Tony Moravec Chairmans Soil Meeting T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT iiSHORN a ms ID ANU \ LYONS MEHAMA MONGOL!) Tony Moravec, lecturer of Santiam Grange, chairmaned the annual San tiam Soil conservation meeting last week in the Santiam Grange hall ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OE NATURE’S EMPIRE where Dr. A. L. Strand, president of Oregon State College gave a short MILL CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANI ARY IS, 1951 $2.00 a Year. (()(• a Copy talk concerning his recent tour of the Vol. VII—No. 3 Philippines. Strand stressed the thought that the control of land and its proper dis tribution were ‘the most important things in the world'. First National Bank, Salem branch, spokesman Chester Loe gave a few pertinent remarks on the value of con servation and advised the use of grass Thousands of Oregon polio fighters as a conservation measure. ’ are throwing their active support The campaign to raise funds for the Santiam Memorial Hospital will Howard Cushman, northwest reg behind the annual March of Dimes tn come to a close at a final report dinner to be held at 7:00 o'clock, Monday ional soil conservation secretary, dis the opening phase of this two-week night. January 22, in the Catholic Gymnasium (Parish hall) located on San closed that Oregon’s 35 conservation campaign for funds to carry the heav tiam street. Stayton. district include a total acreage of 13,- iest burden that infantile paralysis When the final reports from the volunteer workers are received, the 000,000. Sijc new areas were added has ever imposed on the American Board of Directors will announce whether or not sufficient funds have been recently, Cushman indicated. people, Robert P Veness, Mill City ------------------------------------ -— "subscribed from memorials and mem- Harry L. Riches, Santiam district March of Dimes Chairman, asserted Iierships to justify proceeding with secretary, reported that the Santiam today. the construction of Santiam Memorial district increased by 296,000 acres in Hospital. In event sufficient funds Treasuries of many of Oregon’s 36 1950. are not subscribed, the subscription chapters of the National Foundation During the past three years San for Infantile Paralysis have been contracts will be cancelled and any tiam district has completed fifteen emptied or badly depleted during a money paid thereon returned 100% projects which include seeding of year that brought the state an un to the subsriber, according to an 1,549 acres to grass and legumes and precedented 515 to 520 polio cases. announcement made at campaign Albert Toman was re-elected mayor managing some 298 acres of wood Three hundred and twenty-five Ore for a one year term at the city coun headquarters. lands. gonians were stricken in 1949, and The headquarters appeals to all who cil meeting Wednesday night, Jan. Tree planting, pasture seeding, carry-over cases from that year, and 10th. In re-electing Mayor Toman to are in a position to subscribe to do cover cropping, farm plans wild-life even earlier, have added to the drain Mill City's new city council met and re-organized last Wednesday night. again lead the Mill City government, so at this time in order to aid the area, fertilizing cropland, land clear on Oregon chapters, Veness reported. Left to right they are James O’Leary, police commissioner and new the other members of the council rec volunteer workers who are re ing, irrigation layouts, drainage pro member; Carl Kelly, vice chairman; Albert Toman, re-elected mayor for ognized the excellent job that he has doubling their efforts that they may The national picture was much the jects and contour stripping projects another term; Arey Podrabsky, sanitation commissioner and Wesley- have a large final report for Mon performed in the last year. were involved, Riches informed the same, according to Dr. E. T. Hedlund, Greene, street commissioner. (Photo courtesy Bob Veness-Statesman) day night's meeting. of Portland who is serving as state Carl Kelly was elected vice chair group. March of Dimes chairman for the man succeeding Harold Kliewer the 1.836 Subscribers To Date Sam Sloan, state conservationist; out-going member of the council in R. B. Elmes,district conservationist; 13th consecutive year. Dr. Hedlund It is announced that at the present that position. Kelly was street com time 1,319 persons have subscribed Ronald Jones,president of the Oregon said that 1950 was the third straight missioner last year. Farmers Union; Eddie Ahresn, repre year of high polio incidence in this for memberships of $100 or more Councilman Kliewer retires from and 517 are associate members for senting the Oregon Farm Bureau;Ted country. More than 100,000 cases were totalled for 1948,-1949-1950 the council after serving as Mill City’s less than $100 subscribed. Hobart, fieldman, United States Na Two tional Bank, Salem; were introduced combined—or almost as many as the Headquarters Western Air Defense first mayor and then as vice chairman hundred and one have subscribed for by Chairman Moravec at the dinner entire case load for the previous Col. Mark Hillary, director of civ Force announced this week that a of the council. Pressure of business memorials for themselves or loved decade. March of Dimes monies prior to the business meeting. ilian defense for Marion county, when test exercise for the Ground Observer affairs of his meat market his made ones. A large number of business needed for patient care and epidemic in Mill City Tuesday, Jan. 16 an Corps will be conducted in this area it impossible for him to continue on firms and corporations are included • aid during the three years amounted nounced the need for volunteer work on Saturday and Sunday the 3rd and the council and therefore he was not in the memorial list. to $58, 000,000. a candidate at the last election. We “The amount of money raised is 4th of February. “In this state last year,” Dr. Hed ers in the canyon communities. Col are all appreciative of the fine work almost sufficient to assure the Chief of Police onel Hillary intimated that the need King requests all lund said, “one case alone cost more he has performed and the sacrifice building of the hospital”, according than $12,000. The disease is always for defense w-ould be greater in this Ground Observers meet at the City of time he gave. to G. W. Schachtaick, General Chair Hall at Mill City area than many because of Detroit Monday, January expensive, indollars and cents and in I W. R. Green becomes the new street man of the hospital campaign, who 22, at 8 p.m. for dam. receiving instruc- human suffering, and this is a most commissioner and gives up his former I said “All that remains is the raising A meeting of Boy Scout executives, crucial point in our battle against it. Volunteers will be needed in police tions for the test exercise. troop committeemen and all others in Let’s all punch together to kayo work, which will include traffic con- It is requested that the posts in duties as police commissioner to Jim i of a substantial sum from those in terested in Scouting will be held at polio”. trol and direction of personnel. Vol- the canyon be placed in active opera O’Leary, the new member of the ' the area to be served who have not council. Arey Podrabsky will con . been visited by the solicitors.” Mom and Pop’s cafe on Tuesday, His appeal was backed by President unteers who are trained as nurses, tion and that “Aircraft Flash” re The final dinner will be served by January 23rd, 8:30 p.m. This will Truman. Mr Truman declared that nurse's aides and in first aid will be ports be made during the hours of tinue as sanitation commissioner, a be a combination meeting of the com the battle against polio is “every especially in demand in time of emer 8 to 5 p.m., on the 3rd and 4th. position in which he has performed the Women’s Auxiliary of the Amer ican Ix-gion who have been serving mittees for the Explorer Post and one’s fight” and “no victim stands gency. Men who are trained as car During the period of this exercise, valuable services. The first action taken by the newly the luncheons at the American Ix*gion Troop 49 and will be for the purpose j alone". penters,- powdermen, welders, and it is requested that “Aircraft Flash” of obtaining additional committeemen operators of heavy equipment will be be made on the following aircraft: organized city government was re hall throughout the entire campaign. appointing Don Sheythe as municipal and securing a scoutmaster for Troop needed in rescue work. Owners and 1. Any aircraft with two or more judge and Lee Ross as city clerk and drivers of stake body trucks or any 49. engines. recorder. Bob Hill Jr. was appointed Clarke Lethin of Albany, who is other type of truck that can be used 2. All aircraft in formation (2 or city treasurer. , , the district commissioner for Mill to evacuate people are needed so that more aircraft). Lee Ross announced that he will City, will be present at the meeting they can be briefed on the over-all 3. All aircraft heard but not seen, be at the city hall every Tuesday for the purpose of explaining the plan of evacuating. It is requested that no “Aircraft night from 8 to 9 p.m. for recording scout program. Mr. Lethin recently Anyone interested in first aid should The Mill City I’TA again leads Woodburn Post No. 46, The Amer- contact Chief of Police King or Pa Flash i” reports be given on the fol- and transacting city business. gave a talk before the PTA. who have lowing: the parade of community spirit as I ican Legion and its Auxiliary will The city council made plans to re volunteered to sponsor Troop 49. trolman Kenneth Hunt. If enough 1. Aircraft obviously taking off or activate the city planning commission. it sponsors a benefit ham dinner Everyone interested in reactivating be hosts to Department Officers and [are interested a class will be organ landing from an airfield. The planning commission has not in the Mill City grade school cafe the troop in Mill City is urged to visiting Legionaires who are to con ized with instructors from Salem. 2. Any single engine aircraft flying | been active in the past several months teria from 3 to 6 p.m., Sunday, Jan. vene there January 21 for the annual As soon as the key personnel has attend the meeting. alone. and the members were of the opinion 28, for a new steam table for the 2nd district conference. Clyde R. been trained there will be public meet Dickey o f Portland, department ings where everyone in the upper | that there was a great deal that grade school rafeteria lunch room. Mrs. Arey Podrabsky chairman of commander of the American Legion canyon will be informed as to what j should be done. 'Chuck* Gilbert Leaves Councilman O’Leary lays claim to the benefit dinner committee, indi will head the group of Department to do and how to conduct themselves Final Rites for Frank Bass Officers which includes Hollis C. Hull, under various types of emergencies. j making and getting passed more mo cated today. Gene Teague and Bruce department Anyone desiring to donate food, vice commander, Tom tions at his first session on the coun The following men met with Colonel To Be Held Saturday Charles “Chuck” Gilbert of Mill Collins, department adjutant, Les St. Hillary for the discussion on organ- 1 Jesse Franklin Bass a resident of cil than any other councilman in the such as pickles, vegetables, ham or City, formerly in the position of Clair, the department service officer ization of civilian defense: Sheriff Mill City for the last 15 years died history of the city. He says he got desserts for this benefit dinner salesman for the Gene Teague Chev and various chairman of standing Denver Young of Marion county; suddenly Thursday, January 11. Mr. over thirty motions through the coun should contact Mrs. Podrabsky, Mrs. Ozzie Mikkelson, or Mrs. Bert Mor rolet Company in Stayton and committees to attend the Conference. Mayor Albert Toman of Mill City; Bass had suffered a heart attack cil by expert manuevering! The next council meeting is sched ris. members of the benefit dinner associate in Bruce’s Richfield Service Commander Dickey said the confer Mayor Albert Millsap of Gates; Mayor seven weeks ago but seemed on the in Mill City is no longer connected ence is for the purpose of discussing Charles Haseman of Idanha, Chief of road to recover when the final attack uled for Wednesday night, Jan. 24, committee. Tickets, 50c for children under 12 at 8 p.m. The regular meeting night with either of these businesses, he problems, program, and policies of Police J. T. King of Mill City; W R. came. the Legion and to acquaint the mem Hutcheson and A. J. Strahn of Gate-, of the council was changed to one and $1.00 for adults, are on sale indicated today. Funeral services will be held at at Muir’s Bakery. Mill City Phar Gilbert was instrumental in the bership of the actions taken at depart Patrolman Kenneth Hunt and Ix*e 1:30 p.m. Saturday, January 20, in meeting a month. Effective in Feb macy, Mill City Variety and through ruary the council will now meet on construction of the Fir Grove Trailer ment convention at Grants Pass and Ross of Mill City. the First Presbyterian church in Mill the first Wednesday of each month. the school. Mrs. Mikkelson disclosed. the recent National Convention held court in Mill City and has engaged in in City. Interment will follow in the Los Angeles, proposed legislation PAID ADVERTISEMENT a wide variety of enterprises since Fox Valley cemetery. Mrs. M. G. national and state. coming to Mill City. Brock, of Milwaukie will bring the Mrs. Myrtle Krueger, The Dalles, During World War II “Chuck was final message; assisting will be the president of the Auxiliary, who will foreman of an aircraft assembly line Rev. W. W. Watkins. in an airplane factory in California. head her group will hold a separate Mr. Bass was born at Baker, Ore Gilbert has many acquaintances and conference during the afternoon and gon, September 8, 1884. He was will be assisted by other officers con friends in Mill City and area. Dr. Burl Betzer, president of the sisting of Mrs. Marie Wilkins of La Santiam Memorial hospital Medical married to Ruth Cramer Bass in 1913 Grande, vice president, and Mrs. Mae Staff announces the appointment of and out of that union two children TONY MORAVEC INJURED ¡Whitcomb, department secretary. Doctors J. F. Hosch, Winifred E. were born. Mourning his loss are his As we go to press we are informed The sessions will close with a ban Peery, H. M. Peery and A. G. Prill of widow, Mrs. Ruth Cramer Bass; a that Tony Moravec is confined in the quet at the Legion club at 6:30, after daughter, Mrs. Shirley Wagner of Deaconess hospital in Salem, suffer which short addresses will be made Scio as members of the medical staff Toledo, Ohio; a son, Millard Bass of of the Santiam Memorial hospital. ing from a blow on the head by a by both Commander Dickey and Toledo, Ohio; two grand daughters The following are also members of Linda Susan Bass and Kathy Sue piece of wood while working at the j President Krueger. Top officers of the staff: Doctors Burl Betzer, R. P. Freres-Frank mill in Lyons. Wagner; a sister Mrs. Ethel Blum of (both the American Legion and Amer ican Legion Auxiliary recently re Andersen, H. A. Beauchamp and Mehama; a brother Albert Bass of turned from conferences held for both Theodore Stuckart, Stayton; Doctors Lyons; many nieces and nephews; organizations in Indianapolis. Com Jack W. Reid, David W. Reid and and a host of friends. WE FEEL THAT OUR CUSTOMERS IN mander Dickey predicts that the com Wm. Teutsch. Jr., Mill City. The son Millard Bass of Toledo is The Santiam Memorial hospital will FRIDAY— ing year will see the Legion increase expected to arrive for the funeral, I.O.O F. meeting. tremendously in membership accom be controlled by a board of laymen the daughter Mrs. Wagner, is not THE CANYON ARE ENTITLED TO Mill City TWA meeting last Friday plishment. He points out that the elected by the members; this board well enough to make the trip. Legion is the largest veteran’s or will select a superintendent to manage MONDAY— Pallbears will be Ray Walker, THEIR SHARE. ganization in the world with ap the hospital. The members of the Thuro Shipley, William Stewart. Del American Legion Auxiliary 2d Mon medical staff together with the hos proximately 3,500.000 members. All Lions club meeting. pital superintendent will act in an bert Hill, and Ellis Hill. A F A A M. No. 180 stated meet Legion posts in this district always advisory capacity to the Board of participate in the Legion’s Youth ing third Monday program, among which are Junior Directors and in this manner co GATES STREET IMPROVEMENT TUESDAY— Legion baseball child welfare, boys' ordinate the business, medical and PLANS MADE BY COUNCIL O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month. i state, high school oratorical contest service departments of the hospital. N. W. Haner and Associates, Port Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday The service of the hospital will be land engineers, recently employed by ! and co-operate with their communi WE WILL HOLD ANY APPLIANCE 60 Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tues ties on all worthwhile activities. so arranged that a member of the Mill City to prepare a master plan for medical staff will be designated to be the drainage and improvement of the WEDNESDAY— DAYS WITH A DEPOSIT OF 10% subject to call to the hospital for any city streets visited with council mem Altar Society meets 3rd Wed emergency cases. bers last Friday evening while on his Mill City PTA meets 2nd Wed. Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 pm. Many such hospitals in smaller way to a meeting with Gates' city at Detroit school building. A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Jamer communities, when built, attract ad council. The Gates council is plan Santiam Rebekah 166—1st and 3rd Moore, Gates, January 16. at Salem ditional doctors to the area to be ning street and water improvements and are seeking expert advice. served. Wed at 8 p m. Memorial hospital. THIR’iDAY- Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 1st NEXT TO MUIR’S BAKERY and 3rd Thursdays. Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p m. American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs Garden club fourth Thursday V JANUARY U ’ í I Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs Veness Gives Polio Report Hospital Workers Plan For Final Report Monday Night Mayor Toman Re-elected Volunteers for Air Defense Slates Civilian Defense Test Exercise Soon Scout Troop to Be Reactivated Woodburn Hosts American Legion Benefit Ham Dinner Scheduled By PTA Scio Doctors Join Hospital Staff People from outside of the canyon are buying our Scarse Items Coming Events: -- Therefore — Just Arrived... Mill City Appliance Store feMARCH°‘ DIMES