Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1950)
LYONS BHMnMnnMnnnBBniiOBBnaaoiiBiinflBBoaooanoooBnoiiMtMffliM Christmas Gifts By EVA BRESSLER Elmer Hiatt, who was struck by a car Wednesday evening, is improving at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Alex Bodeker. Mrs. Clyde Bressler is assisting in his care. He received severe cuts, bruises and lacerations. The Mari-Linn grade school basket ball team was victorious when they i met the St. Boniface team at Sub limity Friday afternoon. The score . being 15 to 6. This is the first win SALEM’S ORIGINAL ' for Mari-Linn, having lost their first ¡game. Ivan Smith is the coach. Don’t forget the carnival to be held at the Rebekah hall Friday eve Phone 2-1588 163 N. Commercial SALEM o ning Dec. 15, sponsored by the Mari- — Use Our Mail Order Service Linn PTA. Over $500 in prizes will ^«npgiaígonnQiaooenaoa»oa»«Bíww»wBBoaiaaníPaoDoaooogpaaggma | be given away. Come win a turkey, , ham, tire, tube, oil gasoline, fishing ESRRSÄKXKKSÄMSK X5CJCWKK rf KX r * S’KX | pole, bill fold, dishes and many other things. This is the first attempt at I a carnival for the school and it is hoped that there will be a good crowd. Proceeds go to the hot lunch fund. i Mr. and Mrs. Bob Romine left the IN TOWN — AT FAIR PRICES last of the week for Des Moines, Iowa, | where they will spend the winter with COME IN — SEEING IS BELIEVING J relatives. Several relatives, old neighbors, and 1949 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DOOR SEDAN- ¡friends Sunday went to Lebanon, where they attended the Golden Wed 1949 HUDSON “6” CLUB COUPE ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. 1946 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN- Iw. R. Surry. They Surrys are old ] time residents of this community, 1948 PLYMOUTH SP. DL. 4-DOOR SEDAN living for many years on a farm in 1946 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DOOR SEDAN i Fox Valley. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker are re 1947 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN ceiving congratulations upon the ar 1948 CHEVROLET MASTER 2-DOOR SEDAN rival of a grandson to her daughter ¡and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman HUDSON COMMODORE 4-DOOR SEDAN ’ 1946 Johnson of Salem. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gus [Johnson of Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thomas of Lebanon visited Sunday at the home CHRYSLER - Home of Service - PLYMOUTH of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos 405 N. Com’l St. 495 N. Com’l St. 435 N. Court St Hiatt. PHONE 3-4117 | Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Walworth from the Methodist camp at Suttle Lake visited friends in Lyons, Sunday, and attended church services. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston made i a business trip to Redmond last week. The Johnstons are looking for a new location. They recently returned from a trip to Aberdeen, Idaho. Mrs. Earl Allen was hostess for the afternoon card club with her party held at the Rebekah hall Wednesday SPECIALTY CARDS TRICKS and PUZZLES TOYS and DOLLS MODEL AIRPLANES H. O. Model Railroading Equipment Toy & Hobby Shop I Salem Automobile Co SPECIALS! for Friday & Saturday .49 2 lbs. .89 Quart .65 .19 .27 2 for .25 I lb. .79 3 lbs. .93 .19 .45 2 lbs. KRISPY CRACKERS VELVEETA CHEESE FOOII I KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP i g HUNT'S CATSUP HUNT’S APRICOTS, 2'.. tin IGA PINEAPPLE JUICE, 12 oz. IGA ROYAL GUEST COFFEE SWIFTNING NESTLE’S CHOCOLATE DROPS LYONS FRUIT CAKE MIX. 1 lb. pkg. » ASK FOR AND SAVE VALUABLE COUPONS FOR FREE ROGERS SILVERWARE « HILL TOP GENERAL STORE ALBERT TOMAN, Prop. MILL CITY December U, 1989 afternoon. A one-thirty dessert 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE luncheon was served followed by five — ~ ~ f tables of 500. High score went to a very interesting talk on the Oregon Mrs. Merrill Brassfield, second to state penitentiary. Rev. Jones is ’Mrs. Floyd Bassett, low to Mrs. Wood chaplin at the penitentiary. Preced Oliver, traveling to Mrs. Sam Bridges ing this service a song service was A Friendly Place and the guest prize went to Mrs. Ray held under the direction of Miss Viv- | Mohler. Present for the afternoon ian Boyce, several musical numbers To While Away was Mesdames Herman Free, Bob were given by the young peoples’ Free. Arthur Anderson, Vern Nydig- group. Your Idle Hours ger, Kenneth Helemn, Earl Helemn, Beginning Monday, Dec. 11 Mrs. I Albert Bass, Orville Downing, John Ruth Lyons, postmistress, reports ¡ Worden, John Kunkle, Pat Lyons, that the Lyons office will be open Chester Roye, George Huffman, Sam through the noon hour to accommo- I Bridges, Floyd Basett, Francis Mui date the patrons during the holiday lins. Wood Oliver, Ralph Mullins. Ray season. I Mohler, Merrill Brassfield. Mr. and M rs. John Neal were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Nydigger en tertained with a dinner held at their among those attending the harvest home Thursday evening honoring time square dance in Albany. They their son, Cletus, on his 21st birth were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. GATES day aniversary. Covers were placed Luther Stout of Mehama. Mr. and for Cletus, the henored guest, Mr. Mrs. Neal and Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Orville Downing, Mr. and Thomas were also on the refreshment Mrs. Bod Carleton and son, Larry, Mr. committee. and Mrs. Forrest Nydigger, Betty, ■MMM Shirley, Beverly, Mabel and Ronnie Cooper. Mrs. Catherine Lyon spent the week end in Portland. She was a guest at the home of her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Summers. Mr. and Mrs. George Kimery and daughters of Portland spent the week end in Lyons with relatives. They visited at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kimery, his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimery, also his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayers. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heineck and SEE I S FOR children went to Olympia, Wash., over the weekend. They were guests at the home of his sister. Their little daughter, Carroll, who had been at the home of her aunt for the past three weeks returned home with PERMANENT TYPE them. Mr. and Mrs. George Berry are ALSO being congratulated upon the arrival of a granddaughter, Deanna Georgett, born to their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Berry of Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. Goerge Allen of Cor vallis were Friday night guests at ALL POPULAR SIZES the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ear) Allen. George Allen is an uncle of Earl. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Manning were Sunday dinner guests at the home of his father, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Manning at Turner. Folks enjoyed the Sunday evening STAYTON. OREGON services held at the Lyons Methodist church when Rev. O. L. Jones gave MMHKi RICHARDS TAVERN Get Ready Now for Winter Driving Anti-freeze McKay Tire Chains SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP AUCTION 0 o o o o o 0 o o o 0 n o ■ 0 o s » CLOSE-OUT, BANKRUPT, SHORT LINE MERCHANDISE STOCKS i Brought to Residents of This Locality 0 o o 0 FURNITURE—NEW AND USED 0 o BEDROOM SETS PLATFORM ROCKERS — NEW & USED 6 BRAND NEW INNERSPRING MATTRESSES AND BOX SPRINGS UPRIGHT & TANK TYPE VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC RANGES TABLES. CHAIRS. STANDS LINOLEUM RUGS REFRIGERATORS OCCASIONAL TABLES AND STANDS TABLE LAMPS. HURRICANE LAMPS CHROME SETS, DINETTE SETS DAVENO & CHAIR SETS WRITING DESKS OTHER HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS o o o o 0 WE DELIVER Open Week Days from 8 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Sundays 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. S mnmBBBBi Here’s Savory Beef Stew and Economy, Too Eastern Parafine Base Motor Oil i NOVELTIES AND GIFTS I BRONZE AND GOLD HORSE STATUES FROM 10'a” to 2H” HIGH PEN AND PENCIL SETS I COSTUME JEWELRY WOOL BLANKET ROBES W ATCHES, CHRONOGRAPHS ELECTRIC CLOCKS >— Hundreds of Other Items i HOUSEHOLD GOODS ALL BRAND NEW! 10 BRAND NEW SETS EUREKA ALUMINUM W ATERLESS COOKW ARE 12 7-Pc. CLEAVER and CUTLERY SETS « DOUBLE HEAD ELECTRIC’ SHAVERS 12 SETS SERVICE FOR 8 ROGERS SILVERWARE Gallons and Gallons of Outside White Paint and Much Brand New Merchandise AUCTIONEER S NOTE: Christmas being only a few days away, this is a wonderful opportunity to secure your Christmas Gifts, of which there is a variety to suit every taste. TWO BIC SALES SATURDAY, DEC. 16th 1 P.M. TILL 5 P.M. — 7 P.M. TILL SOLI) OUT Auction Will He Held at A few left-over» can be quickly tramformed into something special — Savory Beef Stew. To make it, combine left-over beef with vegetable» in a flavorful brown gravy and terve on flaky hot rice The DAWES Hall Savory Beef Slew H cup cooked peas 5 tablespoons butter 5 tablespoons flour 1 cup diced cooked beef 2*» teaspoons meat paste 1 package (1H cupel pre-cooked 21» cups hot vegetable liquid and rice water 1W cups water i* cup sliced cooked carrots teaspoon salt h cup cooked small white onions Melt butter in saucepan Add flour and stir until blended Dissolve mest psste in hot vegetable liquid and water; add to flour nurture gradually Bring slowly to a boil and cook until thickened, .tirnng con- •tantlv Add cooked vegetables and meat; simmer $ minutes Meanwhile, combine pre-cooked rice, water, and salt in saucepan. Mix just until all rice is moistened. Brmg quickly to a boil over high heat uncovered, fluffing nee gently once or twice with a fork. (Do wot st" 1 Cover and remove from heat Let stand 10 minutes Serve with the meat aurture. Makes 4 servings. ft Pays to Advertise in the Enterprise âl » I ABOVE THE MILL CITY MEAT MARKET MILL CITY, OREGON 1 r (•naignments Solicited — Turn thane Un lined Arik lea in your Attk or Banement into Quirk (ooh at a Sanali Comaninnion J L. J. STANLEY and GUS BLANTON, Auctioneers DEALERS INVITED HIGHEST BIDDER NEW OWNER DEALERS INVITED , • ••