The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, February 01, 1951, Image 1

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    Civil Defense
Heads Named
Plans for civilian defense have pro­
gressed past the planning stage and
key personnel to lead the various de­
partments were appointed at a meet­
ing held in Mill City this last week,
W. R. Hutcheson is in charge of
Block Wardens.
These men and
women will have control of certain
designated areas in case of an emer­
gency. They will direct residents to
assembly areas from which they can
be evacuated and check lights, fires,
gas, etc. The following number of
olock wardens will be needed: Mill
City 40, Gates 15, Detroit 10, Idanha
10, and rural points 20.
Fire control and rescue work will
be under the direction of Albert To­
man. In Mill City and Gates the
local fire departments will be suffi­
cient but Detroit will need 15 men as
will Idanha.
Evacuation will be led bj' Kenneth
Hunt. This group will evacuate peo­
ple to safer areas. They will control
assembly points and direct and care
for people who are at the assembly
points. For this work at least 30
men will be needed from Mill City,
15 from Gates, 15 from Detroit, and
15 from Idanha. Trucks with drivers
will be needed at all the above places.
These trucks must be suitable for
hauling people. It is very important
that owners of trucks see Mr. Hunt,
Hutcheson, or King and register their
Police work will be under the con-
trol of Lee Ross. Men working with
Mr. Ross will control traffic and gen-
eral police duties.
In the police department Mill City
will need 20 men, Gates 4, Detroit 4,
and Idanha 4.
All men who wish to volunteer for
police work should see Lee Ross, J.
T. King, Ken Hunt, or W. R. Hutche­
The above number of men requested
for each department of civilian de­
fense are only the minimum needed
and more can be used in all depart­
Any women that have had nurses
training or done any nursing work
are requested to contact Mr. King.
Nurses and first aid men will be
The local American Legion nas
volunteered 100% to assist in the
various civilian defense work, It is
hoped that other gioups will place
their man power at the disposal of
Chief of Civilian Defense J. T. King,
for this area.
Ml II \M \
Vol. VII—No. 5
$2.50 a Year, l(k- a Copy
Dll ROI I D\l‘f POHr.RHOl
Explorer Scouts To See
Moving Pictures
Hospital Opens
Business Office
Clarke A. Lethin, field Scout exec
utive for the Marion district. Boy
Scouts of America will be present at
a meeting of the local Explorer'Post
April 2 Date Set for
on next Monday evening at the
American Legion hall, according to
First Installment On
Glen V. Sorensen, post advisor.
Mr. Lethin will bring a moving pic­
Contracts Payments
ture on Explorer Scouting which will
office for the Santiam
be shown to the group.
All boys of Explorer age, 14 to 18 Memorial hospital will be opened Feb.
years are invited to attend as well as 5th in the Star Theatre building,
their parents. A treat of hot dogs . 325 E. Ida Street, Stayton. The
and pop will also he on tap. The 1 office will be open 6 days a week from
meeting is called for 7:30 p.m. at the [9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. including the
noon hour.
I Legion hall.
The Board of Directors has declared
that more than sufficient subscrip­
tions have been obtained, in the recent
money- raising campaign, to justify
proceeding with the preparation of
plans, building and equipping of the
proposed Santiam Memorial hospital
and designated Monday, April 2nd as
the date on which first installments on
Mayor Albert Toman this week ex­ subscription contracts will be due ana
pressed the hope that local citizens payable. Any subscription contracts
will take an active interest in and that provide for payment in full on
will support a measure which will be definite dates will be notified, in ac­
introduced before the state legislature cordance with the terms of the con­
which will provide more revenue for tract, in advance of due date. A
This important piece of legis­ special appeal is made by the board
The above scene shows a small portion of the recent Antique and Hobby Show which was presented at Gates
give the cities a larger per­ of directors and the workers in the
January 26. sponsored by the Gates Womans club. The organ and the light were only two of the beautiful
centage of the liquor receipts.
campaign to all who can possibly do
and unusual antiques shown. Many interesting hobbies were also on display at the Gates gym. Shown are
It provides for allocation to towns so to pay their subscription contracts
five lady members of the seven-member committee in charge of arrangements for the historic display.
Pictured are: seated. Mrs. N. L. Pennick; behind stove, Billy Stits, an old-timer in the Gates area; Mrs. and cities, on a per capita basis, of in full at the time of the first notice.
10 per cent of the net liquor revenues This will greatly reduce the cost of
William Pennick; Mrs. Floyd Völkel; seated at the organ. Mrs. Dan Morrison; standing. Mrs. Holils Turnidge.
collected by the Oregon Liquor Con­ sending repeated notices and also
(Photo Courtesy of Bob Veness and Capital Journal)
trol Commission in addition to the bookkeeping. This will greatly aid
cities’ share of license receipts, permit the board of directors in speeding
_ up
fees and manufacturers and importers ' the letting of contracts for construc-
Winter Paid Mill City
tax. If enacted into law, this meas- ! tion.
ure would mean approximately $1 1 Architects Start Final Plans
Short Visit This Week
per person per year for all towns and
A representative of the firm ol
The near zero weather that * e
cities and would provide much needed architects Roald, Schmeeh & Harring­
Barney Oliver, president of Santiam
The Antique and Hobby show, spon­ financial assistance in meeting the ton of Portland, met Monday night
Aerie No. 2745 Fraternal Order of days had done considerable damage. sored by the Gates Womans club, increasing budget demands for police January 29th with the medical staff
Eagles, announced today that the Numerous car owners had neglected held in the high school gymnasium, departments and law enforcement of Santiam Memorial hospital and
Aerie will change its meeting place to replace the water in the radiators Friday afternoon and evening of last activities.
members of the building and equip­
Only the concerted action of every ment committee for the purpose of
beginning Sunday, February 4th to with anti-freeze.
week was attended by nearly 200
the Mill City fire hall.
people from up and down the canyon,
making final minor adjustments in
Mr. Oliver stated that Sunday start­ morning attempting to repair or all loud in their praises for the large support of this bill will make its en­ floor plans to meet the operative needs
pipes and get and interesting array of articles on actment possible during this session. for the agricultural and industrial
ing promptly at 2 p.m. a large class
the familiar flow of water into their disgiay.
Legislators are going to have to be areas such as exist in ’ha Canyon
¡of candidates "»II be initiated honor­ kitchens.
ing the new meeting place. The mem­
Tea was served during the after­ told how important tiux .».ensure is Area and this section of Santiam
The Detroit dam contractors suf­ noon and evening, Mrs. W. R. Hutch­ and the residents of every town, in valley.
bers at that time will celebrate the fered
the most severe damage when eson in charge, among those pouring every part of the state, are the ones
53rd anniversary of the Fraternal
The basic plans published in the
The members of the Mehama Wom­ Order of Eagles. The F.O.E. has a many water and refrigerator pipes were Mrs. Lincoln Henness, Mrs. who must tell them. Do not fail to recent money-raising campaign have
ans club, at its meting Friday night, long record of activity in behalf of
Laura Joaquin, Mrs. Walter Brisbin,
already been approved by the Hospital
January 26th, were addressed by Wal­ the aged and has been instrumental caused by the freeze has caused the Mrs. Frank Potter and Mrs. Leon city is actively supporting this legis­ Licensing Department of the State of
It is Faust. The committee in charge of lation.
ter H. Bell, president of the Santiam in securing old age benefits in many dam to cease operations.
Oregon. They are basic and meet
hoped that milder weather will see the affair were Mrs. Hutcheson, Mrs.
As the first step all citizens of the the highest national standards for
Memorial hospital, on the field of states and on the federal statutes.
service of the Woman's Auxiliary to
Harold Wilson, Mrs. Floyd Völkel,
The state champion Salem drill
Local residents during the cold assisted by Mrs. Hollis Turnidge, mediately to the members of the house | hospital layouts and facilities.
the Santiam Memorial hospital. Bell team from Willamette Aerie No. 2081,
‘tated that branches and chapters oi will perform with the initiation class snap were digging into the closets Mrs. Dan Morrison, Mrs. William Pen­ ways and means committee to which ‘
the bill will be referred. These rep­
the Woman’s Auxiliary will be rormed and during the initiation ceremony, for heavy clothes but all seemed to nick and .Mrs. N. L. Pennick.
resentatives are: Henry Semon of
by the ladies in the entire area to Speaker for the day will be A. Warren agree that it was better than the
Many expressions of appreciation Klamath, chairman; Francis W. Zieg­
be served by the hospital. He stated Jones of Newberg who will speak on heavy snow of last winter.
As we go to press Thursday night of the fine collection of articles gath­ ler of Benton, vice chairman; David
that all who desire to serve in some fraternalism.
the thermometer is hovering around ered and the hard work of the com­ C. Baum of Union; Dr. F. H. Dam-
branch of the hospital service will be
Visiting members and new candi­
mittee were heard during the showing. masch of Yamhill; Earl H. Hill of
welcomed as members, and that before dates are welcomed. After the meet­ 35* above and it is raining.
Plans were completed last Thurs­
Lane; Roy L. Houck of Marion; and
the hospital is erected, there will be ing refreshments will be served.
day evening at a meeting at the Mill
enrollment campaigns.
City fire hall called by .1. T King
March of Dimes Huckleberry Finn
Many organizations throughout the
and Julie Bassett, for a test to be
Canyon Area and the Santiam Valley American Legion Plans
conducted by the airplane observation
Oregon Tax Commission post which is located in the small
are planning to have meetings in
order to better inform the people the Card Party Thursday
building back of the high school. The
To Assist Taxpayers
plans of the service of the hospital,
test is to be held February 3 and 4
American Legion and Auxiliary will
and the workings of the Woman'«
The Oregon State Tax Commission and is in charge of King and Mrs.
Auxiliary. These meetings may be sponsor a card party Thursday, Feb.
announced this week that an agent Bassett, supervisors of the post.
scheduled, and speakers arranged for Sth, at 8 p.m. at the American Legion
The meeting was held for the pur­
who would assist in filling out state
from time to time, by any organiza­ hall. There will be tables of canasta,
income tax forms would be at the pose of briefing and all present were
tion that communicates with the San­ pinochle, and bridge.
Albany Court House from 8:30 a.m. divided into groups and given a one
tiam Memorial hospital business of­ This is a guest social and everyone
to 4:30 p.m. on the 8th and 9th of two hour shift for the watch. Volun­
fice, telephone 4392, Stayton.
is invited to attend, At the close
| March and from the 12th to the 14th teering their services for the test are
President Bell will address the cam­ of the evening coffee and refresh-
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Robert, Mr. and
.of March inclusive.
paign workers and their wives at a ments will be served.
I Aid in determing the proper amount Mrs. Charles Kelly, Mr. and Mrs.
special victory meeting of the cam­
Legion members are reminded that
of tax to be paid can be obtained at George Veteto, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
paign workers of the Detroit group, 1951 dues are now due and payable.
the Stgte Office Building in 1 Salem Plymale, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Golden,
to be held Thursday eevning, Feb. 8th. Veterans who are not now members
' any week day except Saturday from Mrs. James Barton, Mrs. Clayton Bal­
or members at other posts are invited
timore, Mrs. W. J. Robinson, Mrs.
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
to join the local post.
Cecil Lake, Mr. and Mrs. R B. Mc­
Clain, Mrs. J. C. Kimmel, Mrs. Mel­
bourne Rambo, George Rambo, Wes
Green, A, T. Koeneke, Frank Hunter,
Mrs. Frank Blazek, Mrs. Geo. Stewart,
M. C. high school vs. St. Paul. Feb. 2
Sgt. Robert B. Plant, formerly of
Mrs. John Swan, Mrs. Arthur Kriever,
M.C. high vs. Jefferson here Feb. 9. Gates, who was wounded by shrapnel
Gates high vs. Sublimity, Feb. 9.
In the recent hospital campaign, the Mrs. Jack Colburn, Mrs. Lee Owens,
near Wonju, in Korea, has returned
Gates high vs. St. Paul, Feb. 16.
volunteer workers had a spirited con | Mrs. Rosa Roten.
to Madigan army hospital, Tacoma,
Mrs. Bassett stated that there are
M.C. high vs. Gervais, Feb. 23.
test between the various groups, rhe
for further treatment according to his
I.O.O.F. meeting
high group, daily, was awarded a I 50 persons on the reserve list, who
friend, Fred Soriano, 703 NE. Prescott
Mill City BVA meeting last FYiday street, Portland.
goat. In other words "they got the *U1 •,'t when called,
goat of the other groups of worker«”.
Sergeant Plant, son of the late
In the final tabulation of the cam-
Explorer Scouts Legion hall 7:30 p. Michael Plant of Gates, had previous­
ipaign, the highest producing salemen Rainbow Girls Sponsor
American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. ly been released from Madigan hos­
pital on 30-day furlough. He has
were awarded the trophy goats that
Lions club meeting.
were used in the c ampaign in honor Cooked Food Sale
A F. A A M No. 180 stated meet­ been in the army approximately nine
years and also was wounded during
of the records they set in salesman­
ing third Monday.
The Mill City members of Acacia
Assembly No. 40, Order of Rainbow
O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month.
for Girls are sponsoring a cooked food
sion the winner was Wilbur F. Maley sale which will be held next Saturday
M.C. high vs. Gates here Feb. 13.
with 94 sales for $21,650; for the morning, February 3, at 10 o’clock
Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday
Mrs. Elmer Shaw, publicity chair­
Genera) Organization John W Etzel until noon. The sale will be held at
Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tues man of the Mill City Garden club an­
, with 153 sales for $21,250; for the the Mill City Meat Market.
I Canyon Area E. S. Peterson, of the
nounced that a cooked food sale would
The money taken in from this
Altar Society meets 3rd Wed.
j Freres-Frank Lumber Company at project will be used for a state-wide
I be held at Jenkins hardware. Wednes­
Mill City PT A meets 2nd Wed.
Mill City, with 149 sales for $16,670. campaign to raise money for hospital
day. February 14, beginning at 10
Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. I a.m. and lasting until all the food
beds for the Eastern Star and Ma­
at Detroit school building.
is sold.
sonic Home at Forest Grove.
Santiam Rebekah IM—1st and 3rd
Further information on this project
Latest reports on the condition of i
will be available next week.
Wed. at 8 p.m.
Larry McHtnnt. 19S1 March of Olmaa Poster Child, alto in a wheat
Tony Moravec are that he is holding THREE LINKS ( ARD PARTY
Paid and forgets he has polio—a smiling symbol of the thousands of
his own following the serious acci­ THIS SATURDAY EVENING
children and adulta who look to the March of Dlmeo for aid when
Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 1st
dent in which he received a major
The Three Linka club ia giving a
polio strikes. The wheat field Is on a farm near Larry’s home on the
and 3rd Thursdays.
skull factare at the Freres-Frank card party Saturday evening nt the
Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 p.m.
mill, Jan. 19th. He remains uncon­ IOOF hall. The proceeds to benefit
Auguet of 194» and wao aided by Orleans County IN. Y.) Chapter of
American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs
A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs.
scious at a Salem hospital. His many 1 the Santiam Memorial hospital.
National Foundation for Infantile Paralyele. Hie picture will be oeen
Franklin Ragsdale. Mill City, Jan. 27,
on thousands of posters throughout the nation during the 1H1 March
Garden club fourth Thursday
friends pray for his speedy and com- , Refreshments will be served. 50c
of Oimeo against polio thia January.
plete recovery.
Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thors at Salem Memorial hospital.
admission. Everyone invited.
Citizens Urged
To Write Solons
Santiam F.O.E. Meets
In Mill City Feb. 4
Antique and Hobby
Show Successful
Walter H. Bell Speaks
At Mehama Club
Mill City Air Raid
Defense Plans Test
Coming Events:
Goat Getters’ of
Hospital Drive
Just Arrived...