January 25, 1951 g—THE Mil l. CITY ENTERPRISE Revival Campaign Opens At Free Methodist Church A Revival campaign was opened at the F ree Methodist church in North Mill City, January 21st with Rev. £. N. Long of Portland, speaking sightly, Services beginning at 7:30 fach evening. Rev. Mr. Long has served as pastor in Oregon for thirty years, and for the past five years has been engaged in the Evangelistic field. All are invited to avail themselves of this opportunity to take part in and enjoy gord gospel singing, and hear sound gospel preaching, accord­ ing to L. C. Gould, pastor of the church. Some possible subjects in­ clude: “A Sure Foundation”, "Chris­ tian Certainty”, "How Shall Wo Escape”, and "Pentecostal Power”. Pastor Gould announced that the Free Methodist church has an excel­ lent Sunday school and that the chil­ dren enjoy it immensely. The pastor observed that it was "High time that wo teach our boys and girls the Gospel truth”. He urged all that are not attending eleswhere to send or better bring their children to this growing »Sunday school, CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends and neigh­ bors for the flowers and thoughtful expressions of help during the illness and bereavement of our beloved hus­ band, father and brother. Mrs. Ruth Bass and children Shirley and Millard Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bass g and family Mr. and Mrs. James Blum and family Test Tube Vs. Polio Fur generations polio was ac­ cepted aa one of the "mystery dis­ eases” of mankind, an elusive de­ stroyer and crippier, striking un- predictably with epidemic force. Today, medical science knows a great deal about polio. The "mys­ tery" phase is past. The period of exploration, discovery and even­ tual conquest is well under way. With funds provided by the March of Dimes, the nation’s top scientists are hard at work in hos­ pital and university laboratories, exploring every reasonable ap- proach tnat may lead to the ulti­ mate control of polio epidemics and conquest of the disease as an individual affliction. 'Die recent discovery that polio virus could be grown in test tubes, using non-nervous tissue as the culture medium, has been ac­ claimed as a new milestone in polio research. It has greatly widened the field for the research scientists in their efforts to find a vaccine, drug or serum effective against infantile paralysis. In its thirteen years of exist­ ence, the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis has authorized the expenditure of $11,753,736 in March of Dimes funds for re­ search. Of this amount. $8,841,158 has been granted in the field of virus research, while $2,912,578 has been allocated to study of prevention and treatment of the disease’s crippling after-effects. There is a sound basis for the hope that some day polio will be controlled or wiped out by science through the March of Dimes, Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! NOW - - - Riverside Ramblers 3 piece Western Swing Band Fri., Sat., Sun. each week Willamette U. Student Speaks at Mill City MILL CITY Local Young People Carey Honored With Party at Gates Attend C. E. Rally Mrs. John Swan has been in Port­ land during the past week caring for Lieut. Gale Carey, veteran of the Sunday, January 21, seven members Rene Charrasse, exchange student her daughter-in-law Mrs. Ronald 1 of the local Christian Endeavor soci­ last world war, was honored, Sat­ from France at Willamette university Swan who has been suffering with * ety of the Christian church, accom­ urday evening at a farewell party, was speaker at the Women’» club an attack of the flu. Mrs. Herbert Schroeder has gone to panied by the minister, Hugh E. Jull, given by the teachers of the local meeting this past week. His topic Newberg this last week and taken an attended the Santiam district C. E. schools and held in the recreation was “The Marshall Plan.” apartment so that she can be near rally at Harrisburg, and were rooms of the high school. On display at the meeting by Mrs. Lieut. Carey has received orders George Rhoten was a collection of her husband, who is employed there awarded the attendance banner, com­ leather work which she brought back in the lumbering industry with his puted on the basis of the number from Washington to report for duty present at the rally, miles travelled at Phoenix, Arizona, February 1. from France recently. Christmas and son. Clyde Wells has purchased Wayne and average attendance at the reg­ Carey had served on the school greeting cards were brought to the meeting to be sent to the hospital Kerr’s 2-place Taylorcraft plane re­ ular weekly meetings of the society. board for the past two years. A din- cently. He is keeping is hangered . Young people attending were Ken­ I ner was served by the hostesses and for spastic children. neth Andrews, Patricia Cree, Wilma for entertainment during the re­ Hostesses for the evening were at the Davis airport near Gates. Mrs. W. W. Allen and Mrs. Leon Mrs. Earl Dennis fell and broke her Jull, Vera Loucks, Hazel Neal, Bob mainder of the evening a film, Treas­ ure Island was shown, followed by Faust. At the business meeting Mrs. leg at her home in Mill City last Shelton and Dick Williams. Those complimenting Lt. The next rally will be at Holley in cards. James O’Leary was voted to member­ Sunday evening. She is reported do­ Carey were Mrs. Gwen Schaer, Mr. ing well in the Memorial hospital in February. ship in the club. The young people of the local and Mrs. Riley Champ, Mr. and Mrs. Members present were Mrs. Ernest Salem. Bauer, Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mrs. Ken­ Bill and Judy Bodeker were visitors society will be in charge of the A. T. Barnhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Bently, neth Crosier, Mrs. Lee Dike, Mrs. Lee in Mill City from their home in Alsea, evening church service this coming of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Harold of Donaldson, Mrs. Harry Dyrhman, last Tuesday evening. They played Sunday, as a part of the organization ¡Stayton, Mrs. Velma Carey and son Mrs. Leon Faust, Mrs. Charles Har­ in the shuffleboard tournament at the of the first Christian Endeavor James, Harold Wilson, Donald Carey, of Stayton, Mrs. Gale Carey and Society. mon, Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson, Miss Mill City Tavern. Donna Lea, Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley, M Sgt. Walen O. Hamrick of Cars­ Daisy Geddess, Mrs. Floyd Jones, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Howard Means, Mr. and Daisy Hendricson, Mrs. Charles Kelly, well Air Force Base, Ft. Worth, Tex., VVM. MIKKELSON Mrs. A. McMullin, Mrs. Dorothy . Mrs. Lee Knowles, Mrs. Arthur spent several days last week with his Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klutke, Kriever, Mrs. Harry Mason, and Mrs. sister-inlaw-, Mrs. Jack Colburn, and ON HONOR ROLL University of Oregon, Eugene, Jan. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chance and Mr. Mr. Colburn. Sgt. Hamrick became Ozzie Mikkelson. “weathered in” during an inspection 18—(Special)—William Mikkelson, and Mrs. Clarence Rush. trip to the 3903rd Radar Bomber son of Mr. and Mrs. Ozzie Mikkelson, mmmui ™uu:nmummi'iMMi ana n w r»'T. i w Scoring Squadron Detachment at the Mill City, is one of 207 students who was on the honor roll for fall term Portland air base. at the University of Oregon. The The Santiam Lions club auxiliary (Continued from Page 1) met Tuesday evening at the home of honor roll includes all students earn­ working body. The first meeting of Mrs. Carl Kelly, Members present ing at least a 3.5 grade point average the Explorer Post is scheduled to be were Mesdames Vernon Todd, D. B. which represents halfway between A held on Monday night, January 29th Hill, Robert Wingo, Lowell Stiffler, and B average in all graded courses. at 7:30 p.m. at the American Legion Mikkelson is a sophomore major George Steffy, Roger Nelson, Frank hall. All boys between the ages of Hunter, Charles Coville, D. J. Fergu­ in pre-med. 14 and 18 who are interested in a son, Homer Thacker, Lee Ross, Shields program of indoor, outdoor, social and Remine, James O’Leary, Jack Colburn Jack Brande, Dr. M. O. Perkins, Dr. C. service activities are Invited to be and the hostess. E. Woods, Wayne Robertson, who to­ present. A hot-dog feed will be an Mr. and Mrs. Dave Epps of Sweet gether with Dr. Irvine were among added attraction. Home are spending a few days in the tireless workers in the Lebanon The troop committee for the Ex­ Mill City tending to their store. hospital campaign. plorer Post consists of the following Mrs. George Roten of Salem spent Dr. Irvine stated, "Our committee men: Walt Peterson, E. D. Cooke, several days at the home of Mr. and comes to congratulate the people of | Chet Ferguson, Irl Plymale, and J. Mrs. Lee Ross. Mrs. Roten, just this area and you workers on the T. King with Glen Sorensen as Post returned from a tour of Europe. great record you have established,” I Advisor. Last Saturday evening friends of and added “there will be a great in­ Mr. Sorensen is the local attorney Russell King surprised him with a crease of population in this beautiful and is a veteran of World War II. birthday party at his home. After farming area, many industries will Norman Jensen has accepted the an evening of canasta a delicious come by the bringing in of electric ¡job of assistant advisor. He was spread was enjoyed by the following power and when the Detroit dam is IN CELLO PACS advisor last year and did a fine job couples, Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Cox, Mr. built there will be a great recreation but felt he didn't have the time to and Mrs. Lester Masen, Mr. and Mrs. center for the people in this entire devote to it again. Norman works Special Hallmark Volenbnes George Crook, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell valley and canyon . . . there is no I for CBI and is also a veteran of Stiffler, and Mr. and Mrs. George for children to send . . . per­ question about the need of a hospital World War II. fect for that school Valentine Veteto. to serve this area and you are meeting Mr. Lethin will be in Mill City box. Gay colorful figures, the need.” on Monday night, February Sth at red hearts that will appeol to Distinguished Guests ¡which time he will show a film on any child. See our large se­ The following distinguished guests Explorer Scouting. All boys of Ex­ were present and introduced: lection today. plorer age along with their parents Harley Libby, Jefferson, past presi­ (Continued from Page 1) are invited to see this interesting dent of the Farmers Union; Father VALENTINE PARTY picture. Maybe there will be more for a group of small communities, ' Mathew Jonas, Stayton; Father Jo­ agricuultral and industrial areas. The hot-dogs! SUPPLIES seph Scherbring, Sublimity; Lily Mad ­ potential area population for this sen Larsen and Harold Larsen, rep ­ Be an island of calm confidence in campaign was 6.000. You obtained resenting the Oregonian, Oregon The average of a world of turmoil—not blind wish­ 2,034 subscribers. Journal, and Oregon Statesman; Chris ful thinking, but belief in the power subscriptions per donor was $180. Kowitz, Jr. and Ben Maxwell, repre­ for right of a God who cares. -Speers. You are now celebrating a great vic­ senting the Capital Journal; Drs. Headquarters for Hallmark Cards tory made possible through the volun­ Beauchamp, Betzer and Stuckart. 330 Court St., SALEM The restrictions on child labor in teer workers and the 2.034 subscribers, Stayton; and Drs. Hosch and Prill of farmers, workers in industry, mer ­ industry were increased by the amend­ Scio. ments to the federal wage and hour chants, owners of industries and pro­ fessional men. The real work will law. now begin. In order to have a hos­ pital that will truly serve the people, you workers in the financing cam­ paign and the members of the hos­ ALL SIZES FREE ESTIMATES ANYWHERE pital association, its board of direc­ tors and officers, the Women's Hos­ Phone 2-4542 pital Auxiliary together with the pub­ lic at lai ge must take a very active interest in the payment of subscrip­ tion contracts and when built in its operation. The people of this area have demonstrated that this is a great self - reliant American community, 546 N. High, SALEM who have shown in a practical man­ * ■3 ner that they believe the first duty of the citizens is to provide modern hospital facilities for the protection of the life and health of the people who reside in this area. This work has been done and the money given by those who place human lives above property values — Those Who Care.” Guests From Lebanon A delegation of citizens who were active in the recent campaign to fi- ! nance Lebanon Community Hospital headed by Dr. N. E. Irvine attended the victory dinner. Dr. Irvine is well known for his standing in the medical profession in the state of Oregon. He is a mem­ ber of the state board of health and si’l DS 10 lbs. was recently re-appointed to this of­ fice. Dr. Irvine introduced the other members of the Lebanon committee: ; COm Ml Brands |h. Scout Troops- Hospital Campaign- Edward Williams OPEN FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY ONLY HOUSE MOVING Bales & Brady TOWING SERVICE • This Weeks • SPECIALS! .31 Largest Trade-Ins I EG M Used Furniture 1J.IL f . K /l/l Z J/I - DI DF R ■ Dll’. NOTICE I in Oregon on UN ■ RT1MNG Personal property taxpayers are re­ quired to file an invoice as of Jan­ uary 1st, 1961. with the Assessor for an assessment base Assessment must be filed on or before March 2. ( 1961. Penalty provided after due date. i Truck and automobiles carrying State license plates and furniture in private homes are exempt Furniture in Hotels, Apartments and Rooming Houses are subject to taxation. If you have not received an assess­ ment blank, please notify the Asses­ sor's Office. JOHN F. SHEPPARD. Linn County Assessor. .85 ,21 Fresh Vegetables and Meats Gates General Store — HOME m / ll ary 4