The Eagles primary purpose of helping the needy congratulated Daryl Farmen on be­ dence to Gates in 1942, and in the and especially athletic coach Burton arranged for having Mr. and Mrs. W. recently conducted the various Easter families of the Detroit community. coming the new vice president. R. Hutcheson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd month of May of that same year Mr. Boroughs. Many local families received assist­ David Keyes was pronounced treas­ Egg hunts enjoyed by so many chil­ Pennick passed away, The Pennick's The fact that over $3,200 for lights Völkel, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman ance during the past two winter sea­ urer by last year's treasurer, Wanda dren in the area. son, John Fulton Pennick, followed has now been raised by the concen­ Garrison as chaperones for the dance Things start hopping at 9 p.m. and sons when snow brought work to a Vandermeer; Betty Lou Cree was then halt some four hours later. This his father in death when he was trated efforts of many citizens moves festivity. Assisting Miss Devine in standstill. announced secretary by Delores Poole, evening's entertainment costs just $1, killed in a logging accident on the Mill City high school students in a the large task of engineering the Clothing and food donations are last year's student body member. whole-hearted expression of thanks. dance are Earl Henness, Carolyn Elkhorn in September 1942. the dance officials announced. acceptable to the Canyon Aid asocia- The new advertising secretary, Bev­ A special “thank you” goes to Clyde Turnidge, and Marlin Cole. Nancy Louise Pennick is survived tion. The Canyon Aid association erly Timm, was presented by Alona I Golden for his co-operation in driving Those alumni who have as yet re­ by another son, William M. Pennick, functions somewhat along the same Daly. Leia Kelly introduced Gary 1 to Portland and Salem and other ceived no invitation to the junior­ of Gates; three brothers, W. R. Fulton lines as does a local Red Cross unit. Peterson as the newly elected publicity and Oscar Fulton of Ontario, Calif­ places in connection with the scrap senior prom are nevertheless invited, secretary; and Lyle Fleet wood was according to prom officials. Miss ornia, and Chance Fulton of Denver, metal drive. proclaimed sergeant-at-arms by Roy Devine has procured the services of Colorado; and grandchildren, Patsy Podrabsky. a Salem name band for the prom. and Billy Pennick of Gates, and Dick Sue Mikkelsen, retiring president, The official dress is formals and The special events committee of Pennick of Vancouver, Washington. gave the oath of office to Denny the Founders' Service Organization corsages for the girls, and suits for Funeral services will be conducted Marttala, the new president. The of Santiam Memorial hospital gath­ in the Mill City Presbyterian church the boys. Admission price for anyone other new officers will not fill their ered in the area business office in Friday, May 10, at 2 p.m. Interment is $1.00 per couple. Those who wish The Portland District, Corps of stations until school begins next fall, Stayton Friday evening, May 4, for will be in the Belcrest Memorial Park further information on Die prom may Engineers, is offering for sale to the They will be sworn in then by discussion of ground-breaking cere­ cemetery in Salem. Detroit The Board of Directors of contact Miss Devine or Tr . Woods at highest bidders five timber railroad I “Denny”. the North Santiam Chamber of Com­ the Gates high school. monies for the hospital. bridges within the Detroit Dam reser­ merce met in the Detroit high school A social gathering was posted for voir area in Marion and Linn counties. building Wednesday evening, May 2. June in Mill City for the campaign Four of the bridges are known as President “Doc” J. ('. Kimmel presided workers, their wives and families, the Breitenbush, Hansen Creek, Dry during the Chamber meeting. MONDAY— the Mill The main attraction during Creek and Boulder Creek railroad Each of the nine canyon commun- American legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. City social ial being a softball game on bridges. The fifth bridge is known Lions club meeting. A pot-luck the newly lighted field, nties were represented. A delegation merely as the M.P. 746.75 railroad luncheon will be served in the Mill Detroit The Canyon Aid group last from Sister's Chamber of Commerce A F * A M. No. 180 stated meet­ bridge. The Santiam Garden Club Dist rict, Fire hall. Thursday evening conducted routine was present. They expressed a desire ing third Monday. Persons interested in inpecting the composed of the membership of 32 City Members present were M. F. Cox, business and discussed the June 4 to for working with the North Santiam O.E.S. meeting. 2d Monday month. bridges should contact Mr. C. C. Davis, garden clubs, assembles for the Stayton. chairman; W. Lowell Brown, 12 drive for funds in an area in the 1 chamber. TUESDAY— resident engineer at Detroit dam on annual spring meeting in the Scio Turner, co-chairman; C. R. Baldwin, Canyon extending from Fisher’s camp Two Board of Director members the North Santiam river. His post high school Saturday, May 19. Reg­ Stayton; J. A. Frank, Sublimity; to Marion Forks. Boy Scouts at Rambo residence, 7 p. office address is Box 85, Detroit, Ore., istration takes place during the period Ernest S. Q. Miller, Gates; H. S. Pen­ The drive starts, with a meeting were selected from Idanha. This fills Chamber of Commerce 2 4 4 noon out the required three representatives and his telephone number. Mill City- of time 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. luncheon. dleton, Stayton; E. S. Peterson, Mill Thursday, May 31. Instructions for from Idanha community. Mr. Jack Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday Detroit Dam No. 1. Mrs. Marvin Long of Scio has been City; Arlo C. Tuers, Mill City; M. those who are participating in the Haseman and Hutner Ray were the two Women ’s club 8 pm. 1st, 3rd Tues Invitations to bid may be secured named convention planning chairman Van Driesche, Stayton; A. C. Van drive will then be given. The area from him or from the District Engi­ and her assistants are the presidents Nuys, Stay ton; and Tony Ziebert, will be divided among those solicit­ new directors named. 129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues A new chairman for the advertising neer, 628 Pittock Blk. Portland, where of the member clubs in zone 2. Zone Mill City. ing. Definite plans will be announced committee was selected. Mr. Weath­ WEDNESDAY— the bids will be publicly opened at 2 comprises Stayton, Mill City, River- Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. later. ers fills the vacancy caused by the 1 p.m.. May 25. at Mill City fire hall. view. Jordon, and Scio area. Closing the drive, Tuesday evening, resignation of Gene Teague of Stay­ Santiam Rebekah 16« 1st and 3rd Since the Scio meeting is an all Eagles Make Plans For June 11, is a dinner being served by ton. Wed. at 8 p m day one. a pot-luck lunch is planned the various organizations in the com­ The Chamber will have representa­ Mill City PTA meets 2nd Wed for the noon hour. Each person Mothers' Day Class munity for the Canyon Aid fund. Watch It Grow! attending the convention should take Adults are being charged a dollar a tion in the Caravan of Willamette City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m. FIELD LIGHTING FINANCE The Eagles were the motive force plate, and children 50 cents. The Valley Soil Conservation when it their own table service. Altar Society meets 3rd Wed. REPORT SOAL *3.200 The Stayton Rainbow girls and behind the setting aside of Mother's age limit on the 50 cents dinners has visits the Detroit dam on May 12. A THURSDAY— is planned at Marion Forks for ' lunch $ 390 00 made last year, their supervisor will care for the Day as a time for national celebra­ not been decided. Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 1st ; noon. Following lunch the Caravan 1.397.84 sael of metal children of those attending. This free tion. So the Eagles special interest and 3rd Thursdays. tours the Stayton farm area. A din ­ 998.18 ticket sales of charge care by the Rainbow girls naturally calls for special attention Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 pm in Salem climaxes the day ’ s • ner I 250.00 gift of CBI. may be obtained by taking the chil­ to the day and to the people honored American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. events. 100.00 gift of Mill City C.ofC dren to the S< Baptist church base­ on that day. That is why the annual Garden club fourth Thursday. Membership in the Canyon-wide 100.00 gift of Lions club, ment. Each child should come pro- Mothers' Day Class is of such im­ A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs. 90.00 sale of paper vided with a sack lunch and its portance to Aerie members. Santiam Frank W. Schrader, Lyons, May 4, at i Chamber is reported as increasing satisfactorily. Doughnuts and coffee FKIDAV- 25.00 gift of Eagles, Aerie will hold its annual Mothers' favorite toy. Salem General hospital. were served by local representatives. LO.O F. meeting 1.00 private gift Mill City Garden Club members Day class on Wednesday, May 16., at A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Mrs. Scott Young of Marion Forks Mill City IWA meeting last Friday going to the Scio conclave should 8 p.m. Besides being the class for *3,352.02 New Total contact Mrs. H. D. Pound early in the month of May, it also will be the L. Cook. Idanha, May 5, at Salem was a visitor during the business Farmers Union meeting at Mehama 1 meeting. General hospital. last class of the fiscal year. Woman’s club, 2nd and 4th. the week. Canyon Aid Starts Fund Drive June 4 Dennis Martiala Is Chosen President Ground-Breaking Plans Discussed Engineers Selling Railroad Bridges Chamber Directors Fill Vacant Posts Area Garden Clubs Converge on Scio ♦ : : :• : : I Gates School Prom Transpires May 18 Santiam Eagles Stage Nancy L. Pennick of Sat., Way 19, Hop Realty Firm Dies Canyon Aid Group Plans Fun Drive Just Arrived... Coming Events . . .