5—THE MILI. CITY ENTERPRISE rtHHI January 25, 1951 PACE Hoffman Luncheon Aids Kindergarten lovely one o'clock luncheon was served to forty-seven ladies Wednes­ day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Russell Hoffman. They were served at tables set throughout the delight­ fully appointed rooms. The entire hospitality and prizes for the canasta and pinochle tables were donated by Mrs. Hoffman to aid the fund for the Mill City kindergarten. Two door prizes were presented to Mrs. George Humphries and to Mrs. Jack Lacey. Mrs. Don Peterson won high at the pinochle tables with Mrs. Roy Kindler, second and Mrs. George Veteto taking low prize. Mrs. George Ditter won high at canasta and Mrs. Shipley second prize, with Mrs. Joe McNealy third. Mrs. Jack Lacey took low. Mrs. Kenneth Crosier greeted the guests at the door with several ladies assisting with the serving. Everyone had a very nice afternoon with all pleased that the coffers of the kinder­ garten had swelled by $48.00. A Devine-Etzel Wed Saturday Firemen s Auxiliary Hold Regular Meet liiuumuii The Mill City Firemen’s Auxiliary Till RS., FRIDAY and SATURDAY held their regular meeting at the Jan. 25th, 26th and 27th firehall Thursday evening, January Barbara Stanwyck. Wendell Corey 18th with twelve members present, Walter Huston in Mrs. John Muir was introduced as THE FURIES a new member. Betty Meinert outgoing president — Plus — opened the business meeting and then Charlie McCarthy and turned it over to Elma Stewart, the new president, Irene Podrabsky, who Mortimer Snerd in Sweden presented gifts to the outgoing of­ In Technicolor ficers. During the business meeting it was SUNDAY and MONDAY Jan. 28th and 29th voted to buy a large kettle and a butcher knife for the kitchen. It was WALT DISNEY S also voted to donate to the March of Dimes. Plans were made for a Y’alentine In Technicolor party for the firemen and their wives. After the meeting cards were played TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY and prizes won by Elma Stewart, Jan. 30th and 31st Virginia Olmstead and Mary Ann JOHN YVAY'NE and Stewart. Delicious refreshments were served I.ARAINE DAY by the hostesses Marge Ditter and in Betty Meinert. Miss Norma Jean Devine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Devine, of Gates was married to Peter A. Etzel, son of Mrs. Philomena Etzel, of At a buffet luncheon Tuesday after­ retary, and Mrs. George Crandall and Sublimity, Saturday, January 20. noon in the American Legion hall, Ruth Parton, members of the hospi­ The service was held in the St. Stayton, 138 women from various sec­ tal auxiliary. Mrs. Conner gave a Boniface church in Sublimity at nine tions of Santiam valley and canyon ¡very fine instructive and inspiring a.m. Wedding music was furnished area that will be served by Santiam 1 outline of the plans of the Lebanon by Barbara Mintin at the organ, Joan Memorial hospital heard plans out­ auxiliary and the work it is now doing. Birkholtz sang. Rev. Father Jose I’h The honored guests at the speak­ lined for the organization of a Wom­ Scherbring read the vows. en’s Hospital Auxiliary to serve the ers table were Mrs. Grace Kiersey, The bride was given in marriage by president of the American Legion new memorial hospital. her father, Merle Devine. She wore G. W. Schachtsick, general chair­ Auxiliary, Stayton, who served as a gown of white satin, designed with man of the campaign, presided. L. D. chairman of the Legion committee in a deep yoke of lace, long sleeves and furnishing the campaign luncheons Barr, adviser, outlined - the purpose court train. The long veil was of and program of the women’s hospital and dinners and Mrs. G. W. DeJardin. silk net, edged with wide lace and auxiliary and pointed to the need of assistant chairman. arranged from a Juliet cap, trimed in Appreciation was given to Mrs. long range planning for service in seed pearls. The bride carried a the new hospital and the important Kenneth Hansen, Mrs. Wm. Burrell white prayer book, with white orchid part the women play in fulfilling the and those who assisted them in pre- and white satin streamers, white I paring the buffet luncheon. humanitarian service of the hospital hyacinth blossoms knotted in the rib­ in future years. There will be a board bons. of directors selected by a special com­ Miss Lorena June was her sisters mittee as authorized to adopt by-laws maid of honor. She wore a winter and elect officers. The organization blue satin gown, fashioned with full plan contemplates the formation of skirt and carried a yellow net fan, Frances Caraway, daughter of branches of the auxiliary in each of In Technicolor American Legion Auxiliary trimmed in yellow baby chrysanthe­ Mr. Miss and Mrs. Frank Caraway visited the communities that will be served mum and yellow streamers, and her parents over the weekend. Sunday, January 28th, is a must Holds January Meeting by the hospital. Each branch will matching coronet. COMING: FEB. 1st, 2nd and 3rd have its own officers and committee­ date for the citizens of this commu­ Mrs. Philomena Basl, sister of the The American Legion auxiliary held nity for between the hours of 3 and COPPER CANYON women; each branch will establish bridegroom, was bridesmaid. Her LICENSED chapters in farm organizations and 6 p.m. the PTA will sponsor a bene­ its January meeting the 11th at the gown was identical style, but of Technicolor rural areas, churches, lodges, labor fit ham dinner at the Mill City grade home of Mrs. Ernest Ragsdale, with gold satin and her fan of blue, with Ray Milland and Hedy Lamarr Mrs. C. A. Bruder, co-hostess. Mem­ blue matching head dress. organizations, industries and in vari­ school cafeteria. ous women’s civic and other organiza­ Tickets, 50 cents for children under bers present were Mesdames Arthur Attending the groom was his SUN., MON., FEB. 1th and 5th tions. There will be no dues. The 12 and $1.00 for adults, are on sale at Chase, Joe A. Clark, Jack Colburn, brother, Albin Etzel, as best man and MA AND PA KETTLE plan was given unanimous endorse­ Muir's Bakery, Mill City Pharmacy, Norman Jensen, Frank Stovall, Camp­ John human, his cousin was grooms­ $1.50 per month and up ment by the leaders present. It was Mill City Variety, and through the bell Stewart and the hostess. man. Ushering was the bride’s cou­ GO TO TOWN Also serving Gates and Lyons President Colburn announced that sin, Dale Bassett and the bride­ announced that all women who desire school. It is urged that all purchase to co-operate and work may become their tickets early so that the proper six needy children were given com­ groom’s brother, Theodore Etzel. MILL CITY plete outfits of clothing for Christ­ For her daughter’s wedding Mrs. Doors open at 7:20 P.M. members of the auxiliary by writing amount of food can be prepared. DISPOSAL SERVICE Complete show can be seen any mas by the auxiliary. Members voted Santiam Memorial Hospital, Box 454, Devine chose a brown suit and wore The PTA as sponsoring organiza­ to send letters to our congressmen and time up to 8:30 PHON! mi Stayton. tion will use the profits for the pur­ the President urging universal mili­ a pink carnation corsage. The brid- LEONARD HERMW llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll groom ’ s mother wore a grey suit and Lebanon Auxiliary Represented chase of a new steam table for the tary training. pink carnation corsage. The following delegation from the grade school cafeteria. The steam The regular meeting date of the At the reception following the ser­ Lebanon Community Hospital Wom­ table was ordered some weeks ago auxiliary changed to the third vice held in the Sublimity Parish hall, V en’s auxiliary were present: Marie and this week was installed and put Monday of was each The next Mrs. Dale Bassett cut the cake. Mrs. Conner, president; Veda Whetstone, into use. Mrs. Bert Morris reports meeting will be held month. February 19th at vice president; Marilyn Hayes, sec­ that the table is a great time-saver the home of Mrs. Campbell Stewart, Darwin Raines presided at the punch and becomes a valuable addition to with Mrs. Frank Stovall, co-hostess. bowl while Mrs. Floyd Bassett poured. Miss Betty Ann Silbernagle passed the kitchen equipment. the guest book. In charge of the 1 Located Next to Furniture Store BARBEQUED BEEE, Mrs. Podrabsky, Mrs. Ozzie Mik- gifts w’ere Mrs. Wallace Bevier and PHONE 5951 GATES kelson, or Mrs. Morris should be con­ Mrs. Albin Etzel. Assisting at the PORK and Suitable for One or Two Operators — Completely Furnished tacted b^- anyone who wishes to I Women’s Council Meets i reception were Miss Joan Ryal, Miss Living Quarters donate pickles, vegetables, ham or Wednesday Afternoon TURKEY Birdie Larson, Mrs. Arnold Syverson, POOR HEALTH REASON FOR SELLING desserts. and Miss Carolyn Brijcha. Open 6 a.m. to 12 midnight The food will be excellent so come The Women’s council of Mill City The couple left following the recep­ Saturday—Open All Night out and enjoy yourself and at the Christian church met Wednesday tion for a three week honeymoon trip, same time support this worth while afternoon for their January meeting the bride wearing a grey tailored suit community project. at the home of Mrs. Hugh Jull, with pink accessories, and an orchid hostess. corsage, Upon their return the couple Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood entertained Mrs. Elmer Shaw, vice president I the Presbyterian missionary society presided in the absence of the presi- will be at home in Sublimity until their new home on Fern Ridge is Mehama, Ore. in her home at Gates the first of dent, Mrs. Joe Vaughn. this week. Plans were made for part of the completed. work for the coming year. This in * part will be the making of quilts, and coverlets, and crib quilts to be sent Mrs. Nolan Hostess for to different institutional homes spon­ sored by the Christian church. The 'Lucky 12’ Players a F. HUNTER R- A. HARROLD hostess served a very nice lunch at Mill City Stayton The Thursday afternoon “Lucky 12” the close of the afternoon to fourteen. pinochle group of Gates met at their In February there will be a no-host regular meeting room at the Park­ all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. way Trailer Court. Carl Chance. The members and Mrs. Elsie Nolan of Mill City was friends planning to attend are asked hostess for the day. Mrs. Edna Mc­ to bring quilt pieces and working Creary won the traveling pinochle By Jo Stafford TENNESSEE WALTZ equipment and willing fingers to start prize, which adds to the enjoyment By Percy Faith ALL MY LOVE ............. work on the quilts. The date will of the afternoon inasmuch as the last BONAPARTE’S RETREAT | be announced later. ............ By Sinatra XIA ERTHEI.ESS ............... lady holding a “300” pinochle at the I ..... By Percy Faith IN THE MIDDLE OF A RIDDLE dose of the afternoon is the lucky I By Yogi Yorgesson recipient. Stjl ARE DANI E HULDA Local Officers Attend Mrs. Jeannie Herzberg took high By Dick Todd DADDY S I I1TI E BOY score and Mrs. Dorothy Crain placed By Daulong FOLK DANCE SCHOTTISCHE Acacia Assembly second. Mrs. Ruby Adamson of Gates By Arkie Shibley HOT HOI RACE Acacia assembly, Rainbow Girls, was guest player. LOTS OF NEW COLUMBIA L.P. ALBUMS in Stayton was attended by local of­ The hostess served a delicious birth­ ficers this Wednesday evening. Those day cake honoring Mrs. McCreary attending the installation ceremonies whose birthday it was with members were: Leia Kelly, Donna Cooke, Pa­ extending felicitations. tricia Cree, Ardith Jones, Betsy Kriever, and Mother Advisor Mrs. MATTSON CHILDREN ENJOY “33 miles from nearest parking meter' BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS Shuey. Sale» and Service MILL CITY Phone 902 Also attending were: Worthy Ma­ Mr. and Mrs. Budd Mattson enter­ tron and Worthy Patron of Marilyn tained members of the family last & chapter, OES, Mrs. Lois Scott and Sunday in celebrating the birthdays Floyd Johnson, Mrs. Halle Toman, of their son Jan, who i» three and Mrs. Betty Tinney, Mrs. Laraine Kathy, four, at their home on Alder Caughey, Mrs. Laurell Johnson, Mrs. street in Mill City. Jim OT^ary Irene O’Leary Johnson, Mrs. Mary Kelly, Mrs. Wil­ Those present were the grandpar­ liam Shuey, Vera Loucks, Patricia ents Mr. and Mrs. Verla Goeble and WE GIVE UNITED TRADING STAMPS Davidson, Mrs. Floyd Jones and their children Phillip. Camille, and Rodney, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Swan Celene Taylor. and son Ryan. A delicious birthday cake and all the extras were enjoyed. Auxiliary Organized at Luncheon PTA Ham Dinner to Be Served Sunday Treasure Island TYCOON G1RBAGE SERVICE FOR SALE . • • • • Peggc's Ihsiuli Salon SOUTHERN BAR-B-Q Building and Construction Contractors Loc-Bloc Construction Co. New Records Just Arrived! Valentines Party Supplies New Assortment of Gift Items Stiffler's Radio & Appliance Co. MILL CITY VARIETY SAVE FEED Feed-saving programs from the agricultural colleges stress the importance of getting rid of rats, cattle grubs, lice, worms and other insects and parasites that may sap an animal’s vitality and interfere with efficient feed use. See Our Mrs. Swift is ill at the home of her son-in-law Ed Bertram on Alder street in Mill City. It is reported that she would welcome her friends to stop in for a visit. Dr. Hess products can help to avoid feed waste from those causes. We especially recommend the following: Friday & Saturday Specials ANTURAT— really kills rats, the worst feed wasters. Effec­ tive in baits, or as a tracking poison when rats refuse frozen baits. in our store CATTLE GRUB KILLER — made according to revised U. S. D. A. formula. Beef cattle freed of grubs gain weight faster, cows give more milk. POWDERED LOUSE KILLER—dust it on cattle, horses, sheep and goats for lice and ticks. Lousy cows, freed of lice, give 10% to 15% more milk. GOOD HABIT DRYCIDE—a dry dip you can use for hog lice in winter without wetting hogs or bedding. rial». Work done promptly .,. and guaranteed. I-et ua giva you » free estimate. SIX—new and better roost paint for control of poultry lice. Comes in can with handy applicator spout. WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY FOSTORIA Let us tell you about these and other Dr. Hess products for stretching your feed supply. SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP STAYTON, OREGON 1 ä » IT'S A MAYFLOWER Baker's Mill City Jewelry ? o o o a o O 0 0 a 0 ASK FOR ANI) SAVE VALUABLE COUPONS FOR FREE ROGERS SILVERWARE 4 Rubber Footwear and Rainclothes Shoes - Hardware - Paints Electric Appliances, etc. o ? HILL TOP GENERAL STORE Mil l. CITY ALBERT TOMAN. Prop. WE DCUVEK Open Week Day» from 8 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Sunday» 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. 0 a