Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1950)
Mari-Linn Christmas Exercises Dec. 20 Scott Youngs Host Detroit Civic Club Womens Society Hears Portland Spokesmen 3-THE Mil l. CITY ENTERPRISE_________________ December II. ISSO IIHHI PAGE Lois Scott Heads Marilyn 0. E. S. Legion Ladies Meet At Toman Home The Womens Society of Christian | Lyons—Mari-Linn school in Lyons holds the annual Christmas program ' The Scott Youngs sponsored the Service held their meeting at the Wednesday, Dec. 20, at the Santiam annual Christmas party of the De club house Tuesday afternoon. Grange hall at 8 p.m. in Lyons. The business meeting was under 1 troit Women’s Civic club at the Ma The Christmas program is under rion Forks lodge this week. the direction of Mrs. John Har- the direction of Miss Vivian Boyce. Ruth Skidmore directed the sing I greaves, Miss Ruth Eagle of Zillah. | Included in the program are dramati- } ing of carols at the beginning of the Wash., and Miss Eva Mae Baugh of i zations, music, and an all school | party after which gifts were distrib I Cannon Beach, representatives of the Mrs. Lois Scott as worthy matron chorus made up of 200 voices. The uted. When Alice Moore and Dor Christian Business Womens Organi community is invited. othy Morgan finished the distribu zation of Portland were the gu<*st now heads the Marilyn chapter of the Order of Eastern Star lodge as Christmas vacation begins Friday tion of the gifts in a selective manner, speakers. afternoon, Dec. 22, ends Jan. 2, 1951, bingo was played. As a player made Ten members from the Stayton a result of an election during this according to information received bingo, then he was allowed to ex i society were present when they paid week’s meeting in the Mill Citv I. O. from Thomas L. Putman, Mari-Linn change his gift for that of-his neigh ' their ‘‘Encourager Visit”. They O. F. hall. Floyd Johnson was elected worthy superintendent of schools. bor. Lunch was served cafeteria style | brought with them a beautiful cake. The Lyons ladies lighted a candle for patron; Wilson Stevens, associate to the group. Guests taking part in the annual | each achievement they had accom- patron; and Mrs. Albert Toman, Jr., associate matron of the lodge. Christmas party were Mr. and Mrs. | plished through the year. Mrs. Cecil Lake and Mrs. Clara Earl Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Special vocal numbers were given Rasnick, Mr. and Mrs. John Cannon, by Mrs. George Clipfell, Miss Eagle Morris affiliated with the Marilyn chapter during the regular meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Otis White, Mr. and I and Miss Baugh. Fruit was contributed this week by Mrs. Caol Schlador, Mr. and Mrs. Present were Mesdames John Har the local group to the Masonic home John Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Mor greaves, Willard Hartnell, Glen Ju gan, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Moore, Bob lian, Albert Julian, Loren Chamber- in Forest Grove. Mrs. Scott gave the names of the Young, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson, lain, George Clipfell, Leonard Jones, BED SPREADS — STATIONERY — HEAD SCARFS — NYLONS Mrs. Lloyd Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Gor Charles Cruson, Clyde Bressler, Clin other officers elected this week as MEN’S SOCKS — TABLE CLOTHES — INDIAN ROBES don Skidmore, Mrs. Gladys Claxton, ton Hubbard, Wood Oliver, Eugene Laurel Johnson, conductress; Betty Tinney, associate conductress; Edith CHRISTMAS CARDS — CHILDREN S BOOKS and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sophy. Roye, Mrs. Alice Huber, Mrs. Minnie Mason, secretary; and Mary Tuers, Mrs. Ray Johnson celebrated her I Smith and Grandma Julian. treasurer. OPEN EVENINGS birthday at the party with a cake Men of the lodge served lunch for Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! presented by Ruth Skidmore. those attending the election meeting. Daisy Hendricson Announcing New Arrivals. TAKE THE EYE TEST Seeing Is Believing ! ! LOW .1 LOOK AT THESE ITEMS sample of hundreds which are going to be put on the block. Prices Slash ed for CLOSE-OUT SALE! Lease Expires and Out We Go — BUY NOW! Your Gain — Get yours while the selection is available Our Loss ALL SALES FINAL §9,50 $8.50 §9,50 One 6-ft. SIMONDS BUCK SAW One 7-ft. SIMONDS BUCK SAW One 3-H. 4-Cycle SPORT KING LAWSON OUTBOARD MOTOR $94.50 One 2-Burner COLEMAN CAMP STOVE $11-00 49c $2.98 $1.65 $2.09 •¿-inch MANILA ROPE, lb. MOP PAILS, Heavy with Wringer No. 2 WASH TUBS. Round No. 2 WASH TUBS. Square FLOOR COVERINGS 9x12 Economy King, Reg. $11.95, NOW 9x10*4 Economy King. Reg. $10.95, NOW 1 9 I Campfire Girls Share Their Christmas Tree Chicken Dinner Served By Lyons Home Ec Class Lyons — Tuesday evening, Dec. 5. the faculty club and teachers meeting was held at the school house. The general discussion of the eve ning was the Christmas program which is tentatively planned for Dec. 20. A chicken dinner was served by group one of the home economics class. This class consists of the girls from the seventh and eighth grade under the direction of Mrs. Hazel Worth. The food and table decorations car ried out the Christmas spirit in a beautiful style. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Putman and daugh ter, Mary Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lafky, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skillings, Mrs. Hazel Worth, Mrs. Martha Polle, Mrs. Elva Kuiken, Mrs. Alice Huber, Miss Deanne Thompson, anti Miss Vivian Boyce. James McKinney Residence Scene of Stork Shower The James McKinney home was the The Mill City Campfire Girls in scene of a pink and blue shower the Charles Harmon home in Mill honoring Mrs. Henry Hiebert Friday City during their last meeting made night. Mrs. Sol Tucker was hostess. Mrs. decorations for a Christmas tree for their Christmas party scheduled Sat Walter Reynolds, Mrs. Dave Roberts, urday, Dec. 16, Carol Cooke, Campfire Mrs. John Rone, Mrs. Ray Walters, Mrs. Carl Schaffer, Mrs. Jerry Pit- Girl correspondent, reported today. Miss Linda Dyhrman, vice president tarn, Mrs. Quincy Smith, Mrs. IL H. of the Campfire Girls, led the busi Storey, Mrs. Fred Storey, and Mrs. ness part of the meeting where it A. R. Snyder took part in the shower. Bingo was in play with Mrs. John was decided that after the Christmas party their decorated tree will go to Rone, Mrs. Jerry Pittam, Mrs. H. II. the Children’s Farm Home in Cor Storey and Mrs. Dave Roberts win ning prizes. vallis. Refreshments of two kinds of cake At the business meeting it was also voted that the Mill City Blue Birds, and ice cream were served, after Mrs. under the sponsorship of Mrs. Charles Hiebert had unwrapped her gifts. Harmon, be invited to the Campfire Girls’ Christmas party, Miss Cooke revealed. Helping in the decoration work were Carolyn Brinton, Sharen Rom- | mel, Carol Cooke, Cleo Jose, Judith Bigger, Carolyn Harmon, and Linda Dyhrman. LUBE JOB One 7-ft. SIMONDS FALLER SAW 9 9 Santiam Rebekah lodge met in reg ular session Wednesday night of last week in Mill City. In charge were Hazel Nelson, noble grand and Mabel Schroeder, past noble grand, acting as vice grand. Receiving the Rebekah degree was Doramae Kadin. Used for the first time during ini tiation was a new electric 3-Links, made by W. R. Olmstead and given to the lodge. Committees were appointed for the next meeting night which will include the Christmas party and gift ex change. There was some discussion concerning the New Year’s Eve an nual turkey supper at which time the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs join for a social evening and watch party. Odd Fellows will furnish the turkeys for the supper. Bertha Baltimore was appointed general chairman for the New Year’s Eve festivities. FREE HARDWARE PAINTS PLUMBING 3 — 9x12 Armorlite, Reg. $15.25, NOW Bertha Baltimore Heads Lodge New Year’s Fete The American Legion Post No. 159 Auxiliary rummage and cooked food sale last Friday and Saturday fat tened the Legion coffers to the extent of some $42, Mrs. Jack Colburn, presi dent of the local Auxiliary revealed ¡this week from information submitted by Mrs. J. T. King, chairman of the rummage sale. The regular Auxiliary meeting was held in the Albert Toman, Sr., home where Mrs. Toman, Sr. and Mrs. Arthur Chase co-hosted the group. Mrs. Colburn reported two unusual items of rummage as having been sold. The items of “rummage” were two cocker spaniel pups donated by Mrs. Boez of Gates. Those enjoying the hospitality in the Toman home during the Auxiliary meeting were Mrs. Frank Stovall, Mrs. John Muir, Mrs. Campbell Stew art, Mrs. Al Stahlman, Mrs. C. A. Bruder, Mrs. Ernest Ragsdale, Mrs. Norman Jensen, Mrs. Jack Colburn, and Mrs. J. T. King. I J $7.50 $6.69 $9.98 1 Round 24-in. Bevel PI. Mirror, reg. $14.75 1 Round 20-in. Bevel PI. Mirror, reg. $10.00 1 Round 18-in. Bevel PI. Mirror, reg. $8.25 1 Round 16-in. Bevel PI. Mirror, reg. $6.50 1 Round 11-in. Bevel PI. Mirror, reg. $5.00 IRONING BOARD. Reg. $5.90, NOW GARDEN HOES, Each GARDEN RAKES, Each SNOW SHOVELS. Each WATER TANK for TOILET, complete 2-ft. ALUMINUM LEVELS $8.98 $6.49 $5.59 $4.43 $3.49 Our great Way-shower, steadfast to the end in his obedience to God’s laws, demonstrated for all time and peoples i the supremacy of good over evil, and , the superiority of Spirit over matter, i —Mary Baker Eddy. With Every Oil Change BRUCE’S Richfield Service GO EAST VIA CALIFORNIA $4.19 98c SI .59 $1.49 $16.50 S3.79 extra rail fare! Want a truly different round trip East— at the same rail fare you'd pay to go straight East and back via direct route? THEN GO VIA SAN FRANCISCO and S.P.’s plctureaque “Overland Route” — over the High Sierra, across Great Salt I Ake and on to Chicago. OR GO VIA LOS ANGELES and s P. a “Golden State Route" via Phoenix, Tucaon and El Paso to Chicago. GOING TO NEW YORK? You can In- elude romantic New Orleans and the col orful Old South at no extra ticket coat. FI LLER PAINTS PLUMBING DISHES and C OOKING UTENSILS MORE DETAILS? Any Southern Pacific agent will be glad to tell you about thia big travel bargain. I .D A** fondly Idanha Mercantile Idanha, Oregon S ■T Southern Pacific Tiene Armstrong, Agent Phone 1805 Ree the worWt two largett brldrjet at San Francisco IM 4 À F