Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1950)
The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MILL CITY, OREGON DON PETERSON, Publisher Entered aa Necond-claim matter November 10. 1944 at the pout office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3. 1879. Thurlo Cole Writes Parents of Inchon The Statesman Hits McCarthy Myth COMMUNITY AIMS THRU CO-OPERATION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8 9. 10. (Editor’s Note: Below is an edito rial appearing in the Saturday, De cember 2, 1950, issue of “The Oregon Statesman”. The Enterprise deems : thi-t editorial of sufficient worth that it should again appear in print—this time on the editorial page of The Enterprise for your consideration.) Gates—A letter from Thurlo Cole, 1 with the U. S. Navy in Korea, to his CLASSIFIED Al>% EKTISI^Gi one insertion for 50c or three for 81.00. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Cole The Enterprise will not be reNponalble for more than one incorrect in 1 of Gates, and published in this paper sertion. Error*» In advertising should be reported immediately. Display 1 recently, told of his outfit using a Advertising 45c column inch. Political Advertising 75c inch. > school house in Inchon, Korea, for their sleeping quarters and shelter NfWSPAPta from the extremely cold weather. • * • In a more recent letter received by k lUllliHIII •M c C arthy and the election his parents, he writes of the destruc "ASSOCIATION “The Oregon City Enterprise-Cour tion of this same school house by ier takes considerable pride and satis fire. Upon hearing sharp explosions, faction over the voter-response to the Cole and his company at first thought “THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS.” accusations of Sen. Joe McCarthy of [of a surprise attack by guerrillas, —George Putnam. “communism in the state depart known to be in that area, but the ment.” It cites particularly the de I noise turned out to be cartridges ex- feat of Sen. Millard Tydings in Mary j ploding from the heat of a fire which land against whom McCarthy cam destroyed the school in less than thirty minutes. The Canyon area i» going to have a hospital. It has been said, I hat paigned with charges of “white-wash Cole was able to save his blankets ing ” the investigation which Tydings it couldn’t be done", but the doer« said, “We will do it . There are two headed. The E-C chides republican ■and bag. Several of the boys were kinds of people, the. "Can't»" and the “Cana”. Thank God for those people editors who “foolishly ran to oppor ¡nearly trapped and reached safety who will give unselfishly of their time and money. tunistic cover” when the demcoratic | only by jumping. One sailor suffered We need a modern, well-equipped and well-staffed hospital. A hospital administration “began to smear” Mc I a broken back, while several others ¡sustained broken legs in the desper that can and will serve our needs and those of future generations. Carthy. There has been fine co-operation throughout the Canyon in this under “To the extent that republican vic ate jump. Cole also wrote that the men of taking. All realize the need and desirability of having our own hospital. tories in the late election were the his outfit were issued army colthing result of McCarthy ’ s charges and We need it now. Even one life is priceless, but this new, well located until their sailor uniforms, lost in the hospital will save many. No wonder it has the support of people of all ages campaigning, it should be an occasion fire, could be replaced. for republican shame and humiliation. and from all walk» of life. For McCarthy failed miserably to To those who can make an investiture of a memorial their act will prove his charges. Granted that the live and be an inspiration not only in our lifetime but to the generations Tydings report was partisan in its unborn. Some can only give a dollar, others thousands but no matter what text, its findings were accurate. All the amount all those that care enough to give, their names will live forever. that Senator Lodge said was that the What kind of hospital is this that we are going to build. It will be a inquiry had not been thorough community, owned and controlled, non-profit, and non-sectarian. It will be enough. But McCarthy was given All traffic was halted on highway a hospital with a "Heart”. None will be refused medical care because of every opportunity to present wit temporary inability to pay. The value of human life will be placed above nesses to prove that employes in the 222 just out of Stayton Friday after material rewards. This can only be done by a non-profit, community owned state department were communists noon, by city patrolman Donald John and produced not a single one to give son, as Ray Roberts and Ercill Wilson hospital. This hospital will serve all equally well. that testimony. McCarthy kept call of Mehama, downed a large fir that If we all “do”, we will have this hospital. Now, is the time, tomorrow ing for files; and when search of files was threatening the new home of will be too late to serve you. yielded no proof he called for more Mr. and Mrs. Max Stayton. The tree was known as a “bee files. In short, he had no proof but MMMMM only the hope of proof, which cer tree” as about 30 feet above the tainly is slim ground for any verdict ground a swarm of bees have been in evidence for the past 25 or 30 years, of guilty against persons accused. "As far as the political effect is according to Charley Stayton, an old concerned, months ago The States time resident. SERVING THE CANYON AREA After being felled the tree was man said the McCarthy charges in the surheated atmosphere over commu bucked to discover the extent of PICKUPS AT nism would have effect and probably honey. Amidst the swarming bees, win votes for the republican party. who offered very little protest, the Laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton The technique of propaganda is well heart of the tree was found to be Laundry and Dry Cleaning- Ken Golllet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha recognized. Hitler put it very sim filled with comb, but most of ft de Dry Cleaning Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit ply: repeating the Big Lie often void of honey. The product of 30 enough finally becomes convincing. years of honey gathering, yielded only 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-8125 If the E-C relishes victory by em a dishpan full of heavy honey laden ployment of that technique it is quite comb—some clear and white. welcome. The Statesman regrets it. This was the second bee tree to be “We shall not be surprised if the felled in this vicinity states Charley political effect does not go farther and Stayton, a Stayton resident for 72 result in the retirement of Secretary years. of State Acheson, not because Mc Carthy proved his case but because Acheson becomes the price for re publican co-operation with the admin istration in a very critical period. In fact, we anticipate something tn Detroit — The Christmas program LIGHTS, LIGHT SETS AND the way of a coalition cabinet if things get much worse on the inter for the Detroit grade school will fol NOVELTIES national front. If Acheson is forced low a different plan than in former out it takes out of the office of sec years, the program actually being a CHRISTMAS CARDS retary of state the one who has been Christmas party—fun for the kids and AND most positive in resisting communist parents—on Tuesday evening, Decem aggression on the diplomatic front ber 19, at the grade school gymna GIFT WRAP ACCESSORIES and through building of military sium, beginning at seven o'clock. power. That would be just another The party will begin with each STAMPED PILLOWCASES of the ironies of history. member of each grade placing a dec CRIB COVERS, TOWELS, The Statesman assures the Enter- oration on the tree accompanied by BABY DRESSES. Etc. I prise-Courier that it is not oppor- singing. Following this the primary 'tunitsic, that it still regards McCarthy grades will have singing games 1 as a purveyor of falsehood and the around the tree. The upper grades method he employed as a menace to will have relay races and competition democratic government." games. There will be a Christmas movie consisting of three or four Jim O’Leary Irene O’Leary shorts entitled “The Christmas pro gram.” WE GIVE UNITED TRADING STAMPS Following the movie the American A DAUGHTER T o M i . and Mrs. Legion and Auxiliary will present Clare llenness, Lyons, Dec. 10, at their annual Christmas treat. Salem Memorial hospital. Each room will have regular classes A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Donald on the morning of Dec. 20 with the Carey, Stayton, Dec. 12, at Salem room party and exchange of gifts in the afternoon, dismissing at 2 p.m. Memorial hospital. A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Art Olm School will not reconvene until Jan. 2. stead, Lyons, Dec. 13 at Salem Mem Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! orial hospital. A Hospital with a Heart Mehama Axemen Down Bee Tree1 Christmas Tree Decorations Detroit Christmas Party in New Plan MILL CITY VARIETY Jusf Arrived... I SANTIAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. MILL CITY' STREET IMPROVEMENT. LOCAL YOUTH RECREATION CENTER. MILL CITY' DIAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM. MILL CITY' PARK PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL. ELIMINATION OF BANFIELD'S NIGHTMARE. MILL CITY' AREA SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. IMPROVE HIWAY 222 BETWEEN MILL CITY AND LYONS. OBTAIN CANYON YEAR ’ROUND PAYROLL INDUSTRIES. DETROIT, GATES, AND MILL CITY UNION HIGH SCHOOL, Editor's Letter Box: To the Editor: It »macks like our national intelli gence has done a bungled job in Korea in an attempt to save face of the U. N. and stop communism. It has cost the U.S.A, a lot of money and a terrible lot of lives lost and brought us complete defeat. Harry should wake up to the fact that: others like the singing critics have received a lot of pokes in the , nose and need beaf-steaks under their > eyes. I got provoked a few years ago, when VOTE SEEKER MORRIS called Harry the greatest ham actor of all time, but it sure seems that the accusation is very fitting at the present. Laying all jokes aside: we should bring our boys on home as fast as they reach the ports of departure, leaving the old world to settle their own fights, and prepare this country to combat communism when and if they come here to fight. It would be a lot cheaper and quicker for the ‘ U.S.A, and spare a lot more lives, even though it may be that we al ready have a fifth column of com munism in this country. Respectfully, DICK TURPIN. SALEM LAUNDRY ¡tea u t ifu I 4 xxo rt in ent December 14, 1950 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Capital Drug Co. Salem Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! •1. ■ T’* DR. MARK t lAHHIIKIAIS REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Will be at his Mill City office in the Jenkins Building Thursday afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. Also Thursday evenings by Appointment. HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY’ ï .puiuNiiiniiiui Advertuement From where 1 sit... /jy Joe Marsh Here's An "Expert" Example! When our Main Street parking problem cropped up again, we an nounced a strict one-hour parking policy, and swore in extra deputies to enforce it. We also sent over to the State Capitol for a traffic expert, to give us pointers. He turned out to be real helpful—spent a whole after noon with us talking about zoning and such. And when he left the building he found a ticket on his car for overtime parking! Could have gotten sore, I guess — or asked us to “fix” the ticket. But instead, he insisted on going over to the Sheriff’s Office and paying his fine. From where I sit, it's good to know people, like that young fel low. who refuse to be treated any different than anyone else. City people and farmers — those of us who prefer cider and those who’d rather have a cool glass of temper ate beer —we’re all entitled to the same privileges. That is, so long as what we do doesn't conflict with the law of the land. Copyright, 1950, tailed Stales Breuers foundation KEN GOLLIET’S are Costly and Long INSULATE WITH ZONOLITE - lb. 29c pt. 69c lb. 49c END ( UTS AT C ARLOAD PRICES ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ FRERES BUILDING SUPPLY Mill (aty Phone 3115 St a v ton Phone 1484 Open Friday Night ’til 9 PM until Christmas I • Whether you think aa illness is contagious or not—call upon a physi cian to make sure. Let him make a thorough check of your condition. Then follow his instructions closely. We hope, too, that you will bring the doctor’s prescriptions here for careful com pounding. Just try ust at - SPECIALS Bacon Squares . Oysters med. size . . Pork Chops ... I | | j There is a strength of quiet endur ance as significant of courage as the most daring feats of prowess.—Tuck erman. GENE’S MARKET The Frosty Months > TO INTRODUCE TWO NEW RICHFIELD LUBRICANTS BRI CE WILL GIVE A Complete Lube Job FREE! WITH EVERY OIL ( HANGE WE GIVE UNITED TRADING STAMPS Bruce s Richfield Service H sf WEST IRIRES Bl ILDIN'G SUPPLY _ MILL CITY